Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Club Penguin Mimo Party Clue #3!

Some of you have been stumped by my clues (Eulc). So do you want a little help?

Click here for the last clue. I will give you a hint. It is not the time or the server.

Click here for the first clue. It is the room! Wow! What a hint!


Here it is...

A book by Dr. Jerri Nielsen.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


calvin said...

ok.... still too hard lol

wally3046 said...



adelie 009 said...

i dont get the one with you on the measuring thing!
give one more hint for that one
(i dont think you will will you?)

Adelie 009

Jim430 said...

i got it thank u so much mimo u rock the 1 with the height was hard but i figured it out!! See u at the party!!!!!

wally3046 said...

adelie 009 said...
i dont get the one with you on the measuring thing!
give one more hint for that one
(i dont think you will will you?)

Adelie 009

hmm it says "6 14" why not 7 2?


Floss Angel said...

i am confident that i know all the answers just1 need to know the time that was very tricky mimo with the last clue it just caught my eye

Snowy Bear said...

I Get it! Yayyay!

wally3046 said...

got it but still need the room hint can anyone clue me?


Manafred said...

WOAH! That was a bit difficult. I actually got this one! I will definitly be at the party! Mimo, you are so awesome! You always have fun, creative, and difficult clues (Eluc)!!!!! Keep on waddlin'!

Anonymous said...

okay got all of them but the measuring one... 6' 14"...7'2" ARRRRRGGGGGG!!! Haha I need help!

Flipper Pear

Jdsjdsgiffdf said...

I cant figure out the time one, just a hint needed but i think i got the date and where.

berry677 said...

this is soooo hard!!!!! plz someone help me with this!! i dont get it!! i know what room and when but i dont know what time and what server?!? help me!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hmmm.. i thought this was just the 2nd clue! tough mimo, TOUGH!

Lavaster said...

I GOT THEM ALL... just 1 more!!!

Anonymous said...

yay i got them all its awesome woot!! ur next clue will b the time and i already kno the date so woo hoo

BackoffNOW said...

ok I know the server room and day all I need is the time

adelie 009 said...

Wally said...

Adelie 009

hmm it says "6 14" why not 7 2?



i still dont get it...

Adelie 009

Farmer Rich(Cpg Mod) said...

i think i get it...

Jiggly22 said...

so easy!! i got every clue so far!!

Anonymous said...

ill give a hint it starts with an a

Jiggly22 said...

Hey adelie 009, it's june right? that is the 6TH MONTH, isn't it?. think about that

Gamer12356 said...

wow i know wat it is! surfing the web will help! lol

Later CPG!

Zsxd said...

i got the book clue!

Tycoon101 said...

wait is there a middle clue
which post?


Tycoon101 said...

i maybe got it- i dont know for sure. i guess it was a creative guess


E said...

i got all 3 clues!


yellow426 said...

im still stumped

Tycoon101 said...

Did you already do a post on the time?


Anonymous said...

sweet clue with the author dude. The thingy with the measuring thing is hard but ill figure it out hopefully.I got the author clue right away!

Rock on Mimo and CPG!

Anonymous said...

Nevermind about the earlier post i figured out the measuring thingy!

(Again, you rock Mimo and CPG!)

wolfz1 said...

i dont get the first one

ExGlade said... 1000% SURE that 99% of us doesn't even have a CLUE of Dr.Nelsen INCLUDING ME

aclen08 said...

I think now more people will actually KNOW what a eulc is since you told them. Seriously, I just can't belive over 1 000 ppl don't know.

aclen08 said...

I got the last clue, I just didn't get the first.

adelie 009 said...

i dont get the author one either
thats two eulc z i dont get
but ill try get em

Adelie 009

Anonymous said...

yay! I think I get it! Hopefully I can go to this party now!

Dex Dude said...

Fluffygood said...
i got all 3 clues!

There's more seulc than 3. Check out Mimo's Terces Etis! ;^) Aren't I good? Lol

~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Cool Mimo! I will try solving it here on vacation!


Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

A book... Hmm....


tonks12345 said...

okay got all of them but the measuring one... 6' 14"...7'2" ARRRRRGGGGGG!!! Haha I need help!

Flipper Pear

Dear Flipper Pear,
Don't stress out! I am so glad you got all the other suelc!! [good job!]. OK, so it says 6'14, and all i will say is: you have to figure out a place, time, server, room. Can it be any of those?

-Hope i helped!
Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

okay got all of them but the measuring one... 6' 14"...7'2" ARRRRRGGGGGG!!! Haha I need help!

Flipper Pear

Dear Flipper Pear,
Don't stress out! I am so glad you got all the other suelc!! [good job!]. OK, so it says 6'14, and all i will say is: you have to figure out a place, time, server, room. Can it be any of those?

