The Create Mimo Contest winner will be announced tomorrow. ;-) REMEMBER MIMO AND CPG PICKS THE WINNER AND IT MIGHT BE DIFFERENT THAN THE VOTES! So you can still vote for who you think is the best.
It's been really hard to pick just one wiener so we will give one 6 Month Club Penguin Membership and one 1 Month Club Penguin Membership to second place! WOOT!
This week we will announce when and where the private party will be just for those sending in a Create Mimo contest picture.
We have some other sweet smoovey stuff planned. I'll be giving hints on my Twitter so if you are not following me you can click here to do that.
We get some pretty cool ideas from you on our site. Starting this week, if you have a good idea you would like to see us do to let us know by posting a comment (don't email) and we will try to do it! Also if you send in a good idea we like, I'll post your name! Sometimes the weird ideas are the best. ;-)
Sounds like everyone has been finding Cadence pretty easily! Good! Pretty cool party if you're a member. :-/
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

cool mimo ill be sure to think of some ideas for you guys
awwww... i didn't send a food mimo :(
Cool ill be thinking some ideas up!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
those were too hard for me
but I got some of them :) :) :)
Yeah can I contact you mimo?
i got a great idea mimo we could have a non member party!!!
I have an awesome idea, you should ask every one to draw Mimo out of chalk! :)
No prize, just a fun little thing to do!
Or a Scrapbook Page of Mimo...
awesome mimo!!!
so will i, hey maybe you can have another contest where people try to create your igloo, using anything wacky and tacky!!!!
Sorry but one more idea... only people you want maybe some contest winners, CPS Mods, ALL CPG contributors and maybe if you randomly choose some one how ever you want, to have a Private Party at the theme of 'FLOODING THE MINE!'
do we send it email or on comment?
I might get ideas
Hey mimo! Cool! i iwll try to get some ideas
I wish I could find Cadence! I'm gonna sneak into the Contest party... Maybe
~ Miaponygirl9 ~
i will try my best to give u guys or girls lol some ideas
post if u find cadence
hi i no this is not related to the thread i just found something cool if u get the book item from the rockhopper boook and sit with it it will look like u are reading it
Angie129564 said...
do we send it email or on comment?
You put it in a comment!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Cool! I have an idea! Get a "How many People are here" widget! You get this thing,put it on the sidebar and it shows how many people are on this site!
i think you should have a tipping party on a populated surver youl get a lot of ppl
Im trying to think of something cool that you could do... hmm..
Amanda Dlny
Mimo..If you take your Purple Puffle to the dance contest game it gives you extra points!
I got an idea...
have about you make an idea page,corner,or something...
Just something to put ideas in...
I think you should have a web page where there are two opposite pictures(Like a team blue penguin and a team red penguin) and then people have to comment on other sites using that pic as there avatar!And they have to comment and say something like "GO TEAM BLUE!" that would be a fun little thing!
Awsome! Mimo You Rock!
i wish i was a member.i think number ten was the best food mimo
hey mimo lets go with dakoda14s idea
Cadence answers your questions so does that mean that she is a real person like billybob?
Please answer
lol this is an AWESOME post!!
Sophi Jr.
Umm I have an idea for your secret site chat room! Make a CPG Mod room! Also what is the password to the Opera House room?
wait i have 2 ideas make an club penguin gang toolbar!
every week post a different penguin that you see when you're on cp on the website.
I don't have any ideas at the moment Mimo your site rules already!
Uhhh gives some hints on where and how to find your secret site, cause im tryna find it and im getting quite lost =) lol
I wish I could've made one. My mum would'nt let me.
OKAY EVERYBODY LISTEN UP YO LISTEN UP! I will be having a party for my 300th day Brithday on Saturday the 24th.(My 300th Birthday OMG!)
Who: Anyone who wants to come and party it up with Mrpengiewin. I hope everyone can come!
What: My 300th day Birthday, Silly!
When: Saturday, January 24th at 10:00 PST
Where: At the COVE on the server FREEZER
Why : To celebrate my CP 300th day Brithday!
How: log into CP and then go to FREEZER and then go to the COVE.
