Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mimo's World Famous Rockhopper Comment Tracker! LIVE!

FIND ROCKHOPPER with the World famous Mimo Tracker!

Have you found him yet? If not, we can help you!

Tracker now LIVE!

We still get a lot of great response to our Comment Tracker! Know why? Because it works! Here are the...

Helpful Hints:

1. When you see a post with the new Mimo Comment Tracker logo on it, start tracking!

2. BE HONEST! You have all been so honest and helpful. That's why CPG fans are the best! Keep it up!

3. List what server and room he is in.

4. Don't put lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Do not ask ppl to help you find Rockhopper. Everyone wants to find him. They should post here if they know where he is.

6. Do not post all the servers that do NOT have Rockhopper on them.

7. If the Mimo Comment Tracker has helped you, post a comment about it!

8. So, if you see a Rockhopper, post a comment here that says what server he is on. Let's not post comments here about any other subject! There will be other posts coming for that! Cool?

Let's go find him and post a comment hurry! ;-)

Happy Rockhopping!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


1 – 200 of 276   Newer›   Newest»
Giveback88 said...


Cipher said...

Rockhopper Arctic Cove

Natcat said...

He's in the forest at POLAR BEAR! HURRY

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper Yukon Cove

Jake said...

Wow! I just wanted to take a moment, and think of how far this blog has came! It went from small cheats in the games, to HUGE cheats in the actual world! His veiwers increased: BECAUSE HE TRIED! For all of you out there with blogs, and you want to be famous like him, keep trying! Mimo never gave up! Look where he is now! Over the top!

Jacob674 said...

Rockhopper fell asleep!

Rollover said...

Mimo this actually works! How can I ever thank you!

Kate Dobson said...

Where is rockhopper??

Anonymous said...

Yukon Forest

Gablu81 said...

I cant find him...:-'(

MimoFan#1 said...

Today is June 24, 2010 and Rockhopper is in.....

Server: Polar Bear
Room: Forest

Your welcome!
Mimo is the best!!

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper Slushie cove! Hurry!

~Joe Jonas~ (DJ3K) said...

i found him at the forest,cove and, his ship but he but i don't remember the server...

Anonymous said...

rockhopper= big surf cove!!!

Anonymous said...

As a long time follower of your Blog, Mimo, I can say honestly that these trackers are always great! They're the only trackers that ever work!

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper at the snow forts on Yukon!
There arent that many people yet!

Anonymous said...

Well, Rockhopper left in the time I left that comment. sorry.

Anonymous said...

and he left there now too.

Sam said...

rockhopper Avalanche forest cove iceberg

Prateek said...

Rockhopper at Yukon Cove

kkkk1112 said...

ice age plaza

Anonymous said...

Hes on mammoth on ship in chaptains quarters

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper in marshmallow now cove!
pls HURRY if u wanna get the background!

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper was on Ice Age but logged of a while ago. note that Ice Age is a server Rockhopper will go on.

Anonymous said...

Ice Age at Plaza.

Anonymous said...

He is on his ship in klondike

Anonymous said...

ok i am going to start clearing the servers hes not on so for now tundra is clear

Anonymous said...

Can someone please post a new tracker?


Anonymous said...

mittens is clear

Anonymous said...

Lets start a team of penguins and hunt for R h

Anonymous said...

Kronkle clear now

Anonymous said...

Twiggyfizzle said...
Lets start a team of penguins and hunt for R h
thats wat ive been doing
artic clear

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes

Anonymous said...

Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes
Dude, Rockhopper. Not bonus jokes.

Anonymous said...

ok then
ill join ya! mammoth clear suprisingly

Tycoon101 said...

look at this post again. and see the different rules mimo set out. read them again!

Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I can't find him. :( Someone please help.

Bannarocket2468k said...

I cant find him...:-'(

Don't worry he comes often to cp! And he is still here!!

Anonymous said...

How long does R.H stay on a server 4?
By the way cpg r the best

Anonymous said...

glacial is clear

Anonymous said...

