Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, June 4, 2010

Club Penguin Lost 1 MILLION Penguins!

Yep, that's right. This year, since January Club Penguin lost about 1 million players. You can see on this graph, in January Club Penguin had about 3.2 million people sign on in that month.

Now in April, Club Penguin had about 2.2 million!



1. Do you think they are coming back in May and June?
2. Do you think Herbert's Revenge and the new Elite Penguin Force stuff will help?
3. WHY do you think so many people left?
4. What do you think Club Penguin should do?
4. Now what can WE do to help Club Penguin get them back?

Hmm, these are all good questions, mimo... ;-]


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


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Anonymous said...

Gary should build a machine that takes you back in time to old CP. It will be like a really big new members room :D

Chaos6267 said...

well, i basically quit cp because number one: they have been cancelling all the cool parties, number two: there is WAY WAY WAY too much members only stuff, and number three: TOOTSVILLE IS WAY BETTER! im sorry CP but u have had ur chance and u failed.

skyblast9 said...

that would be wierd

Anonymous said...

I think thats the problem children do not like that too many members room and most of penguins are non-mebers maybe that penguins are tires of being ignore I am a non-member but I like it but I think to solve this they should stop putting a lot of memebers room maybe some but not a lot bye bye mimo!

Dew said...


Sharklionjay said...

Ouch. Thats a hard hit to sales (1 Mil less players would make them take a huge blast in sales).

Maybe they should sell virtual items for real money. You'd get a "Memory Ticket" and you could use the teleport function, swipe the ticket, and suddenly, your allowed to travel back to when you first logged in minimum, and the last party maximum) and you could get all the free items you missed or relive the memories of camping out during the camp-out party. It'll bring in a lot of old members and calm down the Disney haters because they can go back to before Club Penguin was changed. I'd do lots of work for money to buy more tickets.

Gracie said...

I think that they should lower the member prices because there a lot of people who wanna be members but it's just too expensive. Also i think that the only reason why people are leaving is because it's not that dun when your not a member for most people.

Birdygurl said...

Man! This is insane! I quit CP until recently, when I read your blog, Mo, and saw stuff about the new EPF and missions and Herbert and everything. I'm WAY not surprised that all this is happening. Ever since January, CP has gradually been slipping down the tube. Only a handful of people really care anymore! I used to be obsessed -- and recently, I completely repented! Now even I go on seldomly.

Yes -- I think that many people, like me, will come on and see all the improvements, and maybe come on again. I think that CP's last hope is gradually gaining the ground they lost! Disney's only purpose is to gross money from us. But if we quit, how will they gross our money? They won't! So this must be fixed!


Anonymous said...

Kids dislike that Club Penguin is dropping "all of the cool stuff" on paid members, and all non-members can do is chat and play mini-games. Other games, such as Wiglington and Wenks, allow you to pick your clothes on account creation and is easy to understand. Half of the decline of players is teens getting "too old" to spend hours staring at their screen- it becomes so precious once you're addicted.

...Expecting agreements.

Anonymous said...

i started playing cp in 2005 and stopped mid 2009. i was member all the time. it used to be so awesome when it came out cuz it had so much cooler stuff. now it just has really stupid stuff and it just doesnt make sense. i think it all started getting bad when disney bought it..

Stickers303 said...



Phillies Kid said...

i know what they should do exuse the caps thought they should stop BANDING PEOPLE FOREVER!that happend to me twice i only got 1 penguin back thats why they are losing penguins they keep banding people forever! P.s i think that is soooo rude how the do that because u pay for memeber ship and thats how they reward u! jeez [P h I l L i E s K i D]

P.s.s stop telling me phillies keep losing i dont care!!! thats my penguins name plus im going to there game on the 9th!

Fredfan4ever said...

Well I think Cp anoyyed them with all the updates and ruining it. Maybe Cp should leave everyting be! I was at the Music Jam party, and I didnt know where the boombox was! If i contacted Cp, do you think they would give it too me ince I couldnt find it?

Stickers303 said...

Yeah I think they left becuase there is so much for members and most people can't afford it.


bluelaserbeam said...

Because they found a better game. I admit, clubpenguin is getting boring. When I was like 9 years old, I loved clubpenguin, but as I got older, I have been wanting violence and stuff and it started to get boring

bluelaserbeam said...

Maybe because they play ROBLOX now

Zeth said...

1 main reason. CP is run by Disney now. They go WAAAAAAY overboard with the Toys. They've released a game for Nintendo DS (which some people don't even have) to progress further on the online CP, too many member rooms, they cancel good parties, and it's just boring.

Scamper52596 said...

Wow, that stinks. Club Penguin is my favorite online video game ever and will always be. I think one of the only things they did wrong was cancel all the Christian partys. Hmm. Maybe Club Penguin should start selling waffles and pancakes to everyone! That would help! Lol.

Hi said...

Well we all know, to many member things! It's getting boring after a while... parties being changed... the HOLIDAY party... ITS CHRISTMAS! And some of our facorite parties are not here! So :( I play another game called Minimonos! (Mimo, you should try it! I am Hi on there! Hope I do meet you around!) YEah anyways Cp is getting worse and worse... :( -Leon7222

SharkboyY said...

Maybe beacause they thought Cp was boring or maybe they where banned!

Anonymous said...

Well I left because i am older now and gamefly was invented and xbox is better then computer in opinion oh and they really are cancelling all the good parties

Phillies kid said...

a way we should help well mimo should rite to clubpenguin and tell then you guys should stop banding FOREVER! exuse caps!
[P h I l L i E s K i D]

Unknown said...

oh and i hate to say this but they could of you know as well :(

Scamper52596 said...

Chaos6267 said...
well, i basically quit cp because number one: they have been cancelling all the cool parties, number two: there is WAY WAY WAY too much members only stuff, and number three: TOOTSVILLE IS WAY BETTER! im sorry CP but u have had ur chance and u failed.
I still like Club Penguin alot better. I love Tootsville but I think Club Penguin wins. There's one main reason and a few others but I won't get into those. The one main reason is that you can get banned easily on Tootsville for saying stuff. There filters pick up stuff that isn't even bad and ban you for fiteen minutes for it. I get banned for helping sometimes. I don't believe I have ever got banned once on Club Penguin. Waddle On!

~Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I think they quit because DISNEY decided to mess it up, introducing ninjas and stuff. That's when most CP video makers decided they would 1: Quit or 2: only make CPMVs. I came back because I wanted to try out the stuff i've been missing. CP needs less member stuff, too.

Slidoo said...

Wow... I haven't visited this site in a while, but I am assuming it is because...

Over 25% of Club Penguin's players were FAKE betas and were all BANNED FOREVER in April or May. This made THOUSANDS, maybe even MILLIONS of penguins quit forever, not even making new penguins and realizing what they did wrong.

All of Club Penguin's players keep getting older, and in fact they get too old to play Club Penguin. Then they quit, and no one NEW knows about the game so they don't have new players.

