Club Penguin has confirmed the Music Jam next month will have the mascots CeCe and Rocky! The name for this jam will be "Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam!"
So, Club Penguin is not only promoting the Disney show "Shake It Up," they will also be promoting the Disney show "Make Your Mark: Ultimate Dance Off!"
Here is a quote from Stitch Kingdom blog:
Also this summer, Club Penguin players will have the chance to make their mark and shake it up when Club Penguin’s annual Music Jam is transformed into the “Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam.” Beginning July 19 through August 1, players in the Internet’s #1 virtual world will be invited to chat and dance with customized Rocky and CeCe penguins, and even unlock exclusive dance moves, just like the characters from “Shake It Up.”
Welp, there you have it! It's official! I have a feeling some of you are NOT going to like this, are you?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Please excuse me for this but....
I am not getting a membership next month that's for sure..
Club Penguin Is becoming more awesome. since disney first took over club penguin in the past years club penguin became a little boring but now I think they're making it more awesome so we could have more fun.I really love the idea.
At least they are penguins xD
come ON! srsly?!
i hate tht show and i have nenver ever watched it.
altough i did watch hannah monatah without relizing once. :/
- cool5943
Now, I thought the Marvel party was pretty cool, but THIS IS TOTALLY ANNOYING ME. They better be penguins or I'm really gonna get bugged. I pretty sure most of you agree. Poor penguins :( For those who like those shows and stuff, good luck for you. :)
That's it. Club penguin is now dead. I'm never going back on until the original owners get the website back, which will probably not happen.
Ruining CLub Penguin since 2008
Disney, Disney, Disney... *epic facepalm*
Nope, im not going to renew my membership for this one.
The Paint by Letters books are gone!
Bu-but they are humans, not penguins! What are humans doing in Club PENGUIN?! I don't have anything against the series, I don't watch them after all, but bringing humans in Club Penguin doesn't make sense.
I HATE this. Actually HATE this. Wth are club penguin doing? I'm not even going to this party.
1.i dont have disney channel (sounds boring anyway)
3.does anyone else like phinies and ferb( WAIT are they on disney channel)
cp username ---------> skeleton6667
Well Mimo, excuse me for saying this, but I will have to say it.........
THIS SUCKS! Sorry for caps, but I am just really mad right now. From a Hannah Montana outfit in 2009 to THIS? This is a joke! I don't want CP to be like those other virtual worlds Disney has. CP is having WAY TOO MUCH popularity. How worse can it get?
This is really starting to annoy me! I have played Club Penguin for five years now and I've never been so insulted.
Club Penguins Music Jam used to be the most FUN party, all of club penguins parties were great, but the music jam was the best.
Club penguin has prided itself on no outside advertisements, but what is this? They are nothing but cheap transparent advertisements for Marvel and all of disneys minions.
I'm emailing them with my dislike.
Last years Music Jam was so epic, I adored it. But now, Disney have to go and get really involved with other shows, and it's really, really, really annoying. I haven't bought a membership all this year, I was considering doing so for the Music Jam, but this announcement just put me off one of the greatest parties of CP, ever.
OMG when DC comes to CP I"m canceling my memebership. Shake it up sux along with the new DC no more classics.
I think the reason CP is having all of these licensed parties is because that way non-members can do more, as Disney won't be 100% dependent on membership funds. I think that's also why non-members are now able to get body outfits such as the police or robber outfits for the Marvel parties.
I don't understand why CP do this. I read more than 4 blogs, and there's no one tell " It's great", or something like this. The Music jam is my favourite party. I don't want to be it ruined, with this.
How old are you Mimo777?
Just Asking
If you read, it says that they have their own customized penguins.
I wonder if anyone relizes the Avengers and Loki are humans. Though that may be a different lvl.
I think we may just let our memberships die out.
Maybe when my brother gets older he will want it.
Anybody know another online game that's any good?
Whaaa..? I want the Music Jam party! Not some lame version of it.
Your right mimo, I am NOT going to like this!It sounds pretty stupid. Why don't disney do a NORMAL music jam, instead of advertising their stupid shows?
