Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mimo Poem #2

My goal in life is to sing a little song,
to an aardvark with a tail a mile long.

And eat ice cream with cheese on top,
and hug a spoon and kiss a mop.

But until that day I'd like to be a vet,
and catch a whale with a butterfly net.

Now you ask, as I eat a spaghetti flavored mint,
what could this poem mean but another hint?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

The poem is very good but has now sense in Club Penguin or is it?

Anonymous said...


oh ya u cant tell me!

Anonymous said...

i dont get it!its to hard! -makaylie1

Anonymous said...

this is very hard!pretty plz post this.-makaylie1

Anonymous said...

wow i caught u the very second u posted these wierd

Anonymous said...

why would u want to kiss a mop?but a spaghetti flavored mint does sound good...

Anonymous said...

NICE DUDE!!!! Is it a clue or what?

Anonymous said...

what is this a clue?

Anonymous said...

i dont get it

Anonymous said...

I like you poem mimo

Anonymous said...

that was a beautiful poem. it touched me deep. im not sure what it means but i will take a closer look

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

i think its i hint
maybe the lighthouse or the pizza parlor but very smart its radical

Anonymous said...

lol u soooo funny i got da clue you good!!

i speak well english



Anonymous said...

i think i know the place but i'm not going to the party this time

Anonymous said...

wow. this is the 2nd hint right?

Anonymous said...

well WAY TO HARD im so sad i havent been to any of ur partys not once clues too hard

Anonymous said...

Help I cannot get it

Anonymous said...


I hope your gonna post another clue because this poem doesn't make any sense to me and ive always wanted to go to one of your parties.


AYJT said...

wow! such an intersting poem. wonder what it means? ;-)

Anonymous said...

mimo i think u have a great site ur cheats ,glitches ,hints ,tips and secrets are posted straight away!u deserve a club penguin membership for FREE!!!!! well thats what i think and btw im not joking! and this isn't spamming k! oh 1 more thing nice poem c u at the mimo party (plz be my friend plz)u rock!!!! from ur club penguin fan
~ djcnyv

Anonymous said...

can you please twll us what your other website is

Anonymous said...

i think i got it~pinklinda123

Rec10 said...

i would kiss a mop the spaghetti flavored mint would have to be with no onion in it. But not the cheese ice cream thing that makes me want to puke. If this is a party hint ;) it is the third one.

Anonymous said...

going diagonally it says to hug a poem!!

Anonymous said...

well i can tell im not going to your party sorry and pepole this is a clue every time he has a poem its a clue like the last poem zebras smell funny yea mimo your krazy but in a good way wich i dident make it to your last party well bye

Anonymous said...

Is this a party hint?
Wait a minute!you can't tell me.='(-oli 580

Anonymous said...

What is that supposed to mean?
A party hint of some sort?-Oli 580-Club Penguin name

Anonymous said...

oh and las time you had a party it was kind easy but this time no one is going to show up cause its to hard so next time make the poems easy and the others hard thanks

Anonymous said...

Finally got it! Was working very hard for it.;)I hope everybody gets it!

Best Wishes,
Daisy9898, Clarrise

Anonymous said...

Does this have to do with a party?
Penguin Name:Oli 580

Anonymous said...

yes pepole this is a party clue ill tell you at thats my msn so add me and ill tell you the anwser sorry mimo there hopeless

Koco563 said...

I figured out the art hint. I think I get the poem. (I think.)

Anonymous said...

u tricked me im think its hard


16pinky123 said...

is this a party hint? U rock, I love your website!!!!

Anonymous said...

what is it ! i dont like it!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing this is a party hint????
Well if it is, it reminds me of the pizza parlor, i really don't know why.........ur website rocks!!!!

My penguin name, Ned Zoing
Can't wait for the party!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, i have a question. how do you pronounce your name (mimo). Do you say Me-Mo, or MY-MO? just asking. also, thats a tough hint!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo i discovered an awesome glitch
i call it syper drill
first take the mining hat
then close the player card
then open the player card put the festive maracas dont close the player card and dance wierd huh!!!

Anonymous said...

i told about a glitch i made a mistake
to do the syper drill
1)open the player card
2)take the mining hat
3)close the player card
4)open the player card
5)take off the mining hat and put on the maracas but dont close the player card
6)then dance
cool huh
from F6sixer

Anonymous said...

i discovered another gltch
it is the swimming drill
to do it
foolow the first 4 steps of the syper drill then take off the mininig hat and put the water wingand dont close the player card and dance
awesome eh!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont mean to be a bard,

But this hint is very hard!

Anny Ning said...

ahh!! i know its a party hint but i just cant get it!!! can you please give us a clue to the clue??!!!
also, i was just wondering (i'm not a stalker or anything)... are you like a teenager? or a kid? like 10 and younger, or 11 and over?? u dont have to tell me im just curious =]

Anonymous said...

wat????? i dont get it

Anonymous said...

say wha mimo?

