Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, June 12, 2009

Club Penguin Umbrella Pin Wins & Other Stuff!

Remember how we told you on the Club Penguin blog you can vote for your favorite pin? The Umbrella pin won! Woot!

Also, I have taken a look at the items in the Mine. I am doing a top secret investigation about the meaning of these things. I am not sure they have anything to do with the "new mission" or not. I will reveal my findings later... ;-)

Carl's one year free membership give away on my secret site is coming to a close. Did you find all the clues? Carl will reveal the 50 finalists soon!

Also did you hear iTunes posted our very own ZoeZoe ShowShow podcast as one of their "New and Notable" podcasts?! SWEET!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...


Rock on,

Anonymous said...

sweet, i picked the umbrella pin.


alextan123 said...

mimo i've been digging around for clues and i have a idea maybe there is a new game! i see the puffle stones and all those stuff with a tag on it so it might be a game where you dig up furniture or pins

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

lol i was just gonna tall u that there was gonna be a new post but u beat me LOL! better luk next time 4 me lol :)


flab147 said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

lol i was just gonna tall u that there was gonna be a new post but u beat me LOL! better luk next time 4 me lol :)

better luck saavy lol but ur gettin loads of credit


Gamer12356 said...

lol apparantly, i kinda was fond of the that pin, weird lol but hey they say the weirder it is da better lol also, thats not just sweet its thweet, lol

Later CPG!

Club Penguin said...

Sweet, I hope I win carl!

Happywagon said...

Awww. I wanted the bucket to win :(

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

alextan123 said...
mimo i've been digging around for clues and i have a idea maybe there is a new game! i see the puffle stones and all those stuff with a tag on it so it might be a game where you dig up furniture or pins
maybe. i doubt it cuz thts just like treasure hunt that rockhopper bings.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Mimo I got an idea... sorta. Lol, but I was investigating too! Look at the bottom of the screen in the mine. Its a fossil of Fluffy, the fish! And it looks like somebody trying to recover fluffy. Hmmm. idk what that means. Maybe yous can figure it out. ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

umm, Mimo? I think that that stuff is for the party.


Hi said...

Mimo I just went to club penguin's homepage and Rockhopper's ship is there. Did he give us a surprise visit but his ship was never in the telescope. I wonder why?

Zxz192 said...

leon7222 said...
Mimo I just went to club penguin's homepage and Rockhopper's ship is there. Did he give us a surprise visit but his ship was never in the telescope. I wonder why?

Zxz192 said...
No he didnt give us a surprise visit. Its just a mistake by CP they will probably fix it soon

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

SnowFlakeooo said...

Hey Mimo!CP has a new Be My Buddy postcard!Im getting two set of the new cp figures!There has to be a new mission!

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
umm, Mimo? I think that that stuff is for the party.



Nope, it's for the next pin... OR MAYBE ITS FOR THE RAIN!! Wait... there's no rain on Clubpenguin, lol, yeah, it's for the next pin :P

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

What happened to Stickers!?!??! Hes not a mimo mod anymore!?!?! I havent been on ur site for a month and then I get on and see that now there is not a Mimo Mod! What happened?!?!?!??! Does Any1 know?!?!?!?!
-Putty84! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I voted for the umbrella pin! :)

- Slushies368

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
What happened to Stickers!?!??! Hes not a mimo mod anymore!?!?! I havent been on ur site for a month and then I get on and see that now there is not a Mimo Mod! What happened?!?!?!??! Does Any1 know?!?!?!?!
-Putty84! :)

Zxz192 said...
Yeah stickers has been moving house and school and stuff and he hasnt had internet

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

leon7222 said...
Mimo I just went to club penguin's homepage and Rockhopper's ship is there. Did he give us a surprise visit but his ship was never in the telescope. I wonder why?
Clubpenguins home page has weird glitches like this all the time. One morning i went on and Rockhoppers ship was there, and the yellow guy on the homepage said "Undefined" It was weird. Rockhopper is not here on a suprise visit though.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
What happened to Stickers!?!??! Hes not a mimo mod anymore!?!?! I havent been on ur site for a month and then I get on and see that now there is not a Mimo Mod! What happened?!?!?!??! Does Any1 know?!?!?!?!
-Putty84! :)


Yeah, it's bcz Stickers has been moving house and he can't be on the internet/computer...
But I'm sure as soon as everythings back to normal for him, he'll be posting again :-D

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Ptsc3 said...

Mimo! On the club penguin screen rockhoppers ship is there!

Random Matthew722 said...

leon7222 said...
Mimo I just went to club penguin's homepage and Rockhopper's ship is there. Did he give us a surprise visit but his ship was never in the telescope. I wonder why?


