Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, June 25, 2010

Raise A Ruckus and Break Something at the Club Penguin Adventure Party!

Screenhog wants us all not to miss...

Rockhopper's Rare Items catalog. Rockhopper's only here for a short time - so make sure to grab your free Squid Lid!

The great Ship Battle room - Members, don't forget to dress up (We've seen some interesting battles. Like the Pirates vs. Kings!)

Fireflies in the Forest - Can you get them to light up? (Hint: get more penguins in there!)

Snowball-eating plant in the Forest - talk

Scavenger Hunt - and the treasure you dig for!

The new entrance to the Hidden Lake - I hear this will be sticking around after the party.

Stand at the Iceberg and wait - you might see something unexpected...

I'm digging the great ship battle. What is your fav part of the Club Penguin Adventure Party?

I wish we could actually break something. Not in a bad way, I just like to raise a ruckus and break stuff. ;-) What would you want to break?

Sign up for ActionJetz! It's Brand New! Get a good username now!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

I think the Adventure party is awsome! U rock mimo!

Doodlebug277 said...

The adventure party IS awesome!! I'm guessing the thing at the iceberg is the squid going below...


Doodlebug277 said...

Anonymous said...
I think the Adventure party is awsome! U rock mimo!


Yes, Mimo does definatley rock!! I'm glad your enjoying the party ;)

Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny

Dill_2314 said...

if we could break something i would want to break a world record!

Anonymous said...

Ive seen the snowball eating plant at the treehouse, but why does it say:Snowball-eating plant in the forest -talk? I dont get why there is a talk at the end!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo! this is bluie again! after you pass the mullet, you go down and its like a bonus room! there is this crab that goes back and forth and tries to take the coins from this big pile! you can either grab the cons from him as he goes along, or grab directly from the pile! its so awesome! :D

~Bluie Penny

Anonymous said...

I wanna break 'a' cup in the coffee shop! The adventure party is awesome! And I know where the secret entrence is, Yay!
Bye Mimo and others!

Wigwam said...

i want to break the ice berg!! ッ

The Snowman said...

I wanna break all the windows in club penguin. Hehe that would be exciting

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
I think the Adventure party is awsome! U rock mimo!
Yea! He does rock. Glad your enjoying the party.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

He he. Everything... I wish I could break everything...

Jake said...

Doodlebug277 said...
The adventure party IS awesome!! I'm guessing the thing at the iceberg is the squid going below...

Yea! It is the squid, coming and going. I wish the squid would swim in place so I can get a good picture of it.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

pollydolly42 said...

i would want 2 break the iceberg

Jake said...

Wigwam said...
i want to break the ice berg!! ッ
Yea! Me too!

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
I think the Adventure party is awsome! U rock mimo!
The party is really awesome! I love feeding the plant. And Mimo does rock!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Doodlebug277 said...
The adventure party IS awesome!! I'm guessing the thing at the iceberg is the squid going below...

Im guessing the same thing. The squid might eat us all!!! NOO!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Wigwam said...
i want to break the ice berg!! ッ
lol, that would be cool. Not sure its it possible or not but never let that stop you! Keep trying!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Sara2573 said...

I wanna break plates and drop pizzas off the ice berg and throw cups at other penguins ha ha thats what i wanna do

Bolt said...

I want to break a coconut at the iceberg to drink mmmmm. Also I'm getting the game Herberts Revenge, WOOT!

Peace Out,
From: Bolt Fast

Doodlebug277 said...

Wigwam said...
i want to break the ice berg!! ッ


Same here!! I think Cp need to build something just so we can break it XD Hope you enjoy the party while it's on

-*-Doodlebug277(CPG Mod)-*-

Anonymous said...

LOL! Mimo I would definately love to break something on Club Penguin. I would love to break, actually I don't know what I want to break. But I know I would like to smash whatever I want to break with a rock.

i love nr said...

doodlebug said....
The adventure party IS awesome!! I'm

guessing the thing at the iceberg is the squid going below...