-Hope i helped!
Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)


It cant be time or server cause Mimo said it on his post that its not time or server. Isn't place and room the same thing?

Anonymous said...

how many clues are given for each party? i mean, i know there is a clue for the server, place and time, but are any more clues given

sprocket07 said...

so hi mimo i dont get the author one cause i havent even heard of that dude so i need help.

Kirtisha said...

i got all of the clues!!! YAYY!! i might finally get 2 come to your party!! see you there!! ( if i make it)
penguin name: Kirtisha

Miss Easly said...

I GOT IT! Yay!! Thanks Mimo!

Anonymous said...

i know!

Adelie 009 said...


Adelie 009

Anonymous said...

Got it! It's ... .....! I wont tell! I've never been to aparty cause i couldnt get the clues before.

Anonymous said...

i got it finally i figured all the party clues!

Anonymous said...

Those clues are soo hard!!Some are easy, but the room one is sooo hard!!!!plz help me!

Nishranth said...


Cody Solar said...

I actually get it!!! I think! But I think it's a server!

Anonymous said...

yea ive figered it out but i live in england so it will be to late for me =(


Sanjam said...

Guys! the last clue is the easiest clue... mimo gave a clue for the clue! its nnot a time clue or a server clue....What left!? think.... By the way i dont get the 3rd clue!

Drake said...

Thats hard but ill figure it out soon!


pikt said...

OOHHH... nice eulc Mimo! 1 more to go!

safa153 said...

I found TWO of them and now thinkin' about new eulc... But it could be better if you dont say what eulc is...

Anonymous said...

Ahahaa! mimo ur 2 easy I mean.. This is the easiest clue ever lol :) Its easy lol :)

1i1 pingy

ℬ!ÐØ10 said...

It's Easy!!!!!
I figured out all three!

Anonymous said...

Did the time clue come yet. I have every other clue. Anyone help?

Penguin Rocker said...


I posted the comment on the height one after I figured it out. And I listed it the same way. :) It isn't very difficult. And the book thingy is also quite...neutral. But I cannot determine whether it is the ___ or ___. I guess it is the ___. Haha.

Rock On!
Penguin Rocker

Tomichael said...

I got all three yay! This one is easy. Sort of..

Tomichael said...

I got all the clues on this site AND mimo's terces etis!!!

Unknown said...

I get them all! I have them all! Ill give you a hint the only clue mimo hasnt given is the time!

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
how many clues are given for each party? i mean, i know there is a clue for the server, place and time, but are any more clues given


Yup! There's always 4 clues!
Time, Date, Server and Place.
The time is the only one that hasn't been released ;-)

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
okay got all of them but the measuring one... 6' 14"...7'2" ARRRRRGGGGGG!!! Haha I need help!

Flipper Pear

Dear Flipper Pear,
Don't stress out! I am so glad you got all the other suelc!! [good job!]. OK, so it says 6'14, and all i will say is: you have to figure out a place, time, server, room. Can it be any of those?

-Hope i helped!
Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)


It cant be time or server cause Mimo said it on his post that its not time or server. Isn't place and room the same thing?


No, lol, Server is the thing u go to wen u log in (Like Blizzard, Mammoth, Frozen, etc.) and Places our the places inside the server (Pizza Parlor, Dance Club, Town, etc.)
Get it? Lol,

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
Nevermind about the earlier post i figured out the measuring thingy!

(Again, you rock Mimo and CPG!)


Sweet! Congratz! We might see eachother if we get the next incredibly, but awesomely, very trickly, cooli, and i think i've said enoughily, TIME CLUE!! Lol :-P

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

cowtail5 cpg mod said...

Ummm, the time is not yet out! I got this one, and the other 2...these are way easier than ur postcard party clues!

locomonkey77 said...

mimo if the last one isnt time or server then how is the middle one the room? i think heres the order of how you put them last:time

Joanna7777 said...

I know what all the clues mean.I wait for the last clue...

mcstar7 said...

these eulcs are the easiest yet mimo! i got them! we just need one more! yay!!!!

mcstar7 said...

Anonymous said...
how many clues are given for each party? i mean, i know there is a clue for the server, place and time, but are any more clues given
Dear Anomymous,
there are 4 clues given for each party. The room, date, server, and time. Hope i helped!

Anonymous said...

I know! a book by dr.jerri nielsen!its a revres! its like eulc...

Jdsjdsgiffdf said...

Hey, did anyone notice that the heading of this post is "Club Penguin Mimo Party Clue #3" shouldnt it be "Club Penguin Mimo Party Eulc #3" Its always Eulc not Clue. I wonder why he did that?

