Saweet! Cadence has been spotted at the Club Penguin Puffle Party! Have you found her yet? If not, let's use the Mimo Comments tracker to find her!
We always have a lot of great response to our Comment Tracker! You like it, you request it and it works! So here are a few new things that will help us all find famous penguins!
Helpful Hints:
1. When you see a post with the new Mimo Comment Tracker logo on it, start tracking!
2. BE HONEST! You have all been so honest and helpful. That's why CPG fans are the best! Keep it up!
3. List who you see and what server they are on. You may abbreviate. (AA = Aunt Arctic, PB = Penguin Band, C = Cadence, G = Gary, S = Sensei) EXAMPLE: AA is on Yeti
4. Don't put lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Do not ask ppl to help you find famous penguins. Everyone wants to find them. They should post here if they know where a famous penguin is.
6. Do not post all the servers that do NOT have famous penguins on them.
7. If the Mimo Comment Tracker has helped you, post a comment about it!
8. So, if you see a famous penguin, post a comment here that says who they are and what server they are on. Let's not post comments here about any other subject! There will be other posts coming for that! Cool?
If you have any other helpful hints let me know!
So let's go find them and post a comment hurry! ;-)
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Virtual Worlds for Kids
Awesome! I need her stamp and new background. I've met her before. But before stamps. What a pity.
- Dropthebird
Ok I have not seen her yet but I will keep my eye out!
She has her purple puffle!
I've met her before and I hear she's on Half Pipe, I'm currently on and all the rooms are full even near the town to get to the Night Club. But there's a major glitch with the map. If you get a "Sorry the room is full" message you get sent to the map but you can't exit the map do you have to leave...Depressing if you just got in the room (tell me about it)
Oh no, I forgot to post a comment! She got on Tundra but left just now! She had a sweet purple puffle named Lolz!
I Really want to find her! I have been on club penguin since the beginning of 2008! And i still have not found her or any of the CP famous penguins! I am really going to try to find her this time! One of my new years resolutions is to find at least one of the famous penguins! Please people of the CP world, get posting!!
waddle on!!
HELP ME!!! I got her background befour BUT not THE STAMP -Baserunner1
I heard she was on Half pipe, on the roof of the night club.
right i've seen her TWO TIMES but it was before stamps and the new background -_- i hope i can find her!!
I'll will look for Cadence too. If I see her, I'll say where she is or was.
i havent seen her either!
I just met Cadence on Cream Soda but she left. It was AWESOME!!!!!
Who ever gives the location please hope its not in members room
i have found her this morning and now i lost he but penguins keep an eye put for her
Hey Mimo did you notice a grey puffle in the pet shop on those puffle lights on the ground?
do you know where she is?
The shadow in the Lodge mirror is back!
shes on fjord on the roof of the night club but its full now
hm.... is she blue on stamps?
I found her yesterday in crunch but i haven't get the background.I thought it was the same. Does it changed?
I want to meet, you know all the famous penguins! I wish though that there was some comments where they are. You Rock CPG!!
I met her but I want her background. Is at Crunch in Dance Club Rooftop!
Omg can't wait.
ive got every famous person background, but i met all but 2 before stamps came out!!! its really annoying :/
Cadence has a purple puffle called lolz
I have never met her before :3
Oh, I've never met a famous person. I nearly met Cadence when I was a member, but....the room was full and I couldn't get in. :(
I'll keep my eye out though.
I did not see C yet but I already have the RH stamp. Plz help me get the C stamp.
ALARM!! I just so cadence on abominable HURRY!!
plz guys where is she NOW plz ???!
Anonymous Said
Awesome! I need her stamp and new background. I've met her before. But before stamps. What a pity.
same here its while annoying now that you know that you can earn stamps i met her at music jam 2010
Cadence is on Flipper At the dancce lounge RIGHT NOW
Cadence is on Flipper At the dancce lounge RIGHT NOW
What rooms does she go to?
I have been in members disco for hours and she hasnt been seen!