I know that I'm pretty young compared to a lot of you but PLZ come party anyway!
P.S. I will add you to my buddy list if you come and say I from CPG.
i cant meet cadence its hard can you tell us more tips (CPG Mod)
hey mimo theres a new Cp tutorial
Mrpengiewin said...
Aright it is now only six days til my party. Who's comin?
WHO: Anyone and everyone who wants to party with Mrpengiewin.
WHAT: My 300th b-day on CP.
WHEN: Saturday January 24th at 10:00 AM PST
WHERE: On the server FREEZER at the cove
WHY: To celebrate my 300th b-day on CP.
Hey mimo here's an idea...
how about we have a little story section. U can tell stories about experiences on club penguin.
I can't find Cadence. :( I checked like every server and used your tips! :(
I don't know if you have done this but you can have a small pic of part of cp and then penguins guess what it is. If they win they get a prize (get to go to a party, gte their name listed, etc.)
Sophi Jr
thank u!!!!! you answered my Q!! and i got an idea! how about you post a video of your penguin eating oranges!!!! random uh? i no
maddogbeast1234 said...
Yeah can I contact you mimo?
if you find out how to get to mimochat you can talk to him there! is the email address but they usually dont reply!
vinceetrella(CPG Mod)
hi mimo i think it would be a good idea to have a create lego mimo contest not now of course since you just had one but in the future.please post if you think its a good idea:)
you and Cpg should have a Holloween in March. like whereyou dress up in your best clothes to see who cold come up with the strangest outfit
i think you should post a video of mimo eating oranges. its really weird.
Dear Mimo have I got an idea for you!!!Make all of the club penguin gang members alter eago penguin and then post it!
naporu (cpg mod) sorry if I wasn't soposed to put that there.
ooo i know for the blog you can add magical bananas that if you click on the sun will come up and eat waffles!
I got a good idea, why don't we throw a party for EPF agents only!
i have an idea a mimo party with everyone dressed as mimo
You should make a penguin of the week\month. I think Cp should make the snowballs into pie so i can have a pie fight with myself because im a loner.
Okay Mimo, I have a great idea. CPG could do a site of the week. Each week on a certain day you could post a new site that we've never heard of and might think is cool with a short description of that site. This would help people be able to find their way around the internet better. I hope that you think this idea is cool and use it. BTW the sites don't have to be CP related they can be about anything.
Oh I have an idea!: how about another contest? You have to draw Mimo but with OTHER clothes on. LOL. Thats weird.
Oh Mimo abother good idea just popped into my head. Let's say that for whatever reason you can not post something new happening on CP and it is very important and can not wait, well you could have one of the other members of CPG post for you. That would be a cool way to shake things up a little and let CPG fans get to know the whole gang better.
Hey! I'm having a party! On Jan. 20th, Down Under server, 5:00 PST and wear your party hats! then I'll know you are in the party.Plz come.And I'm Phicto.
You email the food pictre to Mimo.
OK Mimo it would be cool if you had something that told us how many hits you have.
You should make a skeleton army for your protection that help keep other penguins away from you so you can enjoy CP like any other penguin.They should have to pass test and wear night vision goggles a red viking hat,a skeleton suit,if they choose either a red or red and black cape and perferably black sneakers.
I know you could have q+a place where penguins ask questions and penguins trying to become mods will answer them!
You could have a special post where penguin can comment ideas!
You could have a place where you e-mail cpgang the picture of your penguin over 365 days old and you join a secret mimo agency!
oh I could post any thing if you need any ideas to get cool tings on your site e-ail me at!
Oh and does helping you count towards becoming a mod?(I saw something like that on your mod post)And do you keep track of answering questions?
Jodietame said...
Cadence answers your questions so does that mean that she is a real person like billybob?
