Here is a new sneak peek cheat for this Friday's clothing catalog.

Club Penguin also hinted on their blog about a new party. Uhhh, I think we already broke that story, didn't we. Remember we told you about the Club Penguin Adventure party on May 27th? Hey, what if we have a Mimo salad eating party?
And the big blue hairdo that you all voted for will be in the catalog too.
Did you get yesterday's Mimo Club Penguin Party Clue? If you didn't know, that was a clue!
Oh, by the way, Carl the Hampster is winding down his contest for a 1 year Club Penguin membership, so make sure you get all those clues too.
And, we are working on some seriously, freaky, ugly stuff over at my secret site. Keep watching...
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Cool I voted for blue all the way. Good thing i updated my membership for 6 months!
Sweet! Maybe a party wud be nice ;-)
Rock on!!
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
~Dex Dude~
cool! i just got da answer 2 ur eulc now. it was easy.
totally kooool cant wait for the party!!!!!!! hope there is good stuff
Salad party? I like itallian dressing the best!
~Dex Dude~
awesome I hope its an awesome party
sooo cool!! and btw the igloo names are back in ABC order so no more searching!! plz credit Lovebirds211
awesome party!
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards) :-(
alan said...
awesome I hope its an awesome party
Don't worry, Mimo parties are ALWAYS awesome ;-)
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Dex Dude said
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
Well, Dex Dude I am a girl but I love dressing up as boys and girls.
That is so cool!The clothes look like its for a dance workout!Plzz have swimsuits and Pigtails wig!!I have been waiting for like half a year for those pigtails.Umm,Do ALL old hairdos come back later to the catalog?
Snowflakeooo The movie UP rox!
lol party mimo seriously ur clues are super hard! plz make em a lil easyer .
awesome! I hope this catalog rocks!
oh wow! Since now i know it was a clue im pretty sure ive got it. Time right?
Pottingmix said...
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards) :-(
AHHHH! You reviled it you you you umm...What was it oh I belive that the word was...Cookies!
Yep! That was the word
That is so cool! Cant wait...i agree with dex dude....italian dressing is really good!
cowtail5(cpg mod in trainging)
i would try to get that membership for my friend, ive been trying for along time now. But I just dont know the stuff and dont wanna start....
Sand Flipper
Pottingmix said...
Dex Dude said
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
Well, Dex Dude I am a girl but I love dressing up as boys and girls.
weird but dex dude is right it is a girl wig.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
TOOO girly im lyk a tom boy
do any of you dudes know what time and what server.I figured out the day and month but I just dont know what time and what server.Thanks!
Waddle on!
wow thats cool. i wish i was a member again! i got the membership for 1 month and it end like seven days ago :( but i LOVE cp clothing style!
Rustycrab said...
do any of you dudes know what time and what server.I figured out the day and month but I just dont know what time and what server.Thanks!
Waddle on!
i do but i cant say sorry.
wally3046 (CPG MOD)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
lol party mimo seriously ur clues are super hard! plz make em a lil easyer .
then 2 many people would go to his party! ;)
wally3046 (CPG MOD)
I have all the carl clues so far
i want this my membership ran out hehe!
you're friend goofy73
hiya potting! you said
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards) :-(
wait what eulc meaning clue, oh come on you mean it means cheese right good ol CHEESE! or cookies if you will as pie said, speaking of that it could mean pie!!! (uelcsnaemyllaerti)
you're friend goofy73
you're friend goofy73
Anonymous said...
That is so cool!The clothes look like its for a dance workout!Plzz have swimsuits and Pigtails wig!!I have been waiting for like half a year for those pigtails.Umm,Do ALL old hairdos come back later to the catalog?
Snowflakeooo The movie UP rox!
Yup, they'll eventually come back. Every item will
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
SALAD!!!!!! andd we should have it on a thousand islands, or we should invite Julius Caesar or any other salad buns, whoops not buns, buns are for burgers, or any salad PUNS. hehe!
you're friend goofy73
goofy's random word of right now!
you're friend goofy73
(comments hope i spelled it right and thats an awesome name for a country)
whoops forgot you're friend goofy73
you're friend goofy73
Dex Dude said...
Salad party? I like itallian dressing the best!
LOL!! I really don't like any dressing on my salads. Maybe the so called, "salad" is the adventure party!
-Vasa12345 (CPG MOD)
I can't wait to eat salad at the party!!!
It looks awesome Mimo!It is too bad that the sneak peek is the girls clothing.. =)
Awesome Mimo! By the way, I personally dislike that hair-do. Other than that, this Summer Clothing Catalog is gonna rock!
Dex Dude said...