Trainers/3rd party programs, ESPECIALLY Penguin Storm sometimes have viruses causing computers to be damaged and it is often blamed on Club Penguin itself, therefore players are forced to quit sometimes by their parents.


♥ Anna~ said...

That's terrible!
I guess that if the member items will have to stay as it is, at least introduce more things for the non-members to unlock. This will provide more of a balance in the game, and penguins will get bored of the game less easily.

Anonymous said...

I think that they are now getting to see what they are doing. I hope they could realize that they are making a big mistake in making things Members only all the time. I understand once in a while but every party has a Members only room and that is not fair.

- Cp Agent 5

Anonymous said...

What I think is that people think disney ruined club penguin. Many people miss the old rooms and parties. Sure we miss them, but club penguin has made a milestone! Really just think about it! The colors, new effects, and a bunch of other stuff! We shouldn't hate Billybob! He started almost all of club penguin! My brother quit only because he wanted to save his money. Poor club penguin staff! They worked so hard! But don't forget 2.2 million is still alot!

ClubPenguinBuddies said...

Ive Played Cp for 4 years! Never Gets Old!

Anonymous said...

CP is getting boring, people are leaving because they hardly have parties, non-members have get the same old item every time and everyones getting sick of membership. CP should have a free membership day!

Nikisweety said...

The problem is, most penguins are non- members, they prolly get tired of not getting to do anything. Also, many parties are being canceled and all this stuff that was good, is being changed cuz of Disney! All we can do to help is ask club penguin to give non members more benefits you kno? Also, allowing old members who didn't renew their membership to still use their stuff. Sorry cp, you've changed. :(

Anonymous said...

I havent left yet, but lately i have concidered ditching cp, because they have turned all modern. I liked it when there were alot of cool iteams, not all these iteams of toaday! And they are cancelling the parties, and making everything where you have to buy a DS, or a membership, or a toy to have fun.

Anonymous said...

1. NO
2. Not really...
3. I don't care.
4. I don't care
5. I don't think we need to help, CP dosn't deserve the users!

Anonymous said...

i really think that its there catologs and all these new items they should at LEAST bring back some old items. Also they really do need to make non-member rooms too...

Anonymous said...

There are a few possibities here. The main is disney. Ever since they took over cp, it has been filled with babies, wanting adoption. Youve seen it before in the pet shop. Disney made cp so babyish and noobish that fewer people are playin it. their efforts to make more of their precouis money by putting member only stuff,toys, cancelling parties and making them babyish. Tearing down memories. All of their plans have severely backfired on them. i cant explain it all. If your smart, and you take a good look at whats been going on lately, and understand it, it is all linked to money. This is the (99% chance) that this caused it.You should agree with me. My cp name is sarge. RIP CP, good luck out there

Anonymous said...

one word. disney. i quit the day disney adopted cp. and so did thousands of others..

ketric said...

i left because there was too many member stuff and no new items and just got bord

Anonymous said...

ya two reasons why disney made it a lot less fun and penguins are bored of the memberthings theyd get more penguins if lets saay they made all memeber rooms open to everyone suddenly i know i would go back to cp

Anonymous said...

I think its because of all of the members only stuff, most of the penguins on CP are non-members, they need to appeal to all of the penguins. I am a non-member, and it's getting frustrated because i can't do as much as i could before. CP needs to change.

Anonymous said...

Duh! hallo anyone home? Has everyone forgotten how cp betrayed us! I mean cmon we can only meat RC or Sensei! The others? All backstage! And Shirts! CP neva gives out free shirts anymore! I only got a blue apron and ninja belts as body items! I mean do you a pair of EPF glasses a few pins or background is gonna pay all that off? And youre asking why?! I think we all know the answer here... right guys?
M-E-M-B-E-R-S!!! Bummer! I'd rather play bin weevils even though they don't have clothing items, it's fun! You can have pets, nest(home) that can be decorated, fun games, vids, contests and many more! So this is why cp is going down baby! They better be doin somethin about this!
They better read my comment!

P.S. Mimo, plz post this. This is a very important message to all penguins and CP! They should know their own mistakes!

Sincerely, Aaron 912.

Anonymous said...

there quitting because most people are growing to old for clubpenguin and new kids that are younger don't know about it. I also agree that there's way too much memember only parties

Nara said...

1. Nope.
2. Somewhat.
3. Too much member stuff. If non-members can get coins, give them more to buy other than two puffles.
4. Add more non-member stuff, make new parties and not recycle them.
5. Hmm... idk

Jediluke8 said...

I think they quit about all the stuff happening late,canceling some partys,and too much member stuff but people think about it! All the member stuff is because club penguin needs money! They bought it for like 750,000,000 dollars and they're not even close to getting that much back. If cp didn't have all the member stuff then we wouldn't have cp! Some of my best cp friends are not members and I'm a member. So what!

shiningstar101 said...

Mimo A CHEAT!(or atleast something important)

In the EFP headquarters on the right there is a sign that says report for duty on June 15

What does this mean?

Anonymous said...

Me and my best friend Ethan207(this is his penguin name) showed 6 kids in my Club Penguin. Now they LOVE IT! I think everyone should show kids in their class. Their friends. Everyone! Mimo you should do this to maybe.

Smiler100 said...

I get why people have quit CP:

1 = Too many members only rooms and games
2 = Other games like tootsville, chobots etc have become more popular and people are changing
4 = Used to be heaps of paties now there are hardly any...

I just quit Club penguin a while ago...

Anonymous said...

kids dont like being exluded from rooms and parties that what i think

Thundaklap said...

I think that Herbert's Revenge will make more people leave, not attract people.

skiwi2 said...

i am still on cp but i agree with Chaos6267 cp is loosing his coolness anyway it is still cool

Jojojo33342 said...

Make an advertisement!


Jojojo33342 said...

Maybe they went somewhere and forgot about Club Penguin. Like my friend. He hasn't played Club Penguin scice 2008(at least that's what I remember.
It's so weird.


Anonymous said...

Well I used to have 7 penguins, but only one was a member and i didn't use the others for a long time. Later I found out that they were deleted!

Anonymous said...

Its cuz everything is for members only

Anonymous said...

i think they should put down some non member rooms also no members in the non member rooms and being a member i think the non members should have their own catolage and cooler things also ps sorry for my bad grammer


Blummyblue said...

I dont like cp anymore, im one of the 1 million penguins who left because there is nothing exciting to do and everything became member only and my parents didnt let me get a membership. I also left because the non member party items are always head wear and hats. I have been a member for over 1000 days and i only have about 2 or three body items excluding the unlocked stuff. CP has gone downhill. Another thing was because it took 1 year and a half for a new mission which is stupid!!!!

Waddle on,

Anonymous said...

Mimo! I was at target and i saw a ONE YEAR membership card!. CP says there are only 1 month and 6month membership cards.

BTW, where did u get that information from? and the graph?

Anonymous said...

they probably found a better funner game where its not all about members and stuff .. and its equal

Piedude99 said...