Please answer
Dear Jodietame,
Candence IS a real person (like billybob). Or maybe she is some kind of high tech super computer that can answer your questions. I wonder...? ;-)
Peace Out
Icy2598, CPG Mod
Hey Mimo
Just sayin that I thought of a great idea awhile ago. I read one of your older posts talkin bout, but when I went on it, it took me to CPG! I was very disappointed, but maybe you could make another website like that. OR you could do a mixter of CPG and U kno, Like you post a cool penguin of the week, and sometimes have themed fashion shows where people email u a screenshot of there penguin dressed for that theme! Or not ;-)
Peace out
Mimo, this is off topic from the post but I have something weird to say. In mission 10, when the golden puffle is stuck on the magnet and you have to point the lights at the solar panels, you can take off Jet Pack Guy's jet pack and put it in your inventory. I don't know why this is. Any ideas?
Oh My on the rockhopper bg his signature changed!
maddogbeast1234 said...
Yeah can I contact you mimo?
Well, he said he wanted us to comment the ideas, but i guess you could email him if you wanted to:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
sweet. i can't wait to see who the winner is. its too bad i didn't send one in.
Miniflip 999
P.S. Mimo u rock!!!!!!
Angie129564 said...
do we send it email or on comment?
In the post, he said to comment it, so don't email cause he won't reply:D
I go with milly willy, a scrap book, of mimo, cpg, and the mods:D lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Cadence answers your questions so does that mean that she is a real person like billybob?
Please answer
Yes, this means that when she is interacting with penguins, like answering question, that means that she is being controled by a cp person. Also, sometimes she is ran by a computer, or BOT. But all the times ive found her, she was a real person controling her.
Heres a really funny story. Okay i found Cadence, and then everybody was like, shes fake-or-shes a robot. Then she was like a robot? These moves are all real, then she started to Break dance! LOL she was in the middle of the big circle of penguins, it was soo funny. Sorry for such a long comment.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Great Im going to miss the quikee PARTY! Grrr
Stickers303 said...
Umm I have an idea for your secret site chat room! Make a CPG Mod room! Also what is the password to the Opera House room?
Well, he's not going to just tell us, u know, mimo is tricky. I personally don't know it yet. But I am constantly on the look out in mimo's posts looking for clues. U just have to look for like a set of CAPITALIZED letters, or something mysteriouse. Good luck,(i like your idea about the mod room)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
hey mimo wen was the last time you threw a party u kno with clues and stuff i miss solvin those clues!
CPG should make CP msuic videos : D
I hope first place is 3 & 10 is second because i dont like 10
For a contest penguins have to go out and find a sign, a t-shirt, a zebra, etc with a weird or awsome, or awsomly weird cacth phrase and send it to your website. For example I saw this sign at the store above the fruit and it said fruit jammers. Kinda stupid kinda weird, but I don't care! Hope you like it! -Tlsth33
theres a glitch! click on the dance contest game and as your about to play click on your igloo. then youll b in your igloo and it wil say play so you play on any level and music. after your done hit exit and you keep adding up the coins every time you exit! sweet right?! plus the coins stay! they won't disappear!
from, xo stephy ox
^ thats my penguin name
I figured it out. You can put the jetpack on the cage and it will fly onto the magnet instead of pointing the lights toward the solar panel.
Kewl, i cant think of any ideas though!
I didn't find Cadence. :(
Jodietame said...
"Cadence answers your questions so does that mean that she is a real person like billybob?
Please answer"
"At times Cadence can be a real person and at other times she can be a computer, she would have certain things programed into her to say and it might be to answer questions so she is probally able to answer simple questions like are you my buddy and stuff like that"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Angie129564 said...
"do we send it email or on comment?"
"Comment it"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Hi all now there will be a party at my igloo this Wednesday.
Day: Wednesday.
Time:11.30 nz
7:30 am cp
For cp it will be Tuesday
What sever : steel
and mimo 777 can u come
Anonymous said...
"I don't have any ideas at the moment Mimo your site rules already!
Uhhh gives some hints on where and how to find your secret site, cause im tryna find it and im getting quite lost =) lol"
"It really is quiet easy, when Mimo says that its called Mimos Secret Site, it really IS called Mimos Secret Site ;)"
AMANDA DLNY (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"i cant meet cadence its hard can you tell us more tips (CPG Mod)"
"Look during non-peak times when most servers are pretty empty, if one server is getting full she may be on that server"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
u could have a quiky party on mukluk and if that gets full we can go to white out. plz have it on the weekend.thx
hi mimo! u rock! i reckon dat u should have guide for mission 1 2 and 3. also did u no dat u can get an extra item during mission four dat u neva mentioned in the mission 4 cheat guide. by da way mimo, ur site is sooooooooo cool! keep up da great work! also i have searched heaps and still cant find ur secret site! can u give some more hints to find it? u rock!