Doodlebug277 ___________________________________glad ur enjoying the party ;)
yup ur right!!
keep waddling on cp!
happy cp

Tycoon101 said...

and personally, its just fun breaking stuff in general :)


Tycoon101 said...

i want to break some cupcakes... :) and i second the snowman with breaking all the windows in club penguin!!!


Tycoon101 said...

Doodlebug277 said...

The adventure party IS awesome!! I'm guessing the thing at the iceberg is the squid going below...

ya it is. its not the awesomest thing ever, but its still pretty cool :)

Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo!!! i got a cheat for you!!

you know the tree in the mine shack, we it has grown bigger and taller!! write this done in our blog.

Baran 103

Unknown said...

Of course you would Mimo.....course u would.

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I think the Adventure party is awsome! U rock mimo!

Mimo does rock! I really love the adventure party! What do you like about it? The ships at the Snow Forts are fun. ;-)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Doodlebug277 said...
The adventure party IS awesome!! I'm guessing the thing at the iceberg is the squid going below...


That's it I'm pretty sure! What else passes by? Maybe.. a MONKEY! :D

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny

Whoa! That's amazing! I hope it works, I'm sure Mimo appreciates it! =D

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Dill_2314 said...
if we could break something i would want to break a world record!

I would want to break an ape! Apes copy monkeys! They deserve to be broken! Or I could get that puffle housebroken... (LOL)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Ive seen the snowball eating plant at the treehouse, but why does it say:Snowball-eating plant in the forest -talk? I dont get why there is a talk at the end!

Maybe man eating plants talk? It's probably just a joke, lol.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! this is bluie again! after you pass the mullet, you go down and its like a bonus room! there is this crab that goes back and forth and tries to take the coins from this big pile! you can either grab the cons from him as he goes along, or grab directly from the pile! its so awesome! :D

~Bluie Penny

Wow! You must be a master at this game! I can't wait to do that!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I wanna break 'a' cup in the coffee shop! The adventure party is awesome! And I know where the secret entrence is, Yay!
Bye Mimo and others!

'A' cup? I would break 'the' cups! LOL! All of them... I haven't found the new entrance yet, but I'll keep looking!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Wigwam said...
i want to break the ice berg!! ッ

LOL! I want to break the island! How do you do that awesome face?

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

The Snowman said...
I wanna break all the windows in club penguin. Hehe that would be exciting

Maybe G would create some crazy contraption to fix them... and we would have a party about it! BROKEN GLASS PARTY!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Fredfan4ever said...
He he. Everything... I wish I could break everything...

That would rock! Maybe we could break the island. Then the puffles would leave us to drown and fly to safety without us ever knowing they could fly! XD

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Sara2573 said...
I wanna break plates and drop pizzas off the ice berg and throw cups at other penguins ha ha thats what i wanna do

Haha, maybe we can get extra points in Aqua Grabber for them!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

pollydolly42 said...
i would want 2 break the iceberg

HA! We can't tip it, so we do the next best thing!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Bolt said...
I want to break a coconut at the iceberg to drink mmmmm. Also I'm getting the game Herberts Revenge, WOOT!

Peace Out,
From: Bolt Fast

Tasty... That's really cool! Didn't it come out in England today?

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
LOL! Mimo I would definately love to break something on Club Penguin. I would love to break, actually I don't know what I want to break. But I know I would like to smash whatever I want to break with a rock.

Maybe you could use the VR Room to simulate the HQ and break it. Herbert uses popcorn, you use ROCKS! ッ

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Tycoon101 said...
i want to break some cupcakes... :) and i second the snowman with breaking all the windows in club penguin!!!


That would be fun! I would break the cupcake with my mouth! ;-) Breaking windows would be fun. :)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo!!! i got a cheat for you!!

you know the tree in the mine shack, we it has grown bigger and taller!! write this done in our blog.

