Ok, this is pretty cool. Here are the answers to the crossword puzzle in the new newspaper. It's pretty easy, so ya.

Here is the hidden sign that appears when you solve the puzzle. It's a promotion for the new play Squidzoid that will be here tomorrow. Hey, Club Penguin how about a new play huh?

And, the Member Event is going to be a dance party to "kick off" a new game in the Night Club. I guess I will have to try to sneak in again. ;-) Also, the Winter Fiesta will start on the 23rd.
So that's about it in the newspaper. Not very exciting. I wish they would make the news paper cooler. You?
I'll post some of the AWESOME Create Mimo entries soon! They are really crazy awesome sweet!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Sweet, yea the newspaper is kinda kiddy aye
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
that so cool mimo thx for shareing
aye??? do zee sprecken zee english??
jk!!! i agree it is kiddy
Hi Mimo
How bib you make ur web site So cool!!
I agree. The newspaper does need some touch ups!
Yeah, lol.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Sweet, yea the newspaper is kinda kiddy aye
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hi Kiwi !
Psst..dont put cpg mod next into your name if you NOT answer some question ! k ?
Im not a person who would do
find-a-words but still mimo you are awesome!!!
yeah i think it should be more exiting even though im a "little one"
yer, i agree the news paper is so plain and boring.i think they should make it more fun and more of a happy theme.
-from your biggest fan,
scf Sweetie1
lol I already done it lol! Theres a new game coming!
The crossword was easy.
hi mimo
Yea, i think they should get a new newspaper because its kinda boring.
I hate the newspapers... It would be more intresting if they were longer!
~ Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD) ~
I cant wait to get the squidzoid costume
hehe and they made it 'wordzoid'. I want them to make it a cooler newspaper.
They should make the newspaper COOL!!! A new play would be kinda nice! They get so boring!
i'm sad I thought the member party would open a new room(the blank screen in HQ)
it needs to be way cooler
true that mimo
the newspaper should be more fun and cooler cause i get bored reading after one page and their jokes are not funny!
Mimo, You Can Get The Winged Helmet On The Unlock Catalog Still, Its To The RIGHT Of The Explorers Hat.
the paper is so annoying and bad...
I'm so tired... we have a 2 hour delay today!!!
Wow at what time did you wake up to finish up the puzzle? You must be an early bird! lol. Well I think you rock.
Wiuwa:Favorite server:Wool Socks
-wii =)
ur so fast mimo,,dude u have a super powers......i guess all the different in ur test but i did not win.....what is the prize of ur'whats the diference picture' contest
They had a girly play but they can't make a cool guy play.
Kool yeah they should make something nw like penguin of the month or something. The weirdest thing happened!I just earned my black belt i went to a battle to play then it froze. i restarted the computer and i didnt have the belt but when i battled i saw it on my waist.
Wait Mimo this is awesome January 23-25 Cp will be having the Winter Fiesta party agian I hope they give out different free items!
thanks mimo, i needed that help.
yo mimo. i ttly agree bout the thing w/ the plays. its annoying that they wouldnt make ne new 1s.
Anonymous said...
Kool yeah they should make something nw like penguin of the month or something. The weirdest thing happened!I just earned my black belt i went to a battle to play then it froze. i restarted the computer and i didnt have the belt but when i battled i saw it on my waist.
This happened to me too except with my green belt but then a few days and a lot of matches later my green belt showed up in my inventory. So don't worry I think that you will get your blackbelt back eventually.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
mimo! you should have a weekly CPG newspaper! and just like review all the posted cheats and stuff like up coming contest and things like that it would rock and it could be as exciting as you want it to be!!!!!!
Hi "Club Penguin Club"(CPG MOD)
Every website is made with skill and he has cog mods and his family working on it and has a lot of time on his hands.(I hope to be a mod
Thanks(Don't hurry Mimo cause he WORKS hard)
Lol awesome!
Anonymous said...
yer, i agree the news paper is so plain and boring.i think they should make it more fun and more of a happy theme.
-from your biggest fan,
scf Sweetie1
January 8, 2009 12:05 AM
Dear Anoymous
Send a suggestion to clubpenguin you never know if they will do it.You might just be lucky!
majretts (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
ur so fast mimo,,dude u have a super powers......i guess all the different in ur test but i did not win.....what is the prize of ur'whats the diference picture' contest
dear anonymous
theres no prize but if u found em all then u will get ur name put on mimos website. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
they should have a CP TV channel!
Anonymous said...
Kool yeah they should make something nw like penguin of the month or something. The weirdest thing happened!I just earned my black belt i went to a battle to play then it froze. i restarted the computer and i didnt have the belt but when i battled i saw it on my waist.
Hey Anonymous! This happened to me with my white belt, then one day I got it back.
