Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, June 15, 2012

Should Club Penguin Super Hero Takeover Return?

Club Penguin has added a few screenshots from the Marvel Super Hero Party. Check them out:

So how are you liking the party? Club Penguin wants to know if you would like the party to return next year?

So, whacha think? Should this party come again next year?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Wwerocks88 said...

Heck yeah it should!

Anonymous said...

They should do a DC party with batman and all the other DC people

Arim Erty

Anonymous said...

Im still working on getting all the costumes...

Anonymous said...

no i think just this year you spend so much coins jsut do the one year

curly 9 said...

pretty cool but they should move on and do another awesome thing next like another REAL summer party

Turk Ois said...

There have been a lot of problems. It's just encouraging kids to be mean to other kids.
Parents are telling the younger kids they can't go on Club Penguin for 2 weeks, until the superhero stuff is gone.
I'm going to miss some of my younger friends. :(

Anonymous said...

i think they should do it again but less pricey the costumes for members cost like a thousand coins!

Dizzyrex said...


Club Penguin should never return the Marvel Superhero Takeover. It is encouraging kids to be mean to others, And it could cause more bad problems. A lot of parents ban kids from going on CP until the party ended. NO! Just bring us the Music Jam 2012. Looking forward to the iceberg gig again! :D

Glenn31 said...

I'm really enjoying the party but I wouldn't want to see it again next year! I wish they could bring back good parties like Festival of Flight and St. Patrick's Day (I would especially like to see that because I'm Irish) And it's been confirmed that Rocky and CeCe will be in next months "Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam" I just hope whatever they have for August will be good

Anonymous123 said...

If you go to the beacon it will play puffle party music

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah! This party is awesome! I honestly don't think this party is encouraging kids to be mean to others, I mean have they ever read comics or saw some superhero movies? They are all like this! It's just comic violence I suppose, nothing too serious. Geeezee.....

Tome123 said...

well duh!

MaishaI said...

its not as to fun to non members, i love iron man but i cant even get his mask for free and a citizen isnt as fun we dont get to shoot lasers or help club penguin fight the robot if they made it fair to non members adn made other stuff for the members i would want it again but if its like this time no thank you.

Anonymous said...

I think they should do it again next year but next time GIVE THE CHARACTERS POWERS or at least be able to do something with their costume. Like Spiderman would be able to shoot web from his suit or something like that.

Anonymous said...

its should return

Unknown said...

I really like there Marvel party, however have not had much free time to play on CP. I think it should return but maybe in Iron man 3 or Thor 2 style. I don't see how parent are banning their kids from playing in the party cause it makes them naughty. It stupid. Superheroes and villains are good for kids to see are watch. Ok maybe DC is not really for young kids as film like Batman are not really for them. but Marvel is for sure. Anyway i would like to see the party return.

Anonymous said...

I visited 8 servers and the meanest thing I seen was someone roleplaying a bank robbery and even then the robber said please :P
I myself did not like the party and would not like it to return but it's all good fun and it's not like EVERY room is decorated you could visit another room or if your annoyed by people dressed up for the party invite your friends to your igloo.

Anonymous said...

@ Arim Erty

Disney owns Marvel, DC is marvels competition, therefor Disney's competition. I don't forsee a DC party any time in the future.

Bingo 1059 (cpg mod?)

Anonymous said...

the party id getting boring for me but i do like it though. Also the costumes don't do anything! I spent 3000 coins on the droid costume and it dosen't do anything!

Bo Bop said...

They should of just called it "The Superhero Takeover" They could of had the same heros but with Batman, Robin, Superman, and all those other guys!

Anonymous said...

Yep. Cartoon Network owns DC Comics. CN and Disney are already rivals, so I doubt a DC party would come out, but I wish CN had a cool Roleplay game like CP.

Pietro1999 said...

Heck yeah!!! this party is AWESOME!

Mr Lovesfish said...

Doesn't really matter they will bring it back anyways...

Anonymous said...

how long clubpenguin gonna stay this way?

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