:-) :-) :-) / (-: (-: (-:
Hey Mimo You ROCK!!!
you should make another party!
i never saw you but i realy want to because i never know what server your on :( and i realy want to meet you :D
- Jgirlx4x
oh yeah could you email cp and ask them about showing who are the buddies in that server during server select?
I think that the winning food item should go on the top of your webpage for at least a week. Pretty weird huh?(Well maybe not that weird.)
- Addison9625
mimo please make new WHO IS MIMO 5 i like riding this is so coooooool
A chatbox and a club penguin music box.
Hey Mimo! Love your site. I have an idea for you. You should get a hippo, cover it in cheese, and make it dance with a funny smelling zebra, covered in pudding. Have them dance to the song, "I like to move it, move it!" That would be funny! Well bye.
Braceface27 (Adam)
I think you should add one of those"who's amung us" things
Anonymous said...
i think you should have a tipping party on a populated surver youl get a lot of ppl
Umm.. i dont think so, if you having a party on populated server..IT WOULD BE FULL ! and we cant come :(
OK, if you having a party you should go to the unpopular server and you should tell the server !
Anonymous said...
Cadence answers your questions so does that mean that she is a real person like billybob?
Please answer
Of course yes . and also she's such as Rockhopper.
haah i bet its really hard to pick a weiner
Hey, I've got an awesome idea! But I'm not telling just yet.... I still need to develop it some more.
Party Party Party!
Hello penguins,
Im having a party on January 20 to celebrate the inaguration of the 43
president, Barak Obama. We will waddle around club penguin wearing red white and blue. Here is the info:
Why: to celebrate the inaguration of the 43 president, Barak Obama.
When: On January 20, 2009
Time: 9:00 am PST (12:00 noon ET)
Server: Mammoth (if mammoth is full we will go to rainbow)
Where on cp: STARTING AT THE COVE (we will move around)
What to wear: Red white and blue.
If your Not from the U.S.A, who cares! Waddle around with us and wear your country colors!
Pie1530 (cpg mod)
mimo i have an idea for you to do add a buddy list then you will need a buddy poll have them click become buddy and leave a post that says when you become a buddy please coment after you vote
Digital Boy said...
You could have a special post where penguin can comment ideas!
You could have a place where you e-mail cpgang the picture of your penguin over 365 days old and you join a secret mimo agency!
oh I could post any thing if you need any ideas to get cool tings on your site e-ail me at!
Oh and does helping you count towards becoming a mod?(I saw something like that on your mod post)And do you keep track of answering questions?
Well when we answer questions we are helping Mimo because then he doesn't have to answer them himself and has more time to be awesome but if you mean like giving him ideas I don't think that it counts. He does keep track of how long we've been answering questions and how many we've answered and how good we are at it.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Digital Boy said...
You should make a skeleton army for your protection that help keep other penguins away from you so you can enjoy CP like any other penguin.They should have to pass test and wear night vision goggles a red viking hat,a skeleton suit,if they choose either a red or red and black cape and perferably black sneakers.
Cool idea. So what would the nonmember protectors wear?
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
i have an idea for a contest. you can tell everyone to build an igloo and furenature for the inside and everything. the coolioest igloo will win!! what do you think??
u fride remember me u and me used to hang out well mimo i comeing back but i need help giving membership
ur still on top dude
Okay. I'm confused. You are giving clues on Twitter for the clubpenguin party???
A huge party on planet cazmo like your last one then we could go to clubpenguin bu tplease if you like my idea give the party plenty of days notice cause i sometimes miss them:(
You should have a link to all the minor cheats on cp so its fat aand easy to see EX:catch the mullet with a smaller fish.
You should have a link where penguins post their parties!
