3. Don't use too many !!! or ??? or stuff like that.
4. Don't post URLs. Sorry.
5. Don't post email addresses. Cool?
6. Don't use "No offense." Sheesh, enough! ;-)
7. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS. You're hurting my ears!
8. Don't be pointless. We want to understand you.
9. Don't type, "First Comment!" So pointless.
I just won't post the above kind of sillyness. K?
You can:
1. Be phunnie, weird and warped.
2. Ask Club Penguin questions.
3. Make sense.
4. Tell me the latest cheats! I'll give you credit!
5. Other smart stuff you come up with.
Check out the CPG Mod rules on the other side.--->
If you leave tips for me, I'll ALWAYS give you credit. ALWAYS! Many of you give the same tip and sometimes you don't leave your name. Or sometimes I found the tip or cheat before you. So, thanks for your tips! You are awesome!
Club Penguin Wave said... Awsome! But try to have it in a good time zone for Australians this time! Try 8am or 9am in Australia then it would be fair to all Australians!
I didn't know that you were Australian!!! That's so cool.
hey mimo, plz have it a little late(5pst time/clubpenguin time) because i have school and a basketball game. But the weather forecast says white out blizzard so, maybe ill get lucky and now have school! remember the name Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Yo HUNTER1258 said... really r you going to post where it is and what time? Mimo will post the server and room on CPG for 10 or 15 minutes and hopefully u check out his site while its up ;) Cheers A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Great!!! But can u put it in an Asian time zone for us Asians??? Australian time zones are also ok!!! please please please!!! I've never gone to ANY of ur parties b4......mostly because of the time zones....
Sweet Mimo! can u please post the ausrtalian time to? the time stickers said over there would great but then again, you already have the time figured out don't you?
Oh wow! Kewlness! But I hopeIm not at skewl when its on! But I dont think I will be as Im just getting up now and your not long gone to bed, so if you have it after school in your TZ then in my TZ it should belike 12-2 am! :P!!
Awsome! But try to have it in a good time zone for Australians this time! Try 8am or 9am in Australia then it would be fair to all Australians!
~Stickers303~ ------------------------------- Dear Stickers303, it wouldn't be fair for Australians even! It's school day and school starts approx. from 8am for any country!! Anyway, 8am or 9am (Australia) is 12am or 01am in Washington DC! So, I think it's a bad idea.
really r you going to post where it is and what time? ------------------------------ Dear HUNTER1258, I guess so! But he could post it at any time. Get ready, Get Set.... huh? NOT Go! He could put it on Twitter.com/Mimo777where most of his Quickee parties start so check there or his secret site!
dude try around 11am new Zealand so it would be fear in NZ and Australia coz the 3 hours behind and some want 9am for Australia if u can that would be awesome and at least tell us wat server u would be in coz then we all would be going "wheres mimo" and yea. I hear u go in fjord or bigfoot..?
No, mimo probably wont post where it is and what time after the partys over. But what mimo does is for a little amount of time, like 20 minutes or so, mimo posts the location and says "Go there now!". So if your lucky enough to be on cpg at that time, its would tell you! so! go there now! lol
well if its like 8 or 9 in australia what about us US kids? we have school right now and yall dont. unless its like afternoon here in the states. idk. lol. chelsea(:
If mimo would post the time for Australians then it would not be fair for the rest of the mimo fans around the world. Then again it is his party and not our choice what time it starts
Mimo pls don't make it earlier than 6:00 clubpenguin time beacause if it's early I might not there but it's my first time I will see someone famous ( I am winner 222) in cp
Yeah this is a problem. One way or another a time zone is gunna b left out cuz its either night, morning, or during school. Maybe you should do time zone partys. Parties that especialy suit different time zones any other stragglers that come are okay too..
Hunter1258 said... "really r you going to post where it is and what time?"
Response... "Its a quikee party so Mimo usually does, but he said that they would be trying a new kind of quikee party so your going to have to wait and see"
Cool what do yo mean NEW quickee?? well i guess i will find out then huh! thanks! COKIE COOKIE
New Quikee is a party that Mimo has which is very short. He posts the time and place on Club Penguin Gang for only about 10-15 minutes. So keep checking back tomorrow!
Okay...6:44am Tuesday...Going to the zoo but the zoo opens at 9 so im like seeing if ur party is before then lol..I dont care if I miss it I just want Auzzies to go becuase they have never met you due to time zones (Australia is a day ahead of americans)!
i think that the time should be suitable for the english people like me, it should be about 5-6 english time coz loads of english people go on clubpenguin and we usually cant make it to your partys
Awsome! But try to have it in a good time zone for Australians this time! Try 8am or 9am in Australia then it would be fair to all Australians!