Hey Mimo, I have a tip: If a penguin is telling you a famous penguin is in a ridiculous place for example: "Aunt Arctic at the coffee shop" and it is in the middle of the music jam, don't listen to them
shes on grizzly in dance louge now hurry shes so cool
You know one time i accidentally found Rockhopper, Cadence, and Sensei without using a tracker! I was just wandering around at like 10:30 cp time and there in the ninja hideout was Sensei! And at music jam last year I was thinking "oh this is hopeless I'll never find Cadence!" when i went in the dance club There she was with just like 5 other penguins! Same this with Rockhopper! i didn't even know he was on until i accidentally found him at the forest and at the dock! The only bad part is is was before stamps! :(
But anyway it was still cool! :D
Sugarbuzz/Fritz865 CPG mod in training
woot woot the last time i saw her was at 9:25am on saturday on ascent at the nightclub roof
C is at server mittens at the night club roof
she is on BLIZZARD
Shes On Wool Socks Dance Club
people have been saying if everyone gets off the metal in the nightclub roof then shell come. I dont know if its true or not but worth a try!
I met Cadence yesterday and I got her background and stamp. She was walking her purple puffle.
Amilaiscool said...
Anonymous said...
ok this is really of the subject but i emailed clubpenguin and asked for more tables.... can you guess what he said?
i meant tables in the pizza room
I'm guessing they/he said they would put more in. Because they do need to put more in
Keep Waddling.
p.s. I wasn't sure if I was apost to put CPG Mod so I didn't; just in case
he said to keep flippers crossesd +D
I'm on Down Under right now, people say Cadence is coming but I doubt it. There's so many penguins and everyone is yelling "get off the metal!!" is it true she comes when everyone is off the metal?
shes in snow globe!!
i saw her before stamps were out! three times in a week!at music jam 2010 lol thats a pity and awesome
- Jared62008
Hi Mimo777. I have a tip for all CP users that want her background. I haven't got her background yet but I know she has a new background. She will be at the Nightclub rooftop on any full servers. There will be lots of full servers because Cadence is the computer.
Well, that's no fair! If she's on the night-club roof then non-members can't meet her! I've never met her and have neither her stamp or her background.
Conor umm i think thats supposed to be the white puffle
Shes on Snow Bank, Im trying to get on the roof but its too hard
Hey guys, everyone thinks that if you get off of the metal on the night club roof, Candace will come out. If you want the smiley face stamp, just tell everyone you won't get off until they smile. I got like 30 people smiling. It was awsome.
Anonymous said...
I'm on Down Under right now, people say Cadence is coming but I doubt it. There's so many penguins and everyone is yelling "get off the metal!!" is it true she comes when everyone is off the metal?
No, thats not true. You can be on the metal or off it! I know this cause I met her the last party where you could get onto the roof, she came weather you stood on it or not :)
She DOES NOT have a new background. It's her first background, the one from the Waddle On Dance-a-thon. I met her and I got the "You already have this item" message.
She's on Tea in the Night Club
I have met her today and she has not a new bg. But she has a purple puffle!!
shes on zipline
zipline's full i cant get in!!!!!
she is on mittens
Omg she's on blizzard!With her puffle!
I finally meet a famous penguin.
Cadence is currently (9:48 UK time) on Parka, on the rooftop, with her puffle Lolz. Now I have met her, Sensei and Rockhopper :)
cadence on arctic!
Hi,cp fans. I would love to meet Candace...and ur very lucky if u had! her puffles cool and i love to jam out with my purple puffle!
Keep on lookin im sure u will find her, like they say "NEVER SAY NEVER" lol! keep on rockin!
winslow5741 (CPG MOD)
omg! they removed the X button on the top of the map! you coant X out! (this only happens when you try to go in a room thats full, so geting the stamp will almost be imposible, good luck!)
dance party
people, by the time you get posted, she will be gone
I cant find her. hlp guys!!
Anonymous Jellyskittle said...
cadence on arctic!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------is not
cant find her plz help:(
She's on Fjord, on the Nightclub rooftop. The room is full & is really crowded... Good luck trying to get into the room! I've already met her at the puffle party. I was just randomly up there and she came! Good luck!
I need help where is she?
C is on Alaska.
I finally found her :D
Now I have met Cadence, Rockhopper, Sensei and Gary!!! After the stamps was lunched!!!
hey mimo i will be on the look out
she is on big foot in night club!!!!!!!