Baran 103

Mimo posted that already! They grow up so fast...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Tycoon101 said...
and personally, its just fun breaking stuff in general :)


Haha. True that.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

I want to break thhe iceberk!!!


reddyredcon said...

hey mimo it's red,lets all ask clubpenugin for a multiplayer gam where you try to tip the iceberg!

Limadude said...

Ok so this is about the epf. are we going to have any more herbert missions?

Sandyoo said...

Mimo The Community tree has grown bigger go outside the mine and look its huge as Bye, Sandyoo

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny
Good find. Thats a cool secret isn't it? Keep looking for others!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
Ive seen the snowball eating plant at the treehouse, but why does it say:Snowball-eating plant in the forest -talk? I dont get why there is a talk at the end!
I have no clue why it says talk. I'll have to keep thinking about that one.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Dill_2314 said...
if we could break something i would want to break a world record!
And not the ice burg? Wow. Breaking the ice burg would be like setting a world record. lol.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! this is bluie again! after you pass the mullet, you go down and its like a bonus room! there is this crab that goes back and forth and tries to take the coins from this big pile! you can either grab the cons from him as he goes along, or grab directly from the pile! its so awesome! :D

~Bluie Penny
Want to hear another secret? If you let the crab take all the gold coins the crab will give you a special prize. Give it a try!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
I wanna break 'a' cup in the coffee shop! The adventure party is awesome! And I know where the secret entrence is, Yay!
Bye Mimo and others!
Then I think you would have to pay for it. I wouldn't do it. And I know where it is too! Yay!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

The Snowman said...
I wanna break all the windows in club penguin. Hehe that would be exciting
lol, like I said to ZenhtA, you would probably have to pay for it. Wouldn't that be exciting too? lol. Don't worry. I'll chip in some.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

pollydolly42 said...
i would want 2 break the iceberg
Me too! That way I don't think we would have to pay for it and we would be making history!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Fredfan4ever said...
He he. Everything... I wish I could break everything...
Everything? You would have a BIG bill to pay! lol!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Sara2573 said...
I wanna break plates and drop pizzas off the ice berg and throw cups at other penguins ha ha thats what i wanna do
lol, I need to start writing down everything penguins are going to have to pay for then add it up.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Bolt said...
I want to break a coconut at the iceberg to drink mmmmm. Also I'm getting the game Herberts Revenge, WOOT!

Peace Out,
From: Bolt Fast
Yea, I don't think you would need to pay for a coconut. And im happy your getting the game. Have fun with it!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
LOL! Mimo I would definately love to break something on Club Penguin. I would love to break, actually I don't know what I want to break. But I know I would like to smash whatever I want to break with a rock.
Maybe you could smash a rock with another rock! Then smash that rock with another rock!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Tycoon101 said...
and personally, its just fun breaking stuff in general :)

As long as you don't have to pay money for whatever you break!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Pollydolly42 said...

thx for making my name a capital p on the mod list.:)

Scamper52596 said...

Tycoon101 said...
i want to break some cupcakes... :) and i second the snowman with breaking all the windows in club penguin!!!

Breaking cupcakes? How about we break cupcakes with out teeth? I think thats the best way to break cupcakes. And windows in Club Penguin? More bills...

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
I want to break thhe iceberk!!!

Me too! Lets make sure the Aqua Grabber doesn't go with it.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

reddyredcon said...
hey mimo it's red,lets all ask clubpenugin for a multiplayer gam where you try to tip the iceberg!
That would be cool. So how many coins do you think we would get for tipping one of Club Penguin's rooms?

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Pollydolly42 said...

Fredfan4ever said...
He he. Everything... I wish I could break everything...
Same here

Pollydolly42(CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Limadude said...
Ok so this is about the epf. are we going to have any more herbert missions?
Gary did mention Herbert in last weeks Field Op. Maybe we will soon. There could be like EPF's special missions and they could be like the PSA missions. That would be cool.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Sara2573 said...
I wanna break plates and drop pizzas off the ice berg and throw cups at other penguins ha ha thats what i wanna do
LOL! That would be funny, but I think a moderator would bann you.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Bolt said...
I want to break a coconut at the iceberg to drink mmmmm. Also I'm getting the game Herberts Revenge, WOOT!