Jdsjdsgiffdf (CPG MOD)

lilrockhop on chobots said...

I only have 1 to go.
Also my name on CP is (drum roll) rockhoper849 remember I quit cp but now I might come back.

Fftara said...

I just foud out the whole thing except the time.

Fftara said...

Anonmymous said....
how many clues are given for each party? i mean, i know there is a clue for the server, place and time, but are any more clues given

There has to be four clues becouse of the date time place and server.

Fftara (CPG Mod)

stickman said...

these were sooooo easy! now for the time...

Anonymous said...

wow...way to hard. i can't get any of them.


turbogree said...

i get everything so far.. but the date is the day im leaving from america for 3 months!:(

nms 30 said...

did you post the eulc for the time.

Pepper KC said...

~Pepper KC

Sara said...

Oh it took a while but I finally got it!

Sara said...

Wheres the time eluc?

M@d1S0n said...

i hav a question-
has mimo given the time yet???

Anonymous said...

wow that was hard! I found out three clues so far

Anonymous said...

I got it all :D

Gflounder11 said...

i get it yay the mesuring thing was v. hard lol


mcstar7 said...

Sara said...
Wheres the time eluc?
Mimo didn't give out the time eulc yet but he probably will soon!
-mcstar7(CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

I got everything apart from the time/////... HELP?

Mr Paddle Mo

zoey23nice said...

omg i wanted to go to your party so much i search who dr.jerri nielsen and i found what the book name was and i found the clue!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY

see me later

zoey23nice said...

Are you gonna tell us the time? I have every clue but the time!!! XD

-zoey23nice also thats my name in clubpenguin

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

=D I've got two clues, I think I have the measure clue down. Now I just need the time, and I'm ready!

Anonymous said...

im nellinkle on cp. and i have every clue xept the time! ugh! ROFL

Drallats2 said...


(rolling on the floor laughing my head off)

Anonymous said...

awesome eulcs MIMO! i got the measureing eulc and tree lc but i dont get the jerri neilson one?

ciaran said...

i want the time

DaPrankstar said...

Kewl!! I now have all the clues worked out yay!!

Yours Waddling

Anonymous said...

i got the date and the room and i think i have the server. but whats the time?

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi, soz mimo 4 not posting because im just busy revising for big science tests that are coming up


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

mimo thanks 4 making this easyer lol :)


The Govna96 said...

Wow! Really good cues mimo! I got all of them so far!

Bhavesh said...

adelie 009, this is the time in which the party will be.

(Mimo777 if you don't want me to say it directly say is is a clue in when the party is)

Sophie.B. said...

yey!! lol i finaly got it =]
although i do not have the time waah!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay i got them all its awesome woot!! ur next clue will b the time and i already kno the date so woo hoo
hey thats great see you just have to try anyway waddle on soury6

Tboyman said...

adelie 009 said...

i dont get the one with you on the measuring thing!
give one more hint for that one
(i dont think you will will you?)

Adelie 009
If you cross out the things Mimo said it wasn't it could be 6'14, and also look at 6'14 not 7'2

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

adelie 009 said...

Wally said...

Adelie 009

hmm it says "6 14" why not 7 2?



i still dont get it...

Adelie 009
I have to give it in the strangest way possible ?won ni era htnom tahw, mrof rebmun nI

-Ok that should help

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

M@d1S0n said...
i hav a question-
has mimo given the time yet???
Sara said...
Wheres the time eluc?
Yep its out! Hope you guys figure it out!;-)

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

adelie 009 said...
i dont get the one with you on the measuring thing!
give one more hint for that one
(i dont think you will will you?)

Adelie 009
Here's a tiny hint: thaw ntmoh ear ew ni? Does that help? lol hope so!

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Tycoon101 said...
Did you already do a post on the time?

ya he did

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
i got the date and the room and i think i have the server. but whats the time?
Cant say but here's a hint: Hte Nus Si Ta Het Sethgih Iopnt Ni Hte Yks. Hawt Miet Si Ti? Lol hope u get it!

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Someone help with the room plz. It's a tree but alot of rooms have trees.

Anonymous said...

Mimo,I'm still confused!
You said that the first eulc was a room.
I figured forest.
You gave the clue about the how tall ur penguin is thing,and I figured it was the date.
You said the LAST eulc was a book by whatever his name is.I looked up his books and I'm so incredibly confused!
Plus you said it was the last eulc but it wasn't the time!Now I know for sure I won't be at ur party(not that I really wanted to go anyway).

Jgirlx4x said...

I got it! I think. The measuring was the easiest though..


