There is another 101 days of Club Pengun phun on Club Penguin 's blog. Here you can read all about it.
Click here to see all the 101 Days of Phun!
Here is a sketch of the mullet from their blog. Sorta. ;-)
They want to know what your fav Club Penguin activity is. My favorite Club Penguin activity is getting onto a busy server. LOL! What's yours?

We are supposed to fish for the big mullet today. I think I'll skip that and grow a mullet instead. lol. Anyone know what that is?
Does everyone like the 101 Days of Phun? Or is it lame? Thanks, Saavy.
A new episode of the ZoeZoe Show Show podcast will be out soon! It's called Roller Coaster! Check it.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»Okaay then...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
lol i know what a mullet is. its a type of hair HAIR LOL!
-Waddle Dee77
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
no its actually a pretty old item
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
my fave thing is going on a server that starts w/ an A. i NEVER go on a server that doesnt start with an A- unless they are all full, which doesnt happen that much.
:D Tycoon101 D:
cool I <3 mullets
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
It's the Candy Cane Scarf from the Treasure Book. You unlock the treasure book by buying a Club Penguin toy and typing the code that came on the coin into the unlock free items section in Club Penguin.
-Little Jedi(CPG Mod)Hope this helps!
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
Thats called a candy cane scarf. You get it by getting a Club Penguin Toy and it has a Code With It.
-Waddle Dee77
A mulets hair thats short in the front and long in the back. And i REALLY need help with the room can someone PLZ help me?
I know what a mullet is! I really think the 101 Days of phun is a 101 Days of FAIL. lol. Who agrees?
who how did you make it that cool color? On the site is just black and white!
Was it a doing of your hampster?
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
Nope, it's 1 of the items u can unlock with a code, lol, looks like I can't get it :-P
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Tycoon101 said...
my fave thing is going on a server that starts w/ an A. i NEVER go on a server that doesnt start with an A- unless they are all full, which doesnt happen that much.
:D Tycoon101 D:
wut about the mimo partys? ;)
Its a bit lameee
the 101 days thing is pretty lame.
a mullet is a hair style. you cut your hair short in the front and let it grow long in the back. watch mcgyver to get a view of one.
lol well done saavy u got credit!
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
Zxz192 said...
yeah it is out kinda. It is in the 2nd treasure book on the exclusives page so u need a coin code to get it
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
I think it's lame! I wanted free items and parties.
101 Days of Phun is waaaaay more lame than I expected.
how lame! >:(
Hey! I love ur site! :) Keep on bloggin'
Zoezoe showshow, za za za zoezoe show show, thats cool to listen to!
you're friend goofy73
i have two favs A. i go to a kingdom iggy or B. i go on server fjord!!
P.S. a mullet is a type of freaky hairdo!!!
it seems kind of lame. I thought it would be something like there would be something small, but no to do every day (Like a mini scavenger hunt, a puzzle, something like that) and for everything you did you would get a point, then once you got 10 points you'd get a special backgorund, 25 points a pin, 75 points an item, and 101 points (meaning you did the daily challenge every single day) would be like some sort of sweet hat that would probably be rare. Just my thought of what it should have been.
hiya penguin queen! you said
who how did you make it that cool color? On the site is just black and white!
Was it a doing of your hampster?
nope mimo just took the picture put it on a system like paint and inverted the colors.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
looks like on of those light up signs!
you're friend goofy73
goofy's random word of right now
comment: one of the most forgotten inventions =C AGLETS ROCK!
101 days of phun is lame. Im disappointed.
BTW great idea happywagon. I wish it was that way.
OMG TODAY I SAW THIS DUDE he had like a banjo or sonthin and i was like where did ytou get that and he said he made it what does that mean?????
Tuxetothe3 said...
OMG TODAY I SAW THIS DUDE he had like a banjo or sonthin and i was like where did ytou get that and he said he made it what does that mean?????
Zxz192 said...
Hmmm that sounds like the Lute that was in the medieval catalog in CP when the medieval party was on
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Happywagon said...
it seems kind of lame. I thought it would be something like there would be something small, but no to do every day (Like a mini scavenger hunt, a puzzle, something like that) and for everything you did you would get a point, then once you got 10 points you'd get a special backgorund, 25 points a pin, 75 points an item, and 101 points (meaning you did the daily challenge every single day) would be like some sort of sweet hat that would probably be rare. Just my thought of what it should have been.
Zxz192 said...
Lol sounds like Fall Fair. But yeah, i think it should be like that. If you manage to do the challenge, you should get a point and by the end you should be able to buy prizes and stuff
i have that scarf
i think its kinda lame. I mean, the challenges arent even FUN! like EVERYONE knows how to catch the mullet. ahd getting 10 people to drill in a line is easy to do. Its just kinda weak. Who agrees with me?