I think (so this may not be true) that R.H will only go on small servers

Anonymous said...

At the moment MAMMOTH is full.
Is this a sign that R.H their
or is MAMMOTH just a populor server!!

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper at Snowball at his ship

kkkk1112 said...

Anonymous said...
At the moment MAMMOTH is full.
Is this a sign that R.H their
or is MAMMOTH just a populor server!!
mammoth is only popular when a famous penguin is online because most fAMOUS penguins go on that server


Anonymous said...

ohh thank u sooo much mimmo for publishing my coment
I feel like a celebrity

Anonymous said...

Hey guys.
Could u plz put down your country then ill know what time it is
Ive only just worked that out!!

kkkk1112 said...

Anonymous said...
I think (so this may not be true) that R.H will only go on small servers
rh tends to go on his signiture servers which are mammoth mittens sleet yeti or blizzard, but like all the other famous penguins, they go on less crowded ones at night. i met sensei at night when no one was in the hidout


kkkk1112 said...

Anonymous said...
How long does R.H stay on a server 4?
By the way cpg r the best
about 15 to 20 minutes, but on some he stays super long


Anonymous said...

im from the uk im the anomynous person and where i am the time is currently 18:52 but it says somthing like 10:42 so mamoth must be full cus r.h their

Anonymous said...

R.H IS ON MAMOTH. it has to be cus its ful not sure where though but theses r where he is motst likely to be
Beach ship

Anonymous said...

RH at

Cabin, Forest

Anonymous said...

c.p lets members have fist pic on what serveres they want to goon that meens that non members have practically no chanse on getting mamoth
sorry for bad spelling!

Anonymous said...

its dreadfull trying to get onto mammmoth!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

once i can (finaly) get onto mamoth ill tell u which room he is in
by the way i have been Anonymous for every (newish) comment from about quater 2 onwards

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who is ready to make the biggest group ever!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey check the first visible few coments they all say r.h was at the cove

Anonymous said...

cabins full i havent actually been on a server yet im kinda waiting 4 someone to tell me where he is then ill strike into action and get on (WITHOUT IT BEING FULL!!! AND THE ROOM MAY ALSO BE FULL 2)

Anonymous said...

mimmo you r a genious keep being brilliant

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

c.p lets members have fist pic on what serveres they want to goon that meens that non members have practically no chanse on getting mamoth
sorry for bad spelling!
Dont worry my non acount actually got on before my member acount carry on going never give up is the main thing!

Anonymous said...

forest ( probably full 2)

Anonymous said...

mimmo ru american or canadian cus ur time on this thig is differnt im from the uk so its evenish right now

Anonymous said...

Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes!!
thx -cdude41598

Dominic00 said...

mimo777 plz meet up on Parka at the forest plz plz plz

Anonymous said...

Dont worry my non acount actually got on before my member acount carry on going never give up is the main thing!
thats brilliant!!
??? though on the c.p website it said the complete oppiste

Anonymous said...

Hey mimmo maybe their should be an ice berg tipper tracker thingee
If it actually tips
ohh and if u ever see me im called -Mysti55

vanessalps said...

vanessalps(CPG MOD) cp fan rockhopper is a famous pirate who comes to the island with items from rockhopper island he also got us the red puffles

cpfan said...

Who is rockhopper

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

please (pretty plaease) excuse my spelling ive evern missed letters out( clearly without realising !!) cringe

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just wanted to take a moment, and think of how far this blog has came! It went from small cheats in the games, to HUGE cheats in the actual world! His veiwers increased: BECAUSE HE TRIED! For all of you out there with blogs, and you want to be famous like him, keep trying! Mimo never gave up! Look where he is now! Over the top!
this all very nice but lets stick to the main point of the mimmo tracker to find R.H LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...( thats me )
hey check the first visible few coments they all say r.h was at the cove
even though all my other stuff isent that usefull this is
so if u get onto a r.h server go to the cove first it may be the best ever decision ever!

Anonymous said...

cpfan said...
Who is rockhopper

June 24, 2010 11:18 AM


Anonymous said...

