Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, December 3, 2010

Club Penguin New Member BONUS!

Whoa!  Check out this new start up screen:

It says new members will get 12,000 coins if they sign up between December 9-31st! That's a lot of coin, don't ya think!

Well, this bonus is actually only if you buy or renew a 1 year membership!

What do you think about this new promotion? Do you, non members, think it will make you decide to become a member? What about those of you that are already members? Does this make you mad that you didn't get this bonus when you signed up? Or how about if you only pay monthly instead of 1 year at a time. Is this fair to you?

I think lots o' penguins are gonna be asking for memberships for Christmas, now, don't you?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids


Linky said...

I always get the 1 month one so this will be good! I get 12000 coins!
This is really interesting how that do this.


Gategirl87 said...

Anonymous said...

Why do you say that? I know that I am going to ask for one! (sorry if I sound rude.) ☻ ☺ ☻


Gategirl87 said...

That's alot of coins!!! I am going to buy a membership for sure! ☻ ☺ ☻

Muddy Duki said...

Well I don't think its fair because I've been a member since 2008, and my dad puts it on his card for $5 a month. I think members should get bonuses! Whether or not they sign up in between those times =/

~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

No, I'm not becoming a member because of this. I already have a bunch of coins from games. Plus, what good is getting a $58.00 membership in real life just to get VIRTUAL COINS?

Ba6abi6o said...

So unfair...

Anonymous said...

NOT FAIR im already a member and i had to earn my coins

Darkpop said...

Well, I'm lucky because I need to renew my member ship this December any way. Sadly though, I only ever get 6 month membership. I say it should be for one month, six month as well as one year memberships that get money.


Anonymous said...

Yes! My membership expires on the ninth so im going to beg my mum to get me a six month membership like last time! I cant wait now!!!

kimosabe550 said...

Don't worry about me, I have 100000 coins. No hacks or anything, just games :)

Anonymous said...

I have been a member for over 2 years and I renewed my membership in August. I'm a little disappointed because my dad spent like 120+ dollars on my membership and Club Penguin toys. I think club penguin should at least give us 5,000 coins for existing members. That would be only fair. And for non-members maybe 2,000 coins.

Anonymous said...


Twinkle21009 said...

i have been a monthly member for ages and i always have my membership sooooo not fair bad choice CP

Anonymous said...

lol i dont find a need for this. i have over 90,000 coins.. being a nonmember for like 2 or 3 years.. they should have more things for nonmembers or a permanent membership

Luke9056 said...

That's so not a lot, I have a million! No kidding. I've been saving up for three years. Of course I have never been a member. I could do so much if I was a member.

Anonymous said...

i knew this had a catch in it! ! year of course! i was going to get a monthly but forget it! Cp wants kids to ask for 1 year memberships so they get LOTS of money!

Anonymous said...

@Linky No you will not get coins cos you said your getting 1 month

Stimpel said...

I got the coins! its like so many....

kimosabe550 said...

Luke9056 said...
That's so not a lot, I have a million! No kidding. I've been saving up for three years. Of course I have never been a member. I could do so much if I was a member.
Me too, I could buy every clothes and igloos or furniture igloos ;) If i was only a member lol

Anonymous said...

Not fair cp, NOT FAIR! I have been a member for a year and a half, Febuary 5th is when i can renew my membership, and honestly, one year! thats over 70 aussie bucks! >:(
I could NEVER save up THAT much money before christmas!

e said...

Linky said...
I always get the 1 month one so this will be good! I get 12000 coins!
This is really interesting how that do this.



Anonymous said...
Yes! My membership expires on the ninth so im going to beg my mum to get me a six month membership like last time! I cant wait now!!!
both of you, its only FOR 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIPS.which is so unfair because i always get 1 month and WHY WOULD I SPEND THAT MUCH FOR A YEAR! ID HAVE TO SAVE UP ALL MY MONEY AND I COULDNT GET TO BUY ANYTHING ELSE!!!thats why i get a month

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

um ive been loyal to cp since september 07 maybe they think that 500 coin member bonus was enough( FOR A FREAKING HAIRSTYLE!)ive spent over 100 bucks on cp

Anonymous said...

u know the yearly membership is a ton cheaper

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