Long story short, it's all the new members-only stuff. I'm sure almost all of the people who left were non-members. I doubt CP cares one bit about this.

Anonymous said...

Easy..people got bored of CP, the reasons you said them like 2 weeks ago, about the same stuff and only member rooms.

They can be creative but they are not putting that in action.

Anonymous said...

I think they should have a HUGE non members party! Haha just a thought. And some of it may be that 1. The childrens parents took away their computer for getting in trouble lol 2. Their computer had a virus from it. 3. Maybe they dont have time???

IDK! Well anyways hope they get their million back! Haha PEACE OUT -Rosy 88

Anonymous said...

cuz cp is for liitle kids

Hero Forever said...

Well a lot of people left including my closest friends on Club Penguin because Disney bought it and all the good things Club Penguin used to have are now gone. Its from fun to boring... I wouldnt be shocked if Club Penguin population dropped to 0.

-Hero Forever

Anonymous said...

Yea i dont really play anymore becuz they arent doing stuff for non members :(

Anonymous said...

I should have guessed! You know how we have all been talking about how cp is discluding non-members, and taking away our favorite parties and other things! well thats probably why so many people quit cp! 2 years ago almost all my friends playd cp, but now, im like the only one!!

Anonymous said...

well i think they got banned or they lefted me and friends fought of quitting cp but we didnt number 1 to much DRAMA number 2 is rockhopper hardly ever comes and number 3 well thats pretty much it u had u change cp and u blew it

Dingeljoe (CPG MOd) said...