Twiggyfizzle said...

June 24, 2010 11:17 AM


Anonymous said...

Giveback88 said...

June 23, 2010 7:30 PM


Anonymous said...

scroll daown r.h been on mammoth loads of times
if u ever get a chanse to go on mammoth go go go and then go go ok that go go go thing is just annoying but anyway ... cove im sure u know what the dots stand 4
and remember go go go

Anonymous said...

5 HOURS 5 HOURS cmon that aint fair im gonna blow if i dont find rockhopper arent we all so lets try harder

From slip2fall2ah Currently annoyed

Anonymous said...

Hey there mimo i forgot how AWESOME you are sooo this means we have to thank you every five minutes Ok!

Jenna8899 said...

hey mimo, u know the free item in rockhoppers ship, thats the squid lid we voted for!

~Jenna8899 (CPG Mod in training)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twiggyfizzle said...

June 24, 2010 11:17 AM


June 24, 2010 11:24 AM
Dude can u make that more clear

Its not making sence

Anonymous said...


Jake said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes
Dude, Rockhopper. Not bonus jokes.
Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
How long does R.H stay on a server 4?
By the way cpg r the best
He stays normally on on server for about 15 minutes.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

mammoth still full???
anyway might be in blizzard gotta feeling it says only one line but some how its fulll weird

Anonymous said...

if u do get to meet r.h get the backround and go soo other ppl can meet him thx

Jake said...

Jenna8899 said...
hey mimo, u know the free item in rockhoppers ship, thats the squid lid we voted for!

~Jenna8899 (CPG Mod in training)
Yea! It is! Also, do not put CPG MOD next to your name when you aren't modding! Thanks.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Twiggyfizzle said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twiggyfizzle said...

June 24, 2010 11:17 AM


June 24, 2010 11:24 AM
Dude can u make that more clear

Its not making sence

June 24, 2010 11:36 AM
sorry dood
all i ment was
that u said u were going on to cabin
and i wasent sure if u actually got on and met r.h if u di i asked if u would say thanks

Anonymous said...

Thanks mimo

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah :| go team

Jake said...

Rollover said...
Mimo this actually works! How can I ever thank you!
Keep comeing back to his sie!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes
Dude, Rockhopper. Not bonus jokes.
Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!


Dude, He was trying to tell him how Mimo said don't post things NOT Rockhopper related!

-Happy Dog Pp (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

if u did get on
could u plz say somthing

Anonymous said...

im loging in to blizzard

Anonymous said...

Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes!!
thx -cdude41598
idident actually check that out
i just coppied it from.......cdude41598 i kinda made that oveious srry bad spelling

Anonymous said...

What was it an hour ago anyone said where rh is?

Jake said...

Kate Dobson said...
Where is rockhopper??
Look for the latest comment(The last cmment at the bottom) and see what server/room it say's he is in!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

ive checked every server AND I MISSED HIM GRRRRRRRRRRR i mean Go team again

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
scroll daown r.h been on mammoth loads of times
if u ever get a chanse to go on mammoth go go go and then go go ok that go go go thing is just annoying but anyway ... cove im sure u know what the dots stand 4
and remember go go go
Ok! I'll make sure to Go Go Go! I'm going going going right now now now!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Yea! It is! Also, do not put CPG MOD next to your name when you aren't modding! Thanks.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
if u do get to meet r.h get the backround and go soo other ppl can meet him thx
Great advice! But if someone says," IF YOU HAVE MET RH THEN LEAVE!" Do not leave. Chances are, that person has already met themm too!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hes on the Mirgator on the server Sled!!! hes only just arrived so he should be here for a while

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
cpfan said...
Who is rockhopper

June 24, 2010 11:18 AM

Aaaaaah! My ears! They are bleeding! Stop yelling! Thanks.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Jenna8899 said...
hey mimo, u know the free item in rockhoppers ship, thats the squid lid we voted for!

~Jenna8899 (CPG Mod in training)

Paddy76 said...

Hey guys Try Cabin Cove!