~Stickers303~ ------------------------------- Dear Stickers303, it wouldn't be fair for Australians even! It's school day and school starts approx. from 8am for any country!! Anyway, 8am or 9am (Australia) is 12am or 01am in Washington DC! So, I think it's a bad idea.
Yeah, but everyone's on holidays right now...in Australia that is.
And it doesn't have to be then, we could make it any other time, just not like, 2:20am cause I think I speak for all Australians and New Zealanders when I say we have no chance of coming.
I found two hidden items inthe treasure book! To get the blue football player clothes go to the page with the cp band guy and click the big circle part of the speaker. to get the winged helmet go to the golden puffle play page and click the circle in the middle of the row to the right of the scared dude.
Anonymous said... "mimo could u do morning paties cause im english"
Response... "Im Irish, so our Time Zones are the same, and Im going to bed soon as well. But if Mimo makes the party suit us it wont suit other people and it might not even suit him which is the most important thing, so we just got to waut and see"
Anonymous said... "i am kinda new 2 the quickee party thing so what is it or is it just another hard 2 get into / fun / awesome party"
Response... "A Quikee party is a party where Mimo tells you the server and place when the party is on for only 10-15 mins and once the party is over he takes the post down, so you have to be careful not to miss the party"
hi mimo its saavy well first of all i dont no if i can make it becuz its 10:30PM here in england, so can u make it earlier abit please lol. and secondly i found ur secret site lol! its really good lol well done u :) :D hope 2 c u at ur quickee :)
Please Please Please make it in Aussie time (anywhere from 10am to 12pm) is a really good time for us in Australia and i'm pretty sure that it's good for most of you in the US.
How about this... If you have the party on a weekend were no one on the world is going to school (because Australians aren't at school yet)and it will be fair for everyone. If you have to party at about 9 till 12 o'clock, if my calculations are correct, it should be a good time for everyone.
Anonymous said... i am kinda new 2 the quickee party thing so what is it or is it just another hard 2 get into / fun / awesome party
It is all of the above!! The twist is that you do not know when or where it will be til the very last second when Mimo posts. Once he posts the party has begun and you must get there quick.
Hey mimo Im floater63 can you be my buddy, that would be awesome if you could because i am your biggest fan. I check your blog every day.could you have another party for the new book and snow and sports catalog at the iceberg this saturday.
Hi Mimo! I have never been to one of your partys before cause I can never find them EVER! They look like phun by the pictures on your site, WHICH IS AWSOME! I really wish you could give easier hints cause this one is really hard to figure out! I have a penguin and a chobot so I could get on to see the partay! (IF I KNEW WHERE IT WAS)! K? K? BU BYE P:S WRITE ON HERE SO I SEE IF YOU LISTENIN!
Club Penguin Gang is the ultimate source for Club Penguin cheats, hints, tricks, glitches, secrets, tips, pins, codes, pictures, and other sweetness!
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All screen shots and text are copyright of clubpenguingang.com. Which means you are not allowed to take anything off this site for your own site.
If you take an idea from this site link to me and give me credit! I will do the same to you!
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- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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U Fride, Chief Cheat Agent
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Me Santa, Cheat Agent
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Awsome! But try to have it in a good time zone for Australians this time! Try 8am or 9am in Australia then it would be fair to all Australians!
Awsome! Try to have it around 8 or 9am Austraklian time so then it would be fair to all Australians!
cool aesome mimo i cant wait
Are u sayin ur hvn another party on cp !
really r you going to post where it is and what time?
Or if not you should have a party for Australians due to that most of your partys are early in the morning for australians (1,2,3,4,5 am)!
yeah I winder what ur new idea might be...
Uh... yeah. Of course Mimo will post where it is but as for the time that starts when Mimo posts QUICKEE PARTY NOW...
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Cool! Ive never been to one of your parties before!
hopefully mimo will have it after 4:00
Club Penguin Wave said...
Awsome! But try to have it in a good time zone for Australians this time! Try 8am or 9am in Australia then it would be fair to all Australians!
I didn't know that you were Australian!!! That's so cool.
