Ok, here's the whole story. I have NEVER been a Club Penguin member. NEVER, really, I promise, for real. Some of the other members of Club Penguin Gang are members but I have never been a member. I have "sneaked" into some of the members only areas. And you smart penguins really know how I do that. Don't you?
So, back during the Create Mimo contest, we bought a couple 6 month memberships for the first and second place winners. Remember that? Well, here's what happened. When we went to buy the first membership Club Penguin asks you for the penguins name that you want to send it to and the penguins name of who its from. So by accident, we put the membership TO Mimo777 instead of FROM Mimo777!

SO MIMO777 IS NOW A CLUB PENGUIN MEMBER BY ACCIDENT! Very weird. So that's the whole story. I am now a member for 6 months! BOO HOO & YAY!
To all you non members, I am sorry. Am I still one of you? We have more free memberships to give away and other smooviness!
Now the only question is... will Mimo STAY a member... ;-)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 375 Newer› Newest»Yay Mimo! You're a member! =D
Whoa, that's smoove cool! Have you bought any items yet?
Sweet! YOu JUST updated. I go on your twitter. Come back and now this post!
Hey Mimo What Are You Going To Buy
Igloo Stuff , Clothes , ETC
Please Answer Mimo Not CPG Mods
Thanks 99souljaboy6
Oh em gee! That's great! Will you be wearing the same outfit, or will you put on member clothes for your official outfit while your a member?
Dont worry Mimo! Us non members still love ya!
Yo Mimo, you should definetly stay a member :-D (Seriously dude)
Mimo! No! You cannot be a member forever! I mean I'm a member, but try it out...you have to stay real, man!
I feel bad for the person that didnt get it! lol
omg omg omg omg. mimo777 is now a member *cheers,claps,oohs and ahhhs* wow since u became a member you could have the same look, look like a member,or both by leaving the original mimo777 stuff on like the hat,the glasses,the parrot,and the friendship bracelet on,but with a shirt and shoes that are members clothes and ta da.thats all i got to say so you can make a poll about that.(just sayin if u WANT TO ok) this was a comment from vert97 one of ur biggest fans of clubpenguin gang and clubpenguin lol.
wow u should stay a member! really
Mimo... Nice! I'm gonna get membership soon- Nc735
lol i think you should stay member
Anonymous said...
Yo Mimo, you should definetly stay a member :-D (Seriously dude)
Yeah I think he should stay a member too! It would be better because then he would be able to take pictures of himself instead of taking pictures of other people when its a member only place.
When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP
Please don't stay member Mimo. Us non-emembers will get sad, but why would members get sad? Non-Members will feel sad because their biggest hero has changed to a member.
Hoopster67 said...
Oh em gee! That's great! Will you be wearing the same outfit, or will you put on member clothes for your official outfit while your a member?
Mimo might change his outfit but he usually likes to wear the same thing for a long time so that we can recognize him.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Stay a member! So you can REALLY get into member rooms.
Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you
99souljaboy6 said...
Hey Mimo What Are You Going To Buy
Igloo Stuff , Clothes , ETC
Please Answer Mimo Not CPG Mods
Thanks 99souljaboy6
I am sorry that I am not Mimo but Mimo never answers the questions that people ask him unless like a million people ask it then he will answer the question with a post. Ok so Mimo usually likes to stay the same with his appearance so he probably won't change how he looks bt he might buy all of that other stuff.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
i think u should stay a member!!
Anonymous said...
Please don't stay member Mimo. Us non-emembers will get sad, but why would members get sad? Non-Members will feel sad because their biggest hero has changed to a member.
Members would be just as sad as nonmembers because Mimo is all of our heroes and nobody wants him to change so he should efinitely stay the same.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Hoopster67 said...
Oh em gee! That's great! Will you be wearing the same outfit, or will you put on member clothes for your official outfit while your a member?
Im sure he will stay the same or else he wouldn't seem like mimo. He might but who really knows? MIMO
Sand Flipper
Xanth50jr said...
Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you
Mimo will not meet people just because they asked him too. He is way too busy to do this plus it would be unfair to all of the people that he didn't meet.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Xanth50jr said...
Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you
Mimo cant add or meet penguins when they ask because he is busy and its not fair to everyone else.
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP
You never know when Mimo will have a contest.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Hey, Mimo, I am so happy for you! I would so like to be a member but my parents don't have a credit card, so i can't...... *crying* Even, though, I am a non-member, I still love you.....
Ana (CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP
Soon i bet, check his twitter too you can get to it by the side bar if you dont know.
Sand Flipper
wow your a member!! thats soo cool.Its fun being a member and NON member too.
when i just started cp uh 831 days ago (lol) i had the choice to become a member of cp or toon town, i chose toontown! grr if i didnt think of all the rare items i could of had and i also quit cp for like 6 months to a year so i missed so much stuff! O well you rock mimo!
Sand Flipper
O Mimo guess what im doing, im gona make a mimo shirt LOL im getting a picture of you and we put it on this special paper and iron it on a white t-shirt! pretty cool right?
Sand Flipper
mimo thats awesome
stay a member!!
lol thats so funney I think u should stay a member and then get into member partys and tell us wat really happens. i as a nonmember still lovu!
Xanth50jr said...
"Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you"
"Mimo cant meet with you personaly or add you as a buddy even though he would like to but he is very busy and his buddy list id full"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
haha omg thats hilarious yes u still one of us!
Anonymous said...
"When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP"
"Im not sure but I am sure that Mimo will let us know"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
yes i new it u have become a member
be happy mimo
that is awesome!!! i am a member also!!!
mimo i have a 6 month membership un used shall i giv it to u
you should stay a member i am one and i absolutely LOVE it...but dont change your outfit!!!it the CPG simble your nonmember outfit it it it...IT IS JUST U!and cant u just use the membership to sup up your igloo or go undercover so ppl wont croud you whan u r doing the site pics or just to get on for the fun of CP? just saying...
waddle on~Ajk 89
Hoopster67 said...
"Oh em gee! That's great! Will you be wearing the same outfit, or will you put on member clothes for your official outfit while your a member?"
"Mimo will most likely keep his original outfit as it is his trademark outfit"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
oh wow thats great.. r u gonna change how ur penguin looks?
i'm sick *sneezes* i think i can break the record for the most sneezes in a row
Hey mimo, I think i know how you are sneaking into members rooms. I think another CPG Mod goes in (e.g Ufride, 9china9 etc) and takes a screenshot. Then you edit the picture by taking the mods penguin out of the picture and putting yours there instead, to make it look like you "sneaked" in. Am I right?
Hoopster67 said...
"Oh em gee! That's great! Will you be wearing the same outfit, or will you put on member clothes for your official outfit while your a member?"
he will proberly wear his own cloths its the sign of mimo and cpg, plus his weird nessthats the best
27ht(cpg mod)
Awesome, Mimo! Spend your coins wisely on things... P.S. You should change your look around a bit!
Zxz192 said...
"Hey mimo, I think i know how you are sneaking into members rooms. I think another CPG Mod goes in (e.g Ufride, 9china9 etc) and takes a screenshot. Then you edit the picture by taking the mods penguin out of the picture and putting yours there instead, to make it look like you "sneaked" in. Am I right?"
"Yup thats exactly how he does it, your a smart penguin :)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
27ht said...
"mimo i have a 6 month membership un used shall i giv it to u"
"How kind of you, but you should keep it cos one day you may need to renew your membership/or become a member and not have any money. If you really dont want it then you could ask Mimo or someone who has a blog to hold a contest to give it away"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Hoopster67 said...
Oh em gee! That's great! Will you be wearing the same outfit, or will you put on member clothes for your official outfit while your a member?
I'm pretty sure that mimo will still be wearing his normal clothes because he didn't mean to become a member:D lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Kirby623 said...