Anonymous said...

Im plucking up my courage lets get that pirate

Anonymous said...

Where are you rock hopper?
Mimmo can u help
we are desperate
(especially T.fIZZLE)

Anonymous said...


I am writing to invite you too meet
me at a server of your choice it
would be an honour to meet you and
Im a really good fan please reply

Twiggyfizzle Also slip2fall2ah on cp

Anonymous said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Anonymous said...
scroll daown r.h been on mammoth loads of times
if u ever get a chanse to go on mammoth go go go and then go go ok that go go go thing is just annoying but anyway ... cove im sure u know what the dots stand 4
and remember go go go
Ok! I'll make sure to Go Go Go! I'm going going going right now now now!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

June 24, 2010 11:45 AM

HA HA HA im glad someone gets it

by the way r u mimmo

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaah! My ears! They are bleeding! Stop yelling! Thanks.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

June 24, 2010 11:49 AM

ohh sorry

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hes on the Mirgator on the server Sled!!! hes only just arrived so he should be here for a while

hey im not trying to be mean but im their at this moment and their is no sign of rock hopper
realy sorry u were wrong

Anonymous said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Jenna8899 said...
hey mimo, u know the free item in rockhoppers ship, thats the squid lid we voted for!

~Jenna8899 (CPG Mod in training)

June 24, 2010 11:50 AM

im realy sorry if that was harsh
welll done 4 potting that !!:)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes
Dude, Rockhopper. Not bonus jokes.
Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!


Dude, He was trying to tell him how Mimo said don't post things NOT Rockhopper related!

-Happy Dog Pp (CPG MOD)

June 24, 2010 11:42 AM

By the way their r lots and i mean lots of ppl called Anonymous

Penguin4120 said...

Hello Mimo Its Me Penguin4120CP From Twitter And I Would Like To Kno If I Could Be A Mod At This AWESOME Site If I Can Please DM Me On Twitter

Anonymous said...

i cant find him its starting to make me mad
-cole 105

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
Fredfan4ever said...
Jenna8899 said...
hey mimo, u know the free item in rockhoppers ship, thats the squid lid we voted for!

~Jenna8899 (CPG Mod in training)
Aaaaaaaah! Please, stop yelling! My ears! They are bleeding!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

mine golf said...

rockhopper cove mammoth CP

mine golf

Why not12345 said...

I cant find him! Awww.... Man!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where Rockhopper is now? currently 4:28PM EST

kkkk1112 said...

not at ice age

MrRandomForever said...

Server: BERG!
Room: DOCK!

Anonymous said...

rockhoper husky forest

mine golf said...

rockhopper is fustrating to find!!!!!!!!!!

theman009 said...

Hmmm... I will mod on the commemnts that don't tell where Rockhopper is!

theman009 said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Wow! I just wanted to take a moment, and think of how far this blog has came! It went from small cheats in the games, to HUGE cheats in the actual world! His veiwers increased: BECAUSE HE TRIED! For all of you out there with blogs, and you want to be famous like him, keep trying! Mimo never gave up! Look where he is now! Over the top!

Yup, Mimo has come so far! Thanks for touching my heart... now stop! It hurts! 8P

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Kate Dobson said...
Where is rockhopper??

Just stay on the comment page! Don't worry, you'll find him! Please don't ask that, we all want to know!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Gablu81 said...
I cant find him...:-'(

Awww, just stay on this page! I hope you find him!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

SpongeClair said...

Hes still at the dock on Berg!!!! HURRY!!!

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
As a long time follower of your Blog, Mimo, I can say honestly that these trackers are always great! They're the only trackers that ever work!

All other trackers are GIFs! That means it's just an animated picture... The only working trackers are ones where people actually SAY where he is, like Mimo's!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Can someone please post a new tracker?


A new tracker? If you mean a new comment with his location, then sure! I'll find him! But no other trackers work except for CP Smash Buddies and a few others!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes

Whoa dude! Great job! That joke is pretty cheesy, lol! Have you found the cappin?