Please help me find her I have never found a foumas penguin before
Sweet i would love to see her
SWEET i would luv to see her again like in 2008
I Met her at Music Jam 2009 and 2010, I wish they would give you the stamp if you had the Background because that would be so much better for people who met her before stamps
Hey Mimo I found out in the orange puffle room snow balls come out like cookies i havent tried the other rooms but the ornage puffle thing is cool :)~Admiral Pen~
I've met her but it was the other day before mimo posted this tracker :)
I will keep my eyes open :)
Will she only be on the rooftop of the night club or will she be somewhre tht is non member accessable?? please tell me because im probably waisting my time looking for her.
i THINK SHE IS ON bIGFOOT. You can't get into the town
Good luck meeting Candence!!On most of the servers have a full Dance Lounge!!
you know she can be at more than 1 place at once right?
When does Cadence go online?I need help!
please help! is she still on the puffle party?
CC on Crunch Roof Top
Yay! I wanna meet Cadence! ☻ ☺ ☻
okay, okay... stamps? is she only giving out stamps? please help!
P.S. Thx for the helpful tips!
I met her before stamps but didn't get her background.
icicle dojo
She left crunch and i missed her!!
AH! I just found out after all this searching that she's giving out the old background! D:
Been there done that But i didn't get her stamp and background wierd i did meet her and click the box... that's wierd isn't it!?
Cadence is on adventure in the night club but adventure is full :(
Cadence now has a purple puffle with her instead of a boombox.
shes in ice box in the dance lounge hurry before she leaves
no wait shes in the roof top
Could you have said she's on adventure earlier!?
Hiya, im not sure but i heard she is on arctic in the roof
FOUND HER ON Adventure butt shes gone now!
Cadence is at Parka (Rooftop)!
Good Luck~
she is on blizzard
Oh my gosh! Non member are in the roof top! :O
Hey guysi just found cadence 3 times yesterday no lie i always find famous penguin at partys i have met cadence 3 times rockhopper 5 times gary 6 and sensei 1! i will find cadence again proboly and i will post it on here! Note a penguin told me she was on tea she was but not any more so if you have a chance ask penguins they may be telling the truth!
Where is Cadence?
Shes On Beanie Hurry!
cadence on beanbag
does anyone already found cadence?
beanie roof top now
Cadence is on beanie hurry!!On the rooftop!!
its really hard to find cadence because when she goes into a server she is only on the roof top for like a min. but keep looking at the glass half full oh and she goes through the door you can dance on the metal all you want
does she go on full servers?
Hey guess what? I just noticed a typo! When the dance lounge becomes "Dessert Arcade" look on the menu. They spelled "Sherbet" wrong! Haha! "SherbeRt" is a common misspelling because most people pronounce it wrong! lol!
Hi Mimo!
have u noticed the sad yellow puffle in the corner by the door of the pet shop on the inside? He looks different and sad!
just letting u kno.
-Zake Bros2 :)
i met her 5 days ago. I got the on the roof.
Mimo! Did you know that non-member penguins can have any puffle they want? You can only have 2 puffles, but you can have a purple and green, or yellow and brown, but only two. Just thought I would tell you that!
i tried it! but i couldnt keep the puffle-Ds As Rath
I think the puffles in the corner by the door in the pet shop (inside)and at the beach were they have a small group of puffels they look like baby puffels or they are trying a new graphic for the puffels just thought you should check it out and see what is going on
quick she is at vanilla! She is in the cove.. Oh nevermind she just oh wait! SHE IS IN THE COVE NOW!
Conor said...
Hey Mimo did you notice a grey puffle in the pet shop on those puffle lights on the ground?
Perhaps it was a Black puffle? I would think so but Clubpenguin has some weird hints!
-Black Lab 26 (CPG MOD)
I had been looking at the trackers - and they really do not work!
I stumbled onto Belly Slide, and she is in the town! Then in Night Club. then Dance Lounge.
Spent ages looking for her...
I just wanna say Cadence dosent just appear on the dance rooftop she walks there. So non members can go and see her too becuase she goes through the dance club, the dance lounge and then the rooftop. And she uasuly stays for a quarter of an hour aswell. SHE ALSO SAYS COOL BEANS :)Oh and you can dance on the metal all you want!
Anonymous said...
Oh my gosh! Non member are in the roof top! :O
Yes, I've noticed that. Me and my friend we like, what on earth? LOL.