Chaos6267 said...
well, i basically quit cp because number one: they have been cancelling all the cool parties, number two: there is WAY WAY WAY too much members only stuff, and number three: TOOTSVILLE IS WAY BETTER! im sorry CP but u have had ur chance and u failed.
```````````````````````````````````Hmmm, time to BUY a membership.

-DIngeljoe (CPG MOd)

5smartboy said...

Here are the answers to the questions:

Question One: Nope

Question 2: Kinda

Question 3: Here are the reasons. 1. They took away the cool parties. 2. To many member only items. 3. They took wayyy to long with the mission and when they announced "In a few more months" people probably got mad and quit.

Question 4: Make some awesome non-member item and an awesome party.

Question 5: Advertise on our blogs, tell our friends, etc.


Dingeljoe (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
I think thats the problem children do not like that too many members room and most of penguins are non-mebers maybe that penguins are tires of being ignore I am a non-member but I like it but I think to solve this they should stop putting a lot of memebers room maybe some but not a lot bye bye mimo!
I know how to solve this problem: Buy a membership!!

Anonymous said...

I think they should make it back to the old cp i dont like the new cp and the old one was better and disney runed CP!

iamapplepie said...

they are angry now cause to much mem stuff you cant even buy hair with out mems

Anonymous said...

CP is better than tootsville by milles, toots sucks! any way, i think its just because little kids are finding other games for younger kids like toots.

Anonymous said...

maybe they were all nonmembers that were board and wanted to be members
maybe THEY could make nonmembers MEMBERS!

SilverAtom said...

I left because they don't update things daily, it's all WEEKLY!! There is a new catalog on Friday, yay...wait for 7 days...another catalog....and this is all if your a member only. 0.0 And I am a member, and I was still annoyed. I am beginning to like it, because they are getting better interactive stuff.

Unknown said...

Ok. I still go on cp but only SOMETIMES!!! There's too much member stuff!!! ROCKHOPPER NEVERS COMES!!!! Gary is here once every three years...... and Candance comes only in August.... Also no St. Pat's Day, Christmas Party, Easter Party, And a HORRIBLE halloween. I miss the old cp!!! This new stuff is messed up!!!!

Good Old>>> Rocky16437

Anonymous said...

Too many members only stuff

slippeestars said...

Anonymous said...
Gary should build a machine that takes you back in time to old CP. It will be like a really big new members room :D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that would rock

slippeestars said...

skyblast9 said...
that would be wierd
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya wait what....

Anonymous said...

Probably all the penguins that left are mad about all the member stuff coming out. That's why i left.

slippeestars said...

Chaos6267 said...
well, i basically quit cp because number one: they have been cancelling all the cool parties, number two: there is WAY WAY WAY too much members only stuff, and number three: TOOTSVILLE IS WAY BETTER! im sorry CP but u have had ur chance and u failed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~om a membr but yes bring back the old stuf and treat nonmembers some good things

MasterM said...

YAY!! Thats what club penguin gets for banning me for no reason! They ban me for 72 hours!! Well yesterday. Anyway... they probably stop playing because school started back... Heres my theory:

You know how theres a Winter Break? Well that's when all the penguins come online to play. But when school comes back, penguins don't really have time to play because of the little time they have (ex. me)
But since schools out for most of us.. (ex. me) Kids might be coming back.. Lets wait and see!

- Olivia48yes >:D
Jealousy ain't a bad thing.

slippeestars said...

Anonymous said...
I think thats the problem children do not like that too many members room and most of penguins are non-mebers maybe that penguins are tires of being ignore I am a non-member but I like it but I think to solve this they should stop putting a lot of memebers room maybe some but not a lot bye bye mimo!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya im a member we pay to help cp and so we get specail stuf but give the nonmembers some stuf

MasterM said...

Anonymous said...
Gary should build a machine that takes you back in time to old CP. It will be like a really big new members room :D

☺☻☺☻Master M!☺☻☺☻☺☻☺

Good idea!! Just one thing thats wrong! We should make it everybody room! Not just members... Thats selfish of you!

- Olivia48yes (CPG MOD!) >:D

slippeestars said...

why would all the penguins stop in like 5 months

slippeestars said...

Dew said...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya wow

MasterM said...

Anonymous said...
I think thats the problem children do not like that too many members room and most of penguins are non-mebers maybe that penguins are tires of being ignore I am a non-member but I like it but I think to solve this they should stop putting a lot of memebers room maybe some but not a lot bye bye mimo!

☺☻☺☻Master M!☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻

I agree so much with you!! Many kids out there cry so much because they say "Waaa We want to go in there" and those are what the ones that don't know what membership is probably. Well anyway, I emailed club penguin about how they have too many member things and they said its a way of thanking the members of becoming members. Plus they make more things for members because they paid for it! They just don't like advertising is what they said.

- Olivia48yes (CPG MOD!) >:D

superbryan101 said...

Personally i hope club penguin crashes and burns to the ground.
No offense.

Nion said...

They lost there penguins because they turned away from Jesus. Im even wondering if I should quit CP. When i look at the yearbooks I always wish I knew of club penguin back then. I didn't join until February 2009.

MasterM said...

Ok Everyone that is reading thing comment "Listen Up!". Ok. Probably if we ALL email club penguin about stopping the membership it might work! So email them these words! (copy/paste) "Club penguin! Can you please take away membership? All the little kids out there don't know what members are, so they cry when they don't get things. Us penguins want no more membership! And yes I know many penguins are emailing you about this." So copy and paste that on a email message so we can all tell cp to stop membership! If that happens everyone will come back!!

- Olivia48yes >:D

funny_boy said...

Better stuff for non members to. This is why i dont go on cp anymore! >:(...Just like chobots they give stuff for non members so they arent NAKED free!! I have hertbert revenge thing but that isnt going to make me go back to cp i would of if it would let us transfer stuff likes cloths to cp! + Non members are beging ignored to much! Lets say who is a girl Non member: Me!!! Member: Me! The boy witch will be a member will take the member you no why? BECAUSE member is dressed cool and non memeber will only have a hat and all. And what i think is 1 million NON MEMBETS quit cp cause of all this unfair stuff that all members have! Oh and another thing non members have been so despret on youtube to find hacks to be a member THATS HOW MUCH THEY LOVE CP SO WHY DONT CP TREAT ALL PENGUINS THE SAME

Anonymous said...

maybe not enough parties?

Yinfin21 and D_Dude3 said...

oh no i wish i could help i dont want clubpenguin to shut down like their last website.

Me said...

If club penguin follows your advice they would be better
Members only stuff once in a blue moon
More parties
Zebras, armadillos and other random stuffs

Why not12345 said...

Ill tell you why, too much memberships things (though i am a member, I'm just putting myself in my friend's shoe) You have nothing to do with the money your earning. CP has been moving things way too fast and there are some permanent things are only for members. Think about it, they lost about 1 quarter of their players and about 1 quarter doesn't have their memberships. Did you see all those memberships? They are treating members like royalty and normal Penguins like Junk. It ain't cool!

Anonymous said...

Membership is the big problem but also they do alot of repeating every year its the same parties and same free stuff for non members...

second of people do grow up and move on :)

girlsgirle said...

i think maybe when disney took over CP things changed like they canceled out all the non members and the non members make cp so with no non members there would barely be any ppl on club penguin so cp lost so many ppls because the probably those were all non members see how many non members quit cp i think we should do something about it!!!!!!!!!!

berserkerike said...

i think that they got bored of beond the saem thing every year and they decided to play another game like one that i play its very fun, addictive, more than cp

Tycoon101 said...


I think the reason people are leaving Club Penguin (and such a big number at that) is because people are growing up, and truth be told, are getting bored. Some of the people who left probably have been with Club Penguin since the early years of it, and I think people have seen the same thing way too many times. Like me, I have not completely "left" Club Penguin, but I have other things that I do that seem more important. And honestly, I don't think its THAT big of a deal- there's still about 2.2 million, right?
As for coming back in May and June, I don't know why they would suddenly get the thought of going back onto Club Penguin- unless it's because of the sometimes way-too-boring days of summer, because I know that's what I do.