If you go to the cove it plays adventure party music and the beacon plays puffle party music
Has anybody noticed that Club Penguin is starting to bring real shows and movies into the site? Music Jam was by far my favorite party but theyve gone to far this year adding things not necissary. What are they gonna do next, bring Disney Jr. shows into the party???
I will go out of my way to avoid Rocky and CeCe at this party. I HATE this idea so much!! What do they think we are 6 year old girls?
We should all email cp about this, and go on cpps's during the party
My favorite party, Music Jam, may be ruined now :-(
What the WHAT!!! This is SO wrong! I will not stand up for this! Advertising a dumb little kiddy show on something as great as Club Penguin! Having the Marvel Party with Disney is NOT worth this! I hate this, totally epic FAIL. >:(
Sincerely, a 10 year old female lifeform, LOL, girl
Club Penguin has been going downhill since it was bought by disney. Has anyone else noticed before it was bought by disney the only difference between members and non-members was the fact that members could buy clothes. Non-members still got clothes for free at parties. Now parties are basically only for members because you need membership for 99% of the things. Remembering the old days...
... okie :/
If they wanted to bring other Disney characters that are not Marvel, they could've at least done Phineas and Ferb characters. :/
I don't think this will be a good party. But I could be wrong because at first, I didn't think the Superhero Takeover would be a good party.
Like the idea,but hate the CiCi and Rocky. Unless its not bots. If its not I can complain to them lol. But Seriously:
Its an ok show. It's just a simple party. Like the Fashion Show. It's the music jam,but only with 2 new people. SO KEEP UR MEMBERSHIPS!
lol ill prob just go for the free stuff =P
hmmm idk its pretty awesome if we have other clothings 4 gunther ty or flin duse (maybe the penguins time forgot brow for him)anyways will be cool
Boy Party- Marvel Super hero takeover
Girl Party- This 'thing' next month.
Well I guess thats just fair...
My long awaited super duper spectacular party which is making me really impatient and make me turn into angry volcanos- (drumbeat and fantasy orchestra sounds please)CARD... JITSU...SNOW!!!
What has Disney done! Music jam is ruined! :(
I have nothing against the show, mostly because of the fact that I don't watch it, and it doesn't particularly sound like something that I would watch. I just have a little problem with it mainly because it's changing a traditional Club Penguin party into something else. If they wanted to do this, they should have just made it into its own party to promote the show. Not change up an annual party that we've all known for years. Well, I guess if it doesn't interfere with the Penguin Band showing up, I'll be okay. I'm still excited for the Music Jam nonetheless.
Hmmmm I'm not quite sure what to think........
I don,t hate the show but I do dislike it I will give it a chance but I am a little upset ever since club penguin got taken over by Disney it has gone down hill. But I am willing to give it a chance
Stupid disney!
if u go 2 the beacon it will play puffle party music
Ok, how many other sitcoms are they planning to promote on Club Penguin! There is no need to advertise them you know! We all know they suck!
I thought it was MUSIC JAM and not dance like 13 year olds and endorse a show that sucks jam
i am going to tell everyone in my school to sop going on club penguin until they stop it!!
This is the worst idea ever
They are going to be penguin.s. Just dressed as people from shake it up.
How can you hate somethings you have not seen?
Why club penguin. Just when I thought you were giving us nonmembers more freedom and items.
Now were going to have to see ads and stuff
I STILL think this is a bad a idea. But it could be a good thing. And as my grandfather always says: Don't look a gift hoarse(?) in the mouth.
1. I would not mind Phineas and Ferb if they came for Halloween Party or something.
2. I HATE SHAKE IT UP!!!!!!!!
3. If I see their penguins I will ignore them.
4. This is the dumbest idea Disney has ever had.
5. I'm going to go see Penguin Band at the party, then leave all parties forever if Disney dumps their six-year-old sitcoms on Club Penguin EVER AGAIN.
6. I am going to send in e-mails like nuts telling them this is the worst idea ever.
7. The Golden Years of CP:2007-2010
8. The Worst Years of CP:RIGHT NOW!
9. I HATE SHAKE IT UP! (did i say that already?)
10. I HATE SHAKE IT UP! (deja vu again!)
Dear CP, make a sword fighting ninja game with no blood for boys so we will at least have something to do while the Island turns into the land of prepsie rubbish.