I think you should change your site around a bit. Every time I visit, (which is a lot) I see the exact same thing. Blue and yellow. I'm not saying HUGE changes, but maybe a little color mix-up.
ive seen that at the server abominable alot of people are at the forest saying there a vampire or wolf or something so i think you should have a quicky party at the forest for people that like being vampires or wolfs or something.
Hey mimo i got an idea how about we get into two sides on the iceburg and we have a huge snowball fight that wil be so much fun and also can i be ur buddy if this makes it on ur site
ill be doing a lot of thinking guys
Mimo what if you had a weird saying of the week/month. You know like "Zebras smell funny!" except a new one each week/month and when you have parties people can shout that.
Oh well im not having fun trying to find her its inmpossible! but i found Rockhopper easily!:)
mimo what happened to that quiz you had? i won on it!!
Well Mimo I will have to say you have almost every thing a club penguin cheat blog has! But I do have one idea! How about you put some funny club penguin pictures on your blog thats what a lot of club penguin cheat blogs do on wordpress!
Hey, Mimo. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't been able to find Cadence anywhere? Do you or anyone else have any hints?!?
Thanks for all your help
yay its going to snow today!!!
jgirlx4x said...
Hey Mimo You ROCK!!!
you should make another party!
i never saw you but i realy want to because i never know what server your on :( and i realy want to meet you :D
- Jgirlx4x
Mimo usually goes on Fjord and Bigfoot.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
i was the one that sent the pineapple mimo!
what is mimo chat
hi mimo,
u should have a q&a thing again
by the way wat do u think about animal testing?
just a Q
Emily said...
I think you should change your site around a bit. Every time I visit, (which is a lot) I see the exact same thing. Blue and yellow. I'm not saying HUGE changes, but maybe a little color mix-up.
Ya Mimo add some purple.
idowantpie said...
mimo what happened to that quiz you had? i won on it!!
The prize for that was to have your name posted on Mimo's site which it was.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Why dont you put some games like mimo hangman or dress up mimo?
Calvin said...
oh yeah could you email cp and ask them about showing who are the buddies in that server during server select?
You know that you can E-mail CP too not just Mimo. I love the idea of knowing which buddies are on what server!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
mumble0510 said...
CPG should make CP msuic videos : D
Thats a good idea! but they allready make vidios
hey mrpengwin!!! its me greentedddy! were buddies. i never new u were a mod. and mimo i got an idea .maybe if your penguin was a non member but you had a member buddy you could ask your bud to send a letter asking you to go to the night club and maybe it will let you in. i just thought it up though. please try it! how do you be a CPG MOD?
Pikapookie said...
Hey, Mimo. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't been able to find Cadence anywhere? Do you or anyone else have any hints?!?
Thanks for all your help
If you go on alot and test each server which is not full one at a time you might find her so dont keep in one server all the time.
Hope you find her!
you should make a counter so we would know how many ppl was on your site already/today/this week
whats harder find rockhopper or cadence?
Mimo I have an idea how bout we draw zebras in a coffe shop eating coffee powder and taking up all the seats
mimo i got an idea can you post about chobot at least once a month? because realy like it and I wet on because you did.
by the way if anyone wants to join go to
Mimo how bout we make a comic about u and it will be awsome
hey mimo!!! The big platform on the nightclub roof,I know what it is!!!! In the jetpack game, the first level ends on the nightclub roof and that big platform is there so stay away from the platfrom on the roof
Anonymous said...
theres a glitch! click on the dance contest game and as your about to play click on your igloo. then youll b in your igloo and it wil say play so you play on any level and music. after your done hit exit and you keep adding up the coins every time you exit! sweet right?! plus the coins stay! they won't disappear!
from, xo stephy ox
your said sweet right with a ? which means its a question.
And yes it is sweet! i got 107303 coins from your sweet glitch.
You rock.
(CPG Mod) Penguin name: Kjsc03
ok here is an idea.... you should have a party but only tell some peoples by emailing the time, date and server to them and its a hide and go seek party and the way you play is if people are there that are your friends erase them so you dont know where they when they hide you seek (duh! ):) but the way you find them is by adding them to ur friends list.
~~~Cash Bash123~~~
I think mimo's siblings should post so we know we truly are getting the best of the best.
