So the Super Hero Party is coming up and I can't wait! But I think there should be a different league of made up super heroes.... The Revengers!
I want you to tell me your made up super heroes and their super powers and I'll post my favorite in a few days! So here is a few to get you started:
Sargent Sword Arms
Madame Ring-worm
Fire Breathing Marshmallow Dude
Justin Bieber
Captain Cardboard
Professor Tube Socks
Captain Cactus Hugger
Let's hear yours, k?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
metal man can take the form of any metal
Two things -
First - lol'd at justin beiber.
Second - Ivysir - the power to be sir, and to be epic
My hero is FLAME!! He has a fiery cape and a pointy hood with it covering his eyes. (He can see somehow). He has a red and yellow tunic and has a big "F" on his shirt and has red pants he also has boots with flames on them. Annnnyyyywwaaayyy..... he has powers to burst into flames and shoot across the sky. He can also shoot jets of flames from his hands. He can also summon a fire dragon! (My favorite creature!)
Dawson X
Gas man- releases toxic gas from you know what that puts enemies to sleep.
Maintenance Man- Rubbish man that has one super power... destroying rubbbish
Justin Beiber- Error 404
Chuck Norris- Can do anything except defeat Bruce Lee
Road- Can ifiltrate any thing by building various paths through objects
Mommy- The worlds ultimate Super hero
Me- Can destroy universe.
Goo girl ;) bball722
Black Window (Black Widow Parody)
The Inedible Huckleberry (Hulk Parody)
Hawt Eyes (Hawk Eye Parody)
Captain Avocado (Captain America Parody)
"No Habla Englis"-Man
Super Pear
"I Love M&Ms"-Lady
Captain Hobo
Plastic Bag Man
Lookie At Me (Loki Parody)
I Gotta Take A Wiz-Ard! (Lizard Man Parody)
Captain Bejing
Dora The Evil-Loser
RatMan (Batman Parody)
Mimo, please look at the Strange Machine Article in the news because the broken machine is the Protobot! He was destroyed remember, Herbert might have rebuilt him! Please check out the news about this!
Loveluna 19
hey mimo ive made a hero too its name is dr.octopus it has a big and thick water tank made up of glass its powers are-long tounge,laser eyes,electrical tentacles,teleport,and sheild
its weakness is that if the water tank is broken an not replaced in 3hours dr. octopus will die
super Cornwell dragon chicken [lol]
Hey mimo its Pnksmoothie4 here!
My cool made-up superheros would be the Loops
Heptonic:he can hypnotise all.
Fainter girl:We all faint when we see her.
Morther dude: he can morth into anyone.
Crushon: he throws mega heavy pillows
Thunderlight: he can control the weather and makes earthquakes
i think there should be one called the turner and he/she should be able to turn anything we want them to all we have to do is type it in the chat box and press enter and then they just turn into them
Mimo Guy
my one is a guy called supersonic his powers are super speed and wall climbing
Why is Justin Bieber on that list?
lol justin bieber
Mimo i spotted a typo. Its Captian not Caption. My hero is the grandma knitter. she can knit nets really fast! and catch bad guys! she can also knit fire proof items.
MY mom:)
Iron Meap
goo gal
by bball722
lol Justin Bieber
AA is logging on w/ no party and undefined BG! Glitch or tip that AA is gonna be on the next party
My hero is Chaos! He uses the power of chaos to help. He wears mostly orange and red. Sometimes he causes chaos though.
I'm a robot on cp btw.
Substance Sally! Can change water into any substance she wants. She can also bend water! She can even turn into a liquid so she can get through seeled doors! Teleportation can be used through the slaty sea!
~ bhuz55pog
Mimo I have two codes for you from the magazine again!
There are 2 codes given, each give you 500 coins, totaling up to 1,000 coins! See the codes below.
