Here is the new Club Penguin pin cheat!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin.
Step 1. Go to The Beach.
Step 2. Now go to the top of the Light House.
Step 3. Now click on the Lily Pin!
And yes, I am still wearing the maracas. I needed to lift some weights and work out more. ;-)
Yeah ok, it's girly, Zoezoe and China love it. Still girly, just sayin.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

I think it looks very pretty =)
it makes me fell...Happy!
~Stickers303....Flower lover boy~
Ill! This pin is wayyyy to girly!!!
the pin is kinda girly. and I saw u wen u were looking for the pin! -Avatar14
You are still wearing the Maraca's lol!
it looks pretty do u like it mimo
or its girly
Lol i dont like it! Btw mimo, i saw UFride! He went to get the pin with me and confu!
lol! I was 1st person to vote on your new poll! Become a member! Try it!
I like it!
Hahaha it looks like someone has thrown it off the beacon to try to get rid of it! Lol
Lol u put two step 2's, it goes step 1
step 2
step 2
Lol I know, Ive got way to much time on my hands lol
I love the new pin!! :D!
But then again I am a girl!
Amanda Dlny
Oh and while im at it u still have Stickers down as a Ledendary mod instead of a Legendary mod, I know too much time on my hands lol
This pin for me is actually pretty cool!
so cool the pins rock
lol ***GIRLY PIN ALERT*** lol
Whatever! Lol! ugh! Boys! xD I LOVE this pin! Rock on Mimo and team!
oh way too girly
Your website is so cool! You may not like the new pin, but I think it's cool!
maybe they should make a groundhog
i like rodents!!!
omg i told clubpenguin to have a girly pin because there is no girly pin and i love it :P
ps:my name is close to lily :D
Hey Mimo I was nubbin in the town today. It is very easy all you have to do is follow your own instructions but I have an addition to them. If you go from side to side clicking at the bottom you will get very low and if you put on a white hat then you can be invisible!!! Great for hide and seek.
hey mimo! whens your next party?
TOO GIRLY DUDE! by the way leggofmyeggo i met u fride too.
Pin is awesome :]
Sophi Jr
zc2017 said...
maybe they should make a groundhog
i like rodents!!!
lol! i like rodents too! not as much as reptiles though! that's all, happy waddling!
Give one good, rock solid reason why this pin is "Girly"
Yours Waddling
well i am a boy but u have to admit mimo it looks kind of cool dosent it
i think the is pretty.....for girls um i don't really care cuz i always yous my oldest pin
I'm a girl and I think it's girly!!
greentedddy said...
hey mimo! whens your next party?
dear greenteddy
mimo will have a party very soon cuz hes gonna have the comp party this week lol :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
btw mimo, your a member??!
Hey guys! Sophi Jr here! I'm having a party for my penguin turning 800. Anyone want to party? Here are the details:
Why: My penguin, Sophi Jr, is turning 800!
When: February 9th
Time: 4 PST (cp time/PST same thing)
Server: Shiver
Room: Lighthouse Beacon!
Wear: Party Hats!
Sophi Jr
You R a member look at the bottom!!
I can see your member badge, you're a member!!!!
greentedddy said...
hey mimo! whens your next party?
On his secret site it said he can't have one for a week so maybe he will have one in a couple days or maybe a week.
Nobody knows but Mimo himself
(CPG Mod) Penguin name: Kjsc03
So whats wrong with girly pins Like stickers said It makes you feel happy.
I'm a girl and I don't like the new pin cuz I think it's too girly
im a girl so of course I THINK ITS BEAUTIFUL!!!
Give one good, rock solid reason why this pin is "Girly"
Kitty: This may not be as good as mimo could have done it, but it's a pink, girly flower.
think the is pretty.....for girls um i don't really care cuz i always yous my oldest pin
Kitty: I'm not a big fan of the pin, but it's ok. (yes i am a girl)
Mimo, If ur playing hide and seek, hide in the space.. y'know, the dance lounge, behind the map. in the space diagonally down left. noone sees you!
Stickers that made me laugh
and i guess they are getting ready for spring....skipping over V-day
OMG I love it!!! lol I think its the best pin ever!
(I am a girl) The first time I saw your (Mimo's) post, I saw the ***GIRLY PIN ALERT!*** I said, "Hey!" And I laughed! You crack me up, Mimo! Guys, just chill, the pin's only out for.... TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!! Hehee....
Mimo the snow festival is changed to march now check the lodge attic.
your a mem already? i see the mem icon beside the smileyface icon
dear kitty,
here is a better pleace to hide, in the forest behind one of the trees, no ine sees you!
