Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Club Penguin Question of the Week!

Today Club Penguin's Billybob made a post about some common questions he gets. Here is what he said:

Hello Penguins!

Each week we get asked all kinds of different questions. Here are 3 questions we've heard lately:

How do I edit furniture in my igloo?

Click the item you want to move, and then use your arrow keys. There's more info about this here:

Why am I stuck at a blue, black or white screen?

Try clearing the cache on your web browser to get the latest files. You may have to do this a couple times. Here's how:
It's worth clearing your cache every week. You might run into problems less often by using free browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Make sure you ask for permission before you install anything.

Is Rockhopper coming to the Adventure Party?

Check the telescope at the top of the Lighthouse for a hint...

Hmmm, is this helpful to you? I think, for some reason, Club Penguin is getting desperate for posts, don't you?

Play MaXploder!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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oolcude992 said...

Yeah, its stupid they like that kind of questions. Everyone should be smart enough to check FAQ and so on. They should some harder questions have answer, those answers were to newbies only..

TheSayaka1 said...

Their probably desperate for posts. Besides, hardly anyone I know looks at the blog. Maybe they should've posted about Rockhopper coming? :D

Anonymous said...

As EXCITED I am for this party I just wish it could be at another time! I'm making a video That requirers no decorations at the iceburg and sense the iceburg was decorated in a sneak peek for the party I have to work double time!

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