Thats my idea.
oh and congrats mrpengiewin!! on being a mod!!!
Cash Bash123 cpg mod
i gotta lot of stuff. first, i agree with monmon98 and i like kennyg619s idea.oh yea. how do you become a cpg mod? please answer.
i sent an orange peel and radish mimo. i was not one of the finalists. :( oh well at least i get to go to the party.
Hey Mimo did you know that in the Ice Rink you can slide again!
I have a couple ideas.
#1.You could have people draw mimo777 or their penguin and send the picture to u and the prize could be a six month membership on club penguin.
#2.You could have people make a sculpture of mimo777 or their penguin and send a picture of the sculpture and send it to you and the prize coul be a six month membership.
thats all for now,but ill think up some more ideas over the week at school and write them down.
P.S ill blog the rest of my ideas.
hey mimo,the party will be extended to tuesday
And Cadence will still show up at the party
penguin name:Kjsc03
Angie129564 said...
do we send it email or on comment?
dear Angie129564
mimo sed u cshould not email him so i would post it as a comment.
saavy (CPG Mod)
Puya26 said...
Why dont you put some games like mimo hangman or dress up mimo?
I dont think he knows how to create games.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Anonymous said...
what is mimo chat
mimo chat is a chat room place where you can chat with other people and it lets you say more stuff but it has some rules and you can meet up with other penguins from it and other cool stuff.
Hope i helped.
Penguin name :Kjsc03 (CPG Mod)
I would LOVE to see you have like more partys!
Like Non-members, Members, Blue/Red, Rockhopper, Mimo-party. Wouldn't that ROCK? THEMED PARTY!
= )
Snow comes once a year but Snowcones taste better in Summer.
; )
~ Snowone342
I have an idea! I think u guys should do an activity thing every week e.g. draw a picture of Mimo or something funny or crazy or weird and take a picture of it and email it to CPG. CPG decide which is the best and the winner can have their name posted on the site! Or maybe, as a huge prize, get to meet Mimo in secret!!!
Sound like a good idea?
i hope number 10 wins X~D i like that one!
Mimo you should make some simple Mimo themed games. Games like tic-tac-toe and connect the dots.
Mimo ROX!!!
ooo ooo ooo u guys should hav a private party for all the penguins that gave u tips and glitches on ur site that would be awesome its kind of like a thank you to all the penguins that helped
mimo i have an idea.why dont you have a party that only invites COOL penguins. they have to wear a COOL outfit.And they have to act COOL.and have to have a awesomely COOL igloo.
----------------------------------- There is a party .
GO TO:bigfoot
Wear:COOL clotes
Time:Jan.20 3:00 pst
reason:because Mimo is COOL
Mimo please come.
This is a wall trick.
First you go on internet explorer and log on to Club Penguin.
Second go to the Town and be near the night club.
Third do custom zoom and zoom in 700% or 800%.
last click on the top of the Night Club And soon you'll be on top of the Night Club.
Hello penguins,
I just wanted to tell you if there are any party changes come to this post.(Create Mimo Contest Winner & Other Sweetness)
Pie1530 (cpg mod)
nmrd said...
you should make a counter so we would know how many ppl was on your site already/today/this week
whats harder find rockhopper or cadence?
Its cadence becausei8ve seen rockhopper alot of times puya26(CPG MOD)
OMG MIMO!!!!!!!!!! I WON A LIMITED EDITION VIKING PENGUIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :P :O !!!!!! i cant believe it!! i never win anything!! SOO SMOOVEY!!!! well just thought i'd let you know.... its kinda weird though cuz i just got it today and i entered in october.... well i guess CP is pretty busy. gtg enter the code on the coin so i can get exclusive items!! yay!!!
and if u look at ur dock and ur a member you see a member pass on ur player and on the icon
oh i am the one who said something about the rockhopper signature and about the new logg in poage but i logged on and on the edit player button it is not a star no more it is a helment of some kind. and if you are posting this on the real page mt penguin name is ace234444
Hey mimo,
Im a big fan of your site but is there a special thing you have to do to attend the parties???