Anonymous said: Mimo Your a Member???
Mimo is currently a non-member. He is waiting to see if his fans think he should be a member
-Skaterjessie(CPG Mod)
{ i am a girl} the first time i saw your{mimo's]post i saw the ***GIRLY PIN ALERT!*** i said," hey!" and laughed! you crack me up, mimo! guys, just chill, the pin's only out for ... TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!! hehee
dear muzicrox,
lol! i laughed too when i saw it! i almost fell out of my chair! i wonder what the next pin will be?
that's all! happy waddling!
Hey mimo can u take any of your puffles dancing like you can in some of the other games?
Anonymous said...
btw mimo, your a member??!
Mimo is not a member! He feels that it is more fun to be a non member and be like most penguins because more people are non members than members.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo777!Once you're a member go buy a purple puffle play Dance Revoloin and when the dancing starts you will be dancing with the purple puffle! _-Otusk
DaPrankstar said...
Give one good, rock solid reason why this pin is "Girly"
Yours Waddling
Sorry buddy but I agree with Mimo here because it is pink and a flower and guys give flowers to girls to make them happy.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
greentedddy said...
hey mimo! whens your next party?
Well Mimo's next party will be the invite only one for the people who participated in the create Mimo out of food contest. After that you never know...
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
thnx mimo,it looks really pretty.bye the way i think you should stay as a non-member coz its not fair on some of us, because we are not allowed.please stay as a normal penguin. :(
-scf Sweetie1
lol! i thought club penguin said they where going to "squash the bug" today?
techdeckguy said...
"This pin for me is actually pretty cool!"
"Im glad a lad likes it, cos its hard for Club Penguin to come up with pins that will suit both a fella and a girl, so if you have any ideas you should email them :)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
lol I don not realy like the pin and im a girl ok ok maybe it would look good on a snowbord!
zc2017 said...
"maybe they should make a groundhog
i like rodents!!!"
"You should email your idea to Club Penguin, Girls are lucky in a way cos they can wear boyish pins but most boys wouldnt want to wear a girly pin"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Mrpengiewin said...
"Hey Mimo I was nubbin in the town today. It is very easy all you have to do is follow your own instructions but I have an addition to them. If you go from side to side clicking at the bottom you will get very low and if you put on a white hat then you can be invisible!!! Great for hide and seek.
"Wow, cool glitch. I might try it some time ;)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
greentedddy said...
"hey mimo! whens your next party?"
"Well no one knows for sure when Mimos next party is as he could have a quikee any minute but there is a party coming up for all those that entered the create Mimo contest, member the one where we had to make Mimo out of food"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
btw mimo, your a member??!"
"Nope Mimo's not a member but he is considering becoming one (check out his poll) and I think he should as CP are really starting to clamp down and give member a LOT more benifits, than just clothes and igloos, now they get thier own partys and everything"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"You R a member look at the bottom!!"
"OMG, Mimo you are... Haha! Why didnt you tell us??? Soz I just answered a Q saying that you wernt a member, sorry for the false answer, I honestly thought he wasnt"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Deajck said...
"Mimo the snow festival is changed to march now check the lodge attic."
"Mimo already posted this a while back, but thanks again for your help :)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
btw mimo, your a member??!
acually hes having a poll to see if we want him to be. VOTE NOW!
Anonymous said...
I can see your member badge, you're a member!!!!
ummm no. that icons for members and nonmembers
I think it looks really sweet and it must have taken time to make it.
when you aren't a member and you try to buy something, the screen that says that you need to become a member looks different!
hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest
this is a girly pin!!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest
He already did. It is in the same post as the contest the title has been changed to NOW OVER.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
tjd500 said...
Hey mimo can u take any of your puffles dancing like you can in some of the other games?
You can take the red one into Catchin' Waves and the pink one into Aqua Grabber. Those are the only two others that I know of but there may be more.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
your a mem already? i see the mem icon beside the smileyface icon
That was U fride's player card that you probably saw. Or maybe it was 9china9's player card. Mimo is not a member and I hope he never becomes one.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
shadow1397 said...
when you aren't a member and you try to buy something, the screen that says that you need to become a member looks different!
Yes I believe that Mimo is aware of this either he never posted it because he feels it is not a big enough deal or he did post it and you missed it. I don't think that he will post it now though so even if he does many other people told him first so...
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
what a girly pin...
And i think u should become a meber!!!
Club Penguin Wave said...
it makes me fell...Happy!
~Stickers303....Flower lover boy~
lol stickers u r a weirdo! in a good way, of course! ;-]
ps. mimo is the ruler of ruler land! yes, ruler land as in inches and stuff.
