Here is the new Club Penguin pin cheat!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin.
Step 1. Go to The Ski Village.
Step 2. Now go to the Ski Lodge.
Step 3. Now go upstairs.
Step 2. Now click on the Gingerbread Man in the snow!
Some penguins can still see the Present pin in the Ski Lodge. but some can't They must have a glitchy pin. ;-)
Check out the AC3000! PAR-TAY in February!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 261 Newer› Newest»I love this pin!
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
Hey Mimo! Thanks I needed that! Guess what? The present pin is still there! Mimo ROCKS!!!!
But Mimo did you notice that old pin (present) was still there?
i like it
Hey Mimo They Also have The Old Pin Too!!!
hey mimo u can buy any wig in the clothing catalog!!!! cool!!
MIMO! There is a glitch! The present pin is still out in thw ski lodge! BOTH pins are out!
~ Squishy Fuzz
please give me credit if i am the first to report this.
gingerbread man
yummy pin!
i agree with stickers its so cute
oh, and only 2 new backrounds, lol sorry mimo, typo :(
woah! i was on this site a few houtrs ago and this wasn't on your awesome IM 3RD POST IM GOING TO FAINT!Japjake2 is my account name!
Mimo, how do you get the RARE treasure on soda seas in Aqua Grabber?
Hah Mimo I made some comments about the new pin then looked and you already had a post. WOW YOU ARE QUICK!
Hey Stickers! I saw you on every server i was was like u were stalking me.....LOL!
Mimo you post things like RIGHT when everything comes out! Scarrrrry
dude mimo i know what a c 3000 is for the scuplter party
Hah Mimo I made some comments about the new pin then looked and you already had a post. WOW YOU ARE QUICK!
koolz mimo!!
The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
~ Squishy Fuzz
heys supp innn da mimo houze FOO
Ross103 said...
That's awesome Ross103 and remember just be yourself!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
now I can have a matching pin with my gingerbread man/girl suit haha jk that's an awesome pin! keep it CPG
Squishy Fuzz said...
MIMO! There is a glitch! The present pin is still out in thw ski lodge! BOTH pins are out!
~ Squishy Fuzz
please give me credit if i am the first to report this.
You're not the first to report this I was. Sorry.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Squishy Fuzz said...
The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
~ Squishy Fuzz
Yes Squishy Fuzz, that is a glitch and one that hopefully Mimo will post because the present pin has been acting weird!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Rats 1996 said...
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
Mimo will not tell you what server he is on but good luck finding him!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how do you get the RARE treasure on soda seas in Aqua Grabber?
I have wondered this myself, it is not the purple crystal treasure. Keep looking and you will find it. Look where you wouldn't expect to find it.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo you switched around the new pin post and the catalog cheats post!
coby15 (cpg mod) said...
Dear Coby15,
You do not need to put (CPG MOD) next to your name when you aren't answering questions or doing Mody stuff.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
P.S. are you a new mod i dont remember you from any previous comments, if you are new i wish you good luck!
Skaterjessie(CPG Mod) said...
Hey Stickers! I saw you on every server i was was like u were stalking me.....LOL!
Dear Skaterjessie,
You don't need to put (CPG MOD) next to your name if you aren't anwering a question or helping someone.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Sometimes I put on a ninja mask and become a ninjabread man! LOL!
P.S. This is my favorite site!
alright GTG now
My penguin never saw the present pin and i have every pin sice like 2 a little longer than 2 years ago. That is not a very good 720 day birthday for my penguin. :(
From Miss Tinsel
Hi Mimo! That's cool! Um I want to tell you that the present pin is still the the Sky Lodge. Maybe the present pin has something to do with CP mission or something like that?
Mimo this has nothing to do with the pins but have you noticed that in the light house the christmas music is still playing?
best pin ever
Rats 1996 said...
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
Mimo usually go on Big Foot & Fjord
Permy9 and Truffula said...
Hey Mimo! Thanks I needed that! Guess what? The present pin is still there! Mimo ROCKS!!!!
It must be CP fault :(
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD) said...
coby15 (cpg mod) said...
Thank you coby15 ! I hope you'll be a mod sometimes ! but you dont need to put CPG MOD next to your name, because you dont answer any question ;-)
both pins are at lodge!!
Dear Mimo, I just discovered that the present pin is still there, however, there's a very big glitch.
It says:
You have found a Present.
Would you like to pick it up?
