Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Club Penguin "Holiday Party" is on it's Way!

I am sure you have noticed all the construction around the Club Penguin island, if not, check it out:

This could only mean one thing... Christmas Party! Woot!

According to the new start screen, this Holiday Party (as Club Penguin calls it) will be here on December 17th! Awesome, that is next week!

And, check out the new Coins For Change Start screen:

But, look what happens when you click the "Find Out More":

Uh-oh! I hope Club Penguin fixes this bug soon! lol

I love Christmas and can hardly wait to drop those gifts on the Sleigh Ride! What are you looking forward to the most?

Awesome new game, Mine Cart Troubles!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Anonymous said...

wow it starts the same day I brake up from school AWESOME


Anonymous said...

notice in the upstairs of the night club, they are putting the sled there. Where will last years workshop go! And the forest has no construction, so that means that there will be LESS stuff this year! :(

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous said...
wow it starts the same day I brake up from school AWESOME

Jojojo33342 said...

That is the day when my Mystery Book Report is due! lol. What a strange concidece.

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Curt13(CPC and CPG mod) said...

To Mimo777,Rockhopper is closer than you posted before.He is not far off the island!
anonymous said...
wow it starts the same day I brake up from school AWESOME

and anonymous said...
notice in the upstairs of the night club, they are putting the sled there. Where will last years workshop go! And the forest has no construction, so that means that there will be LESS stuff this year! :(
Too bad and I brake up from school that day as well!Lets hope there will be more items!

Haley said...

Dear anonymous , the christmas hasnt start yet you have to give them so time to think and decorate more . Ok .

(CGP Mod)
Club Penguin - Hannah7067

barneyhero said...

lol school finishes on that day for 3 weeks lol

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo did you notice there is a green pipe connected to the bucket for Coins For Change?I think the pipes have something to do with Rockhopper and coins for change...123bryden123

Dj Wazzer said...

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo did you notice there is a green pipe connected to the bucket for Coins For Change?I think the pipes have something to do with Rockhopper and coins for change...123bryden123

I've noticed this. Thank you for letting Mimo know!

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

Hello Mimo & Co! Kay, have you seen on the coins for change front page it has three penguins in different tops? Well, I have a theory that you will get one top if you donate like 5,000 coins to one topic e.g Children who are sick. I can't wait 'til the party either!!
Happy Christmas(:

gemstone09 or u can call me mimo777 lover said...

glitch fixed all works with me know
please wish me luck in Western Supermayor to do the speedp?arena leauge in swimming xxxxxxxxxxx luv u thx

Sasybob said...

hey mimo, i don't find it something "disney would do" to name the christmas party, the holiday party, not everyone is christian, and if it was a party only for christians, the other religions would feel bad. I mean how would you feel if the holiday party was called "Hannukah"? :)

gemstone09 or u can call me mimo777 lover said...

yeh. too right sasybob. :)

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