I was soo disappointed!I thought it was gonna be a mini party everyday and stuff like that.CP creators, dont be lazy!I also thought about something like happywagon said.*sighs* You cant always get what you want.I thouht u get a new item each day, like a background.Still lame.Its just like a list of stuff to do for homework.=( =P
-Snowflakeooo~Explorer(This job is especially typed next to my name for the party!)
PS i saw a hose at the dock in cp!This could be adventure party/water party!go to the dock in cp!
mimo im a black blt but it's like impoosible like yo so he always goes like half a milisecond after me but he always reads my mind so ya it's like impoossible like myself lol and mullet is dumb
P.S u should add me as a mod cause a couple weeks back i answered like 50 questions so ya P.S.S my penguin name is 1draker99 but i'm marked as anonymous and i put nothing at the bottom so ya
Zxz192 i agree
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white it out or something??
no its actually a pretty old item
Tycoon101(CPG MOD)
Dear Tycoon101 and Anonymous,
Its not an old item.It is from the series 2 Treasure Book.(You can get to this book by entering codes from cp toys,not books.)Hope to see more comments from both.
Urs Truly,
Snowflakeooo Ice Queen
Zxz192 said...
i think its kinda lame. I mean, the challenges arent even FUN! like EVERYONE knows how to catch the mullet. ahd getting 10 people to drill in a line is easy to do. Its just kinda weak. Who agrees with me?
I definitly agree wit u dude! :-)
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
do you know where thats from mimo
Tuxetothe3 said...
OMG TODAY I SAW THIS DUDE with a banjo or sonthin and i was like where did ytou get that and he said he made it what does that mean?????
Dear Tuxetothe3,
If ur talking about a dude in Club Penguin,I know where he got it.At the medievle party in the gift shop,on top of the style catalog,there was a scroll.In the scroll was that "banjo" and other Medievle accessories.
-Snowflakeooo Time Traveler
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
It isn't in the catalog, you need a coin code to get it, it is called the Candy Cane Scarf
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
:L Hmmm, i gotta admit.It IS lame!No offense.Its kinda mean saying its lame cuz the creators of that worked really hard on it.So i appreciate it.CPG rox!
-Snowflakeooo the Gentle
Tuxetothe3 said...
OMG TODAY I SAW THIS DUDE he had like a banjo or sonthin and i was like where did ytou get that and he said he made it what does that mean?????
Well, he may be an Banjo maker, or something like that.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
a mullet is a hair style. you cut your hair short in the front and let it grow long in the back. watch mcgyver to get a view of one.
It is also the huge fish in Club Penguin's Ice Fishing ggame.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
the penguin queen said...
who how did you make it that cool color? On the site is just black and white!
Was it a doing of your hampster?
Yeah, Carl has been up to lots of trouble lately.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
WHOA MIMO!Ur sister zoezoe sounds like a teenager!(Not an insult)I love her show!though she said "like" alot in the first show. The 101 days of fun isnt fun!Its just like a to do list for grocery shopping!I wish there was something* everyday.
*something-happywagon's idea about scavenger hunts and puzzles.
-Snowflakeooo Coin Collector
Happywagon ur idea is sooo cool!U should help create fun stuff for cp from now on.U too CPG.U guys should take over CP.Woot woot!
-Stitches5(Snowflakeooo's sis)
Does anyone know why mimo spells fun phun??Plzz answer!
-Fire Fox(Snowflakeooo's Big Bro)
Did anyone watch "UP"?Its so awesome.A LOT more compared to the 101 days of fun!The leader dogs voice is soo funny!In the beginning its squeaky,Then the collar gets fixed and the voice to so deep.At the end the collar breaks and hello suqeaky voice!Hahahahaha!SO funny.LOVE doug and kevin.Russel looks Asian.Coolio.
-Stitches5 (Im new here. can anyone help me around?I just found ur site.Pretty awesome compared to others!)
Hi...I really dont like the 101 days of phun, but its not a big deal.I HEART new CP figures!
hello!good to see a new post!Can anyone tell me why a comment was removed by the author?im new to this site.BTW,LOVE it!
i know wut a mullet is short hair in front and long girl like hair in the back i think u would look good with one mimo
hey mimo heres a question my cp account doesnt wanna open for days what should i do?!
how can i become a cpg mod?