The two codes are:
I'll never understand why youre such a freak
My super hero is called FATER made out of WATER AND FIRE! He has a scary body made out of water, but you can see his insides are made of FLAMES! He surely is hot! He hides the rest of himself with blue and red (his two favourite colours)but you can still see his bulging eyes poking out at you. Anyway his powers is for to help people who are good, but punish people who are bad. He can fly through the sky at top speed, shoot fire and water and be dreadfully evil, also gratefully thankful!
Thank You so much!
Jasmine xxx ;)
antifire - instead of breathing fire, they breath water and get fires out.
brain - when he gets angry, he gets small and his brain gets huge! hes stronger than hulk and smarter than einstein when he is angry
aqua - he grows gills and gets scales when he touches water and is able to summon all aquatic animals to fight in his army.
hope you find those interesting.
My superhero's name is either Storm ( I know that's taken ) of Amp-Man. Anyways he was a normal man untill he was struck my lightning on him way to work. Then he gained the powers to shoot electricity out of his hands in any way possible! He can also control the weather. Also me and my friend made heroes who work together. the are identical twins with different powers! My hero can control fire in any way imaginable ( He can also make fire ). My friens hero does the same with ice! We have identical awesome suits exept mine has red on it and his has blue.
HawkMan-His not a jet, nor an
ordinary penguin, hes Hawk man. The penguin who can swoop down evil villians on the action of crime. Saving penguins 24/7 swooping down villians with eyes like a Hawk.
Rappzo From CP. P.S. Hi Mimo777 Please Add me as Your Friend in CP im ur biggest fan!
Mount Mind - A guy with weird glasses and uses his mind to
DESTROY the world!
Pee girl - She pretends to be a robber with some people robbing a bank but them pees at them!
Super Mom - the super hero who really embarrasses kids by changing their diapers and puts them in timeout.
Mr. Slappy - He has a huge hand and slaps bad guys
Jack Farts - Well I got this from a boy in my class he farts in everybody's faces and even in the teacher's.
Bone Crusher - Well... His job is pretty much the easiest job in the world! He just touches a person and they are so scared they over react by his name ( bone crusher) and dies.
Iron Pan - A pan with iron and you pretty much know the rest
Glue guy - He uses glue and sticks the bad guys to the walls so they can't move and get caught
The last one... Mimo777! He helps people get to know club penguin, he's a really cool guy! He also is so famous people just faint & die because they can't believe its him!
Please post me Mimo :)
my hero/villan is dark shadow he wears black has a mask and takes out bad guys but if the heros go near him he takes them out 2 his powers r stronger than hulk and iron man combined and he can fly
Lokitty - An evil cat that wants to conquer the universe and defeat his brother, Cathor.
Mimo777 is my hero he fights evil with his mind and it know them out and he has acid ray to kill them
My villan is Billybob he takes over club penguin with his Ban Ray it ban's ay one who is in their way and he has the dojo card it makes him beat in every Card jusi game.
My hero is 'Animal', he has the abilities of the ultimate animal species. He can summon mystical beasts and creatures, and when he is mad enough, he turns into a ferocious savage beast that can't be tamed or stopped.
Ripoff movie idea! The Revengers: Cap'n Canada, Metal Man, Hammor, The Bulk, Brown Recluse & FalconGuy must unite 2 save world from aliens.
mah hero is I.M. Meen because he traps goodie-goodies in his magic book
The turner (he can turn into anything he wants)
The Candy (she shoots candy at bad guys)
Math:He can make bad guys confuse with his equations(has Einstein like hair)
Mommy007- She can make bad guys cry and make Loki go to their mommy crying.
Bomb:He has gas bombs which can stink the whole world.
Teacher:The heroine which half the world hates and half the world loves(she is on the good side).She is always angry and kicks the bad guys out.She is also a very close friend to math.
Infinity:He has infinite ideas to trick the bad guys.But has equal power to math and always tries his best to beat him.
Mimo777:The coolest,strongest hero in cp.
Me:Even has the same powers of Mimo
but has invisibility and is equal to Mimo.
KFC Chicken dude
Captain Captain
Ronald McDonald
Ok enough of heroes, how about villains?
-Ninja Nightmare: a furious martial legend. An ancient warrior from Martian martial law.