Anonymous said...

its the plaza!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i got in a second i am a genious give more difficult hints. u rull mimo rrooxx

Anonymous said...

this cant be a clue.
but if it is,
i wont be attending the party.

Anonymous said...

WOW talk about Hard
And whats with kissing the mop?
But cheese on Ice-cream does sound good ;-)
Im a big cheese Fan

Stephanie said...

I don't under stand... Maybe the pizza parlor?

Song, long, top, mop , vet, net, mint, hint.

blah blah blee bloo blah!

Hannabrianna & Aqua1322

Anonymous said...

HI i do not know where it's not but i definitely do or don't Know where it shouldn't probably be.

turtwig_lover said...

hang on i dont get it...

Anonymous said...

:( I really can't gettit...sorry mimo
Is it at the pizza parlour?

Anonymous said...

i nver been to any of ur partys

doggi said...

of coure its sa clue but i dont know what it is

jackclubpenguincheat is said...

is it a clue for your party??


Anonymous said...

What clue is this? It's like a game called Clue!

Anonymous said... it

Anonymous said...

Awsome poem, but keep in mind that if all these people who cant get it (including me) wont be able to come! unless your looking for like twenty people at the most to be at your party, then YOU NEED TO MAKE THESE CLUES EASIER!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mimo!This is extremely hard.I hae to give you credit for it.


Anonymous said...

ok mimo last time when u had a party i said ur clues were 2 easy, this time its way to hard all i can say is this will be a small party


Anonymous said...

I think I know

Anonymous said...

like your poem Mimo..!

Anonymous said...

pizza parlor

Anonymous said...

Someone else said the plaza, so I say in reply:


I'm guessing it will be at the plaza in the server mammoth. But what time?

Anonymous said...

wait a cream with cheese on top...

desert mode in pizzatron...

well now i just need time, day, server and i will see you! lol

mimorulez said...

what every1 else said pizza parlor or town but the way i see it, its spelled taan.

Anonymous said...

I think I get it, but I'm not sure... Wow, this hint is hard!

Thanks for a Challenge,

Eduardo Ortuño said...


austin said...

you are a true friend
i am also 12 years old. can we be friends?My penguin name is FAI MUN
by the way, which country are u from?

hubcub said...

so this poem is?____________?sorry i dont know it is wrong!supah wrong!

hubcub said...

hey dude kool web u know that poem is hard can u tell me(a secret plzzzz!nah juz jokin you wont tell it right?right?right?


Bigdogdk said...

I solved the clue.

Anonymous said...

i am very confuzed, it thought form your first hint it would be at the iceburg but this tells me something else :S

Anonymous said...

got it =]

cp- danixelle

Anonymous said...


Eggso's new new chat blogger said...

You know what? This poem is hard, but the pizza parlor does make sense... But I will keep looking...

niikpy ( my penguin name) said...

is it the pizza parlour? if its wrong.. post it
if its rite dont post it..
my speelings wil b wrong because i m too young i m only six years pls forgive me..
send me the answer if u want to my sisters email( my mom told me to tel u al this..bye..

abcboy6( cp name)

saajan said...

my penguin name is sauji and i live from england

Setee said...

my penguin name is Setee and i always go on the server "wind chill".i dont get the hint, it might have something to do with the pizza parlor.

Anonymous said...

i hope i can figure this hint out cause last time i wasn't able to make your party

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rawr said...
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Unknown said...

I THINK I GET IT! I think this is the clue to the room and if you read hard, you'll brainstorm it! I'll tell ya this, in CP, think of wher you could find a vet and cheese and sing a song.

Rawr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michaela said...

Mimo! Tell us the time and date so we can go to the party! If you just tell us the people that know the server and date-wait is it on Valentines' Day?
(P.S. Please post this Mimo!!!!)
~See you at the party if I find out the time and date! Don't make the time at: 6:00pm-12:00am and 12:00am-3:30pm cause I live in AZ and the time is different so do it by MST please!~


Anonymous said...

I got it! It's something to do with the other hint, but I don't tell what

Anonymous said...

is it a clue

Anonymous said...

is the answer the pizza parlor??

Anonymous said...

i think i know the answer but i believe it is server ice cream

Anonymous said...

I think i got it
it is narrowed down to two possible places
1)pizza parlor
2)light house
plz post this will be my first post

Pinkiwinki9 said...

that's such a good poem!! you should be a poet mimo!! i think its either the pizza parlor or the lighthouse. im not sure tho. plz post this comment!!

Tonymadi said...

Its the ice rink

Anonymous said...

the poem is telling u about his life but it doesnt make sense about CP

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