Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Final Clue to Mimo's Club Penguin STAMPede Party!

If you didn't know, I am having a Club Penguin STAMPede party!

Click here for some deets.

So here is the final clue:

See you at the party really soon!

Follow me on Twitter for hints! NOW!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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ofelia said...

Cool i can not wait hopfulley c u hen

Hsm1235 said...

I have no idea in the slightest
When is the party (the day) ??
Or is that a clue?

Anonymous said...

maybe the pizza place?

Wwerocks88 said...

Hmm, your gonna have cookies at the party?

Anonymous said...

i want to come i like puffles are we going to get stamps with puffles i have lots of things to do with puffles puffles are cute what were we talking about i forget bye!

ginngirl said...

coffee shop? might be the pizza place. something that has food in it

Buddytoe said...

I haven't figured out ANY of the clues! I don't know what each clue is for! (Date, time, server, or room)

Anonymous said...

umm coffie shop? can you plz tell us the day?

Anonymous said...

its not the time, then maybe the pizza parlor, but i thought it was gonna be at the recycle place. :(
This is Hard! lol
P.S. What your favorite letter? mine is the sqilly! ~~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

its promble a room,the pizza palour!

Grande pie (CP Name) said...

Hmmm. Remember Saint Nicholas is Santa

Anonymous said...

a bakers dozen is 13 so mabye the 13th

Anonymous said...

Rootoo564 said...
Ok ppl I got's it. Here's it is:
Server: Big Snow ( Clue 2's snow big)
Time: 12:00 Noon (Clue 3's round items are all 12 of each)
Place: Recycling Plant (Clue 1's thermometer and it's the only room with it)
Date: 2/12/11 (Clues 4's title has Dozen=12)
Well I hpoe I'm right. Srry if the writing is weird I'm doing this from me iPad. ;)

Anonymous said...

i guess its the pizza palor???

Miranda said...

isint a baker's dozen 13, as apsosed to 12 he said not time... so... i don't know but his last one was "12 12 12 12"??

Phillies Kid said...

i think its at a food shop maybe pizza shop or coffee shop?
~Phillies Kid
im a non member now :(

Royalpengu22 said...

tommorow! tommorrow its the 13th and a bakers dozen is 13!

Stickers303 said...

Simple. You just need to know what happend in the Story with the bread. Lawl :D


Anonymous said...

bakers down is 13 or 11

Anonymous said...

Hmm... 13 in a dozen... could it be the 13th of Feburary?

Jarrett103's CP cheats said...

its not the time so it must be the second part of the server!

Room:Recycling Plant
Date:February 12th, 2011

Thats what i have so far!
This is the hardest so far!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmmmm, well a bakers dozen is 13! So maybe its on the 13 of something!

Jellyskittle said...

omg i read the story online! its about the date right? it has to do something about what an old lady says how many cookies are in a dozen!

kier9567 said...

hey have u seen the box dimension? its got a party box!

Gategirl87 said...

GRRR! I'm guessing that it was today at 12. But it's too late!! For me, that is. ☻ ☺ ☻

Anonymous said...

OMG! I know! 12:00 Noon(I think, Snow, at the Pizza Plaza area!

Jojojo33342 said...

Gategirl87 said...
GRRR! I'm guessing that it was today at 12. But it's too late!! For me, that is. ☻ ☺ ☻
Jojojo33342 said...

Same! I had a basketball game at 12:00. We beat the other team, 40-32. One guy hit a buzzer in the 5th quarter but it was no use. NOw we my team can be third place1

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Pottingmix said...

MIMO MIMO MIMO! There is a glitch going on where some people are invisible except for their clothes. I was in the Plaza when I first noticed it.


Far out! It was today, wasn't it? A bakers dozen is 13 and for me; the 13th of February is TODAY! Snap.

Anonymous said...

awww,big snow is full!!

victoire1998 said...

Hi Mimo,
I know this is not the place for this, but i noticed that the puffle rescue screen starter is back... Does that mean that there will be more puffles to rescue soon? This clue is certainly very difficult...
How do you come up with these things?


Anonymous said...

I know!
Server: Snowflake
Date: Today, the 13th
Place: Boiler Room
Time: 12:00
I hope i'm right! See you then!

- Dropthebird

Anonymous said...