"Awesome, Mimo! Spend your coins wisely on things... P.S. You should change your look around a bit!"
"Good idea but I dont think Mimo will as his look is also his trademark"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Zxz192 said...
"Hey mimo, I think i know how you are sneaking into members rooms. I think another CPG Mod goes in (e.g Ufride, 9china9 etc) and takes a screenshot. Then you edit the picture by taking the mods penguin out of the picture and putting yours there instead, to make it look like you "sneaked" in. Am I right?"
Good thinking, that is what he does. He also said that in an older post i think. Pretty sneaky of mimo huh?
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Zxz192 said...
"Hey mimo, I think i know how you are sneaking into members rooms. I think another CPG Mod goes in (e.g Ufride, 9china9 etc) and takes a screenshot. Then you edit the picture by taking the mods penguin out of the picture and putting yours there instead, to make it look like you "sneaked" in. Am I right?"
yes u r thats a good way mimo is smart. weird but smart
27ht(cpg mod)
Wmb98 said...
I feel bad for the person that didnt get it! lol
I think that the person that he was going to send the membership to still got one, because mimo promised him one lol. Sorry mimo, that must have stunk to had to buy another membership:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
mimo are you going to buy stuff or dont do anything (buy puffles)
(you can do miltiplayer on the dance game)
(make mimo's member Look!)
Pengineeta =D said...
oh wow thats great.. r u gonna change how ur penguin looks?
i'm sick *sneezes* i think i can break the record for the most sneezes in a row
As i have said, i am confident that he will stay the same look. If he decides to change a little bit, he'll probably just buy shoes or something and wear them.
Anybody know that I have a look of my own too? lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
thats awesome... Get a sweet new look
Woah I never thought that would happen.=O
u should.That way u don't have 2 sneak in anymore and get caught by the cops.;-)
Yay 2day is my bday!!!If u did it 2day,u did it on my bday!=) lol
27ht said...
mimo i have a 6 month membership un used shall i giv it to u
Well, although that is nice, mimo wouldn't want you to do that. As we all know, mimo didn't even mean to become one in the first place. So he probalby won't stay a member. Plus, u could use it for u to become a member:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
zaria said
mimo are you going to buy stuff or dont do anything (buy puffles)
(you can do miltiplayer on the dance game)
(make mimo's member Look!)
theres a chance he will buy stuff
he might do his igloo and try the multiplayer part of the dance game
27ht(cpg mod)
Aqua131131 said...
Woah I never thought that would happen.=O
u should.That way u don't have 2 sneak in anymore and get caught by the cops.;-)
Yay 2day is my bday!!!If u did it 2day,u did it on my bday!=) lol
This isn't really a question, but because u dont know, ill asnwer. Mimo actually did this not too long ago, i think he just decided to tell us all today
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
please dont become a member please just think about all the penguin out there that arent members and ur their hero... even my and im a member so please dont become a member
AWESOME Congrats to you!
Zxz192 said...
Hey mimo, I think i know how you are sneaking into members rooms. I think another CPG Mod goes in (e.g Ufride, 9china9 etc) and takes a screenshot. Then you edit the picture by taking the mods penguin out of the picture and putting yours there instead, to make it look like you "sneaked" in. Am I right?
You are right except for one thing, U fride and 9china9 and the rest of the gang are not CPG MODs the are part of the CPG or "club penguin gang"
Mrpengieiwn (CPG MOD)
Hoopster67 said...
Oh em gee! That's great! Will you be wearing the same outfit, or will you put on member clothes for your official outfit while your a member?
i think mimo will stay traditional i mean his membership was an accident
COOL MIMO! YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR ITEMS!!! you can create a contest to select how did you must wear
Wow, ur a member now...i dnt think u should be a member (but thats only what i think)... even tho im a member... but on the other hand you will be able to go into the members only room...i dnt no...
Zxz192 said...