Peace Out,
From: Bolt Fast
Cool! Let me tell you, you will LOVE Herberts revenge! If you upload coins, after you earn some free items in the missions, it uploads the items to your account! Even if your a non-memebr, you can still wear them!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Limadude said...
Ok so this is about the epf. are we going to have any more herbert missions?
You know I have been wondering about that. I thought in Mission 11 that we would finnally catch him, but we didn't and then we went to EPF... I wonder...
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Sandyoo said...
Mimo The Community tree has grown bigger go outside the mine and look its huge as Bye, Sandyoo
Hmmm... Bye must be pretty big. It's so touching how fast they grow up...
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny
WOW! Great find! Mimo has NEVER posted about that. Is that new? Great cheat!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Dill_2314 said...
if we could break something i would want to break a world record!
But what fun would that be?! You can't break that with a piece of rope, a computer desk, a hammer, and a pack of staples... Don't ask what I am using them for...
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)
{Watch out... I have rope.}

Jake said...

Pollydolly42 said...
thx for making my name a capital p on the mod list.:)
Oh! That makes it clear! I thought that was someone else.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
Ive seen the snowball eating plant at the treehouse, but why does it say:Snowball-eating plant in the forest -talk? I dont get why there is a talk at the end!
IDK!! Maybe if we talk enough, his ears will explode. Oh wait... plants don't have ears... or do they...?
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Rollover (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny
Well, well, well, Thank you for ur glitch Mimo777 will be glad! Let us know if u have more!
Keep Commenting!
-Rollover (CPG MOD)

Rollover (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! this is bluie again! after you pass the mullet, you go down and its like a bonus room! there is this crab that goes back and forth and tries to take the coins from this big pile! you can either grab the cons from him as he goes along, or grab directly from the pile! its so awesome! :D

~Bluie Penny
Wow... Bluie Im speechless THANK YOU! Yoou are a really helpful person! (not only u) Mimo will be astonished!
Keep Commenting
-Rollover (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Guyz the World cuop final is on my birthday! WOOOT!! July 11 2010! WOOT!

Doodlebug277 said...

Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
The Snowman said...
I wanna break all the windows in club penguin. Hehe that would be exciting

Maybe G would create some crazy contraption to fix them... and we would have a party about it! BROKEN GLASS PARTY!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

A broken glass party... Mind your feet!!

-*-Doodlebug277(CPG Mod)-*-

Anonymous said...

I'd like to break The Migrator so Rockhopper wouldn't be able to leave until I found him :D

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the party! And I wanna break a rock...

I know this dosn't have anything to do with it but... Can you put club penguin clothes on the new mannaquin? (the one in better igloos catalog)


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!

theman009 said...

blueebeel said...
Of course you would Mimo.....course u would.

Lol. Of course he would...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I want to break thhe iceberk!!!


I wanna break it too! 81 Also, not too many !!!, ok?

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

reddyredcon said...
hey mimo it's red,lets all ask clubpenugin for a multiplayer gam where you try to tip the iceberg!

:O That would be sooo fun! But I don't think they would listen....

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Limadude said...
Ok so this is about the epf. are we going to have any more herbert missions?

We might! We've already had a Field Ops about Herbert! But not any missions, I don't think...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Sandyoo said...
Mimo The Community tree has grown bigger go outside the mine and look its huge as Bye, Sandyoo

It's grown AGAIN?! Wow! I hope Mimo posts about it! Good job to you and the other person who noticed it...

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Pollydolly42 said...
thx for making my name a capital p on the mod list.:)

Lol. At first when I was a mod he said BObhead202, which is the mistake I ALWAYS make. ;-)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo! just wondering where is the battle ship room? Can someone please awnser back to my question?