Mimo! Found her in Yukon! Also, have 4 famous penguin stamps and unlocked the second photo! It's about Aunt Arctic asking questions to a penguin!
cadence on abominable right now in the night club!
Me too. I've met her before, but before stamps.
I met her before but I want her new background. Rockhopper is the only famous penguin I HAVEN'T met.(Sorry for the caps)
Tundra on rooftop. :D
I think there is a shadow in the lodge mirror again, unless that has always been there.
Hey Mimo did you notice a grey puffle in the pet shop on those puffle lights on the ground?
i think the grey light means the white puffle
i am online right now and on rooftop and there are no nonmembers
Hey everybody just want to put this out there but have u noticed when you go to the pet shop the puffle in the case look different then the puffles dancing out side and not only that they are conferencing about something you can see that becausethe blue puffle is talking and the rest are just shaking there cute little heads :D
yukon 6:38 ET
Hey, Mimo! Your site is the best for CP cheats in the world! I really need help to find Cadence, 'cause I've never seen her before, even though I been waddling ever since 2007 (which really isn't that long, compared to others). Anyway, I'm on Christmas right now and I'm having no luck. Help!!!
Mjewel~Waddling on since 2007
P.S. It's so cool that her purple puffle is named Lolz!
Anonymous said...
Hey, Mimo! Your site is the best for CP cheats in the world! I really need help to find Cadence, 'cause I've never seen her before, even though I been waddling ever since 2007 (which really isn't that long, compared to others). Anyway, I'm on Christmas right now and I'm having no luck. Help!!!
Mjewel~Waddling on since 2007
P.S. It's so cool that her purple puffle is named Lolz!
The best thing to do is look at servers that have a lot of people in them that usually don't. She is usually found on Mammoth, Freezer, or Yeti. She walks through the Dance club, Lounge, and Then to the Roof. She only stays on for about 15 minutes though! So watch out! (She can be on multiple servers at the same time)
Keep Waddling.
I'v been on it sicns 2006
I have been waddeling alon sice 2008 and the only famous penguin I have found is Rockhopper :( I need to find Cadence!
Cadence is at Aurora Dance Club
Mimo. I saw your hand/arm on your secret site and have to say, NICE MUSCLES! ;)
(That is if you are the one with the yellow and blue paracord bracelet).
That was his friend, tho. i saw it too
gracias ya encontre a cadence en half pipe
Can someone help me to find candence please I need help if you want to help me please comment...
shes always on the roof
victor004 said...
Can someone help me to find candence please I need help if you want to help me please comment...
The best thing to do is look at servers that have a lot of people in them that usually don't. She is usually found on Mammoth, Freezer, or Yeti. She walks through the Dance club, Lounge, and Then to the Roof. She only stays on for about 15 minutes though! So watch out! (She can be on multiple servers at the same time)
Keep Waddling.
-Amilaiscool (CPG Mod)
Where is the roof???? help me plz!!
has any one else heard of what has happened in Chistchurch (New Zealand)?
c=yukon @ 1:39 PM CP time!
on grizzly on the roof!!!
HURRY SHE JUST GOT ON HOT CHOCOLATE! She's in the Nightclub but she'll probably go to the roof soon! HURRY!
She just left cabin now on bubblegum!!
Guys-Here's a quick tip-I noticed alot of you are commenting about how if you try to go into a full room you can't "X out" the map. That's true, but just click on the town or someplace and use your teleportation on your spyphone to get to the brown puffle food room and try again!
i have NEVER EVER seen Cadence
but she is my idol! I <3 HER!
so i really want to see her, help me out?
i just found a glitch i went on cp and got on my account as ussual but then i noticed everyone was the color black so i went to my card and clicked on the color brown but it wouldnt change so i went on other servers and the same thing happend to all of them thats weird uhould check that out
she is on freezer in the night club!!!!!!!!!!
I saw Candance! She was on Cozy at 6:00 today! I am soooooo HAPPY! :D
Same here, i got both bckgrounds.
Go to yeti rooftop hurry
i found her! yeti nightclub quick! :D
- Chardy (CPG Mod)
Powder Ball Dance Lounge
blizzard night club
it's the last day to find cadence. someone help
I never found Cadence :(
I was never on at the right time :(
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