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Tycoon101 said...
look at this post again. and see the different rules mimo set out. read them again!

Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Some people have broken them, you're right... Also, please don't put (CPG mod) unless you're modding! Thanks Tycoon!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I can't find him. :( Someone please help.

We know you want to find him! Just keep checking if there are any new comments! 8D

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
I think (so this may not be true) that R.H will only go on small servers

You're probably right, the most populated server I have found him on had three bars!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
glacial is clear

Please don't say the servers he's not on! JUst tell us if you find him. ;-)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
ohh thank u sooo much mimmo for publishing my coment
I feel like a celebrity

Lol! Can I have your autograph?

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
At the moment MAMMOTH is full.
Is this a sign that R.H their
or is MAMMOTH just a populor server!!

Mammoth is a really populated server! A lot of the time it's full! Captain Rockhopper probably won't go there. :-)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
im from the uk im the anomynous person and where i am the time is currently 18:52 but it says somthing like 10:42 so mamoth must be full cus r.h their

That's just Mimo's time zone! Rockhopper probably wouldn't go on such a full server like Mammoth. ;v) (I like this face!)

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...
c.p lets members have fist pic on what serveres they want to goon that meens that non members have practically no chanse on getting mamoth
sorry for bad spelling!

That's right! But in this case you are lucky because Rockhopper doesn't go on big servers!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Twiggyfizzle said...
who is ready to make the biggest group ever!

Uhhh... ME! Totally dude! Let's go!

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

theman009 said...

Anonymous said...

Please no caps! He may not be on either, he hates big servers! Hope this helps you.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

heck yes!!!

theman009 said...

Dominic00 said...
mimo777 plz meet up on Parka at the forest plz plz plz

Sorry, he can't meet his fans... :( But you can become a See-P-Gee moderator by answering questions and putting (CPG mod)! Then once you're a Meemo mod he will add you! XD This is probably annoying yooooooou.

Waddle and roll!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Jake said...

Why not12345 said...
I cant find him! Awww.... Man!
Don't worry! You will find him, if you keep trying!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

i just randomly was in the pizza parlor and i saw rockhopper
and i thought some1 was faking but it was him
he told us a story and shared secrets
he is so funny and nice
i asked him do you like sports
he said yes snow fights!
and i talked to him about his beard he said he has it to keep his face warm

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
mammoth still full???
anyway might be in blizzard gotta feeling it says only one line but some how its fulll weird
Yea. It has been doing that a log lately! It's just a glitch, wich should pass eventually.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Jacob674 said...
Rockhopper fell asleep!

Ralph5 said...


Jake said...

Anonymous said...
At the moment MAMMOTH is full.
Is this a sign that R.H their
or is MAMMOTH just a populor server!!
It's just a popular server! But Rockhopper might be there!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
As a long time follower of your Blog, Mimo, I can say honestly that these trackers are always great! They're the only trackers that ever work!
Yea! This is the only tracker that works. It's impossible to track RH 24/7, so this will always be the only kind of tracker that works!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
Hmmm... I will mod on the commemnts that don't tell where Rockhopper is!
That's impossible! Almost all of them are for Rockhopper!

Jake said...

Tycoon101 said...
look at this post again. and see the different rules mimo set out. read them again!

Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
Cool! Also, please do not put (CPG MOD) next to your name when you aren't modding! Thanks.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

~Joe Jonas~ (DJ3K) said...
i found him at the forest,cove and, his ship but he but i don't remember the server...
If you click on the "?" on the toolbar, lowerright hand corner, it will tell you how old you are, what server you are in, and the option to turn the music off!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Sergio said...
Hello Mimo Its Me Penguin4120CP From Twitter And I Would Like To Kno If I Could Be A Mod At This AWESOME Site If I Can Please DM Me On Twitter
You can be a mod! Just answers people's comments, and with some time, if you mod a lot, you may become 1! Hope you become one and good luck!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

rockhopper is on server snowcap in the room forrest

Jake said...