As for the whole Herbert deal, and EPF, I am stuck. I, for one, think that might be the reason of pushing people away. I mean, What happened to the original Club Penguin? I don't want to log on to Club Penguin, and have some of the stuff gone and replaced with "normal" stuff like the "Everyday Phoning Facility". I want to see the normal Sport Shop, as pointless as it is. I think people have forgotten how cool and amazing the original Club Penguin was, with a plain Dojo, and no "hair"- just hats.
I think Club Penguin doesn't need to get caught up in the loss of penguins over the months, because I again do not think it's that big of a deal. It's still 2.2 MILLION- think about how many people that is, out of the whole world population. That's a pretty good amount.
I just have one question that I have mentioned through out this comment- Why is this such a big deal to us, not the workers of Club Penguin???

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Gary should build a machine that takes you back in time to old CP. It will be like a really big new members room :D

Not a members room! A NON members room! I am a member, and I personally think we get way too much! There's no point of being a non member! That would be really fun!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

db said...

I have some reasons:
1.To much member stuff!
2.They're canceling alot of partys!
3.They just GAVE AWAY the secret-ness of epf.
4.Chobots is dominating!xD
So unless billybob fixes these,its probaly bye bye cp.:(

theman009 said...

skyblast9 said...
that would be wierd

Yes it would be. Completely.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

skyblast9 said...
that would be wierd

Yes it would be. Completely.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Chaos6267 said...
well, i basically quit cp because number one: they have been cancelling all the cool parties, number two: there is WAY WAY WAY too much members only stuff, and number three: TOOTSVILLE IS WAY BETTER! im sorry CP but u have had ur chance and u failed.

They should have the BETA party again! Lol, that was so fun.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Gary should build a machine that takes you back in time to old CP. It will be like a really big new members room :D
yeah he should but i dont like the member part of it

theman009 said...

Dew said...

Lol, I agree. Wow.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I think thats the problem children do not like that too many members room and most of penguins are non-mebers maybe that penguins are tires of being ignore I am a non-member but I like it but I think to solve this they should stop putting a lot of memebers room maybe some but not a lot bye bye mimo!

Looong run on sentence! That would be pretty good. Only a few members rooms.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

I think that clubpenguin is getting old, The clothes are never exciting like they used to be, or their way too big, but i'm just talking clothes; everyone on club penguin is mean, and i personally think its because their parents MADE them quit, maybe they were asking about things they shouldnt know yet? well, im talking too much about the bad things, i think if people want clubpenguin to get more people they should tell their friends, or disney should make more advertisments about clubpenguin.. I also think the way to get clubpenguin more people is to make new rooms.. possibly new islands! Maybe they should open up Rockhopper Island. Or maybe make a puffle island? random.. Anyway, clubpenguin overall is still a pretty good website if your 10 and up. If you have older siblings.. and- ok i won't go on.

i know that was Really LONG sorry. :) :)

chikorita78 said...

anoymous says
I think thats the problem children do not like that too many members room and most of penguins are non-mebers maybe that penguins are tires of being ignore I am a non-member but I like it but I think to solve this they should stop putting a lot of memebers room maybe some but not a lot bye bye mimo!
i agree all my penguins are non-members except a free one from youtue but i dont go on clubpenguin that much, too much member stuff or we could do a post where we all beg for clubpenguin to make a super non-member party with free items and free cool costumes with a non-members only room!!!
thanks mimo you rock :)

Anonymous said...

That's because alot of players are growing too old to play Club Penguin, and it's getting boring. So, they quit CP. Yes, I'm one of them too..

Yameimob said...

well... maybe cuz there is too much only members stuff and most of the penguins are non-members so they cant get cool items... Since they cant get any cool items, they think its boring when you cant get any cool things you want and probably they cant be members cuz most of the parents dont allow them to use money just on playing games and buying cool clothes... maybe CP now shouldnt make too much only members stuff...

Anonymous said...

i left cp for a while because i lost my membership but i had a look on mimo to find whats on and then i decided to come back i say they should give out free memberships every now and then.

1847e said...

They deserved it. They have too many members only stuff, and don't treat non-members right. They don't have any more original parties such as:
The Water Party and St. Patrick's Day. Club Penguin needs to realize this.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad to say, but I'm one of those people who stopped playing CP for a while. I'm back again now that the missions are starting back up and more parties and such. But I used to play everyday, now I only do it every Friday or Saturday. CP is getting a little boring and I've moved on to TinierMe. Sorry BillyBob :(

~HobblyWobbly "WOBBLE ON!" <(")

sai927 said...

i quit wen disney took over and as long as that stands then ill never come bak

Pokefire said...

Davybear said...
I have some reasons:
1.To much member stuff!
2.They're canceling alot of partys!
3.They just GAVE AWAY the secret-ness of epf.
4.Chobots is dominating!xD
So unless billybob fixes these,its probaly bye bye cp.:(
I agree entirely, when I logg on to see EPF EVERYWHERE I was thinking the same thing, why did they just give away that? and give away every thing.

~ Duckduk

otiekinz said...

What i think is that Club Penguin is making way more things for members only and not enough non member things. I understand that if a penguin buys a membership, they should get more than the non members but CP is making too many stuff for members only. Another reason is maybe people are just moving on. They dont have time to play anymore or just have better things to do then sit on the computer all day.


Anonymous said...

my penguin name is Ig88igloo. I am a member. But I am sick of going to members only areas. There is just like no members any more. All of my friends play Club Penguin but none of them are members! My bratty brother is whining about how much he wants the members stuff.

Max11 said...


smudgiepie said...

:D i know im not one of those milloin penguins who quit

theman009 said...

Birdygurl said...
Man! This is insane! I quit CP until recently, when I read your blog, Mo, and saw stuff about the new EPF and missions and Herbert and everything. I'm WAY not surprised that all this is happening. Ever since January, CP has gradually been slipping down the tube. Only a handful of people really care anymore! I used to be obsessed -- and recently, I completely repented! Now even I go on seldomly.

Yes -- I think that many people, like me, will come on and see all the improvements, and maybe come on again. I think that CP's last hope is gradually gaining the ground they lost! Disney's only purpose is to gross money from us. But if we quit, how will they gross our money? They won't! So this must be fixed!


Wow, touching speech. Now I'm gonna go do the Vulcan Sleep Pinch to my bro! I just found out how. LOL!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Sharklionjay said...
Ouch. Thats a hard hit to sales (1 Mil less players would make them take a huge blast in sales).

Maybe they should sell virtual items for real money. You'd get a "Memory Ticket" and you could use the teleport function, swipe the ticket, and suddenly, your allowed to travel back to when you first logged in minimum, and the last party maximum) and you could get all the free items you missed or relive the memories of camping out during the camp-out party. It'll bring in a lot of old members and calm down the Disney haters because they can go back to before Club Penguin was changed. I'd do lots of work for money to buy more tickets.

That would be really cool! Everyone would buy the Beta hat. ;)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Gracie said...
I think that they should lower the member prices because there a lot of people who wanna be members but it's just too expensive. Also i think that the only reason why people are leaving is because it's not that dun when your not a member for most people.

There isn't really a point of being a member... they should just make money by having ads and make the memberships cheap!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Blueguin8576 said...
Kids dislike that Club Penguin is dropping "all of the cool stuff" on paid members, and all non-members can do is chat and play mini-games. Other games, such as Wiglington and Wenks, allow you to pick your clothes on account creation and is easy to understand. Half of the decline of players is teens getting "too old" to spend hours staring at their screen- it becomes so precious once you're addicted.

...Expecting agreements.

Yes, I agree! You expected right!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