Hi Mimo!Do all ur relatives play CP?Im learning more and more about ur site each nanosecond!
mimo mimo mimo i know exectly when the toys will be in aussie in 18 hours 42 minutes on there aussie website im going tomorow but there so far away im sick today but maybe i can beg them but if i dont get em then my mum wont take me tomorow
I agree with stitches5!the movie UP is of course better than the 101days of phun!Right now i am...watching Spongebob!remember the episode where they announced SBSP on TV for making krabby patty sculputures of mermaid man and barnacle boy,the announcer said SpringBoob SquirePin LOL!thats also way better than the 101days of fun!
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
Thatsa candy cane scarf, You get it by buying a Club Penguin Toy and it has a coin Code With It.
hope i helped!
-TheDudette93- (aspiring CPG mod)
it is sooooooooooo lame!
Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo!Do all ur relatives play CP?Im learning more and more about ur site each nanosecond!
Yep! Not all... but most, and Spinner12 is gonna be next! :-D
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
hey mimo,
a mullet is a hairstyle thats short at the front,long at the back!;) and i thought the 101 days of fun was lame because i didnt think it would be activities already available,i thought they'd make new stuff to do each day!
-TheDudette93- (aspiring CPG mod)
lina said...
how can i become a cpg mod?
All you have to do is help ppl by:
1. Answering Q's (questions)
2. Being Nice
3.Congratulating others
4. Put (CPG MOD) when you help someone
5. Have Fun
And I think I covered them all, if not go where all the Cpg Mod's Names are, and click the thing "How to Be a Cpg Mod"
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
the penguin queen said...
who how did you make it that cool color? On the site is just black and white!
Was it a doing of your hampster?
Who knows? Carl's been czausing so much trouble lately! Lol!
Or maybe Mimo accidentely dropped a donut on it and it turned that color... lol, jk!! :-P
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
hello!good to see a new post!Can anyone tell me why a comment was removed by the author?im new to this site.BTW,LOVE it!
Lol, that was me! :-P
I posted smt TWICE by mistake, so I deleted 1 post so there will only be 1, so it says "Comment Deleted My The Author", which is me, lol,
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Zxz192 said...
i think its kinda lame. I mean, the challenges arent even FUN! like EVERYONE knows how to catch the mullet. ahd getting 10 people to drill in a line is easy to do. Its just kinda weak. Who agrees with me?
i do lol i think its like wayyy lame lollll
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
heyy mimo!WHats "up"! get it?UP the movie is so cool!I wish CP has a Sky party!ANd everywhere is sky so u can walk on air!And on the dojo u can skydive!Skydiving can be the newest cp game!I WANT A NEW MISSION IN CP!
first, ewwww!! mullets are grose!
second i did all the 101 days of phun for this week YESTERDAY!
love forever,
I love ur site Mimo.My Lil sis,Snowflakeooo and Stitches5,love ur site!I started going to ur site in late 2007.(I was a nonmember bac then.)Thanks for all ur good work!Nice idea Happywagon!
-Fire Fox The Director(I hope Snowflake doesnt get mad at me for copying her "a new job for a new comment" thing)Uh oh!She just saw me type this!Aaah!Did i tell u she knows karate!Aaaah!Ouch that hurts!
a mullit is your hair looking like you are a busniese man in the front and a party man in the back.
Can Mimo make me a mod if i forgot to put CPG MOD next to my name?plz answer to help this kid be a MOD one day!
-Snowflakeooo Summer School Blues
lina said...
how can i become a cpg mod?
Zxz192 said...
Just answer questions. When you answer them put (CPG Mod) next to your name at the bottom. But ONLY when u answer questions. Also, be nice and be patient. Keep your answers short. Eventually your name will appear on the list!
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo!Do all ur relatives play CP?Im learning more and more about ur site each nanosecond!
Zxz192 said...
No not all of them. One of them quit. Theywere called Purplyn or something. But another member of the family may be joining the CPG...
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
lina said...
hey mimo heres a question my cp account doesnt wanna open for days what should i do?!
Zxz192 said...
Have you activated the account by clicking the link that CP send to your email? If your still stuck try emailing CP by clicking "Help" on their homepage
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Can anyone tell me who spinner12 is?
-Fire Fox(Stitches asked me)Oww.Snowflakeooo karate chopped me.Oww.Those bruises hurt so much.*Takes one step.Falls on face.*Owwwwwww.At least snowflakeooo got grounded. bwahahaha!
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know why mimo spells fun phun??Plzz answer!
-Fire Fox(Snowflakeooo's Big Bro)
Zxz192 said...
Yeah because he is a warped weirdo ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
the 101 days of fun is kinda lame. the mullet joke was phunnie! i think i'll grow one, too! LOL!
