Hey penguins! Club Penguin has announced that they have encountered some "nasty bugs" with the new updates this week. Hopefully everything will be released tomorrow. In the meantime, here is a sneak peek of the new catalog:
Be sure to check back here for all the new cheats once this catalog and pin are released!
Also, Coins for Change will be here THIS month! Yikes! Better start saving your coins so you can help others around the world!
Play Mimo Games EXCLUSIVE new game RUNNER!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids
Hey mimo, when i click on the penguin art in the book room, it wont let me access it, is that just me or can no-one access it?.
i think one of the items will be a snowboard
Thats Pretty Cool I Hope The Tuft Is In There
This stinks. I was waiting for the catalog all week and now I gotta wait an extra day? Come CP!
Hey mimo, even though you said no urls, i want to send a urls to you privately, how do i do that???
Thanks, Dalekry
yeah i noticed that plus mimo when r u gonna have another cp party?
Waddle on cp!
Thanks Mimo -Zack4812
Wow the new clothes look AWESOME! But there dosen't seem to be much boy clothing. What do you think, Mimo?
mimo777 ive got something new theres a new start screen and it said that new members get 12,000 coins to start with.
by the way my penguin names cokeacola721 add me if you see me :)
Hi Mimo77 there is a new pin at the snow forts by the secret code on the clock.
doughnut 360
mimo cp has updated the catolog and a new pin and alse a moving background! yes MOVING!
in the new catalog it let me buy the santa hat even though i already have it.
~ Safle
dalekry said...
Hey mimo, when i click on the penguin art in the book room, it wont let me access it, is that just me or can no-one access it?.
I've heard about this glitch. It's also happening to other people. Club Penguin should fix it soon.
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
in the new catalog it let me buy the santa hat even though i already have it.
~ Safle
Yes, it let me buy all of the Santa outfit and I already have it too. Maybe it's because these are from the catalog and not free items.
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
I love Coins for Change! ☻ ☺ ☻
I didn't see any bugs. ☻ ☺ ☻
Thanks Dj Wazzer, I didn't know that. I thought my Club Penguin went a bit wrong. Thanks,
I still have the old newspaper, is it just me or is it some other penguins too?
I don't notice any gliches but I am still keeping an eye out for 'em
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