Anonymous said...
hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest
Mimo already announced them. To see the winners, scroll all the wat down to the end and there are your winners.
greentedddy said...
lol! i thought club penguin said they where going to "squash the bug" today?
We all thought they were yesterday and today. Club Penguin has post poned many things. I guess they got something really big coming up.
tjd500 said...
Hey mimo can u take any of your puffles dancing like you can in some of the other games?
Yes. You can take a purple puffle with you when you play "Dance Contest," and it will dance with you.
Anonymous said...
"hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest"
"Mimo has already posted the winners, he posted them on the post that told you about the contest"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
greentedddy said...
"lol! i thought club penguin said they where going to "squash the bug" today?"
"It takes time to work out all the glitches but I would say that it would be finished tommorow evening or sunday morning"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Hey Mimo!
It will be cool is u just stay non member. pls. It will not be fare for some not members.
tjd500 said...
"Hey mimo can u take any of your puffles dancing like you can in some of the other games?"
"Ya, you can take your purple puffle into dance revolition, your pink into aqua grabber and your red into catchin waves. Thats all so far but maybe you will be able to bring your green one into jet pack :)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
we love you Mimo777.please dont change!! :)
The pin's a little bit TOO girly...
Even tho I'm a girl ;D
hey mimo! whens your next party?
Mimo will probably have a party soon to give everyone a chance to meet him.
lol! i thought club penguin said they where going to "squash the bug" today?
Club penguin never gave a specific date to when the new Paint by Letters book would come out. It will probably be soon. In one of their older posts they said that they got computers to find bugs and try to fix, or "squash", them.
well "anonymous" he already did if you go down a couple of posts then youll see a big list of winners
hope that helped!
mimo i showed the pin to my 6 year old sister she loved it also!!!
where is the list for mods because ive been using your site for 2 years now and really decided to join as a mod so can you add me mimo? p.s. you rule mimo!!!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest
Hi! Mimo already said the winners of the contest, If you want to see them just keep scrolling down or look at the side bar under "Blog Archive" then find the pin contest.
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
it looks pretty do u like it mimo
or its girly
Dear Anonymous,
Since Mimo said it was girly he probably dosent like it but if you have Twitter you could probably give him a comment if you can
-Indiana 13 (CPG MOD)
I think its OK. They could have made a flower that was blue or something not pink. Lol "Girly pin alert"
Anonymous said when are you going to post the 50 winners for the pin contest.
Uhhh Mimo already posted the 50 winners.
Anonymous said...
hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest
that was in a while ago. look at the bottom of the page for weiners.
ps. IM ONE
hey mimo the winter snow party has been delayed to march
WOOHOO!!!!! i just got a ten combo on EXPERT level! kewl! that's the best i've ever done on expert!!!!
but i hate it when they say boo... i hurts my feelings...
Ewwwww!It's just soo...you know,girly,pink,and yeahhhhhh...
Why oh Why Do they have to do this?
hey all
ready for valentines day? well im having a party to celebrate and everyones welcome heres the info
server:big surf
time:3.00pm(Club Penguin Time)
Date: 13th february
all welcome.we are having a costume contest so come dressed in pink or anything that has to do with valantines day
hope to see you there
***********LISTEN UP PPL***********
Mimo isnt a member ive found out that its actually a glitch, right now both non members and members have the badge on their player cards, its a glitch that will be fixed soon!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest
He already has, check the previous posts
if mimo makes me a CPG Mod i hope ill help him out alot because I own this club penguin site that's the most visited club penguin cheat site and the most searched.So ill be on 24/7 around the clock mimo! :)
please add me to the mod list. :)
Cool. I agree with you it is quite girly and im a girl! I have a cheat for you. Go to your house and click on the Better igloos book. Turn over the pages until you get to the terracotta sun. Click on it and you get the superheroes stage poster!
Ew. Girly Pin Alert!!
MIMO!! ho ould u say that its not that girly it can be manly
i think its cool
Mimo go to the attic and look at the sign its new i guess
mimo is a member!!!!!!!!
he has the member sign in the picture of the pin look only members have that hes a member!!!
woop woop!
tjd500 said...
Hey mimo can u take any of your puffles dancing like you can in some of the other games?
Yea sure you can! You can take your purple puffle (members puffle only) to play the Dance thing and your red puffle (members and non-members puffle too) to go surfing.
I'm not sure about any others. I think you can play cart surfer with some other puffle.