Clubpenguin's been making lots of mistakes lately, lol, he's not coming bcz he just came not long ago... they'll fix it soon :-)

Donut Farwell!! Lol.

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

Hey Mimo, i won't be posting tm bcz I'm going on vacation for about a day... lol, its short.
I'm still gonna be in Canada, so I'm not getting a code or anything... but I'm thinking of checkin' out the Prime Minister and giving him a donut... lol, jk!!

Donut Farwell!!


Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

leon7222 said...
Mimo I just went to club penguin's homepage and Rockhopper's ship is there. Did he give us a surprise visit but his ship was never in the telescope. I wonder why?
Its not a suprise visit,lol. If it was that wud be awesome. CP will fix that thing soon.:-)

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
umm, Mimo? I think that that stuff is for the party.

lol, thats the new pin. remember wen we were voting? hope the pin doesnt blow away!lol;-D

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
umm, Mimo? I think that that stuff is for the party.

lol, thats the new pin. remember wen we were voting? hope the pin doesnt blow away!lol;-D

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Sophi jr said...

Anonymous said...
What happened to Stickers!?!??! Hes not a mimo mod anymore!?!?! I havent been on ur site for a month and then I get on and see that now there is not a Mimo Mod! What happened?!?!?!??! Does Any1 know?!?!?!?!
-Putty84! :)
Well, he just moved so he hasn't been on for a while... D: :[
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
umm, Mimo? I think that that stuff is for the party.


Nope, that is the next pin!!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Oh Mimo, I won't be Modding as much for now, bcuz it is kinda hard to type, when you r index finger, on my main hand is swollen/jammed, a possible sprained, or fractured. Yeah rigjt!


A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

SnowFlakeooo said...
Hey Mimo!CP has a new Be My Buddy postcard!Im getting two set of the new cp figures!There has to be a new mission!
Hey mimo has posted about the Figurines and he normally doesnt post about postcards but thnx anyway ☺

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Under my umbrella, ella ella hey hey lolz

Club Penguin said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

nice i said a hamster i dont really care wat the choices say jk i picked the bucket one

Anonymous said...

i think i saw cadance earlier today idk but it looked like her and when i tried to meet her she logged off

----linkinloopy(chobots)loopy 6076(clubpenguin)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
nice i said a hamster i dont really care wat the choices say jk i picked the bucket one
A hampster Pin would be interesting. haha. It could be called the Carl pin :)

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
What happened to Stickers!?!??! Hes not a mimo mod anymore!?!?! I havent been on ur site for a month and then I get on and see that now there is not a Mimo Mod! What happened?!?!?!??! Does Any1 know?!?!?!?!
-Putty84! :)
Stickers was moving and he doesnt have any internet:(

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Keirei said...

Hey Mimo and the rest of the gang~

check out the Mine Shack!
There is another party coming soon?
Plz give me da credit!


pikt said...

cool! i hope i'm a finalist!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! it won it won the umb rella pin won

Anonymous said...

which colour is it going to be

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
i think i saw cadance earlier today idk but it looked like her and when i tried to meet her she logged off

----linkinloopy(chobots)loopy 6076(clubpenguin)


Don't worry, it's NOT her, she left at the Penguin Play Awards.

Donut Farwell!! :-P

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

safa153 said...

Cool! I voted for umbrella pin!

Jdsjdsgiffdf said...

Hey Mimo, I was at the mine and was just looking around. By the chatbar there is a rock sticking out from under it, it looks like there is a fish ingraved in it. Just thought I should let you know.

idowantpie said...

Hmm... Who wants to bet that the umbrella pin winning has ANYTHING to do with this website??

Anonymous said...

i think new missionbut its kinda weird rockhopper brought all the plants and herbert like a packet of seeds

Anonymous said...

Yay ZoeZoe!!! Woot! Woot! Aw man.......I wanted the bucket. :-( O well, The umbrella is ok. -Bonky Beak: Remember the Name-

Heelys620 said...

Mimo, I think theres plants all over club penguin because at the end of mission 10 Gary found a pack of plant seeds.

misty111c2m said...

dear mimo777 im a big fan of yours and could you give me a promation for my wensite

Anonymous said...

i picked the umbrella pin... which one did u pick? Im sure im not teh only 1 that wants 2 know :)

Anonymous said...

Goodbye.........this is my last comment for a while.......or forever
-Katy Nugent Mimo's lover XD JKJK

Waddle2011 said...

Sweet! That's the pin I wanted to win. But I hope they still make pins out of the other two.

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