(Your buddy) Mrpengiewin
HUNTER1258 said...
really r you going to post where it is and what time?
no, not until it actually starts, thats why it is called a quike:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
hey mimo, plz have it a little late(5pst time/clubpenguin time) because i have school and a basketball game. But the weather forecast says white out blizzard so, maybe ill get lucky and now have school!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Sweet! Tell us the time and we'll be there!! I love ur parties, Mimo777~
Hey, i think i might have forgot to enter my name on one of my comments, so if i did, sorry:D
remember the name
awww man its gonna be pst time and i lie in estern time!!!shoot!!
like cp wave said, that would be a good timezone,because that would be 11-12 am across the ditch in Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Hare ra!
The Enz
woots right
have 2 go
see u there mimo
AWESOME!!! Well..problem is idk where it is!
Please Make Sure Its Not When Most Of Us Are At School PLEASE School
Starts At 9:00 And Ends At 2:45
So Please Have The Party At Like Five
Hi Mimo! I agree with stickers, i reckon around noon for Aussies cos its 5PM for you, fair to both of us!
Pengwun Powa
Sweet but can u make it at around
1 PM CPT so us NZers and aussies can make it ;)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
awesome mimo!!! i wil try to be there!!!
HUNTER1258 said...
really r you going to post where it is and what time?
Mimo will post the server and room on CPG for 10 or 15 minutes and hopefully u check out his site while its up ;)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hopeful it is not in school time.
Cool mimo what server is it in and what time.Maybe at 5:00 or 6:00p.m after school.
Cool what do yo mean NEW quickee?? well i guess i will find out then huh!
is it jan 11 ? or jan 12? plus mimo i am a big fan !! i see your web site every day !! :)
I really hope its at a fair time for us australians.
Great!!! But can u put it in an Asian time zone for us Asians??? Australian time zones are also ok!!! please please please!!! I've never gone to ANY of ur parties b4......mostly because of the time zones....
PS: Maybe the Beijing time zone please???
Awsome you should tell us what time that would be really cool!
When and where, please Mimo I have never been to a Quickee Party I just can't seem to find you =)
mimo wat time is ur party in philippines?
SWEET!!! I have always wanted to go to one of your partyes mimo.
p.s. How come you never post my comments?
Sweet Mimo! can u please post the ausrtalian time to? the time stickers said over there would great but then again, you already have the time figured out don't you?
Oh wow! Kewlness! But I hopeIm not at skewl when its on! But I dont think I will be as Im just getting up now and your not long gone to bed, so if you have it after school in your TZ then in my TZ it should belike 12-2 am! :P!!
Amanda Dlny
Dear Mimo777,
Can you do the party at 4.30 p.m so I have time to do my homework and finish it?!Can you add me buddy please?!
From Xlr8800
where is it
Yay!!!! Do it for ausssie!
Club Penguin Wave said...
Awsome! But try to have it in a good time zone for Australians this time! Try 8am or 9am in Australia then it would be fair to all Australians!
Dear Stickers303, it wouldn't be fair for Australians even! It's school day and school starts approx. from 8am for any country!! Anyway, 8am or 9am (Australia) is 12am or 01am in Washington DC! So, I think it's a bad idea.
~sandindian (CPG MOD)~
HUNTER1258 said...
really r you going to post where it is and what time?
Dear HUNTER1258, I guess so! But he could post it at any time. Get ready, Get Set.... huh? NOT Go! He could put it on Twitter.com/Mimo777where most of his Quickee parties start so check there or his secret site!
~sandindian (CPG MOD)~
Awsome! Your five hours behind England so could you have it so we cold come?
yeah can you make it Australian time? And how will we know when you're having the party? I don't no any of your other sites.
HUNTER1258 said...
really r you going to post where it is and what time?
Of course Mimo will he always does but if he dosen't ill say go in the server fjord because mimo goes I that a lot
(techdeckguy CPG mod)
Why don't u ever tell us where the party is and what time until AFTER the party
Hey Mimo,
Cool, hopefully I can make it I've never been to a Quickee party before!
CPG Rocks!
♡ Bubbles 1705
dude try around 11am new Zealand so it would be fear in NZ and Australia coz the 3 hours behind and some want 9am for Australia if u can that would be awesome and at least tell us wat server u would be in coz then we all would be going "wheres mimo" and yea. I hear u go in fjord or bigfoot..?
1i1 pingy
I am not sure though i live in Singapore and i may not be ablt to use computer.
cool! i can't wait i just when to you secret site it was soo funny
hi mimo can you make it 10am new zealand time???
please it is quite afr on everyone
thank you :)
Cool Mimo! I'll try to come to your party. I'm Vitacharm again :D
cool! When is it and what server?
Yay! I hope it is after school though!