Hey mimo, I think i know how you
are sneaking into members rooms. I think another CPG Mod goes in (e.g Ufride, 9china9 etc) and takes a screenshot. Then you edit the picture by taking the mods penguin out of the picture and putting yours there instead, to make it look like you "sneaked" in. Am I right?
ya ur basicly right just need to good with a computer
zaria said...
mimo are you going to buy stuff or dont do anything (buy puffles)
(you can do miltiplayer on the dance game)
(make mimo's member Look!)
mimo probably wants to still act like a nonmember so while he can do all the member stuff he miht limit himself
Buy the Ninja Suit! Buy the Ninja Suit!
Anonymous said...
When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP
well scince mimo just had one it might no be for a while srry
Yay!!! Mimo your a member now!!! Im so happy for you and so am i a member :)
Mimo! i think you should stay like a member like forever :) lol
Aqua131131 said...
Woah I never thought that would happen.=O
u should.That way u don't have 2 sneak in anymore and get caught by the cops.;-)
Yay 2day is my bday!!!If u did it 2day,u did it on my bday!=) lol
he acually announced it on ur b-day
he was a member a few days ago. lol
Stay a member.
Join the dark side. lol.
OMG mimo nooooooooooo ur a member!! :(:(:(
im sooo shocked mann :(
owell c ya later mimo.
Hey, Happy birthday, hope you have a happy one!
hey mimo!! congrats on being a member! i`m not a member but i was! maybe you could now have a party in your igloo and you can make it TOTALLY decorated!
Mimo thats cool!
if you want to keep ur non- member clothes thats ok put mabye you should get some igloo stuff!
Congrats! :)
I love being a member its fun! Have you bought anything yet? New clothes? Furniture? PUFFLES? LOL alright hope your happy with it I would be
Oh auzome mimo! But did the person that won the contest get a 6 month membership 2?
lucky pants
P.S.- I havent been in your website for such a very long time!!
Mimo you should stay a member because i am one and its so fun , well its your dicission so byee for now :D
whoa !!! mimo you are awesome.finally.. you are a member.BOOOO YAAAAHHH
:( ARGH!
so are u gonna like buy member stuff or just like were ur old outfit?
Congrulations Mimo you rock the my socks! Im a member to Well bye!
use it well mimo
mimo you should be a non member well im a member but think of the non members they will get sad because then theres no non member famous penguin
Dear CPG Mods (and Mimo777)!
Can I become a MOD too?
(I just want to anwser comments and help you).
Thank you!
~Aljaz99 (CPG MOD)
please dont stay a member, i want to be one of you!
yay your a member member member!!!
i have a membership. well, i am on my 4th 6 month membership. I have to pay for it though. :P
Anyway, are you going to use your membership to buy stuff or just act like a nonmember???
This is huge!
Mimo777 A Club Penguin Member!
Front page story in the Club Penguin Times! lol
- Kitty Cat04 -
Awsome, Mimo777 I hope you stay a member and change your outfit that would be awsome so rockin awsome!!!!!
I'm not a member, but I hope you know that once those six months expire all your member stuff goes into storage.
LOl, there's a first time to all.
And us -the non members- still lovin you.
koool but worst thing is wen your membership runs out u can't wear any member clothes again until u become a member again
Wow ^_^ Congrads on that =] =P are you gonna wear member stuff or stick with the same outfit? O you should make a fancy igloo and have a party in it sometime
Hey mimo. I have a story to tell you; Once upon a time i was a member for 1 month! But by the end of that month, the only thing i could access was my black puffle. Sure, my clothes were still in my inventory. but i couldnt try them on! so i made another penguin because i didnt want those clothes teasing me :*(
I do not suggest buying anything except a puffle. but its up to you. just a heads up.
Noooo..... Mimo, stay a non member! Don't become one of THEM!
I kinda figured.Since I saw it on the lily pin thing lol
i feel... utterly and completely betrayed.
Mimo, did you buy anything?
datbatman69 said...