Anonymous said...

Wow! That was an easy last eulc! (Really guys, surf the web and you will get it). The clue with height was simple to...I might actually make it to a Mimo party!

Ben826 said...

I know it! Yay! I'm so smart!


Anonymous said...


Snowflakeooo said...

Hey whats up Mimo!I fianlly knew how to have my name instead of Anonymous said... yay!
-Snowflakeooo Gardener

Anonymous said...

could someone plz tell me the time i get everything else and i really want to go to this party so plz plz plz?

Anonymous said...

has mimo given out the time yet??? plz plz plz anser

Sanjam said...

Hey whats up Mimo!I fianlly knew how to have my name instead of Anonymous said... yay!
-Snowflakeooo Gardener

Sanjam saying...
Wow Congrats.... and by the way cool name! :-))
Cya on the blog!
-Sanjam Kaur.

Igiveyouhints! said...

I got it! it was too easy! I tried only one time and i found it! THANK YOU GOOGLE SEARCH!! Hope that helps!

P.S. Plz post my comment!

Anonymous said...

So there is one clue left about the time of the party, right?

Anonymous said...

ok, i think i got it, i will try to come to the party,if im correct it will be my first mimo party ive been to

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm...... Trickey one
Great clue this time Mimo.
I figured it out though.....

Katykatkins said...

How many are there? I have 3 so far, i think there is only 3! Well done on hiding the date! I only just realised it! Its phunny!

Match87055 said...

Yay!I got them all!All I need is the time!But can You please make the time better for the u.k. this time!

Skloooperis said...

Anonymous said...
has mimo given out the time yet??? plz plz plz anser

No, not yet

Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Tycoon101 said...
Did you already do a post on the time?

No, that will be the last one.

Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Can someone please help with the room? I understand it has a tree. But more than half of the rooms in club penguin have trees. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Anonymous said...

the last eclu is SO easy it is ********** u better surf the web have a nice day mimo777!

Anonymous said...

Hey pplz. I hope no one gets mad at me for this but I found Rockhopper's password on youtube. Just keep searching for Rockhopper's Password until you get it. Alot of people want you to subscribe or give them a free membership. DON'T DO IT!!! My friend did this and he never got the password. I used a series of vids. Rh changes his password once every 2 weeks cause of video's like these. So if you find a video that was posted in December, don't use it. It won't work anymore. Hope this helps...

Anonymous said...

I Know the ansrs heres a hint on the tree one.... what room has the most trees?.........heres a hint on the hight one focus on the numbers and also its clearly the date. hope this helped!

EYRE said...

The clues are really easy except the measuring one. Can anyone help me???

Mewbra123 (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

okay got all of them but the measuring one... 6' 14"...7'2" ARRRRRGGGGGG!!! Haha I need help!

How should I say this....
Look at it like its the d**e
Lol!! Mimo that isnt a swear word!!


Tycoon101 said...
Did you already do a post on the time?

No. Not yet... People are getting the time confused with the d**e
Anonymous said....

Can someone please help with the room? I understand it has a tree. But more than half of the rooms in club penguin have trees. PLEASE HELP!!!!

hmm... Dont worry I was confused with this clue too!!
Hmm.... Which room has the most trees??


Mewbra123 (CPG MOD)

Zertoxic444 said...

Yea Mimo this is pretty tricky can u pleaz give one more hint??

Awesomegirl said...

if u don't get the docter clue i suggest looking her up. yes, it's a girl. SHE is not hard to find, but i'm not going to tell u anything else!
so far i have the room, date, and server. now i just need the time. has mimo given a clue for the time yet?
mimo u rock

Anonymous said...

What is the time though????

Camera876 said...

AHH!! Thus is so so soooo hard! I dont get it...i got everything else, but this!! ARGG

Unknown said...

Awesomegirl said...
if u don't get the docter clue i suggest looking her up. yes, it's a girl. SHE is not hard to find, but i'm not going to tell u anything else!
so far i have the room, date, and server. now i just need the time. has mimo given a clue for the time yet?
mimo u rock
he still havent posted the time yet he will soon i hope

Unknown said...

and remeber the voting ''did u get all the eulcs for mimos party?'' or something like that ppl said yes i got the 4
HOW he only posted 3!!

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...
What is the time though????
mimo will post the time soon...
-lanloon5(CPG Mod)

Unknown said... 1000% SURE that 99% of us doesn't even have a CLUE of Dr.Nelsen INCLUDING ME
yhh im sure of that! i never heard of a dr.jerri nielsen
mimo do u actually read her books!?i dont and i wont...she sounds kibda boring

Penguin 1030 said...

I just figured out all of the clues! See you there!

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