Love flapjack103
i have another tip for u
if u look at the bottem were the toolbar is (it might not happen couse u r not a member)u will find an extra tool it is called edit player if u click it ur player card comes up and if u r a member it has a badge in the top left corner sayin member COOL!!!
Who ever wins, I just want to say Congratulations!!
Pugs232(CPG Mod)
whoa! it changes!
hi mimo.
I thought you could have a cool video week. People send in there club penguin videos and everyday you post 5 or 6 vids.
Just an idea!
May be ur site is al ready brill
You could have a party, and have penguins get their friends and dress alike. Well, something like that. Theme name: Family gathering (sort of).
hehehe it says wiener instead of winner!!!
Hello Penguins,
Change of plans. I have school the time of my party.(du de du de du)So the new time is 4:00 pm PST(7:00 pm et)
Pie1530 (cpg mod)
I think that we should all wear buckets on our heads.
I'm new how do u become a cpg mod?
I'm a Mimo fan so i want to know
and I'm a member on club penguin
mimo who won the contest
I HAVE BEEN TRYING so hard to findcadence with all of the hints i found ans still i can't find if there are any more hints please post them =[
Mimo! I found a cheat (a long time ago). You can play on expert mode in 1 player. Simply just get to the difficulty page and click somewhere on Cadence's face, there you go!
P.S. I only used Anonymous cause it didn't let me log in. I'm really Cooliosis1.
Hey Mimo,
I dont like Secret parties why not just for everyone?
Sorry nice site
i have an idea!
how about a club penguin igloo comp of your own!
Anonymous said...
I'm new how do u become a cpg mod?
I'm a Mimo fan so i want to know
and I'm a member on club penguin
ANSWER: To Bcome A CPG mod, Just asnwer questions thats other people ask. Make sure to give a right or good answer. Be sure to write (CPG MOD) next to ur name!
Hope this helps! (:
Rock On Anonymous & Mimo
Anonymous said...
I'm new how do u become a cpg mod?
I'm a Mimo fan so i want to know
and I'm a member on club penguin
Okay to become an awesome CPG MOD you must first answer a bunch of peoples questions about CP or CPG. To do this you must copy and paste their question into the type box on this page and then type your answer below it. Next put your penguin name and (CPG MOD) next to it. Watch I'll show you.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
OK, this is a little weird but, have a contest where people draw or make a sculpture of their penguin, or other penguins, or Herbert, or his crab sidekick, or you, or ANYTHING, into a dog, or any other animals, besides a penguin.
Cool. I should have done it. Your #1 Fan
Danielle said...
OK, this is a little weird but, have a contest where people draw or make a sculpture of their penguin, or other penguins, or Herbert, or his crab sidekick, or you, or ANYTHING, into a dog, or any other animals, besides a penguin.
Like a hippo Mimo or a fish Mimo or a.....
do we send it email or on comment?
dear angie129564,
u sen n a comment.
75piggy (CPG MOD in training)
You should have an igloo contest! With some kind of theme!
hey mimo!!
you are so cool!!
i am always on your site and trying to work out where your parties are.
when your dancing you can change the color of yourself
just an idea
Hey mimo your the best i always wanted club penguin cheats :)
and i always go to ur site now..
This was my idea :D hope u like it :)
How about we have like a dressy party at ur iggy or mine and who ever comes they can get dressed really DRESSY and then you choose whos the best out of them and then who ever is the best out of them can be ur best buddie on clubpenguin or ur guard or something :D
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo your the best i always wanted club penguin cheats :)
and i always go to ur site now..
This was my idea :D hope u like it :)
How about we have like a dressy party at ur iggy or mine and who ever comes they can get dressed really DRESSY and then you choose whos the best out of them and then who ever is the best out of them can be ur best buddie on clubpenguin or ur guard or something :D
Well since Mimo is a nonmember the only people who would be able to come to a party at his igloo would be the people who are already his buddies. Plus it would not be decorated very well because well he has no items becuase he is a nonmember. But other than that good idea! Oh and I forgot that since Mimo is a nonmember he would not have that many clothes and probably not very dressy ones.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
cool web page mimo
i think you guys should so a most creative penguin. where you have to make your penguin the coolest ever! and if you win you can get a free membership for 1 month! how does that sound?
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