Anonymous said...
hey mimo the pin is awesome when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest
Hey! Mimo already did, he announced them on the same post as the contest was on :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Wow Mimo! You've got a thing about ***GIRLY PINS*** Why so much fuss? I have the pin, but I don't wear it. Much too girly. But I'm a girl. I wear my oldest one: shovel. I know it may not be old to you, but it is to me! I like to remember the fuss about the Dojo! (lol) By the way Mimo (BTW for short), do you have the pin yourself? I have loads(maybe not) of pins but I only choose boyish ones! It works well. Blends in the backround?
Hey Mimo, do you have the Lily pin yourself? If you do, can you wear it and send us a pic? I'd like to see if it suits you. LOL!
tjd500 said...
Hey mimo can u take any of your puffles dancing like you can in some of the other games?
Yeah! You can take your purple puffle. It gets you more points!
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
tjd500 said...
Hey mimo can u take any of your puffles dancing like you can in some of the other games?
u can only use the purple puffle and if u have one itll give u extra points
Anonymous said: when are you going to say the 50 winners for the pin cheat contest?
Mimo is very busy, he will post them when he can!
Bandit Boys(CPG Mod) said...
where is the list for mods because ive been using your site for 2 years now and really decided to join as a mod so can you add me mimo? p.s. you rule mimo!!!
The list for CPG MODs is on the right sidebar a little ways down. to become a CPG MOD you must answer questions like I am for you right now. You do not just ask Mimo to add you because he won't you have to work for it.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous Vamprah Fan2 CPG Mod said...
hey mimo! whens your next party?
Mimo will probably have a party soon to give everyone a chance to meet him.
lol! i thought club penguin said they where going to "squash the bug" today?
Club penguin never gave a specific date to when the new Paint by Letters book would come out. It will probably be soon. In one of their older posts they said that they got computers to find bugs and try to fix, or "squash", them.
dear vamprah fan2,
thanks for answering my questions! and BTW its greentedddy not greenteddy!lol
Bandit Boys(CPG Mod)(soon)(mabey) said...
if mimo makes me a CPG Mod i hope ill help him out alot because I own this club penguin site that's the most visited club penguin cheat site and the most searched.So ill be on 24/7 around the clock mimo! :)
I am sure that Mimo would love to haveyou as a MOD but you must work for it just like everyone else. To become a CPG MOD you must answer questions and comments that people leave on Mimo's site.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Um SkaterJessie He Already Posted The
50 Winners So Check Back Or Go To
Older Post And See If You Won!!
99souljaboy6 (CPG MOD)
are u feelin' the happiness in the air on Valentines day? then come to this party!!!
when: 4:00 PST
server: Fjord
wear: Valentines stuff!
see you there!
Bandit Boys(CPG Mod)(soon)(mabey) said...
if mimo makes me a CPG Mod i hope ill help him out alot because I own this club penguin site that's the most visited club penguin cheat site and the most searched.So ill be on 24/7 around the clock mimo! :)
please add me to the mod list. :)
Hey! To become a mod you have to work. Answer questions on the comments. :] If you are good enough, you will be put on the mod list =D. For more information look on the right side of this site :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr(CPG MOD)
I think that is like the best pin that CP has ever had!!
Sophi Jr,
Is your pary 4:00am or pm?
Yours Waddling
I think it looks very pretty =)
It is pretty to me too!
Anonymous greentedddy said...
are u feelin' the happiness in the air on Valentines day? then come to this party!!!
when: 4:00 PST
server: Fjord
wear: Valentines stuff!
see you there!
It wouldn't be fair for the other people that had not meet him.
Bandit Boys(CPG Mod) said...
where is the list for mods because ive been using your site for 2 years now and really decided to join as a mod so can you add me mimo? p.s. you rule mimo!!!
It is on the right side of the bar.
Mimo, If ur playing hide and seek, hide in the space.. y'know, the dance lounge, behind the map. in the space diagonally down left. noone sees you!
I think Mimo already knows that but thank you anyways.
Dear Anonymous,
Yes mimo is a memeber
like it!
the pin is way to girly!
the new paint by letters thing isnt there. do u know where it is?
are u feelin' the happiness in the air on Valentines day? then come to this party!!!
when: 4:00 PST
server: Fjord
day: Feb. 1 and 14
wear: Valentines stuff!
see you there!
Anonymous said...
the new paint by letters thing isnt there. do u know where it is?
Actually the book is not out yet CP found some bugs that need squashing so they will release it once the bugs are dead.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Its cool ! Im a girl !
this is the most girlyest pin ever
Look at this cool cheat i found out:
Walk your purple puffle and play the dance contest game and you can play with your puffle :)
Girly Pin Alert!
I wasn`t here when this pin was out! Man, I wanted that pin... and the taco!
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