Hope this Helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
"i'm sad I thought the member party would open a new room(the blank screen in HQ)"
"They might, you dont know yet! There could be a new room in the Night Club"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"ur so fast mimo,,dude u have a super powers......i guess all the different in ur test but i did not win.....what is the prize of ur'whats the diference picture' contest"
"There wasnt a prize, just that your name gets printed on the winners list, its still pretty cool though"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"Kool yeah they should make something nw like penguin of the month or something. The weirdest thing happened!I just earned my black belt i went to a battle to play then it froze. i restarted the computer and i didnt have the belt but when i battled i saw it on my waist."
"That happened to me as well when I was on my Green belt but it eventually turned up in my inventory again after about a week"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Addieaqua said...
"mimo! you should have a weekly CPG newspaper! and just like review all the posted cheats and stuff like up coming contest and things like that it would rock and it could be as exciting as you want it to be!!!!!!"
"I was going to do this for my blog but I got boared after starting to make the first issue so I gave up, Mimo could do it but only like every month, also The Club Penguin times use to be better back in 2006, but when I started playing again at the end of 2007, the newspaper was so different. Maybe its just me but I swear that it use to be better"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
I think they need to make the antartic coloumns REAL. And that tour guide stuff is so boring.Hey, have you noticed that the newspaper has been coming outat like 9:00 club pengin time? Anyway, they need to make up some new plays.
Waddle on!
What's your favorite server?
Mimo, you don't have to post this comment but i have a sweet cheat for you.
Step 1. Open your player card and leave it open.
Step 2. While your player card is open, click another penguin (who is wearing clothes, preferably a member)
Step 3. Click the clothes on that player's card and they will disappear. (the penguins clothes will not disappear on the walking penguin, but if you click a neck item, if you are wearing one it will disappear.) In summary, you can click items on another penguins card and both his and your's will disappear. Cool huh?
~Dj Red 4
the newspaper comes out at 10.00 pst. if you were on before 10.00pst though you have to log in again to read it. In New Zealand right now (daylight savings +13gst) it comes out at seven on thursday night cos America is a day behind.
I dont really like this Play :|
Wow you should see screenhogs new post!
5 words:
Hey EVERYONE Who Hates The Newspaper!
Why don't we all send notes to Club Penguin saying that the newspaper has to be awesomer!
~ Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD) ~
i no the newspaper is always dull and boring. except sometimes...
anyways i cant wait to see the create a mimo contest!
Anonymous said...
"What's your favorite server?"
"Mimos fav server is Fjord"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
ummmmmm well it is kinda well its seriously boring :/
mimo i worked something out.
the new game could be the dance challenge on epf (elite penguin force) wat u think huh
dotIE said...
they should have a CP TV channel!
Yea good idea but I know there's a penguin called HeatBlast227 who does a thing called CPTV
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Lensca 23057 (CPG MOD) said...
Hi Kiwi !
Psst..dont put cpg mod next into your name if you NOT answer some question ! k ?
But I was answering a question, mimo asked wat we thought about the newspaper.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
at the member party look for me red head 4332
Punchy49(CPG Mod) said...
They had a girly play but they can't make a cool guy play.
Yea they had that fairy play, they need to have a secret agent play or something for the guys!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What's your favorite server?
Mimo usually goes on Big Foot or Fjord so those are probably his faves
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
You are the BEST! Bye Mimo(777)!!!!!!!!!
isnt this, like the third time for squidzoid?!?!
You rock Mimo!
Man, you found them so fast!
Go Mimo! Go Mimo!
Hey all u CPG out there i have a q how in the world dose mimo sneek in to all of these things.
Anonymous said...
isnt this, like the third time for squidzoid?!?!
Hey Anonymous! LOL, yes, it should be. I hope they pick new costumes because I already have all the last Squidzoid play's ones.
Hope this helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
the newpaper is kinda of boring. they should make it...exciting?
dotIE said...
they should have a CP TV channel!
Great Idea send it to CP and see what they say.
LIBBY said...
Hey all u CPG out there i have a q how in the world dose mimo sneek in to all of these things.
Hey LIBBY! Mimo...Hmm, I don't quite know myself, but my guess would be that he gets pics of Member only places from U fride, and the other CPG. Then(he is an expert at photoshopping and stuff) He probably puts himself(lol) into the picture.
Hope this helps!
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Lol, I hope I become a mod soon.
~Seichi(CPG mod)
LIBBY said...
Hey all u CPG out there i have a q how in the world dose mimo sneek in to all of these things.
OKay Mimo does not ACTUALLY sneek in he just gets a pic of the room empty from someone else on CPG and then edits himself into it.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Libby said...