Jake said...

Mimo, just so you know, I can't mod until July 7th. I know it's kinda late, but an emergencye popped up.

Dianac99 said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Mimo, just so you know, I can't mod until July 7th. I know it's kinda late, but an emergencye popped up.
Hope everything is okay and well. We will miss you!
-Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Guyz the World cuop final is on my birthday! WOOOT!! July 11 2010! WOOT!

Lucky! Maybe your favorite team will win for your Bday! ;-)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I'd like to break The Migrator so Rockhopper wouldn't be able to leave until I found him :D

LOL! THen we would have to fix his ship AGAIN... We could have a whole ocean of Cream Soda!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo!

Hey Anonymous! :D

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I'm loving the party! And I wanna break a rock...

I know this dosn't have anything to do with it but... Can you put club penguin clothes on the new mannaquin? (the one in better igloos catalog)


You probably can by pressing up and down while holding it. Those alter the item!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

I would want to break an ape! Apes copy monkeys! They deserve to be broken! Or I could get that puffle housebroken... (LOL)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
_____________________________________aw poor monkreys and apse
u are sick
u gonna eat them eww LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! just wondering where is the battle ship room? Can someone please awnser back to my question?

Sure thing! The Battle Ship room is by the beach! You go to that tiny boat, and you are in the Battle Ship room! Although if you are a non member, you can't get there! But you can still have some fun at the Snow Forts battleships!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Pengutibba said...

Anonymous said...
I wanna break 'a' cup in the coffee shop! The adventure party is awesome! And I know where the secret entrence is, Yay!
Bye Mimo and others!

'A' cup? I would break 'the' cups! LOL! All of them... I haven't found the new entrance yet, but I'll keep looking!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)


Ever watched Spongebob Squarepants? Well, the secret entrance is underneath something that a certain Starfish would sleep under. Hope this helps!

Pengutibba ((trying to be) CPG MOD)

Pengutibba said...

I'm loving the party! And I wanna break a rock...

I know this dosn't have anything to do with it but... Can you put club penguin clothes on the new mannaquin? (the one in better igloos catalog)



Well, Glamruby13, you can kind of put clothes on the mannequin. You just press the arrow keys on your keyboard and it wears some stylish (and strange) clothes, which if you have too, you could copy!

Pengutibba ((trying to be) CPG Mod)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! just wondering where is the battle ship room? Can someone please awnser back to my question?
Actually theres two ways to get to the Battle Ship Room. One is at the beach. When you get there head toward the little yellow boat with the arrow next to it. The other way is at the cove. Head toward the little red boat with the arrow next to it. Either way you will automatically be transported to the room.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! just wondering where is the battle ship room? Can someone please awnser back to my question?
you can enter it from the beach or cove. just click on the boat sitting in the water and u will go there, but u have to be a member to enter it


Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
I'm loving the party! And I wanna break a rock...

I know this dosn't have anything to do with it but... Can you put club penguin clothes on the new mannaquin? (the one in better igloos catalog)

You can dress it up in a few different outfits. The way to do it is first hold it with your mouse, then push the up and down arrow keys and see what different outfits you get.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
I'd like to break The Migrator so Rockhopper wouldn't be able to leave until I found him :D
Then we would all have to fix it again. Not to mention splinters.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

lilgurlfairy said...

the battle ship room is in da beach and u gtg on to the ship and same thing in da cove

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
Guyz the World cuop final is on my birthday! WOOOT!! July 11 2010! WOOT!
Cool. Happy Birthday! Your present is to watch the World Cub Final. And hopefully a cool soda drinking hat!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Rollover (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny
Well, well, well, Thank you for ur glitch Mimo777 will be glad! Let us know if u have more!
Keep Commenting!
-Rollover (CPG MOD)
It's not a glitch, it's a cheat. But still thanks and good find! Keep finding more cheats!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Anonymous said...
hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny
WOW! Great find! Mimo has NEVER posted about that. Is that new? Great cheat!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)
No, sadly it's not new. It's been out for a while. I think since 2008. But still finding that cool cheat is really awesome! Keep them cheats comin!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Lab Rat 1 said...