Gablu81 said...
I cant find him...:-'(
Keep trying! You will eventually find him, if you keep trying!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!
Points to Mimo's rules on the Rockhopper tracker.
Also, that was not mean at all.

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
mimmo you r a genious keep being brilliant
You mean keep being 'Mimo' like.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
Does anyone know where Rockhopper is now? currently 4:28PM EST
No one really knows(Except the people who are looking at him) Keep searching!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
heck yes!!!
...? Heck yea!(I'm just following along here) Partay!!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
I think (so this may not be true) that R.H will only go on small servers
Rockhopper goes on all servers!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
rockhopper is on server snowcap in the room forrest
Do not post servers that he ISN'T IN!! Why did you do that anyway?

Jake said...

Twiggyfizzle said...

I am writing to invite you too meet
me at a server of your choice it
would be an honour to meet you and
Im a really good fan please reply

Twiggyfizzle Also slip2fall2ah on cp______________________________________
REALLY?! Your a fan of ME?! Well ok, Server: Mukluk, Room Iceberg. I'm going there right now!

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!
Points to Mimo's rules on the Rockhopper tracker.
Also, that was not mean at all.
Why thank you for making me feel GREAT! I feel great now.
P.S. Your being mean now

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
Fredfan4ever said...
Anonymous said...
scroll daown r.h been on mammoth loads of times
if u ever get a chanse to go on mammoth go go go and then go go ok that go go go thing is just annoying but anyway ... cove im sure u know what the dots stand 4
and remember go go go
Ok! I'll make sure to Go Go Go! I'm going going going right now now now!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

June 24, 2010 11:45 AM

HA HA HA im glad someone gets it

by the way r u mimmo
No I am not mimo, but thanks for making it seem like I'm awesome! (Mimo is awesome)
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Hmmm... I don't see anymore comments to be modded. What will I do?! I was on a roll!

pinky57530 said...

no one has said anything about where rh is ive never met rh :(

Jake said...

pinky57530 said...
no one has said anything about where rh is ive never met rh :(
Maybe he is offline!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

havnt seen rockhopper anywhere,but i have met him alot! BTW the community tree is huge!

Anonymous said...

hey everybody i have something to say. ROCKHOPPER IS NEVER OFFLINE! HE IS ALWAYS ONLINE!
So, complain all you want to me, I'm right. So you should never say he's offline.
PLEASE NOTE: Rockhopper is always online, WHEN HE VISITS CLUB PENGUIN.
-Ribsymc33107 (yep, that's my penguin name, pretty strange huh?)(It's pronounced Rib-see-mic-three-three-one-o-seven)

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper Cabin Cove

Jake said...

I have modded a TON today. I feel like I have acomplished something! I hope I become a mod one day. And also, what has happened to the 'Mimo Mod' rank? Have you taken it away, or is it a mistake?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why thank you for making me feel GREAT! I feel great now.
P.S. Your being mean now
Hey, you're the mod.
You should know these things.

P.S. Nope, not yet.
P.P.S. Redundancy doesn't pay.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen rockhopper???

Anonymous said...


brittzy said...

anyone seen him?

rachelwong said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Wow! I just wanted to take a moment, and think of how far this blog has came! It went from small cheats in the games, to HUGE cheats in the actual world! His veiwers increased: BECAUSE HE TRIED! For all of you out there with blogs, and you want to be famous like him, keep trying! Mimo never gave up! Look where he is now! Over the top!

June 23, 2010 8:51 PM

Wow Fredfan4ever, you're right, Mimo's blog is very popular! Thanks for all the encouragement!

-rachelwong (CPGMOD)

Tycoon101 said...

Fredfan4ever said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes
Dude, Rockhopper. Not bonus jokes.
Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!
ya he was- i have to agree. but i think the guy that you think is mean put his point out not that bad.

Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

Fredfan4ever said...

Anonymous said...
Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!
Points to Mimo's rules on the Rockhopper tracker.
Also, that was not mean at all.
Why thank you for making me feel GREAT! I feel great now.
P.S. Your being mean now
let it go. everyone cant please everyone.

tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

alaska, pizza shop now!!