i started playing cp in 2005 and stopped mid 2009. i was member all the time. it used to be so awesome when it came out cuz it had so much cooler stuff. now it just has really stupid stuff and it just doesnt make sense. i think it all started getting bad when disney bought it..

It did start getting bad, but I think Disney has added a few good features! Of course, it couldn't have been started without our good ol' snail on a rocket!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Stickers303 said...


Yeah.... what you said... Lol.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Phillies Kid said...
i know what they should do exuse the caps thought they should stop BANDING PEOPLE FOREVER!that happend to me twice i only got 1 penguin back thats why they are losing penguins they keep banding people forever! P.s i think that is soooo rude how the do that because u pay for memeber ship and thats how they reward u! jeez [P h I l L i E s K i D]

P.s.s stop telling me phillies keep losing i dont care!!! thats my penguins name plus im going to there game on the 9th!

Yeah! I don't like how they ban people forever. Someone got a hold of my Beta (hacked it) account and got it banned forever...I would still have it if it weren't for that! I was just kidding about the games, lol. Where is the game?

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Well I think Cp anoyyed them with all the updates and ruining it. Maybe Cp should leave everyting be! I was at the Music Jam party, and I didnt know where the boombox was! If i contacted Cp, do you think they would give it too me ince I couldnt find it?

I don't think so... They probably wouldn't believe you...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Stickers303 said...
Yeah I think they left becuase there is so much for members and most people can't afford it.


Yeah, memberships cost a lot... That may be why everyone left!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Ayla said...

Well I myself have taken off my membership. The reason is because Club Penguin have lost its touch, its bang; its anything that made me get a membership. Club Penguin should have used its workers and players to its advantage, even if it did little things, like a poster or a scavenger hunt.

I think that something that would REALLY help is that you could interact with the furniture, like SITTING on chairs! Maybe actually be able to put the plant or item you just bought on the TABLE you bought. Not just giving you 2or 3 options.

It might not really help, but that really pissed me off, I don't know why, but it did.

So in conclusion there are many things that they could do; I personally would compare it to the saying "If a million monkeys were somewhere banging on a keyboard or a typewriter one monkey would eventually write the works of Shakespeare".

It may be cruel, but in some way or another it's true.

theman009 said...

awsome mike said...
Because they found a better game. I admit, clubpenguin is getting boring. When I was like 9 years old, I loved clubpenguin, but as I got older, I have been wanting violence and stuff and it started to get boring

Lol, Bobhead202 LIKE violence and stuff. XD

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

awsome mike said...
Maybe because they play ROBLOX now

Is Roblox really fun? I've seen ads for it everywhere...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Zeth said...
1 main reason. CP is run by Disney now. They go WAAAAAAY overboard with the Toys. They've released a game for Nintendo DS (which some people don't even have) to progress further on the online CP, too many member rooms, they cancel good parties, and it's just boring.

Yes, but Disney has done some good stuff for it! CP would have probably gone out of business a LONG time ago if it weren't for Disney! I can't believe they bought it for so much...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Scamper52596 said...
Wow, that stinks. Club Penguin is my favorite online video game ever and will always be. I think one of the only things they did wrong was cancel all the Christian partys. Hmm. Maybe Club Penguin should start selling waffles and pancakes to everyone! That would help! Lol.

I love CP too! Christian parties...? Don't you mean holiday parties? Waffles and pancakes? Best... idea... EVER.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

leon7222 said...
Well we all know, to many member things! It's getting boring after a while... parties being changed... the HOLIDAY party... ITS CHRISTMAS! And some of our facorite parties are not here! So :( I play another game called Minimonos! (Mimo, you should try it! I am Hi on there! Hope I do meet you around!) YEah anyways Cp is getting worse and worse... :( -Leon7222

Minimonos? Mimimimos! Lol, I tried a game called Club Zobbies! It's SO bad! Lol, it's hilarious.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Sharkboyyq said...
Maybe beacause they thought Cp was boring or maybe they where banned!

Probably because they were banned.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

wael said...

I think they should return the "old" CP 'cause it was a lot better!

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Well I left because i am older now and gamefly was invented and xbox is better then computer in opinion oh and they really are cancelling all the good parties

I like Xbox, but I am still a 100% computer addict! :1

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Phillies kid said...
a way we should help well mimo should rite to clubpenguin and tell then you guys should stop banding FOREVER! exuse caps!
[P h I l L i E s K i D]

Yeah! Just like in the please move this campaign!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I think they quit because DISNEY decided to mess it up, introducing ninjas and stuff. That's when most CP video makers decided they would 1: Quit or 2: only make CPMVs. I came back because I wanted to try out the stuff i've been missing. CP needs less member stuff, too.

Yes, too much member stuff!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

☺§lídôô☻ said...
Wow... I haven't visited this site in a while, but I am assuming it is because...

Over 25% of Club Penguin's players were FAKE betas and were all BANNED FOREVER in April or May. This made THOUSANDS, maybe even MILLIONS of penguins quit forever, not even making new penguins and realizing what they did wrong.

All of Club Penguin's players keep getting older, and in fact they get too old to play Club Penguin. Then they quit, and no one NEW knows about the game so they don't have new players.

Trainers/3rd party programs, ESPECIALLY Penguin Storm sometimes have viruses causing computers to be damaged and it is often blamed on Club Penguin itself, therefore players are forced to quit sometimes by their parents.


I think 3rd Party programs are the main problem... ESPECIALLY that Beta gear...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Ugh, I gotta go to sleep... I can't mod all these comments...

Anonymous said...

because too much stuff needs membership!

Anonymous said...

theres to many member stuff its kinda getting boring when all of the good stuff is for members

Anonymous said...

I haven't quit yet. CP still rocks but it wasn't as great as it was in the olden days. I agree with the first comment, Gary SHOULD make a machine like that, but then again... I don't even know what the point is now... French toast anyone?
P.S. Find me on CP as Gfhhf. Say mimo and I will add you! (I'm sorta famous)!

Anonymous said...

1.If Disney quits.
2.Nope. CP is doomed.
3.Disney is just an evil company that wants your money.
4.Buy CP from Disney.
5.Protest until Disney quits.

fox cheese said...

i rlly just think it is the age and if u played from 2007 to now u usually blame disney and i think cp might hve a problem soon they hve 2 many rooms even the box dimmesion is still open

Anonymous said...

There is way to much member only stuff. I'm on CP but it's always really annoying how I can't buy anything and a lot of the cool free items or party rooms are for members only. Maybe you should open more of these things up for the public. Also maybe some new games would be cool because there are only the same games which gets sort of boring.

Weird Owe said...

Why cant disney just sell CP back to New Horizon. They would actually listen to us and make CP the way it used to be. If I had a million dollars, I would buy club penguin from disney and then sell it to new horizon and then i would work there and help u all out! Cp is great and all but there is only a few things to do. all u do is chat and play games that get old so wuickly. but i honestly love CP.

clubpenguin and more said...

you know when herbet was playing cp in the trailer mabye,he might create millions of penguins and now one could go on it!

Justin McGowan said...

hey mimo777 i made a blog to help gain penguins can you look at my blog and give me some tips thx
ps i cant capture screens
pps bye

Caitiecat12 said...

I really think it's because Club Penguin's become way too commercial. They're mainly interested in the money now. Also, because they got rid of the Christmas, Easter Egg Hunt and St Patrick's Day party. I know a lot of penguins are really mad about this. The old Club Penguin was much better in so many ways. Now it's becoming less interesting, not so many fun things are happning, there are less things for non-members and less new free items. I'm really not surprised of the popularity decrease.

Thanks Mimo777 & CPG,

Humungadunga said...

January was when i think club penguin started getting terrible and made absolutely everything member only. Me and about 15 of my friends all quit in jan we now only check up on it every month or so. If CP want more players they should make less member only stuff more non member stuff . they had their chance to stay as the best online game and now they ruined it.