Why don't they have a mickey mouse party or something because I think this is just strange...
I don't get why everyone hates this so much, music jam will be a million times better if CP starts getting celebs into it.
I've never watched shake it up, so I can't say wether its any good or not but who cares, CP is still awesome and always will be.
Waddle on!
I actually like this idea, but I probably won't be getting a membership.
Well, we kids have decided if they do that we will ignore it like we are ignoring the superhero party.
We spend all our time in the undecorated areas of the island and in different kids' igloos.
I HATE SHAKE IT UP! Club penguin has died! I am happy my membership is expireing!
I hate this so much! The Marvel party was a cool idea and almost evryone loves the Avengers, just look at the sales, but this is just stupid. I have never liked the music jam to begin with, and had allways thought it was the worst club penguin could do, but no they have gone and made it worse by throwing in some stupid characters from some stupid show from some stupid channel. I love disney but I hate disney channel. This better not be a regular thing.
there goes clubpenguin
This stinks! If i remember correctly music jam is an older party on cp(sorry if I'm wrong I might be thinking of a different party, I just remember the Penguin Band showing up during a music related party). I hope Disney knows the difference between music and dancing. I thought there was a dancing party. Why can't the just put their stupid mascots for that. I probably won't renew my membership this month. With Disney CP has officially gone down the toilet with this idea.
I guess I won't go on Club Penguin next month... Im a boy, not a girl CP!!!!
this was a RUBBISH idea for shake it up to be on cp in fact look at the comments on mimo777's awsome blog:
Anonymous said...
come ON! srsly?!
i hate tht show and i have nenver ever watched it.
altough i did watch hannah monatah without relizing once. :/
- cool5943
Anonymous said...
Now, I thought the Marvel party was pretty cool, but THIS IS TOTALLY ANNOYING ME. They better be penguins or I'm really gonna get bugged. I pretty sure most of you agree. Poor penguins :(
Grande pie said...
Bu-but they are humans, not penguins! What are humans doing in Club PENGUIN?! I don't have anything against the series, I don't watch them after all, but bringing humans in Club Penguin doesn't make sense.
oh and look at the 'i wont renew my membership ones'!!
OMG when DC comes to CP I"m canceling my memebership. Shake it up sux along with the new DC no more classics.
Turk Ois said...
I think we may just let our memberships die out.
Maybe when my brother gets older he will want it.
Anybody know another online game that's any good?
ANGRY MAN said...
I HATE SHAKE IT UP! Club penguin has died! I am happy my membership is expireing!
Anonymous said...
This stinks! If i remember correctly music jam is an older party on cp(sorry if I'm wrong I might be thinking of a different party, I just remember the Penguin Band showing up during a music related party). I hope Disney knows the difference between music and dancing. I thought there was a dancing party. Why can't the just put their stupid mascots for that. I probably won't renew my membership this month. With Disney CP has officially gone down the toilet with this idea.
I hate this so much! The Marvel party was a cool idea and almost evryone loves the Avengers, just look at the sales, but this is just stupid. I have never liked the music jam to begin with, and had allways thought it was the worst club
penguin could do, but no they have gone and made it worse by throwing in some stupid characters from some stupid show from some stupid channel. I love disney but I hate disney channel. This better not be a regular thing.
1. I would not mind Phineas and Ferb if they came for Halloween Party or something.
2. I HATE SHAKE IT UP!!!!!!!!
3. If I see their penguins I will ignore them.
4. This is the dumbest idea Disney has ever had.
5. I'm going to go see Penguin Band at the party, then leave all parties forever if Disney dumps their six-year-old sitcoms on Club Penguin EVER AGAIN.