When I click Yes, it gives me this error:
A moderator has banned your account.
Your ban will expire in %number% hours.
(code s402 on the bottom left)
When I click ok, I am stuck with a blue box with a refresh sign.
This happened at around 3.45 CP Time and seems to happen on all servers. Anyone has the same bug/glitch?
Or is this some joke about being naughty or nice?
Mimo the present pin is not on. Take a look.
Mrpengiewin said...
But Mimo did you notice that old pin (present) was still there?
dear mr Pengiewin
yep the pins still there so im guessing theres a glitch on CP. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Kool Jade said...
hey mimo u can buy any wig in the clothing catalog!!!! cool!!
dear kool jade
mimo can not buy and wigs because hes not a member. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
dude mimo i know what a c 3000 is for the scuplter party
Hey Mimo great site! but i have a question. I turned a nonmember on Christmas day :/ but i went to buy a red puffle, you know the ones for nonmembers and members, it said for members only! so now i cant adopt Blue or red puffles! I hope its just some glitch
Man Mimo we get up too early
um in the new catalog did we jst step into the '70's or something?
mimo the present pin is still there but so is the gigerbread pin!
MIMO MIMO! i figured out somethin! club penguin always has a fiesta in febuary! if u look at the backrounds in the catoulague it is fiesata ish! YAY!
Weird. I can see both pins (?????)
Heyy mimo, with all the mexican stuff in the catalogue it looks like they are going to have another fiesta party! wippee!
hey mimo the old pin is also back. there are 2 pins now until CP changes it
why is there 2 pins?
Anonymous said...
why is there 2 pins?
There are two pins probably because of a glitch with CP. We already now that the present pin has been acting weird lately.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Yo Im Frozen said...
um in the new catalog did we jst step into the '70's or something?
Yes some of the items in the new catalog are '70's-ish, like the flipper warmers.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Cuddles 895 said...
Mimo this has nothing to do with the pins but have you noticed that in the light house the christmas music is still playing?
Yes it is the lighthouse always seems to play music from the previous party.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Where the heck is the rest of the cool new clothes on CP?? I thought they were going to have a whole lot more stuff?? Can you please help???
-Fish Yum
Anonymous said...
Im sure that disney has some new ideas for parties and items. they know that some items need to be rare so people who have tham can be happy!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Squishy fuzz said...
The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
Yea, that is a glitch. Hopefully Mimo will post it... like MrPengiwin said, the present pin has been acting weird latley.
lsund said...
Hey Mimo great site! but i have a question. I turned a nonmember on Christmas day :/ but i went to buy a red puffle, you know the ones for nonmembers and members, it said for members only! so now i cant adopt Blue or red puffles! I hope its just some glitch
Dear lsund,
That's strange I've been a nonmember forever and never had a problem with puffles. This must be a glitch. Hope that CP fixes it for you soon!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Clup Penguin didn't really run out of ideas. Even though the GENERAL idea is the same, the rooms aren't gonna be all exactly like the ones in previous parties. Usually there is at least 1 new free item, and this could be because the moderators in CP want the newer members of CP to have the old items. This is no excuse to quit, by the way. =D
Hope this helps!
Supdudes35 (CPG mod)
Lots of people said something like...
The present pin is still there!
The present pin is NOT there anymore, when I checked. (I was on server Frosty at 8:14am cptz)
Hope this helps!
-Supdudes35(CPG mod in training)
hoopla_punta said...
Dear Mimo, I just discovered that the present pin is still there, however, there's a very big glitch.
It says:
You have found a Present.
Would you like to pick it up?
When I click Yes, it gives me this error:
A moderator has banned your account.
Your ban will expire in %number% hours.
(code s402 on the bottom left)
When I click ok, I am stuck with a blue box with a refresh sign.
This happened at around 3.45 CP Time and seems to happen on all servers. Anyone has the same bug/glitch?
Or is this some joke about being naughty or nice?
Okay I think that this is probably a glitch because CP doesn't want you to get the present because its supposed to be gone. So don't worry I don't think you will be banned.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
hoopla_punta said...
Dear Mimo, I just discovered that the present pin is still there, however, there's a very big glitch.
It says:
You have found a Present.
Would you like to pick it up?
When I click Yes, it gives me this error:
A moderator has banned your account.
Your ban will expire in %number% hours.
(code s402 on the bottom left)
When I click ok, I am stuck with a blue box with a refresh sign.
