Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Unreleased Club Penguin Board Game?

Here are two videos of an event held at Club Penguin. These sick kids got a chance to play the new Club Penguin board games! Check it out!

And here is a different story about the same event.

Does the Club Penguin Board Game look fun to you? Will you buy it?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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Anonymous said...

Mimo777!!!! Why cant you click ur puffles!! Like com'on dood why cant you click em

Anonymous said...

Wow, they met Billybob... in person! (Lane Merrifeld = Billybob)

Dude13333 said...

Man, those people are LUCKY!!!! I suffered from a broken elbow injury. But I don't live in Canada.

Anonymous said...

Woah cool! I've never commented before be sure to check my web RubberDuckyWafflez!

Anonymous said...

I feel happy that at least they feel special now that they went somewhere that nobody could ever go to! :P The Club Penguin ppl r rly nice :D

Boop said...

Dude13333 said...

Man, those people are LUCKY!!!! I suffered from a broken elbow injury. But I don't live in Canada.


I think the kids that were in the video are suffering for ongoing life threatening diseases. A broken elbow is temporary, but the kids in the video probably have a permanent condition.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there both touching. it made me smile :) < like that :P

Anonymous said...

i got a question why can two ppl be on the SAME club penguin acoount at ONCE

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