6. I am going to send in e-mails like nuts telling them this is the worst idea ever.
7. The Golden Years of CP:2007-2010
8. The Worst Years of CP:RIGHT NOW!
9. I HATE SHAKE IT UP! (did i say that already?)
10. I HATE SHAKE IT UP! (deja vu again!)
from now on i think we should vote if we want disney rewening one of theBEST parties on cp!
these are some out of EVERY CLUB PENGUIN BLOG!
yours truly
i sent that to cp
What's next Club Penguin, a Good Luck Klutzy Party? A Phineas & Ferb Summer Kick Off Party? Wizards of the Coffee Shop? What's wrong with you guys? When Disney saved CP from closing, it was good. But every party in 2012 and some in 2011 were lame. I realize that the Marvel Superhero Takeover was available to members and nonmembers, so they had to make it an advertizement party. Why can't we have a classic Music Jam? It was my favorite party UNTIL ROCKY AND CECE HAD TO JOIN US! STUPID DISNEY CHANNEL!
I'm sorry CP but I think this is a terrible idea! You may have done alot of good things but this I will not stand for this. You ruined the Music Jam. The 2nd party I love. If you are going to do this, don't change the Music Jam.
Now let's wait till we see what the future holds for this...
@The person who said every party in 2012 was lame.
Not every party in 2012 was lame. I think a couple of parties were nice but advertising on CP? No way I would stand for this. CP is not ment for advertising. I'm fine with the Marvel Party but not with this disney show.
Real people shouldn't be in CP! Even if they have customized penguins.
It starts on my birthday! ;D
Here's some more information
okay, its one thing for disney to ruin thier own channel, but club penguin? and hasbro? (its a company that used to make really cool toys until disney bought it)i swear they are out to ruin our lives. did you know they are actually getting rid of mickey mouse?
Omg! freaking disney. well they will lose i lot of money. freaking shak it up smh .__.
Freaking disney :( i guess they dont know tons of people HATE shake it up. why cant disney die in a whole? smh -____-
Why does Disney have to go buy everything and just make it worse?
And of course, they're selfish in the process. They are greedy. They want money. They don't care what most of us think.
Disney is someday going to rule the world. Try dancing over THAT,"Cece" and "Rocky".
I liked it better when club penguin came up with its own ideas, instead of being a disney sellout. At first, I was a bit upset with the super hero party being marvel and not something original, but I was later fine. This however, is a complete and total fail. I quit my membership.
The idea tank is officially empty.
Might as well call it "Club Disney", cause that's all the game will be in a few months.
I know, Im kind of a new player and I didn't discover the awesomeness of club penguin (or what used to be the awesomeness, anyway) until Christmas party 2010, and I only got to see music jam 2011... And it was AWESOME! I loved it do much and was looking forward so much to this years music jam...then I learned there will not even be a party called music jam this year!!! I'm soooo mad. They are going to screw music jam and many other parties this year by making them revolve around their stupid shows. I don't wanna quit cp but this is putting me close. Prepare for many new mascots, ppl! :'(
Bringing Shake it Up to CP would make the whole island REALLY girly.
I no A really good game! its called Hero Smash and you can be a hero or villan.
can u can swords armours scars hair powers! u can also go on mssion and defeat bosses! how kool is that!
Wow if your going to have something liscensed affilicated with disney atleast have something more classic like mickey mouse
If this party is really for real then CP will be DEAD forever.....but that's why you play in Atlantic Penguin...shhh....
This can be a great party and you people(drama queens) are saying this will be the worst party of all!
How will you know that if the party did not begin yet and how will you know if you will have a great time in this party?
You guys can't predict the future and I think most of you haters will enjoy this party while wearing shake it up theme outfit, sucking on a snow cone and singing the shake it up theme song!
like bring marvel super hero will make cp really boyish, shake it up will make cp girly..
:P lol
The Marvel Super Hero Takeover was awesome.. I have one complaint for this party though.. I HATE Shake it Up. I have watched it a couple times and I didn't like it at all. Why do they have to start advertising Disney Channel Shows on Club Penguin? Anyways, the only Disney show I currently like is Phineas and Ferb.. Have a party with them, not Shake it Up.. -_-
WHAT the heck cp sucks now
i hate cp now i hope EVEYone qits
It was okay, so to speak. I enjoyed the free items but I really hope Music Jam will return to normal because I hate Shake It Up!
i like shake it up and you guys need to stop hating their trying to do something fun and you guys are all posting bad stuff about it
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