No, the scarf is actually a pretty old item.
Proneon0510 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo!Do all ur relatives play CP?Im learning more and more about ur site each nanosecond!
yup, they do. well, only his brothers and sisters play. They are part of CPG
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo!Do all ur relatives play CP?Im learning more and more about ur site each nanosecond!
yup, they do. well, only his brothers and sisters play. They are part of CPG
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
I was hoping the days of fun would be items or a new room or something. I think it's lame!!
I dont play CP sisses made me post comments.I gotta admit, ur site is pretty cool!So annoying!I mean the sisses.
-Fire Fox
Im too old to play cp.(Not old as in forty and eighty!as in older than kid,younger than 16.)
Hi MIMO!I love ur site!I like to eat cheese.LOL.Im stitches friend.Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese.
The Candy Cane scarf is from The Treasure Book. You can buy toys to access The Treasure book.
Proneon0510 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
That's an item that you can unlock with a penguin toy code. It's called the candy scarf. I have it :D
Sophi jr (CPG MOD)
I feel so sad that Purplyn quit!She made a bad choice.i would feel sad if i quit.
the penguin queen said...
who how did you make it that cool color? On the site is just black and white!
Was it a doing of your hampster?
Magic. No. Carl used some editing site or something :D
Sophi jr (CPG MOD)
Hey, anyone wanna try out my tap dance?
Okay here r the steps: flap(x6)shuffle leap(x4) Repeat. Hop flap (x4). Hop step spank onepained drawback. Step brush chug step. onepained drawback(x7)Shuffle leap (x4). Paddle (x10). toe toe heel heel. jump out, slide in.
That's just SOME of it
Ello!Eeet eez me, Doofensmirtz.Ok enough with zee other nemesis!I have a question!Is the candy cane scarf an old item,cuz proneon said it was an old item.But i think its new!
Proneon0510 said...
No, the scarf is actually a pretty old item.
Proneon0510(CPG Mod)
Dear Proneon0510,if u want to become a mod,you have to put the question ur answering too so ppl know what ur doing.And u dont put CPG Mod unless ur answring a question.Hope to see ur name on the Mod list soon!Waddle on!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo im a black blt but it's like impoosible like yo so he always goes like half a milisecond after me but he always reads my mind so ya it's like impoossible like myself lol and mullet is dumb
P.S u should add me as a mod cause a couple weeks back i answered like 50 questions so ya P.S.S my penguin name is 1draker99 but i'm marked as anonymous and i put nothing at the bottom so ya
Hey, sensei is a computer. lolz. to beat him, you just have to play him 5-15 times, and eventually he'll lose :D
If you want to be a CPG mod, you have to answer like 3,000 questions. jk. like maybe 150 questions at least. So a lot of work. Good luck!
Sophi jr
How many days is it until the new cp toys come out?Love the new toys!
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know why mimo spells fun phun??Plzz answer!
-Fire Fox(Snowflakeooo's Big Bro)
Because he's weird&cool that way. It's kinda phun to spell it like that :D
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo!Theres a new coloring page!Give credit to Snowflakeooo!
-Snowflakeooo Marine Biologist
Anonymous said...
the 101 days thing is pretty lame.
You can say that again!
Racet2000 (cpg mod in training)
lina said...
how can i become a cpg mod?
It's really fun and easy! Just follow these steps
1. Go to the comments and find a question
2. Copy that question
3. Paste it here ("Leave your comment" box)
4. Answer it. Don't forget to seperate the question from your answer.
5. Sign your name at the bottom with "(CPG MOD)" after your name.
6. Have fun!
Only put "(CPG MOD)" after your name when you are answering questions.
Work hard. Answer as many questions as possible.
Have fun.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Can Mimo make me a mod if i forgot to put CPG MOD next to my name?plz answer to help this kid be a MOD one day!
-Snowflakeooo Summer School Blues
Yeah, it's fine. Just don't forget again ;]
Sophi jr (CPG MOD)
Mr. Random said...
101 Days of Phun is waaaaay more lame than I expected.
Like totally... LOL (The original halloween. like totally)
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
How many days is it until the new cp toys come out?Love the new toys!
well, they're available at If you mean in stores, i dunno
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
How many days is it until the new cp toys come out?Love the new toys!
Dear ProPro,
We arent sure,cuz Club penguin didnt announce it yet,but we are sure they are coming soon becuz ToysRus accidentally posted them.Maybe in a few weeks for sure.
Hope this helped!
