Here is the June Club Penguin Better Igloo Furniture Catalog.
Step 1. Click on your "Home" icon in the lower right of the chat bar.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Buy Items" icon
To find the first hidden item cheat in the Club Penguin new Better Igloos Furniture Catalog do this:
Go to page 1st of the catalog.
Click on the Construction sign.
You now have the Lamp Post cheat!
Go to page 5 of the catalog.
Click on the Construction sign.
You now have the Lamp Post cheat!
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Go to page 2 of the catalog.
Click the Fire Hydrant.
You now have the Coffee Table cheat!
You now have the Hazard Barrel cheat!
You now have the Coffee Table cheat!
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Stay on page 2 of the catalog.
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Go to page 3 of the catalog.
You now have the Elegant Plants cheat!
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Go to page 6 of the catalog.
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Go to page 10 of the catalog.
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Now for clearance...
Now for clearance...
Go to page 14 of the catalog.
You now have the Red Couch cheat!
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Stay on page 15 of the catalog.
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Say on page 15 of the catalog.

Here is how to find the Club Penguin Better Igloos cheats!
Step 1. Click your "Home" icon.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Igloo" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Upgrade Igloo" icon.
Click on page 1 of the "Igloo Upgrade" catalog.
Click on the Ice Fishing Decal.
Stay on page 7 in the catalog.
You now have the Shadowy Keep cheat!
To find the next Club Penguin cheat, do this:
Click on page 9 of the catalog.
Click on door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo.
Wha? No new iggies? That stinks!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

I wish the Telephone Box was blue so it would resemble the TARDIS.
I like the phone booth - you can choose between the English red one and the U.S. blue one.
Wish they had offered us a city igloo, though.
uhh mimo. the meteor has landed right? then why is the meteor in the telescope on the beacon still?
blue telephone box! what next oooh, mabe more dr who stuff 4 ur room
They took away the regular split level/basic igloos (the bluish ones)! :(
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