Dear hunter 1258,
No, mimo probably wont post where it is and what time after the partys over. But what mimo does is for a little amount of time, like 20 minutes or so, mimo posts the location and says "Go there now!".
So if your lucky enough to be on cpg at that time, its would tell you! so! go there now! lol
hope i helped
I might be in school. :(
Sickness... can't wait. This is gonna b awesomeness!
WOOT! cant wait!
well if its like 8 or 9 in australia what about us US kids? we have school right now and yall dont. unless its like afternoon here in the states. idk. lol.
If mimo would post the time for Australians then it would not be fair for the rest of the mimo fans around the world. Then again it is his party and not our choice what time it starts
-Redferrari99 (CPG Mod)
NEW?? cool cant wait
were will the party be
what sever
what day
mimo, it's awesome!!! wat time?
whot yay this the frist time a mimo777s partty
please dont make it like the time u had a party on planet camo because last that was at midnight for south africa.Please!!!!!
by the way my name on cp is HAPPINES13
Cool...cant wait=)..
this stinks because i have to go to a camp out intill wensday so this thing hade to be tomorrow jeez
cool im so going to be there and the austraian time is a good idea because im in australia cant wait
is ther quicky party?
mimo hasnt put anthin on twitter till now
Hi, I never saw you on CP but can you tell us what time and where!!!! The more the better!!!
is a quickee party when u post on your site where and when everything is for a short time?? cause if it is I wanna try to make it
I live in south africa and all your partys are 11pm 12pm 1am etc. please make it so we can also meet you
Mimo pls don't make it earlier than 6:00 clubpenguin time beacause if it's early I might not there but it's my first time I will see someone famous ( I am winner 222) in cp
Hi mimo how did you get so many people to view ur site. I just found ur site when I was searching cp on google
Yeah this is a problem. One way or another a time zone is gunna b left out cuz its either night, morning, or during school. Maybe you should do time zone partys. Parties that especialy suit different time zones any other stragglers that come are okay too..
try to have it in uk beucase i never know when you parties are and ive never been to one
I think I know what u mean by "New"!
mimo if you are reading this then plz plz make make it AFTER school! so about five o clock pst, ok?
Partay Time! :-P
Awesome but i hope the parties there when i get there.
sweet im already for it now lol :) it will be my first :D
ok it is already today
OMG!! I have never been to one!! What server? what time?
Hunter1258 said...
"really r you going to post where it is and what time?"
"Its a quikee party so Mimo usually does, but he said that they would be trying a new kind of quikee party so your going to have to wait and see"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Tecson said...
"AWESOME!!! Well..problem is idk where it is!"
"No one does yet, but like a few mins before the party starts Mimo will let us all know"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"Why don't u ever tell us where the party is and what time until AFTER the party"
"Mimo does, but its only up for like 10 mins and then he deletes it and its replaced with party pics"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Howie12345 said...
"were will the party be
what sever
what day
"You will know when where at at what time at about 10 mins before the party starts and once the party is over the post will be removed"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Cool what do yo mean NEW quickee?? well i guess i will find out then huh!
New Quikee is a party that Mimo has which is very short. He posts the time and place on Club Penguin Gang for only about 10-15 minutes. So keep checking back tomorrow!
Kidsquest (CPG MOD)
Oh and I hope I make it to your party! YOU ROCK MIMO! _-Otusk
Okay...6:44am Tuesday...Going to the zoo but the zoo opens at 9 so im like seeing if ur party is before then lol..I dont care if I miss it I just want Auzzies to go becuase they have never met you due to time zones (Australia is a day ahead of americans)!
i think that the time should be suitable for the english people like me, it should be about 5-6 english time coz loads of english people go on clubpenguin and we usually cant make it to your partys
just saying stickers303!
Club Penguin Wave said...
Awsome! But try to have it in a good time zone for Australians this time! Try 8am or 9am in Australia then it would be fair to all Australians!
Dear Stickers303, it wouldn't be fair for Australians even! It's school day and school starts approx. from 8am for any country!! Anyway, 8am or 9am (Australia) is 12am or 01am in Washington DC! So, I think it's a bad idea.
~sandindian (CPG MOD)~
Yeah, but everyone's on holidays right now...in Australia that is.
And it doesn't have to be then, we could make it any other time, just not like, 2:20am cause I think I speak for all Australians and New Zealanders when I say we have no chance of coming.
when is your party and what server
is it on
what time will it be? what server? what room? I really want to go. I have never been there before, and I really want to be Mimo's buddy.