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
well, it's sota out.
its in the treasure book (which you need a toy code to get to,or you can look at it from the toys section on the homepage) you'll need a series 2 toy to get it. it'sin the exclusives part of it.
hope this helped!
slyer521 (CPG MOD in traning
Well,Sophie Jr,Its not at!srry.
mullets are those weird 'clean cut in the front, party in the back' haircuts
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know why mimo spells fun phun??Plzz answer!
-Fire Fox(Snowflakeooo's Big Bro)
Bcz he just likes to be warped weird, lol ;-)
Tipical Mimo, lol!
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
anonymous said:
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
Well, I never seen that before. The most similar one that I know was a green and red scarf.
Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know why mimo spells fun phun??Plzz answer!
-Fire Fox(Snowflakeooo's Big Bro)
He is weird that way... ... and nobody knows
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo im a black blt but it's like impoosible like yo so he always goes like half a milisecond after me but he always reads my mind so ya it's like impoossible like myself lol and mullet is dumb
P.S u should add me as a mod cause a couple weeks back i answered like 50 questions so ya
P.S.S my penguin name is 1draker99 but i'm marked as anonymous and i put nothing at the bottom so ya
well i think the mullet is kinda dumb too but its ok...and dont trouble ur slef when ur playing against the sinsi well choose any card he'll win but everytime u play against him he gets weaker and weaker till u win him it true i did that and i won him=) but insted i dont know i lost the black belt but i got the mask so whatever.....and u'll have to answer LOADS and LOADS of question dont try to hard when ur reading the coments and u see a question u know the answer so answer it.....this is my 1st to answer a questions so i got loads of question to answer to be on the list im not trying to hard so dont worry u'll make it on the list
i wish this helped=)
lina(CPG MOD)
Mystery100 said:
I know what a mullet is! I really think the 101 Days of phun is a 101 Days of FAIL. lol. Who agrees?
Well, I'm kinda half and half
Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)
hey mimo idk if u hear this to but when i play ice fishing i hear a weird noise. Post a comment if you hear it to!!!
lame and phun and a mullet is awesome hair mimo you would look good with one i think lol
Anonymous said...
Can Mimo make me a mod if i forgot to put CPG MOD next to my name?plz answer to help this kid be a MOD one day!
-Snowflakeooo Summer School Blues
mm, no bcuz Mimo doesn't know you want to so the (Cpg MOd) indacated that you want to be a Mod Some day.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
How many days is it until the new cp toys come out?Love the new toys!
No one knows, but Hopefully someone will release the date soon!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
anonymous said:
mimo im a black blt but it's like impoosible like yo so he always goes like half a milisecond after me but he always reads my mind so ya it's like impoossible like myself lol and mullet is dumb
P.S u should add me as a mod cause a couple weeks back i answered like 50 questions so ya P.S.S my penguin name is 1draker99 but i'm marked as anonymous and i put nothing at the bottom so ya
Well, you gotta keep on answering questions. I answered like lots of questions and I suddenly stopped and then when I started answering again, I see myself still at the 'mod' status instead of something like 'super mod'
Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)
P.S Sorry for the long answer
Whats up Mimo!Its Snowflakeooo!Im working really hard to become a MOD!Thanks for make!
lina said:
how can i become a cpg mod?
You have to answer questions like this and be nice and congratulate new mods. You could check out Mimo's post about being a mod!
Nigiri294 (CPG mod)
I wish i could be in the CPG.Too bad im not related to u Mimo!=CLOL nvm that!There are new coloring pages for CP!
anonymous said:
Can Mimo make me a mod if i forgot to put CPG MOD next to my name?plz answer to help this kid be a MOD one day!
-Snowflakeooo Summer School Blues
Unfortunately, no.
Nigiri294 (CPG mod) <-- Put this at the end of each answer of a question.
I love ur site!Too bad im gonna miss the adventure party and mimo party!Have a good time!
lol you can't grow a FISH mimo!!
Hey Mimo777, I want to be a "CPG Mod" but theres no question for me to answer, so how do I join?
Anonymous said...
How many days is it until the new cp toys come out?Love the new toys!
I'd say about 1-2 days, lol,
Rock on!! :-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Im so sad!Summer school is so hard!You have to name a fact of the day and no repeats! rather die!waaaaaaaaa.i hate summer school!=(
I totally have a crush on that guy named Jack Li that possted a comment!I love ur site!My favorite party in cp is the submarine party!It was a once in a life time party!
-Coocoo Suen
anonymous said...
lol i know what a mullet is. its a type of hair HAIR LOL
your right it is a type of hair, but they were talking about the type of fish called the Mullet
sweetie433 (CPG MOD)
Waaaa!I cant be a CPG mod becuz i forgot to put CPG mod next to myname when i was answering a that true?PLzz answer!nirgiri294 said i cant be one cuz of that!Is this True or Faulse?
lame 101 days of fun. :P
anonymous its from the toy catalog from the 2nd series which is probraly not out anymore hope it helped saavy
Yea i know what it is! If you watched Hannah Montana then you should know what it is!
