Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, June 20, 2010

GOOD NEWS! Club Penguin Grows!

Remember my post out Club Penguin being truly Amazing or an Epic Fail? I said that Club Penguin was the only one of Disney's games that make money?

Here is why:

I got a very cool email from Club Penguin:

Millions of kids and families in more than 190 countries around the world now play Club Penguin in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, and we recently set an all-time record for subscribing members.

In fact, from spring 2009 to spring 2010, unique visits to Club Penguin increased between 20 and 25 per cent, something we’re really excited about!

This is very cool because remember when I also posted about Club Penguin loosing 1 million penguins?

So even though Club Penguin, like most all other games in the universe, have had a weak first few months of 2010, it's good to know they are still growing!

Thanks Club Penguin, you still Rock. And you always will!

Check out Mimo's Skate Park!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


David Louch said...

No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.


David Louch said...

coolgem50 said...

No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.



Im going to have to mod myself. XD SOMEBODY COMMENT!!

-Coolgem50 (Modding myself so it doesnt count.)

Anonymous said...

coolgem50 said...
No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.
Wait, we can't comment or mods can't comment?

Limadude (cpg mod) said...

coolgem50 said...
No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.

here. ill ask a question so u can answer it! lol
well here it goes.
coolgem50! i still dont get why they lost so many members! Why did they?

Anonymous said...

Fast fact! Mimos cpg home page has Club Penguin typed 82 times. thats right! 82!

Scamper52596 said...

coolgem50 said...
No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.

I could always mod you and you could always mod me! lol.

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Zerg And Pro said...

Hmm, thats all really true. Nice post Mimo. But i don't care about non-member stuff as much, casue i am a member.

Anonymous said...

what this about? _cupcup11

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
Fast fact! Mimos cpg home page has Club Penguin typed 82 times. thats right! 82!
Really? Cool! Always learning from comments like you. Keep up the good work!

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

Scamper52596 said...

Anonymous said...
what this about? _cupcup11
A while ago Mimo made a post showing Club Penguin losing a million players. And he's now showing us how Club Penguin is still growing. Cool, huh?

Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

donna madonna 1234 said...

i dont get it mimo777, in the middle the players were up to 20 million players, but when at the last month of 2009, it went down to all the way to 16 million how could that be possible? If you said on the description that players came back to Club penguin, why did it go back all the way down to 16 million when it was already at 20 million? That graph is really confusing. Can you please try to ask that club penguin guy that sent you the email, " Hello, will you please look at this graph and tell me if anything is wrong with it. I dont want club penguin to lose players again. I Might even lose my friends on my buddy list. Thanks Mimo777! I Love Club Penguin. Waddle On!!!!! :)

Limadude said...

donna madonna 1234 said...
i dont get it mimo777, in the middle the players were up to 20 million players, but when at the last month of 2009, it went down to all the way to 16 million how could that be possible? If you said on the description that players came back to Club penguin, why did it go back all the way down to 16 million when it was already at 20 million? That graph is really confusing. Can you please try to ask that club penguin guy that sent you the email, " Hello, will you please look at this graph and tell me if anything is wrong with it. I dont want club penguin to lose players again. I Might even lose my friends on my buddy list. Thanks Mimo777! I Love Club Penguin. Waddle On!!!!! :)
waaaaaaa! Big numbers confweese me. make it stop!

Drosofilosof said...

That's nice! By the way, good news- Im gonna be a member in about a week!

---Woot!----This means I don't need my newspaper!----

The Snowman said...

I bet people were just taking a break.

~The Snowman~

Anonymous said...

yep still growing for that big ol' fall in the mud thats fast approaching

Me said...

Mimo Notice how Club penguin is played in more than 190 countries but there are only 195 countries in the world.

Nion said...

Where does mimo get those pics of how many penguins club penguin has?

redflameman said...

Triangle Jeff said...
Mimo Notice how Club penguin is played in more than 190 countries but there are only 195 countries in the world.
Wow then that is a big accomplishment for Club Penguin!

3z2z(cpg mod wanna be) said...

Why did CP lose 1,000,000 penguins again?

Ethan Carbonaro said...

coolgem50 said...
coolgem50 said...

No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.



Im going to have to mod myself. XD SOMEBODY COMMENT!!

-Coolgem50 (Modding myself so it doesnt count.)
Thats a first... I'm going to have to try that XD

Ethan Carbonaro said...

coolgem50 said...
No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.

I guess just wait for comments. On the plus side you were the first comment XD

Ethanator el Modo (I'm kinda on a Mexican kick right now)

Ethan Carbonaro said...

Limadude (cpg mod) said...
coolgem50 said...
No comments! Nobody to mod! what will i do mimo?!?! lol im trying to become a mod.

here. ill ask a question so u can answer it! lol
well here it goes.
coolgem50! i still dont get why they lost so many members! Why did they?
Well actually then gained a BUNCH of members check the post, I think above this one, it tells you some cool stuff.

Private1998 said...

Drosofilosof said....
That's nice! By the way, good news- Im gonna be a member in about a week!

---Woot!----This means I don't need my newspaper!----
Sweet! Even if your a member or not, Club Penguin has a lot of things that you can do!

-Private19989(CPG MOD)

soccerbro22 said...

Triangle Jeff said...
Mimo Notice how Club penguin is played in more than 190 countries but there are only 195 countries in the world.
Dear Triangle Jeff,
That's pretty awesome in my opinion! (:

*Soccebro22* (CPG MOD)

Jake said...

Anonymous said...
Fast fact! Mimos cpg home page has Club Penguin typed 82 times. thats right! 82!
Wow! You are a HUGE fan of CPG(Club Penguin Gang)Did you count it or something?
Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

Spike4421(CPG MOD) said...

YAY LOL!Good to see Cp is going higher again.

~Spike4421~(CPG MOD)

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