"Hey mimo. I have a story to tell you; Once upon a time i was a member for 1 month! But by the end of that month, the only thing i could access was my black puffle. Sure, my clothes were still in my inventory. but i couldnt try them on! so i made another penguin because i didnt want those clothes teasing me :*(
I do not suggest buying anything except a puffle. but its up to you. just a heads up."
"This is like what happened to me as well, but I just became a member then for a year and am still one, but I wasnt a member for ages until my sisters both became ones"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Sparkforever said...
"Wow ^_^ Congrads on that =] =P are you gonna wear member stuff or stick with the same outfit? O you should make a fancy igloo and have a party in it sometime
"An igloo party would be awsome!!! But I think Mimo will stick to his origal outfit as its his trademark outfit, but I really like the idea of an igloo party"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Mimo! You are soooo lucky
ive always wanted to be a member!!!!
maybe i'll try one of you're contests these days.
Aljaz99 (CPG MOD) said...
"Dear CPG Mods (and Mimo777)!
Can I become a MOD too?
(I just want to anwser comments and help you).
Thank you!
~Aljaz99 (CPG MOD)"
"Sure, of corse you can, you just need to start answering peoples questions :), it takes a good while to become a mod but its just Mimos way of seeing are you willing to stick to it"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
keyblade boy said...
I kinda figured.Since I saw it on the lily pin thing lol
good looking mimos mysterious lol
Hey Mimo777, pls be a non member, because if you are a member I feel that non members are not fun anymore. So stay to be a non member.
From mimo777 #1 fan.
noa345 said...
"mimo you should be a non member well im a member but think of the non members they will get sad because then theres no non member famous penguin"
"Members and non-members are the same to me and Im sure Mimo would treat members and non-members the same as members as well, and mrpengiewin is a non-member"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"so are u gonna like buy member stuff or just like were ur old outfit?"
"I think Mimo will stick to his trade mark outfit but we are just gonna have to wait and see"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Don't worry Mimo!!! I hope you enjoy your membership though! Y ou will always be all of us penguin's idols no matter what! It's kind of like you are the new american idol, but your really not....well...you wouldn't be the new american idol...you would be the old one.....awww I don't even know what I'm sayin! LOL! I'm just a little confused now......lol sorry to confuse you!
~Dex Dude~
Whoever said that:
Aqua131131 said...
Woah I never thought that would happen.=O
u should.That way u don't have 2 sneak in anymore and get caught by the cops.;-)
Yay 2day is my bday!!!If u did it 2day,u did it on my bday!=) lol
he acually announced it on ur b-day
he was a member a few days ago. lol
I say:I didn't know that.I said if u DID lol
Anonymous said...
"Oh auzome mimo! But did the person that won the contest get a 6month membership 2?"
"Im sure he did, I think he posted thanking Mimo for the mebership actually but Im not sure"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Xanth50jr said...
Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you
Unfortunately, Mimo can't add everyone who wants to be his buddy. :[. You can meet him at his parties, but he probably won't add you. :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
you really need to STAY A MEMBER. you can get some really cool stuff like the ninja suit
Aqua131131 said...
"Woah I never thought that would happen.=O
u should.That way u don't have 2 sneak in anymore and get caught by the cops.;-)
Yay 2day is my bday!!!If u did it 2day,u did it on my bday!=) lol
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Mimo acidentally became a member a few days ago"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"COOL MIMO! YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR ITEMS!!! you can create a contest to select how did you must wear"
"Cool idea, like what he did to select what background he should wear, remember???"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Aqua131131 said...
Woah I never thought that would happen.=O
u should.That way u don't have 2 sneak in anymore and get caught by the cops.;-)
Yay 2day is my bday!!!If u did it 2day,u did it on my bday!=) lol
Happy bday! Hope ya have a great day! ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Aqua131131 said...
Woah I never thought that would happen.=O
u should.That way u don't have 2 sneak in anymore and get caught by the cops.;-)
Yay 2day is my bday!!!If u did it 2day,u did it on my bday!=) lol
srry i forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY
zaria said...