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
Nope. Its a old item.
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
Toa Kratak said...
Hey Mimo777, I want to be a "CPG Mod" but theres no question for me to answer, so how do I join?
Lol, thers a lot of questions! Make sure to put (CPG MOD) next to your name only when you are answering a question. Hope you be a mod!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
well sorta out, lol. Its in the series 2 treasure book. Buy Club Penguin toys with a coin code and you can get it.
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
the penguin queen said...
who how did you make it that cool color? On the site is just black and white!
Was it a doing of your hampster?
Maybe! We never know that mischevious Carl...
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
oh and EA12345,
Sorry your membership expired. And nice puffles for a Non Member!
Toa Kratak said...
Hey Mimo777, I want to be a "CPG Mod" but theres no question for me to answer, so how do I join?
Just keep looking for comments. "just keep looking, just keep looking and Never give up!"
a mullet is business in the front and a party in the back lol
Anonymous said...
How many days is it until the new cp toys come out?Love the new toys!
I think about a week!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
you know the thing about the vacation of yours? I think you went to Stickers' house!... But probably not, because you probably would have told us. You probably didn't tell us because... well... you know... it's probly personal or something. I sure wouldn't tell half of Club Penguin everything i do. You're smart not to tell everybody every personal thing you do, or else your house would be being mobbed by... well... ME... and other super-fans of yours. Well, actually, i probably wouldn't MOB your house... i'd just leave you alone. I bet you put clothes on just like everybody else, right? No special processions... RIGHT???
My fav thing on CP is hanging out with my best friends on cp. Just chillin', havin' a party at my igloo. Me and two of my other friends is the best. Then it's more fun. In real life its more fun with one person, but in cp it's better with two.
Haha grow a mullet lol
IluvEdward4evr! said...
lame 101 days of fun. :P
Is it that bad? I havent been on yet
Ive seen a few mullets around my skool, the hairstyle not the fish
i know what a mullet is!
it is a hair do, your hair is short at the front but long at the back.
you rock mimo!!!
Spiguy23 said...
hey mimo idk if u hear this to but when i play ice fishing i hear a weird noise. Post a comment if you hear it to!!!
Hey that sounds weird I havent heard it before but I might listen closely next time
I think 101 days of fun consists of activities we really already all do, finding the pin that was already there for a few days and such. It would have been fine if there wasn't this hype of having something interesting to do, it made it a bit disappointing :x
Anonymous said...
lol you can't grow a FISH mimo!!
yes u can... with fish seeds sold at ur local store! ;)
wally3046 (CPG MOD)
101 days of fun isnt fun. 101 days of boreddomness, no offence ppl
i know what a mullet is. its a type of hair
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
its from the tresuare book
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Tuxetothe3 said...
OMG TODAY I SAW THIS DUDE he had like a banjo or sonthin and i was like where did ytou get that and he said he made it what does that mean?????
well he got it form the medieval party its a lute he just said he made it for some reason
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
lina said...
hey mimo heres a question my cp account doesnt wanna open for days what should i do?!
Sanjam saying...
Well! try clearing your cache and cookies...maybe u r banned and still facing some problem then go to cp homepage and go to help. Read the FAQs and send mail from your mail id describing your problem in detail. Hope you'll soon get on cp.
- Sanjam (CPG Mod.)
Hey a knew glitch related to The Play Costume Catalog on the stage.
1. Go to the stage.
2. Grab The Jewelled Viking helmet on Page 4.
3. Wear the viking helmet with no clothes and accessories and dance.
4. Music notes will appear showing that Helga is singing
-Sanjam Kaur.
Another glitch related to the June penguin style clothing catalog.
1. Go to the gift shop.
2. Open the Penguin style catalog.
3. Go to the 7th page and buy the Binoculars.
4. Wear the binocular and wave.
...Now see what happens! ;-)
-Sanjam Kaur.
Sanjam MAD fact is out- Here it is!
The world's tallest woman is Sandy Allen. She is 7 ft. 7 in.
Cool! pretty tall!
Sanjam MAD MAD fact will be out in 2 minutes! W8 till then!
Cya On the blog!
-Sanjam Kaur.
Sanjam MAD MAD fact is out- Here it is!
55 per cent of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn. Reading about yawning makes most people yawn. hello, zzzzz zzzz ?