This happened at around 3.45 CP Time and seems to happen on all servers. Anyone has the same bug/glitch?
Or is this some joke about being naughty or nice?
That's wierd because last year when the fiesta hat pin came out penguins were getting banned too. What is up with pins and january?
Mimo I just want you to know that you are the essence of randomness. (THAT'S A GOOD THING):)
ur name is just mimo777 right? Well if thats true then theres a fake mimo in cp. his name is
M IM O7 77 he spelled all weird and uppercase.
hey mimo duh1011 here!
well I need some tips on how to make people come to my snow fort igloo. When I advertise nobody comes! Can you give me tips?
if so thanks!
You do know that the new catalog came out right?
Anonymous said...
why is there 2 pins?
We have been noticing that the pin has been going away, and then coming back. This shows that cp is having problems with that pin. So that is why there are currently 2 pins right now.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Rats 1996 said...
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
To take the pictures, i am guessing mimo went to a low populated server. But he usually goes on fjord and big foot:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
I dont know when this happened but i used to be able to get to the lodge attic from the fireplace in the lodge. I cant anymore so i dont know if other penguins ever could but if you could you cant now.
Fred 6 10
Oops my bad, I didnt see that post.
Yo Im Frozen said...
um in the new catalog did we jst step into the '70's or something?
Lol, i was thinking we turned into mexican penguins. I don't know why they brought these clothes in, but i don't like them.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
mimo i noticed something with the new mission
the employee of the month award its a bobble head!!!! you click the head and it shakes just wanna let you know that bye
The Icer3000
Zoe zoe could u plz get on fjord right now ill be here till 9pst, unless u come, then ill chat with you. plz come:D
remember the name
the pin is so cute!!!!
~ciciaz623 cpg mod
mimo, i went into the gift shop and the wig catolouge was gone!!!! I dont know if this is just me but you should check it out.
Fred 6 10 (cpg mod)
Hey Mimo-
Today I was on cp at Snowcone Giftshop and saw Me Santa!
Comment for secret site
the present pin is still there and whenever you try to pick it up it bans you but then you just log off and go back on. it doesn't ban you.
Majretts said...
Squishy Fuzz said...
The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
~ Squishy Fuzz
Yes that is a glitch and clubpenguin must of forgot to take it off so they must of done some thing wrong.So if you didn't get the pin make sure to get it so you are up to date with the pins.
I saw U Fride at the dojo on Frozen like 3 minutes ago! But I think he logged off.
Squishy Fuzz said...The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
It is a glitch but it can also be a bug.
Omg! Why is the other old pin still there!?
Lady Raisin came to my house and we celebrated the birth of a new pin.
Bb Polo745 (cpg mod)said.....
Rats 1996 said....
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
rats1996, you know that it is hard to find mimo on cp. then why would he tell you.if he did then he would have so many people follow him to the server. i hope this helps. Bb Polo745 (cpg mod)
I love the new clothes.. its pretty swicked!
Does anyone know how to become a citizen on
Thx Zoe zoe and u fried for hanging out with me and lego! hope to do it agian some time:D I got a cool picture of us too! Unfortunetly mimo isn't in it, but thats okay, u guys are!
remember the name
Cuddles 895 said...
Mimo this has nothing to do with the pins but have you noticed that in the light house the christmas music is still playing?
Hi cuddles, yes it is but after every party club penguin usually puts the latest music in the light house.
Sand Flipper
A gingerbread man for the gingerbread igloo.
Yeah cp is bringing back RARE items... and im 800 sum days old... i got lots of rare items but when they bring them back they just arent rare anymore.. like the fiesta orange hat and poncho they just brought back! i had them and they used to be rare huh
Sand Flipper
Congrats Mrpengiewin on becoming a Mod.
Anonymous said... Mimo, how do you get the RARE treasure on soda seas in Aqua Grabber?
To get the main treasure in Soda Seas, you first need to get all of the Cream Soda barrels and put them in your net. The order is to get the one just below where you start on the little island, the one that is sitting on the bottom right of where the bubbles come out, then the one to the right on the first opening you see (go between the star fish), then the one behind some yellow plants below the starfish, and then the final one is behind some similar plants to the left(opposite of the star fish area) and then you can go to where the bubbles are coming from. Go between the plants at the bottom and you’ll be in a room by small fish. DO NOT GET TOO CLOSE TO THE FISH. the fish are puffer fish and quadruple in size when you get too close. Get by them and keep going the right. There is a huge puffer fish there, and go up and to the right to get by. Follow the wall until it drops below the big fish, and your at the treasure.
