Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, February 7, 2011

Club Penguin Treasure Book 12 Cheats!

Club Penguin has released a new Treasure Book!  Check it out!

Wha? No Brown Puffles or cheats? What's up wit dat?

Play Daft Blox!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Anonymous said...

I think that Club Penguin is stopping the cheats. Lately there hasn't been any cheats. Do you agree?

weird owe said...

well this treasure book stinks

Buddytoe said...

I think they didn't put them because they aren't for adoption at the Pet Shop yet.

DMA0712 said...

Wow! Cool! Remember a while back I posted a comment saying Treasure Book 12 would be out soon? I was right! Yay!

Waddle On!


Dj Wazzer said...

Asxcfgbn1234 said...
I think that Club Penguin is stopping the cheats. Lately there hasn't been any cheats. Do you agree?

I don't think Club Penguin is stopping the cheats. I think there hasn't been any because there are more new items in the catalog than usual.

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

Dj Wazzer said...

DMA0712 said...
Wow! Cool! Remember a while back I posted a comment saying Treasure Book 12 would be out soon? I was right! Yay!

Waddle On!


Congrats on been right lol. It wasn't long since the previous. Series Treasure Book was released lol.

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

Citrus Peal said...

The guitar doesn't play!
I used my coin code to get the guitar, and you can strum it but no sound even at the lighthouse.

peter said...

i want a toy for the treasure book 12 plzz ow plzz

Anonymous said...

It Maybe cuz they havent finished the book yet

Cprox said...

I have a question can you only unlock. Items from the current treasure book or any book you choose?

Buddytoe said...

I don't really like this treasure book. Book 11 has TONS of cooler stuff.

Unknown said...

Sorry ! I`m new!! Treasure Book ? Where is that?? Could esplain me???Thanks

Dj Wazzer said...

Cprox said...

I have a question can you only unlock. Items from the current treasure book or any book you choose?

The Mix n Match and Plush toys unlock whichever series it's from and the Puffles unlock the latest Treasure Book

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

Gategirl87 said...

Cool exclusives!!

Paws Kitty said...

Natasha said...
Sorry ! I`m new!! Treasure Book ? Where is that?? Could esplain me???Thanks

The Treasure book is a catalog that you can get 2 items if you unlock a coin code by buying something from club penguin that comes with a coin. Sorry if I couldn't be of more help!
-Paws Kitty

Paws Kitty said...

I love that princess dress! It looks like Rapunzel from Tangled!! :P
-Paws Kitty

. said...

It is just me, or is Club Penguin slowly removing cheats from the catalogs?
And its not just in the gift shop.
I see it in the treasure book, the stage, and the igloo catalogs.
I don't think its because there's been more items either. Sure, the latest gift shop catalog had alot of items, but thats no excuse for other stuff like the treasure book, stage, etc.
I don't really like this treasure book, not many new things. Just same ol' same ol' stuff... The exclusives are kinda cool, but not really like super awesome or anything..

Elizabeth said...

how do you unlock items?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth You buy a plush toy or mix n match and it has a coin code. Then you go to unlock items online then you type in the code exactly how it is and click done then press whatever item you want! :)

Citrus Peal said...

Club Penguin is trying to fix the broken guitar, they said it's supposed to play.
I'll let you know if or when they get it fixed.

Anonymous said...

nuthin bout treasure book 12 but found a cheat that i dont know if u have yet;) go to the clothing catalog in gift shop and click the paint can on penguin color model's head 4 times and a blue viking helmet appears click 1 time and a red 1 shows up.........(cp name is T Bone56542)
ps; how to be a mod?

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