Rootoo564 said......
Well I posted what I thought yesterday but I was wrong. I did a little check and the baker thinks a dozen is 13......he needs help..... So the date is the 13 which is today. So yeah I think everything is right. Hope to see y'all there. Oh yeah me penguin name is Rootoo564

Anonymous said...

i dont know i probaly will miss it :(

maia-is-hyper said...

Well a bakers dozen is 13...

Maybe its the date or time?

M@rio said...

Mimo its my birthday woot and im gonna have a good one see ya!

Unknown said...

mimo after you finish system defender you will get a massege from herbet


Chaos6267 said...

hey mimo... I figured out all the clues, but the server was full. Sorry I couldn't come. At least I came to your kid command party! I was chaosc...

-Chaos6267 (sometimes chaosc)

Gategirl87 said...

Wait. This must mean that TODAY is the party, because when i go to the donut shop, a baker's dozen is 13! Today is the 13th! But I'm gonna be gone at 12 today! ☻ ☺ ☻

Dot-Com said...

Date: Today
Time: 12:00(I think)
Place: Recycling Plant
Server: Snow____

I'm pretty sure I have this but is the party time east coast, mountain time, or west coast time? :/

ofelia said...

Rootoo564 said...
Ok ppl I got's it. Here's it is:
Server: Big Snow ( Clue 2's snow big)
Time: 12:00 Noon (Clue 3's round items are all 12 of each)
Place: Recycling Plant (Clue 1's thermometer and it's the only room with it)
Date: 2/12/11 (Clues 4's title has Dozen=12)
Well I hpoe I'm right. Srry if the writing is weird I'm doing this from me iPad. ;)
it is a bakers dozen so it would be 2/13/11 bu u were ptitty close

Anonymous said...

i am clueless :(

ofelia said...

Rootoo564 said...
Ok ppl I got's it. Here's it is:
Server: Big Snow ( Clue 2's snow big)
Time: 12:00 Noon (Clue 3's round items are all 12 of each)
Place: Recycling Plant (Clue 1's thermometer and it's the only room with it)
Date: 2/12/11 (Clues 4's title has Dozen=12)
Well I hpoe I'm right. Srry if the writing is weird I'm doing this from me iPad. ;)
it is a bakers dozen so it would be 2/13/11 bu u were pritty close

ofelia said...

M@rio said...
Mimo its my birthday woot and im gonna have a good one see ya!
it is y birthday 2 it is a great day

ofelia said...

Gategirl87 said...
Wait. This must mean that TODAY is the party, because when i go to the donut shop, a baker's dozen is 13! Today is the 13th! But I'm gonna be gone at 12 today! ☻ ☺ ☻
i am 11 today and i got a smartphone

Lilofan said...

Ah mann I missed it

Place: Recycle Plant
Time: 12pm
Date: Feb. 13
Server: Snow something!

Flumade dude said...

hey its flumade dude

Thanks again mimo for goin to my iggy!
I'll see if I can figure out the next party clues...

Anonymous said...

Rootoo564 said...
Hey Mimo. I had a great time. Sorry I wasn't able to stay for the whole thing. Next Stampede party PLZ wait for me to get the stamp. Thanks!

zimy number2(search my name)lol said...

the party was epic but i only earned one stamp, next time lets aim for alot more. and i kept begging mimo to go to my iggy but nope, but its ok i know you had to go.

Bobawesome said...

Does "Maybe next time..." mean there is a party soon or a long ways away?

Anonymous said...

darn it! i missed yet ANOTHER mimo party :( im never able to get on the computer when you have parties :( i should just give up...

starwars8809 said...

i think server is snow flake and a bakers dozen is 13
so 13 and snow flake maybe the 13th day of march or 1pm?

your clever mimo very clever

Tipski said...

Mimo, and the rest of the party crowd, thanks so much for bringing the party to my igloo. I had no idea how I was going to get the party stamps, but you fixed that :)

Great fun - even with the lag!! Lets not leave it so long til the next one.


Anonymous said...

OK Here it is!
Server: Snow_____ (I think Flake..)
Room: Recycling Center
Time: Around 12 O'clock
Date: I am not so sure about this, but i have been thinking about it a lot. If the time is at 12 o'clock, that would mean, as i think, Mimo777 would make this happen on a weekend so that EVERYONE can come. Also, he said see you REALLY soon, so if i were you i would just go on around 12 every day on the weekends!!

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