- BJC695
hi mimo! i was just wondering how you got so famous and what servers you go on coz i wud LOVE to see you lol
i live in the uk so its hard to go to your partys coz i wud have to get up at 3 to just go to them!
thnk for everythying (pins and stuff lol!)
I got on at 9:00 am eastern time and i could see both pins!!it wuz SO cool!!
If only you could eat it... lol you rock, Mimo!
I have a question...
Is it possible to have 2 of the same clothing items? My sister got the reindeer antlers from the Tresure Book! I already got them as a free item at a party! If I unlock them from the book will I have 2 then??
Thanks to whoever answers!! :)
Squishy Fuzz said:
The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
yes, it is a glitch, but theyve taken care of it now, its gone.
anonymous said:
woah! i was on this site a few houtrs ago and this wasn't on your awesome IM 3RD POST IM GOING TO FAINT!Japjake2 is my account name!
actually, when you post a comment, you dont exactly know what number comment youll be, mimo doesnt approve them right away, so you could be any number even if there were two comments when you commented.
Whats the new mission name?
What a cute pin! I love it! :)
-You do know the new catalog came out right?
Yes, Mimo knows that, and he posted the cheats on the post below this one.
-Wwjd197 (Soon to be Mod :)
i bet u were embbarresed! 20 bags!LOLhow many people saw you?
Anonymous said...
mimo, i went into the gift shop and the wig catolouge was gone!!!! I dont know if this is just me but you should check it out.
Fred 6 10 (cpg mod)
Mckmitch says...
Dont worry. Its like that on everyones Fred. CP combined both catologues into one!
Hope this helps!
Hey another new mod congratz Mrpengiewin on becoming a mod!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Lovebirds211 said...
I got on at 9:00 am eastern time and i could see both pins!!it wuz SO cool!!
Yeah that happened to me as well, cool aye
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Rats 1996 said...
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
Hey mimo goes on Fjord and Big foot
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I love the new clothes.. its pretty swicked!
I know they r aye, swicked? ur starting to sound like mimo now, lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Chidoriboom1 said...
Mimo the present pin is not on. Take a look.
Hey thanx for posting that but mimo has already noticed that.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
lsund said...
Hey Mimo great site! but i have a question. I turned a nonmember on Christmas day :/ but i went to buy a red puffle, you know the ones for nonmembers and members, it said for members only! so now i cant adopt Blue or red puffles! I hope its just some glitch
Snowleo 20(CPG MOD) said...
You probally have two puffles. If you are a non-member you can only addopt two puffles. But if you was a member and you bought, say a green puffle then turned to a non-member you get to keep the green puffle. Cool init.
I hope I helped.
Waddle on.
Anonymous said...
mimo i noticed something with the new mission
the employee of the month award its a bobble head!!!! you click the head and it shakes just wanna let you know that bye
The Icer3000
Hey thanx but mimo already knows about that but congratz on completing the mission!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Kjsc03 said...
Whats the new mission name?
The new mission is called Waddle Squad and u can get the step by step guide from this site!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hayho said...
I have a question...
Is it possible to have 2 of the same clothing items? My sister got the reindeer antlers from the Tresure Book! I already got them as a free item at a party! If I unlock them from the book will I have 2 then??
Thanks to whoever answers!! :)
Hey well I wouldnt try to get them out of the treasure book if u already have them cos u dont want to waste a code!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Burpy678 said...
Weird. I can see both pins (?????)
Its a glitch maybe the present wants to stay around until next
x mas?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Kirby623 said...
If only you could eat it... lol you rock, Mimo!
Lol if u could eat it im sure it wouldnt of been there very long
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hey Mimo,
Snowleo 20 here!
I just wanna say congratulations to Mrpengiewin for becoming the newest CPG MOD. I have seen many of your posts and, at this rate, you will be a mimo mod in no time. Good luck for the future.
Waddle on.
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how do you get the RARE treasure on soda seas in Aqua Grabber?
Hey to get through all the plants to get down to the rare treasure u need to take out all the cream soda barrels first!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Wwjd197 said...
What a cute pin! I love it! :)
Yeah it reminds me of Gingy from Shrek! lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
how can we find ur secret site mimo???? btw u rock!!!