Hey! get up...!
Cya On the blog!
-Sanjam Kaur.
I know what it is. It is the mullet and you used your laptop's moodpath to draw it! smarty me! ;)
Saavy, you got credit! Cool:-)
why did you change the mullet picture Mimo?
My favorite CP activity is to hold an igloo par-tay in my rockin' college with everything-lockers to toilets! It's so cool!And I'm going to a secret place on a secret date to accomplish a secret mission.:P
Rock On!
Penguin Rocker
Tboyman said...
Anonymous said...
Can Mimo make me a mod if i forgot to put CPG MOD next to my name?plz answer to help this kid be a MOD one day!
-Snowflakeooo Summer School Blues
mm, no bcuz Mimo doesn't know you want to so the (Cpg MOd) indacated that you want to be a Mod Some day.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Well that may not be possible. Mimo filters out all the like rude comments and only post the nice ones. So I guess he looks at the answers. Just put CPG MOD when you're answering a question, and don't put one when you're not!
Rock On!
Penguin Rocker(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Can anyone tell me who spinner12 is?
-Fire Fox(Stitches asked me)Oww.Snowflakeooo karate chopped me.Oww.Those bruises hurt so much.*Takes one step.Falls on face.*Owwwwwww.At least snowflakeooo got grounded. bwahahaha!
Zxz192 said...
Spinner12 is mimos cousin ana he may be joining the CPG
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Can Mimo make me a mod if i forgot to put CPG MOD next to my name?plz answer to help this kid be a MOD one day!
-Snowflakeooo Summer School Blues
Zxz192 said...
Probably not because he doesnt know if you want to be a mod if you forget to put (CPG Mod). Although if you just forget it once thats fine.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Toa Kratak said...
Hey Mimo777, I want to be a "CPG Mod" but theres no question for me to answer, so how do I join?
Zxz192 said...
There are a few questions in the comments on this post, so look around for them. It doesnt matter if somebody has already answered it. Even if they have, you can answer it too ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Snowflakeooo said...
Waaaa!I cant be a CPG mod becuz i forgot to put CPG mod next to myname when i was answering a that true?PLzz answer!nirgiri294 said i cant be one cuz of that!Is this True or Faulse?
Zxz192 said...
If you forget once thats ok, but if you keep forgetting then mimo may not know you want to become a mod
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Waaaa!I cant be a CPG mod becuz i forgot to put CPG mod next to myname when i was answering a that true?PLzz answer!nirgiri294 said i cant be one cuz of that!Is this True or Faulse?
Well, I think u can still be a CPG mod even if u dont put it after ur name. But it's best to put CPG Mod after ur name :]
Mystery100 said:
I know what a mullet is! I really think the 101 Days of phun is a 101 Days of FAIL. lol. Who agrees?
Well, I'm kinda half and half
Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)
Nigiri, dont put (CPG Mod) after your name if you are just telling ur opinion.
hello!good to see a new post!Can anyone tell me why a comment was removed by the author?im new to this site.BTW,LOVE it!
The comment was most probably removed because it had to many "!!!" marks, bad words or answers to the Mimo Party.
xxFalcoxx17 (CPG Mod)
oh ok thx guys !
It's lame. I think they need to do funny things like, if you are a guy, dress up as a girl all day, and vice versa. They could put invent a new game with your friends, or petend to go camping. I did like the Hiking Viking one. That was funny to see penguins walking around yelling HIKING! and VIKING! lol
Peace out!
P.S. A mullet is a hair style. Billy Ray Cyrus used to have one.
Happywagon said...
it seems kind of lame. I thought it would be something like there would be something small, but no to do every day (Like a mini scavenger hunt, a puzzle, something like that) and for everything you did you would get a point, then once you got 10 points you'd get a special backgorund, 25 points a pin, 75 points an item, and 101 points (meaning you did the daily challenge every single day) would be like some sort of sweet hat that would probably be rare. Just my thought of what it should have been.
That sounds like a great idea!
You should have sent it in to club penguin and maybe they could have done that!
Peace out!
P.S. A mullet is a hair style
yeah i don't like the 101 days of "fun". lol its kinda lame.
Snowflakeooo said...
Waaaa!I cant be a CPG mod becuz i forgot to put CPG mod next to myname when i was answering a that true?PLzz answer!nirgiri294 said i cant be one cuz of that!Is this True or Faulse?
Snowflaekeooo thats false. If you forget one time it doesnt matter.
racet2000 (CPG Mod)
wally3046 said...
A mulets hair thats short in the front and long in the back. And i REALLY need help with the room can someone PLZ help me?