I will be a mod.

Jojojo33342 said...

Only three more days until my birthday! I can't wait.


Scamper52596 said...

Lab Rat 1 said...
I will be a mod.
Cool! You know how to become one right? If you don't you can always look on the right side of the page to where it says Be a Club Penguin Gang Moderator! Good luck!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Jojojo33342 said...
Only three more days until my birthday! I can't wait.

Cool! Clock is ticking! Have a Happy Birthday!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Cheiky said...

Doodlebug277 said...

The adventure party IS awesome!! I'm guessing the thing at the iceberg is the squid going below...

The squid lid from Rockhopper looks awfully more like an octopus. But yes, it means the squid below.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

Cheiky said...

reddyredcon said...

hey mimo it's red,lets all ask clubpenugin for a multiplayer gam where you try to tip the iceberg!
Sure! That would be fun! Tipping the iceberg is already considered a game by a lot of people, even though its impossible.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

Cheiky said...

Tycoon101 said...

i want to break some cupcakes... :) and i second the snowman with breaking all the windows in club penguin!!!

Snow penguin you mean, or snow polar bear or crab. Or snow puffle. There are no men, just genderless semi-aquatic birds. :)
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i wanna break everything including the disney sign on the top of club penguin website.... hehehe....

Limadude said...

Ok so u guys are right. i read all my replys. thanks fot the help. now i have another question. If herbert is on the loose will he discover the epf and destoy it? How will we do like BIG missions like backin the psa? (those were the days).

P.s. i know this is like misusing the comment board thingy subject wise. sorry mimo.

coolie887 said...

I love the adventure party!! U rock Mimo!

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
hey Mimo! i just found out something awesome! ^.^ in the aqua grabber game, at the last barrel of cream soda, kit the walls really hard. if you do, a worm comes out! grab the worm and use it to get more points by catching fish and the mullet!

~Bluie Penny
Sorry to tell you this but thats not really new.

Ethanator The Mod

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
Guyz the World cuop final is on my birthday! WOOOT!! July 11 2010! WOOT!
Hey thats pretty cool. Its actually the day AFTER my birthday. My B day is the 12th

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! just wondering where is the battle ship room? Can someone please awnser back to my question?
Its in the beach or the cove. YOu can get to it by clicking on the boat in the water.

Ethanator the mod

Breezydan99 said...

i dont know if you know this but there is a crows nest room on the migraror just click the arrow pointing up towards the sail(-: P.S. the (-: is a smily face when you turn your head right

Plumb Puddin said...

Hey Mimo777!

I really like your website! My name is Plumb Puddin and if you ever see me on Club Penguin please add me! I don't post any cheats because I don't know any, but I go onto your site whenever I go onto Club Penguin! (usually!)

pengawin said...

@ bluey penny, uuuhh... sorry, but that's an old cheats. then go where the mullet used to swim then go down the path and you'll see a pile of money. don't grab any of it. wait for the crab to take it all to his secret stash in his cave. then, very happily, for not taking is coins, he will hold in the open a jewel. grab it from his claw with your claw. as if to say goodbye, he happily crawls back into his underwater cave. congrats, you have found the secret treasure for soda seas!

Kuva 08 said...

Where is the snowball eating plant?

Anonymous said...

Mimo777 the best he is the FIRST OPTION ON GOOGLE OH MY DAYS! How did you do it Mimo? Hard work?! AHH! (not my thing) from sillyevie678. I GO ON HERE EVERYDAY AND ITS SOOO HELPFUL U ROK MIMO777

Anonymous said...

i hav a pic of the squid lol! From sillyevie678

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