Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"The Haunting of the Viking Opera" Cheats!

The Club Penguin Stage has released "The Haunting of the Viking Opera" again. Check out the pin:

You now have the Viking Ship Pin cheat!

There are also cheats in the Costume Trunk!

To find the first cheat, do this:

Step 1. Go to the Stage.
Step 2. Click the Costume Catalog.
Step 3. Go to page 2.
Step 4. Click the Viking helmet.

You now have the Viking Helmet cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 5. Stay on page 2.
Step 6. Click on an of the Viking Helmet 4 times.

You now have the Blue Viking Helmet cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 7. Stay on page 2 with the Blue Viking Helmet up.
Step 8. Click on Helga's helmet.

You now have the Gold Viking Helmet cheat!

Saweet! You now have all the cheats and the new pin!

Play Donut Empire!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Anonymous said...

nice pin, thanks mimo!

Anonymous said...

You can also get the golden helmet! Just leave the blue viking helmet bubble open and press Helga's Helmet and it will pop up! :)


Turk Ois said...

That gives me 5 different Viking helmets! Red, blue, black, golden, and now ruby with braids!
Part of my ancestors were Vikings who invaded England, so I like this play a lot.

Jumppenguin1 said...

It is gonna be soooo cool. I can't wait to get this new pin. It looks saweet!

Anonymous said...

Mimo! I found a glitch! When your in the lighthouse and the puffle paints you, it didnt paint my color! Is this a glitch?

Gategirl87 said...


Dj Wazzer said...

Anonymous said...

Mimo! I found a glitch! When your in the lighthouse and the puffle paints you, it didnt paint my color! Is this a glitch?

Thank you for letting Mimo know. Yes this is a glitch it paints all penguins blue.

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

ginngirl said...

i love to buy the outfits and yell HIKING VIKING at random penguins, no harm ment, just fun, so join my in my rage (and coffee)! sunday at 12:00 (noon, not midnight)! dont bring you kids!

- ginngirl

Anonymous said...

hey mimo i found a cheat,when you buy the ghost costume from the play and wear it you get the stamp for wearing a costume at the halloween party.
even though it says were your monster costume DURING the halloween party

plz give me credit cp name fubmar

Anonymous said...

thanks mimo i have been looking for that for 5 years!!!!

Fontostic said...

MIMO! Found a glitch! So I went into the play wanting to preform but it started playing the THE PENGUINS THAT TIME FORGOT music! I was thinking so what and I could still preform.But NO! I looked at the script and it was from THE PENGUINS THAT TIME FORGOT! So weird!

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