Love the site Mimo keep it up don't ruin it by making it cost money like CP did


Anonymous said...

What club penguin call improvements disney haters are callling downslides. I love club penguin coz im a member when my membership ran out i didnt go on it untill i got more membership .

Anonymous said...

newer club penguin = rubbish! Every thing such as the old PSA phone has gone. I miss old CP!! D:

Anonymous said...

Lots of people is quitting CP because of some of these reasons:
1. They're too old to go on a "babyish" site like CP now. (I know 'cause my friends used to be so interested in CP and now, years later they've all grown up and don't care about it)
2. Too much MEMBER STUFF!!!!!!!
I'm a member and it will expire very, very soon. And when it expires, I lose all the clothes and furniture I bought. They don't even let us buy anything for our penguins. Just a lousy belt and an occasional piece of clothing from parties! BUYING MEMBERSHIP ISN'T MUCH OF AN OPTION. Its a bit expensive for some people and their parents wont let them buy it. I live in a small country in Asia and no shops sell those Membership Cards. My cousin bought it for me in the US. It's not as easy as it looks for people like me.
3. 3 words. Disney bought it. Some people didn't like that and just quit and never came back. Plus, they "over-advertise" like when you go online, you see, "membership means more" signs. Selling stuff toys, books and DS Games. I think they're doing too much.
4. NO HOLIDAY PARTIES. No Easter, Water Party, etc... Just Earth day, Medieval Party and ton of stuff not many people think as "Traditional" on CP.
5. It gets boring already. It's like:
Waddle around, Say Hello to random penguins, Play minigames, feed your puffle, wait for something cool to happen. (Repeat every time you go online. Even for members) It's only cool if my friend comes online. He has these wacky ideas that make CP less boring. (I'm a girl, by the way)
6. CP should add more rooms. And making the Sport Shop an Everyday Phoning Facility is just corny.

These are some of the reasons I can think of. They are way more but it's all i can do for now. I think CP should improve, before it's too late. I'm thinking of quitting if it gets worse. They should add something cool, like all penguins can buy the clothes they want for one day- member or not- then they can get to keep it after, even if the membership expires.

Anonymous said...

It's because of the membership, clubpenguin is now focusing on getting more money, so non-members are getting teased by members thats why! Clubpenguin must lower the memberchip prices by atleast
50% - 60%. because look at the price for 1 year. totally not worth it!

Sercan 44444 said...

I love clubpenguin!The reason why they are leaving is :They are jealous to the cp members!
Some of them dont have Nintento DS(they might wait for a version for PC or PSP)
And cancelling the Christian Holidays Is Very good!Take ex. Muslims:They have lots of kid holidays but none of them is celebrated in CP!!!!(Muslims is one of the main religion on this world AND NO christians are not more than muslims!)

Anonymous said...

Wow, 1 million penguins! No surprise though... Since Disney bought CP more and more things are members only , our favorite parties are gone (e.g Easter, St. Patrick, etc), missions are delayed, Rockhopper doesn't come as often as he used to and no more NEW free items. For a non member penguin there aren't so many opportunities to have fun in CP. :(

Tadeo5 said...

Basically... Disney bought CP. i LOVE the toys, but they're to EXPENSIVE! Little Rockhopper Plush Toy (in english currency): £10.

I mean come on... ITS TO EXPENSIVE DISNEY! Members. No offense, but I really don't like them. Mainly, in parties everywhere was open to everyone. Not anymore... actually, it makes me sad. And mad.

I've also grown to love the Saint Patrick's Day Party, and all the other cancelled partys.

And getting rid of the HQ we (nearly) all love... bonkers. Simply Bonkers.

Uilleam Beag said...

This is just a suggestion but
1. Many of my friends quit CP because of all the old parties not coming back and they didn't like some of the new stuff cause its too new
2. Alot of people liked the old parties and old items and stuff
3. I don't think they should of removed the sport shop and the HQ
4. Too many member stuff, not really fair on non members.

~uilleam beag

surppou said...

Surppou here, this is going to be a long comment. I'm replying to the questions mimmo put. Anyone who agrees with me, please reply!

1.Answer:They could be, but I would say maximum of half a million people.
2.Definetely. That's got to be why they were created.
3. There are two options to why people left. First, you guys are right, too many members only rooms and too long a wait for a mission. Second, you guys are WRONG (Sorry!) us penguins are always booing and hissing club penguin because they've lost loads of penguins. But did you ever just think that they just... I dont know... grew up? There bodies are memories of their childhood. And now theyve moved on, leaving their penguins with us!
4. Stop the member rooms, 2-3 events every week. Come on club penguin! Your boring us with the wait!
5. Tell club penguin what we want (Number four)

Now then, after all that, who is with me?!! Are we going to make sure that club penguin destroy the nonsence they've done?!! Mabye even get rid of members, so that you dont have to pay to be able to buy stuff! If you are with me, reply to this comment! WADLE ON!

Anonymous said...

I am one of them who quited clubpenguin, and i know how billybob feels as if they took all the membership away they won't able to make money and if they don't get their money their payment for the website and all those stuffs to create clubpenguin will be hard to pay and Clubpenguin will be shut down for good....
We won't want that will we???
So i suggest that clubpenguin sells membership at a low cost or even sell to all the countries with the membership card...


Clubpenguin must improve like the island... Maby they should let us go to RockHopper's Island ^^

Anonymous said...

Idk, My old buddies from 2007 has never been on in clubpenguin, Also me, But only when partys or on, My friend just registered 2009 december, And has never been a member for a year now, So she quited,
Also my best 2 buddies, One, He wears same clothes, And follows and partys when i host some, Two, Hes my bestfriend, We hang out together
P.S Im not modding today


dhfd said...


lilhukz said...

Anoynmous said
Gary should build a machine that takes you back in time to old CP. It will be like a really big new members room :D
Wow cool Idea but think about it loads of members are going is it cuz they think clubpenguin aint fun anymore well I think clubpenguin rockz and it never gets old
Lilhukz(CPG MOD)

Dommiecp said...

Well yes is kinda obvious why so many left!

1. they have cancelled traditional partys

2. So many member stuff

3. So many technical faults

Spyro Cool said...

I quit in December '09 but I do log on sometimes just to check this outand so my account wont get delete my account (If you dont log on for 60 days I think your account gets deleted).

The reason I left is because before this school year (from September '08 to July '09) all of my classmates (including me) LOVED CP. But now, everyone has lost interest. I still had about 90% interest in it. That soon changed to about 15% but now because of the new mission and EPF, it has risen again to about 50%

Spyro Cool said...

I quit in December '09 but I do log on sometimes just to check this outand so my account wont get delete my account (If you dont log on for 60 days I think your account gets deleted).

The reason I left is because before this school year (from September '08 to July '09) all of my classmates (including me) LOVED CP. But now, everyone has lost interest. I still had about 90% interest in it. That soon changed to about 15% but now because of the new mission and EPF, it has risen again to about 50%

Unknown said...

i used to be a member and played club penguin a lot, but now i play it rarely and only come and play the new stuff. Youre lucky to be a member mimo.

flatmat said...

well my friend got to bored of members stuff and left now he plays roblox

Anonymous said...

1. No
2. The EPF yes but since they are asking you to BUY Herberts Revenge and you have to BUY a membership to have it take any effect on your penguin... no.
3. I DID leave but then I came back once they started this EPF thing, it's a lot funner now.
4. I understand CP need to make money. So I am happy with people paying to be members. I am NOT happy about how members treat non members. I was in the EPF the other day and some penguins were fighting over who should be boss. All the members were going 'It has to be a member to be boss because they're better' etc.
5. Club Penguin should make member exclusive things (I'm not currently a member) to keep Club Penguin going. They should watch member behavivior aswell. They should make some things for non-members to though because it is becoming a joke for them. Penguins were making fun of me because I couldn't get into the secret all-member only room. It's not fair.

Muttski said...

I think they lost player for a video someone made to make ppl leave CP untill OLD CP came back... and i think i might be with them for a while

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo
I just wanted to let you know that CP havn't yet changed to map so it has the Every Day Phoning Facility on it, there are still the rings from outside the sports shop.
Delphinediva xx

Vigster said...