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
Well.. the wig can be for girls... but I think that some boys will be wearing it too. The wig might be very popular.
Rustycrab said...
do any of you dudes know what time and what server.I figured out the day and month but I just dont know what time and what server.Thanks!
Waddle on!
I know one of those things. Good luck figuring it out. YOU CAN DO IT!
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo cool party clue but i don't know if i'm going crazy but starting today Gone Fishing was making weird noises. When the shark goes by there's a ring noise every time and wen i caught mullet there was a odd squeking noise.Could see if i am noit going crazy. please. Anyhow lov the blog and cant wait for ur party
Anonymous said...
That is so cool!The clothes look like its for a dance workout!Plzz have swimsuits and Pigtails wig!!I have been waiting for like half a year for those pigtails.Umm,Do ALL old hairdos come back later to the catalog?
Snowflakeooo The movie UP rox
Yup! Cp said that every item will come back except the party hats! I wish the Sunstriker wig came back lol!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Rustycrab said...
do any of you dudes know what time and what server.I figured out the day and month but I just dont know what time and what server.Thanks!
Waddle on!
sorry dude u have to figure it out yourself.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Rustycrab said...
do any of you dudes know what time and what server.I figured out the day and month but I just dont know what time and what server.Thanks!
Waddle on!
I know the time and room but i dont know the server either! Try looking at mimos last post when he was scaling his penguin and try there... LOL hope you find the eulc!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Pottingmix said...
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards) :-(
Compared to me that's really good! These seulc are really hard. Good luck though! ;-)
3jel97 said...
Pottingmix said...
Dex Dude said
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
Well, Dex Dude I am a girl but I love dressing up as boys and girls.
weird but dex dude is right it is a girl wig.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
WEIRD but Jel and Dex u got a point... Nah ill wear the wig anyways i dont care:| Well at least it will be on my inventory lol.
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards)
Dear Pottingmix,
Keep on looking for those seulc!!!
Remember to look at old posts, and see if any of the comments help! Also remember to visit Mimo's secret site, Carl the Hamster is a real party planner.
Hope this helped!
-Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)
What happened to mimo chat?
plz post.
Conziejack said...
Hey Mimo cool party clue but i don't know if i'm going crazy but starting today Gone Fishing was making weird noises. When the shark goes by there's a ring noise every time and wen i caught mullet there was a odd squeking noise.Could see if i am noit going crazy. please. Anyhow lov the blog and cant wait for ur party
I don't play gone fishing very often, but clubpenguin probably either added noises without telling us, or they have been there for a while and you just haven't ever noticed.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Woohoo! Can't wait for the party!
Survivor91 said...
Awesome Mimo! By the way, I personally dislike that hair-do. Other than that, this Summer Clothing Catalog is gonna rock!
I believe they should have had one hair due for girls and one hair due for boys both of the same color that us penguins voted for. Us dudes need a cool blue wig too.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Dex Dude said...
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
~Dex Dude~
TECHNICALLY all wigs are for everyone, not just boys or girls. BUT i'm sure no dude would want to where this wig, but girls would.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
totally kooool cant wait for party!!!!!!!hope there is good stuff
Dear Anonymous...
Sorry to break the news,but CP usually gives out old stuff,BUT since we NEVER had an adventure party,hopefully there will be new stuff.I hope this helped.And remember to be as crazy as Mimo.
I think the outfit is really crazy.. Wonder if Mimo likes the crazy outfit...:S
i know what the clue was
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
lol party mimo seriously ur clues are super hard! plz make em a lil easyer .
well lol if he made it easier well more ppl would come to his party! plus our friend MIMO cant get in soz ya... BTW dont u mean "easier" instead of"easyer"? lol me and dex shud be grammar guys lol.
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Pottingmix said...
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards) :-(
Try using your NOODLE when trying to find clues... mm NOODLES. NOODLES. lol maybe mimo will have a eulc(clue) that envolves noodles!lolz.
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
i love u Mimo.Brotherly love.Not love love.U rock!
Sa-weet summer starts on friday for me!!yay!!*claps hands*LOL BTW how many dogs do u have mimo?I Kinda hate the new wig.all the offense though.
i sometimes dress like a girl for pretend
Dex Dude said...
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
~Dex Dude~
I know it for girls but you can just buy it for fun! :)
- Hazooma2 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
What happened to mimo chat?
plz post.
Zxz192 said...
He replaced the "chat" icon with a "chobots" icon so mimochat probably isnt coming back. Shame. I liked mimochat lol
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Mimo I just wanted to say that i got a new ipod nano the other day and put your new song zebras smell funny on it. It sounds really good and has a clear picture! I love the catalog cheats they really helped!