Hayho said...
I have a question...
Is it possible to have 2 of the same clothing items? My sister got the reindeer antlers from the Tresure Book! I already got them as a free item at a party! If I unlock them from the book will I have 2 then??
Thanks to whoever answers!! :)
Dear Hayho,
Im not sure as i have never tried it, but im sure if you clicked on the unlock button that note would pop up saying "You already have this item" like normal. I hope CP wouldnt be cheap enough to let you have 2 of the same clothing item!
Hope I helped!
~Icy2598, CPG Mod
Rats 1996 said...
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
He usually goes on Fjord and Bigfoot.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how do you get the RARE treasure on soda seas in Aqua Grabber?
Well, you have to go where the crab and pile of money is. Let the crab get all of the money, then he will hand you the rare treasure!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Squishy Fuzz said...
The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
~ Squishy Fuzz
Well, i think of it as this... CP released the new pin, then was working on removing the old one. Before they were done with that, everyone saw both pins:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
hoopla_punta said...
Dear Mimo, I just discovered that the present pin is still there, however, there's a very big glitch.
It says:
You have found a Present.
Would you like to pick it up?
When I click Yes, it gives me this error:
A moderator has banned your account.
Your ban will expire in %number% hours.
(code s402 on the bottom left)
When I click ok, I am stuck with a blue box with a refresh sign.
This happened at around 3.45 CP Time and seems to happen on all servers. Anyone has the same bug/glitch?
Or is this some joke about being naughty or nice?
Lol, luckuly this didnt happen to me. But it did happen to my sis. lol this is an evil pin!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Yo Im Frozen said...
um in the new catalog did we jst step into the '70's or something?
This is fiesta stuff...There was a celebration last year with this theme. I actually have a pin the is the same yellow sombraro hat!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
ur name is just mimo777 right? Well if thats true then theres a fake mimo in cp. his name is
M IM O7 77 he spelled all weird and uppercase.
Lolzzz, there are a lot of mimo impersentaers. My friend has a penguin named
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo, i went into the gift shop and the wig catolouge was gone!!!! I dont know if this is just me but you should check it out.
Fred 6 10 (cpg mod)
Lol, CP announced this a lil bit ago.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
zoe zoe! im on now! Fjord
Tooly228 is leaving! His party is at Frosty dock 4pm PSTZ!
Fireworks are gone =(
Wwjd197 said...
What a cute pin! I love it! :)
So do I! I dressed up in the gingerbread outfit and danced next to it lol!
~Stickers303~ - CPG Mod!
Look at the servers theyve changed!
Storm 479 said...
I saw U Fride at the dojo on Frozen like 3 minutes ago! But I think he logged off.
Sweet! Maybe you can see him again at one of Mimos partys!
~Stickers303~ - CPG Mod!
~~Bag of lemons~~
lol that happened to me but like with 7 bags :D
heyy mimo i think the fiesta page in the catalog means there is goin to be a mexican themed party :D
thanx mimo, I can NEVER find the pins!
and the pinata backround is like a clue for a mexican themed party (fiesta)(dont forget the fiesta clothing too)
hoopla punta said...Dear Mimo, I just discovered that the present pin is still there, however, there's a very big glitch.
It says:
You have found a Present.
Would you like to pick it up?
When I click Yes, it gives me this error:
A moderator has banned your account.
Your ban will expire in %number% hours.
(code s402 on the bottom left)
When I click ok, I am stuck with a blue box with a refresh sign.
This happened at around 3.45 CP Time and seems to happen on all servers. Anyone has the same bug/glitch?
Or is this some joke about being naughty or nice?
This same thing happened with the Costume Catalog for the Golden Puffle. CP just has some glitches. Good thing you aren't really banned.
Hayho said...Is it possible to have 2 of the same clothing items? My sister got the reindeer antlers from the Tresure Book! I already got them as a free item at a party! If I unlock them from the book will I have 2 then??
It is possible. I have the chef hat from the Treasure Book and the Clothing Catalog from December.
Anonymous can we find ur secret site mimo????
You can find out by looking around CPG and asking around. I haven't found it yet but I hope i do!
Kjsc03 said...
Whats the new mission name?
The missions name is Waddle Squad. To check the names, just go to the HQ and click on top secret.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Mrpengiewin said...Hey Mimo you switched around the new pin post and the catalog cheats post!
Mimo usually posts the pin first then the catalog.