-Bob: Blue Omninet bezerk. A living form able to transfer his molecular denstiy into any electrical current. He can also summon a maximum of infinite voltage upon Earth.
-Bad Boy Johhny: A classic villain from the 1980's who wants the world to fear his name once again.
-Boy from Below: Just dont mess with this guy.
-Justin Beiber: The terror of the universe. His voice= destruction.
-Bedsheet Brawler: Unlike a villain who uses physical powers, this can guy can send heroes to the depths of the ocean of faer by infiltarting thierr heads in dreams.
Teacher X- Think your teacher is acting suspicious? Well, you may have Teacher X. Dont mess with him.
Darkness- It is a force which only one force can stop- light
also has anyone thought of one named:
Mimo guy. he is able to get a cheat whatsoever on any website, IS THE COOLEST GUY ON THE WORLD and is a BIG computer genius.
XD i dunno this is part of Nicki, Mariah and Katie as well. from Shadow25256
The Anonymous's comment down me, did you say that to me? If then why? :/
Frying Pan- Shoots bacon and eggs
Captain Mexico- Shoots taco boomerangs
Bob the Builder- He has a powerful hammer
Butterfly Man- Shoots flowers and can fly
Incy Wincy- Excellent at spying but rubbish at climbing up water spouts
Fluffy Fist- Does cuddly punches
Lightbulb- Comes up with ideas
Nick Sleepy- ZzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzz
Pidgeon Eye- Fires poo out of his bow
Green Giant- Sweetcorn...
Draco: half man with dragon dna from when his ancestor battled with a dragon that blew flames that enveloped his ancestor then entered his body. he uses the raw DNA to create a suit out of a rare metal called macanian which is skin tight and can morph into any shape or form. he uses this metal in his weapon also which is usually a staff but like his suit can change into a liquid and become any weapon. he is super stong as super agility, can breath fire and can summon scales onto his body which make him invulnerable
The Incredible Dusty! He can become dust in just a matter of seconds! (He can also cause streptococcus but that's another story).
Lord Punch-a-lot
Galactus, devourer of planets.
A villain, never a hero.
Mom - making things that people can't find magically appear.
Frozen Shard
power: ice
Diffrent attachments like
spinna fist, shard saw, frozen sword,x ray vision, night vision, icicle gun, and ice bomb launcher
ULTRA PENGUIN!!!!! ultra penguin has a side kick named ultra puffle and they mostly come out during the april fools day party. when they put out the boxes that say up,that actualy means Ultra Penguin and when you step inside, you end up in ultra penguins secret layer!!!!!! He wares a red and blue suit with his logo in the middle saying UP and red combat boots and a red and blue mask
bimbob man he can change into anything with the letters b i m b or o in it lol
captain fire phoenix has the power of the phoenix that means he cant die and he has lava magma and fire powers to destroy everything
Mine is FRED who can annoy bad guys to death
My super hero is angel she has wings and controls light and dark. And makes them into weapons
You guys are so mean to Justin!! He is my world!!
lol i like yackydos idea.
justin beiber- he can make girls between the
ages of 6-17 faint by walking in the same room with them.And
also miley cyrus who
can sound like a tone
deaf cat giving birth to a lama....
Ms. Autumn has the power to change any season and her hair and eye color can change depending on her mood
Sonic the batman: can run and be stealthy at super-sonic speeds hense the name Sonic.
Guy with jb hair - kos baddies
I'm totally going with J.B. ( Justin Bieber!!! )
everyone in the whole wide world ( not villains) and in the galaxy (still no villains)
mimo- everything that is random power
Heroes: SunKnight!The opposite of MoonKnight!Black Cat: Can MEOW his enemies to death. Also, king of LitterLand. Thoreo: The godly cookie.
Villains:DEATH. It kinda explains itself, but here: He's a skeletal dude in black robes, he wears a hood, has ruby eyes and wields a scythe...can touch anyone to kill them. Justin Bieber: Kills everyone with his horrible singing.
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