Hey guys all we have to do is start a campaing to sue disney!
WHo is with me?


Edward Day said...

Ok, at first it was bad enough.
Paying to be a member.
Now even worse. Half stuff members should be able to do they now need either CPTCG(club penguin trading card Game, EPF ds game, toys plus membership.
If you get a membership you should be able to unlock a treasure book toy when you renew it.You should also get EPF advantages instead of buying the rubish game.
The first one was just sooooo easy.

You should be able to buy card jitsu cards with online coins.

All club penguin wants is MONEY!
( sorry about caps)

CP is well better than panfu,moshimonsters,webosaurs ect.

Emily said...

I'm a member on Club Penguin, however I haven't been on for a while (about two months or so). But to be honest, I guess I have grown out of it, I'm a little too old to be playing those sorts of games (I'm thirteen) and all my friends have left already. *sigh* Plus, I think the merge between servers has caused me to lose all the good friends I used to have on this game and makes it hard for me to find them, now that they're scattered all over the place...even though the merge was like, last year. The membership-only thing must suck for most of the users anyway. They might as well just make it a game where you have to pay to play.

Snake said...

All money making!!The parties and catologs are so boring now!!!Plus with all the new stuff for the nintendo children cant call epf puffles or play the epf missions!!lots of kids like me dont have a nintendo to do all that stuff!!I liked the old cp better!!!Before disney bought the club penguin site thing used to be a lot easier and more fun!!!

Snake said...

All money making!!The parties and catologs are so boring now!!!Plus with all the new stuff for the nintendo children cant call epf puffles or play the epf missions!!lots of kids like me dont have a nintendo to do all that stuff!!I liked the old cp better!!!Before disney bought the club penguin site thing used to be a lot easier and more fun!!!

b penguin387 said...

i have quite cp (only logging on once or twie a month),co is to expensive!everything fun is mem only.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't know about the rest of U but I don't play CP anymore! but i still like looking at Ur site Mimo!
i left because it's like LAME! now!!!!

racso jong said...

i think it's becuz cp canceld the holiday party's like christmas and cuz most of the stuff that are cool are for members only members get to mutch and non members dont get any thing expet now and then an old item that no one wants cp needs to focus on its non members and not so mutch on the paying side that whats realy happening they speninding to mutch time make member things like the card jujitsu fire it soud be for all to play that why they loosing people!

Unknown said...

there is WAY WAY WAY too much members only stuff

CP USER001 said...

i think that the problem is alot of stuff.....

1. Theyh have to much member only stuff so non members leave and find something like zwinky, tootsville, etc.

2. People want new items. I think it should be like if you werent there when the had the item oh well you missed out. sorry. because it makes people feel old and rare you know.

3. They are taking to much stuff away like the ice rink mission now its EPF i believe that will soon be for members only......



Chua Yi Ling Elynn said...

I think it was because they thought nothing much was happening to CP so it was boring. Well, maybe non-members penguins thought that there were too many members things and they were fed up so they refused to go in CP again.

loudboy321 said...

I may stop going on club penguin because disney completely ruined club penguin!

Whizzbobrox said...

Im a member and its DEFINETLY getting worse. All the amazing parties are being cut and replaced with 'Green party'. Soon we will have 'How to cross the road' party. We want fun!!!! And stop repeating the members items!!!

Spycomic29 said...

Anonymous said...
Duh! hallo anyone home? Has everyone forgotten how cp betrayed us! I mean cmon we can only meat RC or Sensei! The others? All backstage! And Shirts! CP neva gives out free shirts anymore! I only got a blue apron and ninja belts as body items! I mean do you a pair of EPF glasses a few pins or background is gonna pay all that off? And youre asking why?! I think we all know the answer here... right guys?
M-E-M-B-E-R-S!!! Bummer! I'd rather play bin weevils even though they don't have clothing items, it's fun! You can have pets, nest(home) that can be decorated, fun games, vids, contests and many more! So this is why cp is going down baby! They better be doin somethin about this!
They better read my comment!
Technically, CP has pets, igloos(homes) that you can indeed decorate, and fun games. Need I say more? They have videos, contests, and probably a lot more than some weird "Weevils" game. At least penguins have the chance to wear pants!

Wigwam said...

they coul have loads more parties :) also i think all the penguins went because they were probably non-members and non-members cant get that much stuf

Anonymous said...

They probubly all left because they got bored with club penguin. Thay'll probably be back for the parties. club penguin should make a new party or somthing come out soon and then all of the players will come back to have some fun or get the free stuff. I agree with Chaos6267 that there are too many members only stuff so non members can't do much on it.

YXin9852 said...

hey if u aren't billybob's son or at least a relative then how could you :
>go into a cool club penguin studio and get badges and use the cp. computer?
>be the 'first' to get the herbert's revenge?
>always be the first to report news?


A fan of yours

Spycomic29 said...

Club Penguin needs the money to make CP good, that's why you guys need to save up your money to buy a membership instead of whining about not having one! If wanting all the good stuff is important to you, buy a membership! Mow someone's lawn, pull weeds, heck, clean some toilets for your mom!

Anonymous said...

These are my reasons why I would stop playing (not that I will):

1. Too many member only stuff.
2. Less rockhopper visits.
3. They took long to release new missions this year.
4. Less parties and special events.

V!EW said...

simply because there are too many new virtual worlds with rocking stuff,they also have more stuff for non members which makes players prefer them.

Anonymous said...

Mimo I Dont Think Nothing Exept Water Ninjas Will Help They Have The Waterfall
Why Dont They Do It


mikey444 said...

sorry mimo i have to admit it i'm one of them and plus if i do go on it i check ur site before i go on for updates and i used to be addicted and i'm wasting my membership as well.

Limadude said...

Ok, so i think its lost people because of the EPF thing! People who have the old EPF game like it. Now the EPF is public There really isnt anything special aboout the EPF. Theyre is no opening closets and clueless people anymore.

Spike4421(CPG MOD) said...

I think that they where shot by a laser beam!XD Jk.Probably they quit becuase they either miss the old hq or its becoming a member kind of game!

~Spike4421~(CPG MOD)

Racket2000 said...

I fell horrible... I only modded like 5 times in May... Mimo... I will start modding again soon. I've been SUPER busy lately....


kkkk1112 said...

1847e said...
They deserved it. They have too many members only stuff, and don't treat non-members right. They don't have any more original parties such as:
The Water Party and St. Patrick's Day. Club Penguin needs to realize this.
i do agree. i have only ben on cp 600 days, but i know in old cp, non members could buy like everything, and it was totally different. there is also way to much member stuff. if u r a nonmember, the first day of every party is exciting because u want to see wat everything looks like, but then it gets boring because u cant look for famous penguins because they are in member only rooms. i also hate the new epf forse because if u just walk into the everyday phoning facilty, u can become an agent. now i feel it was a total waste of money to buy the 1st cp ds game because u cant do anything with it anymore. its all about herberts revenge!

sad and honest(i think)


ps i said i think because i wasnt sure if old cp was like that.
pss nothing
psss hehe hehe

~Old CPG Mod~ said...

I think it is for two reasons.

1)People quit because of AGE. The kids that got really into it and really liked it all realized they were getting to old and had to move on.

2) People quit because of membership. Kids posibly started realizing that paying 9 dollars a month (30 for 6 months) so your invisible penguin with invisible clothing can visit an invisible world and show off their invisible house and their invisible get the idea. Kids realized that it would be cheaper to just buy a video game instead of paying 30 dollars to get invisible tihngs. It's just not worth it. :/

I think clubpenguin would be smart to make EVERYONE members. Maybe to keep players on, if you log on for 31 days (not in a row but just 31 days so people would have to come back) you will become a member. Now that everyones a member, HOW WILL THEY MAKE PROFIT!? :0 Well if everyone was a member, then there would be alot more people playing Clubpenguin, and alot more money to spend on merchandise. Make the coin codes only able to unlcok exclusive items (maybe even rooms) and the DS games (the more expensive of the merchandise) can unlock a new room, 2 exclusive items, and a special EPF/HQ Igloo theme. THAT is how they could, and should fix clubpenguin. Everyones treated fairly, while clubpenguin is still making income on people wanting to stand out.

~Old CPG Mod~

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