Rats 1996 said...wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
Mimo gets on low populated servers. He usually is on Big Foot & Fjord.
Anonymous said...why is there 2 pins?
There is not 2 pins out anymore, but CP has bugs and sometimes they forget to take things off.
Confgrats on becoming a moderater Mrpengiewin! I can't wait to become a super mod!Hey mimo or zoe zoe, i have an idea. You know the polls you guys do on the site, well u should do a poll on moderater of the month of something. For the choices, put all of the moderaters, and supermodearters names. The winner doesn't get anything tho, it would just be cool to see what people voted for! Hope u do it ! see u
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
honeyram said...heyy mimo i think the fiesta page in the catalog means there is goin to be a mexican themed party :D
I'm sure that since there are a bunch of Fiesta themed clothes, THERE will definitely b a fiesta party.
Leggoofmyeggo said...zoe zoe! im on now! Fjord
Not all CPG Members read the comments, you'll have better luck meeting someone from CPG at 1 of Mimo's QP parties.
I want to be a mod so I will take any questions.
Hey zoe, u all ready met up with me once, so i dont excpect u to it again. but im getting on ur chat, so if you wanted to, ill be on the chat until around 3pst time! hopefully u can come, if not thats okay:D
remember the name
Anonymous said...
ur name is just mimo777 right? Well if thats true then theres a fake mimo in cp. his name is
M IM O7 77 he spelled all weird and uppercase.
Yup, Mimo is Mimo777.
There are lots of people that like to make their name like other famous penguin's names. For example, I met someone named Aunt Artic, and another person named Rokhopper. Since names in CP can only be used once, people like to make their name look like other famous people's names. =D
Hope this helps!
Supdudes35 (CPG mod[in training])
Spongie555 said...
Congrats Mrpengiewin on becoming a Mod.
Thanks soo much Spongie555 It means a lot coming from a fellow Mod.
Thanks mimo I've would have never looked there may be u can have anthour party and rock
heres mine
where: cp of courese
when : saturday Janurary 3rd
Time:10:00 am central
Sever: Christmas
Hope you can come
Snowleo 20(CPG MOD) said...
Hey Mimo,
Snowleo 20 here!
I just wanna say congratulations to Mrpengiewin for becoming the newest CPG MOD. I have seen many of your posts and, at this rate, you will be a mimo mod in no time. Good luck for the future.
Waddle on.
Thanks so much Snowleo20! It means a lot to know I've helped so many of you.
Congratulations mrpengiewin! You're a new mod!
OMG I saw ConfuPenguen and he became my buddy!
Ahh man I logged off of Frosty and now I cant get back on!
Squishy Fuzz said...
The present pin is still out too! that means that there are two out. isn't that a glitch?
~ Squishy Fuzz
Hey Squishy Fuzz! Well, I could be a glitch, or, they are trying to be EXTRA Christmas-y! Do you remember the Ruby pin and the magnifying glass pins? they were at the same time.
Hope this helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Rats 1996 said...
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
Well, Like another mod said, Mimo usually goes on big foot and Fjord. But it is hard to find him!
Hope this helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Burpy678 said...
Weird. I can see both pins (?????)
Hey Burpy! It is possible that it is a glitch, or, the CP mods are trying to be funny in a strange and christmasy kind of way.
Hope this helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Rats 1996:wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
Mimo is usually found on servers fjord and big foot , so access one of those two and keep your eyes peeled!!:D
- mumble0510 CPG MOD
Club Penguin Wave said...
Fireworks are gone =(
Dear Stickers303,
CP mentioned that the fireworks would be here till the 1st so that is why they are gone.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
um mimo i was wondering how u get all ur cheats so quickly? oh also i think ur pretty cool!!!!!! i wish i was as famous as u!!!
hi mimo! i was just wondering how you got so famous and what servers you go on coz i wud LOVE to see you lol
i live in the uk so its hard to go to your partys coz i wud have to get up at 3 to just go to them!
thnk for everythying (pins and stuff lol!)
Well jinglekitty1, mimo and his gang started this blog and surely he became an instant CP legend:D
-Mumble0510 CPG MOD
7:21 PM
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Hey mimo what server r u in?
Oh man what a blast. Just finished partying it up with Seichi, Leggofmyeggo, Confupenguen, and Chelseabawb on server FJORD! great party guys.