"mimo are you going to buy stuff or dont do anything (buy puffles)
(you can do miltiplayer on the dance game)
(make mimo's member Look!)
"I guess we are all gonna have to wait and see, ;)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Its no big deal Mimo. Your still a non member in my book. Turthfuly I would have done the same thing. :)
omg its like we switched because my membership didnt end that long ago! its kool to haear that ur a member though.id like to win a membership!
Hey mimo im cool with that to me i dont care if you are a member or not. youre still very cool
Anonymous said...
i have a membership. well, i am on my 4th 6 month membership. I have to pay for it though. :P
Anyway, are you going to use your membership to buy stuff or just act like a nonmember???
I am pretty sure that mimo will buy stuff, but not wear anything much different. He won't have to sneak in to member partyies any more lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
please dont become a member please just think about all the penguin out there that arent members and ur their hero... even my and im a member so please dont become a member
Hey, Mimo allready became a member like a week ago. So, although u don't want him to be a member, mimo didn't exactly meen to become one.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Sand Flipper said...
O Mimo guess what im doing, im gona make a mimo shirt LOL im getting a picture of you and we put it on this special paper and iron it on a white t-shirt! pretty cool right?
Sand Flipper
Very cool lol... you are a big fan! Maybe you could take a pic of the shirt and send it to him! That would be cool,
But Until Then...
Waddle On
5232jada (CPG MOD)
Hey mimo cool thing about a member are you gonna get an igloo? a dojo? or items?
Aljaz99 (CPG MOD) said...
Dear CPG Mods (and Mimo777)!
Can I become a MOD too?
(I just want to anwser comments and help you).
Thank you!
~Aljaz99 (CPG MOD)
Hey, well to become a mod, it takes a lot of work. First, you have to look at the comments until you find questions to answer. Then, You have to answer them correctly, and kindly. You also have to put (CPG Mod) after your name when you answer a question, not when you dont answer a question.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Hi ppl! I am having my 500 hits party so plz come:
Time: 3:30-4:30 PST
Server: Snow Bank
Day: Today!
Plz come!
cool being a member is fun
hey mimo now u can buy stuff from gift shop and stuff
when is your next party?
i can never get to them.
Haha dude u should just make ur igloo really rad for private parties and stuff, keep the same outfit
mimo now that youre a member and all can you still wear the nonmember clothes just to show youre a nonmember at heart?
Hey mimo, its cool do stay a member for six months. Buy all you can during that time then keep it real and stay non-member. Its all good, I'm going sleeding next we have ice.
noa345 said...
mimo you should be a non member well im a member but think of the non members they will get sad because then theres no non member famous penguin
Hey im sure there r tons of non member famous penguins but anyway it doesnt matter, mimo isnt gonna treat anyone any differently just becose they r a non member or member
ok how do you sneek into membe parties??
Hey mimo so wat happened to the person that actually won the membership? Did they still get one?
Aljaz99 (CPG MOD)
Dear CPG Mods (and Mimo777)!
Can I become a MOD too?
(I just want to anwser comments and help you).
Thank you!
Zxz192 (me) said...
The only way you can become a CPG Mod is to answer questions on the blog. It also helps to congratulate contest winners.
Hope this helped!
us members still love ya! ;)
Well its good to see you as a member now but If you dont like dont buy anything until your membership is over and then it will look like you were never a member!
Anonymous said...
When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP
------------------------------------------Dear Anonymous There has already Been two free Membership Contest Recently And They Were A picture With Your player card in it And Create mimo Unfortunately iF you missed Those Mino may not Do another for awhile because he cant just Give Away Memberships Randomly ,Hes not made of money!
Lucylu212(cpgmod) (in training ) (please Make me A mod)
Hope this helps
99souljaboy6 said...
Hey Mimo What Are You Going To Buy
Igloo Stuff , Clothes , ETC
Please Answer Mimo Not CPG Mods
Thanks 99souljaboy6
Unfortunately Mimo may not be able to anwser Your Question Because Mimo Is so Busy And may not have time to anwser
Xanth50jr said...
Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you
Mimo Cannot Meet Everybody who asks to be his Buddy Because his Buddy list is full Why dont you try and meet him at a quickee party Because if people saw him out of a quickee party he would get swamped with penguins .
Lucylu212(Cpg mod ) (wannabee)
Dear Mimo777,
Are you going to buy stuff while you are a member? I think its ok that you are a member. But don't be a member FOREVER, stay real its kinda a waste of money. Keep doing a gret job.
~ Anonymous
I am A member but i dont have to pay for it cuase my parents pay for it for me . I am on my 3rd six month membership and being a member is awesome because of member events and puffles and clothes . But When Your membership ends your member igloo disappears if you got one along with all your furniture which is still in your inventory but you cant use it.
Mimo I really like you cause i've seen your vids and all so I'll be happy for you. Congratulations for the next 6 months!
Show us a picture o your membership player card Mimo.
its ok we forgive you you deserve it
Stay member :D
Your still a nonmember, if your ok with that, it was just an accident, go non members!, and congrats on your membership!
hmm... i changed my mind, i think u should be a member but dont act like it too much, and thro a massive party @ ur igloo to celebrete tht u r a memberand then have lots of partys like that...
xcool n cute
HanSolo996 said...
Whoa, that's smoove cool! Have you bought any items yet?
My guess is..YES...lol, when i became a member i bought everything!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP
I think in a couple of weeks, he said soon.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Yah Mimo! You're a member!
Aljaz99 (CPG MOD) said...
Dear CPG Mods (and Mimo777)!
Can I become a MOD too?
(I just want to anwser comments and help you).
Thank you!
~Aljaz99 (CPG MOD)
Yeah! anyone can become a CPG MOD if they try hard enough just start answering questions.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Xanth50jr said...
Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you
Well, we all wish he would meet up with us, but sadely he doesnt.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
woot woot mimo is a member
Anonymous said...
Oh auzome mimo! But did the person that won the contest get a 6 month membership 2?
I am pretty sure he did. Mimo would always give the prize to the winner!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Yo Mimo, you should definetly stay a member :-D (Seriously dude)
I think he should stay a member Also!! Its Like Soooo Kool!!
LOL MIMO! i can't believe that happened! Oh well. Just don't stay a member ok? I liked it when you were a nonmember! LOL
Hey mimo theres a new poll out if u wanna kno and yea u prbly kno the rest wats happenin lol..
1i1 pingy
Xanth50jr said...
Whoa can you Mim o meat me in Fojord? i'm al so a member so I want to be friends with you
Mimo Cant Go to any parties meet ppl add ppl ect. He is very busy making his site awesome! Also Do u think he would spend all of his time on the computer? i sure dont. Another Reason Is If he went to add everyone his buddy list would get full! yes he is everyones hero and stuff but he has a life!
Moneydude98 CPG Mod
Anonymous said...
When does the next Free Membership contest start? Since I really want to be a member XP
You Never Know He could give a membership contest every month He surprises alot of people! XD
Moneydude98 CPG Mod
Zxz192 said...
"Hey mimo, I think i know how you are sneaking into members rooms. I think another CPG Mod goes in (e.g Ufride, 9china9 etc) and takes a screenshot. Then you edit the picture by taking the mods penguin out of the picture and putting yours there instead, to make it look like you "sneaked" in. Am I right?
Of Course Ur Right! Its Very Easy To Do That!
Well, ur still one of us even if your a member but i think that if ur not a member the non members would be happier
27ht said...
"mimo i have a 6 month membership un used shall i giv it to u?"
I think You should keep it cuz wat if u needed it in the FUTURE!
Moneydude98 CPG Mod
no mimo dont stay a member!! u must become one of us again!! i dont know why but u just have to stay a nonmember!!
plz it is so cool how your a non member i dont now why but o well. Yah i no how you sneak in.