I think I know the clue
Savy said...
lol party mimo seriously ur clues are super hard! plz make em a lil easyer .
Mimo cant make his clues easier or he might have to cancel the party cuz he cant get in the room,there would be lots of ppl
Hey mino,
There is an update at the beach, the trees are spreading and the flowers are blooming :)
alan said...
awesome I hope its an awesome party
umm mimos partys are always the best i can make sure well he will make sure it will be awesome
monkey yay {*}
Anonymous said...
Sa-weet summer starts on friday for me!!yay!!*claps hands*LOL BTW how many dogs do u have mimo?I Kinda hate the new wig.all the offense though.
Lol, this is probably the randomest question ever :-P
I think Mimo has 2 dogs, and they used to work with Mimo777's Gang!
Then he said they stopped playing...
Lol, phunnie! Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
What happened to mimo chat?
plz post.
We don't know. It wasn't working properly and Mimo took it out! :-(
But, I think I know y... Mimo saw that we cheated on Mimo Chat (telling ppl clue answers, etc.) So, for the Carl Contest, he didn't want anyone to cheat...
It stinks, but, wtv :-)
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Pottingmix said...
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards) :-(
Well done! I can't figure out any of those seulc! There so hard, so full of Mimoness!
-Vasa12345 (CPG MOD)
I knew it was a clue.
I know what it meant to(I won't tell). ;-)
I hope you give us the last clue soon so I can piece this all together!
I might actually come to this party(if I can get in the server and room).
mimo mimo mimo theres a new blank screen in hq
i sent club penguin a email and they sent back saying that there is gonna be some sandals in the new catalog but just no white diva glasses! :(
oh and by the way,
the person who said the white diva glasses and the sandal thing thats me loila135 in club penguin!
I knew it was a clue.
I know what it meant to(I won't tell). ;-)
I hope you give us the last clue soon so I can piece this all together!
I might actually come to this party(if I can in the server and room).
Good Luck!
Dex Dude said...
Cool! Too bad the new wig is only for girls!
~Dex Dude~
Key Word only: It isn't really you could wear the Ghost costume and that cape thingy it would change aaaallloot!
0Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Dex Dude said...
Salad party? I like itallian dressing the best!
~Dex Dude~
Don't forget the Crutons!
Lovebirds211 said...
sooo cool!! and btw the igloo names are back in ABC order so no more searching!! plz credit Lovebirds211
Mimo doesn't really post things like that and opening screens , and So on..
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
That is so cool!The clothes look like its for a dance workout!Plzz have swimsuits and Pigtails wig!!I have been waiting for like half a year for those pigtails.Umm,Do ALL old hairdos come back later to the catalog?
All items come back except for Party hats and Pins.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
cowtail5 (cpg mod) said...
That is so cool! Cant wait...i agree with dex dude....italian dressing is really good!
cowtail5(cpg mod in trainging)
Here is a tip: Don't put (cpg Mod....) blah blah blah when you aren't answering Q's. Or Helping another
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Rustycrab said...
do any of you dudes know what time and what server.I figured out the day and month but I just dont know what time and what server.Thanks!
Waddle on!
Umm, Idk the Server ( I have a Guess) but Mimo hasn't had any clue for the Date.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
That is so cool!The clothes look like its for a dance workout!Plzz have swimsuits and Pigtails wig!!I have been waiting for like half a year for those pigtails.Umm,Do ALL old hairdos come back later to the catalog?
Snowflakeooo The movie UP rox!
Yup, they'll eventually come back. Every item will
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Except for Party hats and Pins.
=Tboyman*CPG MOD)
Pottingmix said...
I only know 1 eulc (clue for those people who can't read backwards) :-(
Keep trying Mimo hasn't realeased the last clue, so you still have a chance!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
What happened to mimo chat?
plz post.
Well mimochat is removed bcuz of Technichally difficulties or there were too many problems(swearing) Created on it. So He Replaced the icon with Chobots.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Sa-weet summer starts on friday for me!!yay!!*claps hands*LOL BTW how many dogs do u have mimo?I Kinda hate the new wig.all the offense though.
Well, I think Mimo has One or two but One Licked Rockhopper so He was Banned Forever.
-Tboyman (cpg mod)
oh my gosh!!! now im not too excited for the new catalog this friday. i really hoped they would put back the white shades and star necklace.
Lol! Mostly everyone stayed up and did a countdown till' the very NEW penguin style!
I did not see it was it good? I'm on stardoll now im addicted to it my name is misstrnc on it oh yeah and if your on it write in my guestbook be my freind and send me gifts thanks
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