Thank you to Seichi, Leggofmyeggo, Confupenguen, and Chelseabawb for adding me to their buddy lists at my first party being a CPG MOD.
Anonymous said...
mimo, i went into the gift shop and the wig catolouge was gone!!!! I dont know if this is just me but you should check it out.
Fred 6 10 (cpg mod)
Hey Fred! Yes, it is gone, did you ever read the note? It is now combined with the gift shop catalog. The wig catalog, I mean.
Hope this helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
honeyram said:
heyy mimo i think the fiesta page in the catalog means there is goin to be a mexican themed party :D
thats a very good idea! i was reading the forums on club penguin where they tell us about stuff thats new, and billybob said that the clothing in there aer related to stuff that will be happening later in january thatll be like super cool!
I love your igloo Confupenguen. LOL
it might hurt to walk on the floor tho. ;)
Hey Mimo this is random but I have both pins showing up!
i cant see the old pin
how do u answer comments?
Keaton C said...
Hey mimo what server r u in?
Mimo almost always goes on Fjord or Bigfoot servers.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Mimo! Love the newest post on your secret website! Very interesting! Who knew that produce bags are so hard to rip? lolz!
Reply to Isund:
Hi Isund!
I think you may have to many puffles! If you were a member and now over 2 puffles you cannot buy anymore so it must just be a glitchy way of saying... "no way jose are you allowed to buy this" lolz!
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
Zoe, im getting on chat again, ill be on till 6:30 pst time! (20 minutes) sorry i keep saying this lol. realy no q's for me to anser, i answered all i can for this post:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Reply to wytown:
Hey Wytown,
You answer comments by many different ways! You can copy the question and who said it and write a little note to them in comments or you can just do what I do! =-)
Rats 1996 said...
wat server r u on cos i am looking for u!!!
He goes on Fjord and big foot, but also goes on low populated servers to take pictures:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
um mimo i was wondering how u get all ur cheats so quickly? oh also i think ur pretty cool!!!!!! i wish i was as famous as u!!!
Hey Anonymous!
Mimo has 5 siblings and they all work with Club Penguin Gang! They get the cheats up pretty fast because they are pretty good cheat finders! Mimo is totally cool and all of us wish we were as famous as him!
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous can we find ur secret site mimo???
Hey Anonymous!
I found Mimo's secret site by searching all over the internet and a bunch of my friends went on an internet search party! We all know right now but I'm the only one who goes on it! It is awesome and totally worth looking!
LIBBY said...
Thanks mimo I've would have never looked there may be u can have anthour party and rock
heres mine
where: cp of courese
when : saturday Janurary 3rd
Time:10:00 am central
Sever: Christmas
Hope you can come
Dear Libby,
Mimo will not be able to show up to your party because that would be unfair to the other people. But maybe I will show up.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Wytown said...
how do u answer comments?
Dear Wytown,
To answer comments you must first copy and paste the question into the type box. Then you just answer the question. Lastly be sure to put your name followed by (CPG MOD) at the bottom of your comment.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
I just met leggofmyeggo! He/She is the nicest penguin on planet earth! They added me! =-) Thanks Leggofmyeggo!
Haon2(cpg mod) said...
I want to be a mod so I will take any questions.
Okay heres a question, Why do you want to be a CPG MOD? What is your reason?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Hayho said...
I have a question...
Is it possible to have 2 of the same clothing items? My sister got the reindeer antlers from the Tresure Book! I already got them as a free item at a party! If I unlock them from the book will I have 2 then??
Thanks to whoever answers!! :)
Hey well I wouldnt try to get them out of the treasure book if u already have them cos u dont want to waste a code!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Dear A kiwi boy,
You do not need to put (CPG MOD) when you are not answering questions or performing your mod duties.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
why is there 2 pins?
There are 2 pins because CP forgot to take the olod one. But I think that they took it down now and only one of them is up.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo this is random but I have both pins showing up!
Yes Me too but not everyone does this is a bug in clubpenguin
hey mimo!! i hav a glitch! It's called 'the disapearing medal'.
First u have to have a medal
then u put on the freestyle threads
then put on the medal
close the editor
u can't see the medal anymore lol
OK i know it's not a Big deal! But its my first glitch i found! If its a glitch anyway????? LOL!!
do you own mimo_girl?
Hi mimo! I read your post on your secret site. HILARIOUS!!! I would have laughed so hard if I was there. Did Me Santa laugh?
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