I think I know the room but anyway... think where there are a lot of trees.
racet2000 (CPG Mod)
here's a mulet the hair is short in the front and long in the back
Snowflakeooo said...
Waaaa!I cant be a CPG mod becuz i forgot to put CPG mod next to myname when i was answering a that true?PLzz answer!nirgiri294 said i cant be one cuz of that!Is this True or Faulse?
Anyone can be a MOD. Just remember next time to put CPG MOD at the end of each answer to each question.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
101 days of FUN? i thought it was sooo lame. i expected something like.... like randomly going to the pizza parlor and a chefff asks you..... Hey! we dropped a pizza an a puffle took some peices! can you help us find the peices and put the pizza back together? Thanks! (then he slips on some hot sauce) lol but yea its not at all what i expected. :/
- Bluie
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something?? ===================================
Yes it is out, but only for the people with toy/coin codes. Those open the secret book, and they you can buy it. PS it has been around for about 5 months anyway, so it its a little "old' but its around...
Woah! Hey Mimo! On your Secret Site, we can see your chin! LOL! Be careful with those pictures or you'll reveal your whole face!
Happy wagon, i sooooo agree with you!
i so with that could happen...
Oh PLEASE dont get a mullet. Most of the girls (yes girls) in my school have em. I mean i no ur a boy but just dont evn go there. Lol!
Lolz! Mimo, how did you manage to get that picture of me?!?! JK I am enjoying the 101 Days of Fun so far, but I think that it is a little lame.
~Fishy Boy2~
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
You can get it by unlocking it with a series 2 item code, which you get from a Club Penguin toy.
~Fishy Boy2 CPG mod~
the 101 days of fun should be 10001 days of fun
Anonymous said...
i saw someone with a green red and white scarf. is it out or something??
Its actually an exclusive item you can only receive out of the treasure book when you buy a Cp toy. Hope that helps!
Toa Kratak said...
Hey Mimo777, I want to be a "CPG Mod" but theres no question for me to answer, so how do I join?
There are always questions to answer! You just have to put some weirdness into it and find them! Good Luck!=)
why do you always spell fun wrong? you spell it "Phun". Sorry i've just picked up on it
its fun not phun!
Snowflakeooo said...
Waaaa!I cant be a CPG mod cuz i forgot to put CPG mod next to myname when i was answering a question.
Yes it is necessary for you to put CPG Mod wid ur name while answering. and it does matters coz mimo make mods only to those who are interested in becoming a mod and you show your interest by having CPG Mod wid ur name while answering. BUT its just 1 question. You have to answer many questions to be a Mod. So, dont be sad! Cheer up! Next time remember.
Cya on this blog!
-Sanjam Kaur.
Toa Kratak said...
Hey Mimo777, I want to be a "CPG Mod" but theres no question for me to answer, so how do I join?
Sanjam saying...
There are many questions, Just look carefully. Like, Your comment is also a question! And if someone answer a question before you also answer it in a better form! Hope you'll be a mod one day!
Cya on this blog
-Sanjam Kaur.
some things are fun some isnt
anonymous said:
mimo im a black blt but it's like impoosible like yo so he always goes like half a milisecond after me but he always reads my mind so ya it's like impoossible like myself lol and mullet is dumb
P.S u should add me as a mod cause a couple weeks back i answered like 50 questions so ya P.S.S my penguin name is 1draker99 but i'm marked as anonymous and i put nothing at the bottom so ya
Well, you gotta keep on answering questions. I answered like lots of questions and I suddenly stopped and then when I started answering again, I see myself still at the 'mod' status instead of something like 'super mod'
Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)
-----------------------------------Hey nirigiri, He is talking about Card jitsu not mods.
And for u anonymous just keep trying. Sensie reads your mind but you play with cleverness and one day you'll beat sensei! I am a ninja believe me!
Cya on this blog!
-Sanjam Kaur.
A mullet's a hairstyle that's real long at the back lol looks wierd search for billy ray cirus on google images for a HUGE mullet!
mimo im a black blt but it's like impoosible like yo so he always goes like half a milisecond after me but he always reads my mind so ya it's like impoossible like myself lol and mullet is dumb
P.S u should add me as a mod cause a couple weeks back i answered like 50 questions so ya P.S.S my penguin name is 1draker99 but i'm marked as anonymous and i put nothing at the bottom so ya
Try fighting him about 5 or 6 times, then fight him again and see what happens :)
Hope this helps,
Why do you keep on spelling "fun" wrong?
i wonder if anyone is actually ding the 101 day thing.
THATS SO COOL MIMO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Lol mimo did u use your laptop's mood path to draw the mullet?
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