~Paws Kitty~
I found two hidden items inthe treasure book! To get the blue football player clothes go to the page with the cp band guy and click the big circle part of the speaker. to get the winged helmet go to the golden puffle play page and click the circle in the middle of the row to the right of the scared dude.
i am kinda new 2 the quickee party thing so what is it or is it just another hard 2 get into / fun / awesome party
Woot Go Mimo!!! Il Be There For Sure.
Zoezoe11 Has Added Me And I Would Apretiate If U Fried, Me Santa And 9china9 Would Add Me At Your Party!
Waddle On CPG! Rock On!
~Yoda Ads~
beca said...
yeah can you make it Australian time? And how will we know when you're having the party? I don't no any of your other sites.
If hes Australian (Im Australian) he can but hes American am I right? But mimo should tell us where and when in a few minutes before it all starts!
Zebras Smell Funny! haha
(techdeckguy CPG mod)
Haha I went to ur secret site mimo lol 20 foot bag, hopefully i will make the party
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
no fair i go to school tomorrow
and i don't come back till four
coll tell us what time and sever
AWESOME I cant wait
mimo could u do morning paties cause im english
Awww. I probaly won't meet you cuz im in england so its kinda hard to meet you :(
what time and place is it
Wow that sounds hard!
I'll pobably miss it by five minutes!!!
Come pn cp now since your approving comments teehee
Anonymous said...
"mimo could u do morning paties cause im english"
"Im Irish, so our Time Zones are the same, and Im going to bed soon as well. But if Mimo makes the party suit us it wont suit other people and it might not even suit him which is the most important thing, so we just got to waut and see"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"i am kinda new 2 the quickee party thing so what is it or is it just another hard 2 get into / fun / awesome party"
"A Quikee party is a party where Mimo tells you the server and place when the party is on for only 10-15 mins and once the party is over he takes the post down, so you have to be careful not to miss the party"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
plz not in the morning i dont log on before school
Anonymous said...
coll tell us what time and sever?
He will say a few minutes before he logs on.
(techdeckguy CPG mod)
Zebras smell funny!!!! hahahaha
hi mimo its saavy
well first of all i dont no if i can make it becuz its 10:30PM here in england, so can u make it earlier abit please lol. and secondly i found ur secret site lol! its really good lol well done u :) :D
hope 2 c u at ur quickee :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
123and123 said...
Cool! Ive never been to one of your parties before!
Yeah, i've never been to one either. It's hard to get there 'cause it's so busy!
Hope thiis helps!!
-Vasa12345 (CPG Mod)
DaPrankstar said..
Wow that sounds hard!! Ill problay miss it by five minutes!!
Yeah, i'll problay miss the whole thing!! It's hard to get onto the "Mimo server". Hope this helps!!
-Vasa12345 (CPG Mod)
Please Please Please make it in Aussie time (anywhere from 10am to 12pm) is a really good time for us in Australia and i'm pretty sure that it's good for most of you in the US.
Party On Peeps!
What time and server is it in?
do it at 4:00 CP time.OK?
How about this...
If you have the party on a weekend were no one on the world is going to school (because Australians aren't at school yet)and it will be fair for everyone. If you have to party at about 9 till 12 o'clock, if my calculations are correct, it should be a good time for everyone.
Cooliosis said...
What time and server is it in?
Mimo not tell us til the last second.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Are u sayin ur hvn another party on cp !
Yes Mimo will be having another GREAT Party on Club Penguin in a server that starts with a "S"! Hope to see you there!!
Sassymagoo51 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i am kinda new 2 the quickee party thing so what is it or is it just another hard 2 get into / fun / awesome party
It is all of the above!! The twist is that you do not know when or where it will be til the very last second when Mimo posts. Once he posts the party has begun and you must get there quick.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Wat server do u usually go on?
Anonymous said...
Wat server do u usually go on?
Mimo usually goes on Fjord and Bigfoot.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
please tell me what sever do u go
Yay!! I'm so happy your having a party for everyone who submitted a penguin!!
hey mimo how a u going 2 sneak in
Hey mimo Im floater63 can you be my buddy, that would be awesome if you could because i am your biggest fan. I check your blog every day.could you have another party for the new book and snow and sports catalog at the iceberg this saturday.
Hi Mimo! I have never been to one of your partys before cause I can never find them EVER! They look like phun by the pictures on your site, WHICH IS AWSOME! I really wish you could give easier hints cause this one is really hard to figure out! I have a penguin and a chobot so I could get on to see the partay! (IF I KNEW WHERE IT WAS)! K? K? BU BYE P:S WRITE ON HERE SO I SEE IF YOU LISTENIN!
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