Tycoon101 said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo in the newspaper on the joke page click on the word jokes for bonus jokes
Dude, Rockhopper. Not bonus jokes.
Dude! Why are you being so mean! He was just pointing something out!


Dude, He was trying to tell him how Mimo said don't post things NOT Rockhopper related!

-Happy Dog Pp (CPG MOD)
hear hear! since we all idolize mimo :) jk actually i dont really know. lets follow the rules peeps!

Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
hey everybody i have something to say. ROCKHOPPER IS NEVER OFFLINE! HE IS ALWAYS ONLINE!
So, complain all you want to me, I'm right. So you should never say he's offline.
PLEASE NOTE: Rockhopper is always online, WHEN HE VISITS CLUB PENGUIN.
-Ribsymc33107 (yep, that's my penguin name, pretty strange huh?)(It's pronounced Rib-see-mic-three-three-one-o-seven)
Yea he is offline at some point! He can't stay on all night, and he has to switch servers sometime.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Kate Dobson said...

Where is rockhopper

Zerg And Pro said...

You all who think Rockhopper stays on all the time, and some of you think that he doesn't. You're all right, but at the same time your wrong. See, Rockhopper can be on all the time, and sometimes he can't. See, Rockhopper is actually run by computers. This way he can be online all the time, and switch servers, according to a timer. This sounds impossible, but not really. And Rockhopper can also be run by the moderators. This is how they can't stay on all the time. I don't care if you people don't believe me, cause i asked Cp themselves.

-_-_- $$$$$ZERG AND PRO$$$$$ -_-_-

Anonymous said...

Fredfan4ever said...
Anonymous said...
hey everybody i have something to say. ROCKHOPPER IS NEVER OFFLINE! HE IS ALWAYS ONLINE!
So, complain all you want to me, I'm right. So you should never say he's offline.
PLEASE NOTE: Rockhopper is always online, WHEN HE VISITS CLUB PENGUIN.
-Ribsymc33107 (yep, that's my penguin name, pretty strange huh?)(It's pronounced Rib-see-mic-three-three-one-o-seven)
Yea he is offline at some point! He can't stay on all night, and he has to switch servers sometime.
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

June 24, 2010 8:54 PM


Actually, your wrong. Night time for us is day time in Australia, and I have seen some people from there. And, Club Penguin uses bots, so he can do stuff without anyone controlling him.


Blacky1009 said...

rockhopper beach Alpine!

Jake said...

brittzy said...
anyone seen him?
Keep searching!
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

phelip said...

avalanche now!! forest

SHWQ123 said...

IS the time they post Club Penguin Time or regular?

KateyPruter said...

SHWQ123 said...

IS the time they post Club Penguin Time or regular?

June 25, 2010 7:32 AM
It is the club penguin time, or PST, club penguin uses PST as what they call as penguin standard time, when in reality, it is pacific standard time. But yes, the time stamps on here is the Club Penguin Time
Waddle On!
June 25, 2010 8:10 AM

SHWQ123 said...

ok thanks OMGCP

Anonymous said...

hi i was annomynus yesterday
sorry about spelling
so where is he

oh hi mimmo777
u rock

Anonymous said...

So lets get this straight
R.H alwayse online
he in a server 4 about 15 - 20min

Anonymous said...

Yesterday the time on M.T tracker said quater two/past 11 ish and he was in Cabin and mammoth
may he be their again

Anonymous said...

IS the time they post Club Penguin Time or regular?

June 25, 2010 7:32 AM
It is the club penguin time, or PST, club penguin uses PST as what they call as penguin standard time, when in reality, it is pacific standard time. But yes, the time stamps on here is the Club Penguin Time
Waddle On!
June 25, 2010 8:10 AM

June 25, 2010 8:10 AM

Im not sure about this but i think mimmo is american so this is american time
because where i am (U.K London)
it is 16:49 going on 16:50

Anonymous said...

cabin cove

Anonymous said...

mammoth cabin arctic yeti polar bear

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