CP Name: Bozobam
Thisis so exciting!
I like oreos!
~Dex Dude
Lol I crack myself up!
Dex Dude
how can you sneak in?
lol that's funny
Hey I was wonderin if the mods could answer this?
How does mimo sneak in?
Yes mimo you are still one of us at heart! Now plz go back to being a non-member soon! pretty pretty plz!
Can i have one cause i have never been one :(
that gr8 your a member, im a member too, buy loads of cool clothes, its really fun to dress up and show off cool clothes, tee hee
love me x
p.s u r really cool
Being a member is so cool but then you get bored with it. I'm a member for the next six months and I rarely go on Club Penguin anymore. :)
Ur so lucky! i have been trying to convince my parents forever!!!!!!!!
Hey mimo i recon you should wear a body item and change the maracas but keep the hat and REMEMBER TO PUT ON SHOES
Blogger kitty cat04 said...
This is huge!
Mimo777 A Club Penguin Member!
Front page story in the Club Penguin Times! lol
i can see the headlines now! " mimo777 member-mania!" lol! Aunt Arctic will be all over this case!
it'll probably take up the whole paper and half of next weeks too! Club Penguin Times is going to be like a cat and mouse on this topic! happy waddling!
mimo you should be a non member well im a member but think of the non members they will get sad because then theres no non member famous penguin
January 31, 2009 10:26 AM
Anonymous Aljaz99 (CPG MOD) said...
Dear CPG Mods (and Mimo777)!
Can I become a MOD too?
(I just want to anwser comments and help you).
Thank you!
~Aljaz99 (CPG MOD)
dear Aljaz99,
it is quite easy to become a a cpg mod! all you have to do-just as you said it- is answer peoples questions for like everyday for a while!. And that's great that you wanna help mimo! happy waddling!
Your normal now. Non members smell funny.
Mimo, I am a sneaky penguin. I have just seen a change of clothes. In your picture of your player card, in your hands, you have maracas. In the Picture above the article, where it says Club PEnguin Gang, you are wearing a friendship bracelet. Hmmm. Very Interesting. You need to post this.
-Detective Penguin, Agent Fire
The Best Detective and Agent in Club Penguin
yay mimo!!! you are a member!! thats so cool!!! please post me on comments
Dear 99souljaboy6,
Mimo is probably not going to buy anything but if the results say he should be a member he will probably buy stuff. And CPG mods have to answer because mimo will not answer your comments (look at the about comments thing on the left).
fishandfries (CPG mod)
Mimo thats great
Dear Xanth50jr,
Mimo can't meet you in Fjord because he never has time to meet people. But you could meet him in his parties. But you have to be really smart to figure out his clues.
fishandfries (CPG mod)
Lemonstone33 said:
Yeah Mimo is a member! Lemonstone is not a member though :( But my other account is a member :)Welcome to the member squad Mimo!
yay! hes one of us now! *membership expires* hes still one of us!
HanSolo996 said...
Whoa, that's smove cool! Have you bought any items yet?
Um, Mimo problay bought some items, but we're not for sure. Hope this answers your Q!
-Vasa12345 (CPG Mod)
"Hey mimo. I have a story to tell you; Once upon a time i was a member for 1 month! But by the end of that month, the only thing i could access was my black puffle. Sure, my clothes were still in my inventory. but i couldnt try them on! so i made another penguin because i didnt want those clothes teasing me :*(
I do not suggest buying anything except a puffle. but its up to you. just a heads up."
It's up Mimo, but that is a very good thing that you said that. You are right.
congragulations mimo! Finally you get to see what yuo were missing all this time! have fun!
Yo Mimo, you should definetly stay a member :-D (Seriously dude)
I want him to stay as a member too. But it is Mimo's Choice. I would be better to be a member because he can sneak in the member areas only without any members going in and he has to edit to look like he sneaked in.
Hey Mimo, Do like being a member or do you want to be a non-member again?
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