"Hey all u CPG out there i have a q how in the world dose mimo sneek in to all of these things."
"He photoshops them, he takes a pic of the room he wants to sneek into, then a pic of himself, and edits his penguin out of one pic and into another!
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Stickers303 said...
"Wow you should see screenhogs new post!"
"I did, its well smart! 5-7-5! Haha!!"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
"Wow you should see screenhogs new post!"
"Mimos fav servers are Fjord and Big Foot"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Seichi(CPG mod) said...
Lol, I hope I become a mod soon.
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Don't worry Seichi I'm sure you'll be a mod soon just look at me I answered a lot of questions in not a lot of time and became a mod in like two weeks.
MRpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Seichi said...
"Lol, I hope I become a mod soon.
~Seichi(CPG mod)"
"Dont worry, just stick to it and eventually you will be one:)"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Good luck to all of youCPG MODS in training. Its hard work but it is sooo rewarding to see your name on that right sidebar and say "I worked hard to earn that"
(Plus then you can come party it up with Confupenguen, Leggofmyeggo, Saavy and ME!Plus all of the other mods of course.
chelseabawb(: said...
the newpaper is kinda of boring. they should make it...exciting?
Good idea chelseabawb, you are just so smart and a really awesome buddy. You are like always on CP and are there when I am lonely or have no one else to talk to. Thanx so much!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
that counts as a question... right?
Anonymous said...
isnt this, like the third time for squidzoid?!?!
It is the third time and it's coming out in a few hours.
(techdeckguy CPG mod)
LIBBY said...
Hey all u CPG out there i have a q how in the world dose mimo sneek in to all of these things.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't sneak in, he probably just edits the photo to make it look like his penguin is ther xD. ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
isnt this, like the third time for squidzoid?!?!
Yeah... It is
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Seichi(CPG mod) said...
Lol, I hope I become a mod soon.
~Seichi(CPG mod)
Heyy! Good Luck!! Just keep on trying your best and you will surely be there one day ;]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr
i totally agree about a new play. i think they should just take down the stage and make somtehing better.
Anonymous said...
i totally agree about a new play. i think they should just take down the stage and make somtehing better.
Thats a little harsh dont you think? They just need new plays thats all.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
isnt this, like the third time for squidzoid?!?!
Yea, I'm pretty sure that it is, if not its around the 2nd or 3rd. lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
LIBBY said...
Hey all u CPG out there i have a q how in the world dose mimo sneek in to all of these things.
If you mean the member rooms, he edits a picture of a member in it, and puts himself in it. But if your wondering how he figures all of these sneak peaks and stuff out, he has people help him, or just goes to what new on clubpenguin web site.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Club Penguin Club said...
Hi Mimo
How bib you make ur web site So cool!!
I think you mean "did", to make a site, you either go to word press, or blogspot and sign up! It's not as easy as it looks tho, lot of work.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
wiuwa said...
Wow at what time did you wake up to finish up the puzzle? You must be an early bird! lol. Well I think you rock.
Wiuwa:Favorite server:Wool Socks
-wii =)
Well, depending on where you live, there are different time zones, so what is really late for you, may be early or around dinner time for him.:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
wiuwa said...
Wow at what time did you wake up to finish up the puzzle? You must be an early bird! lol. Well I think you rock.
Wiuwa:Favorite server:Wool Socksat
mimo wakes up early, and he is an "early BIRD". Btw Aunt Artic all i gotta say is YOU'RE FIRED!
Snik fire(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
ur so fast mimo,,dude u have a super powers......i guess all the different in ur test but i did not win.....what is the prize of ur'whats the diference picture' contest
There is no prize, except having your clubpenguin name posted on his site under the contest post! I won!!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
hello id like a news paper with, up coming events, penguin of the month, igloo of the month, and pickles.
hmmmmmmmm im not at burger king, my mistake
Mimo777 i think the new game is going to be that dance one on EPF.
Can't wait for da Member event!
ya, but how do ya Sneak into the member parties? I need to teach my friend:)
Hey Mimo! I just wanna tell u this for no reason at all, but this is now my THIRD YEAR on Club Penguin. My penguin is officially THREE YEARS OLD!! :D
to swimdude96: i think we all sprecken english
Anonymous said...
Can't wait for da member event! ya, but how do you sneak into the member parties? I need to teach my friend:)
Well, a lot of the time, Mimo will get someone else to go in and then put himself in the picture. usually he'll ask a Mod who is a member. i'm not sure what he does the rest of the time...
12icenose34 (cpg mod)
Yeah there should be new plays like a play that has to do with a secret mission or like a puffle play. Its like in the puffle play u get a costume thats a puffle LOL
Anonymous said...
Can't wait for da Member event!
ya, but how do ya Sneak into the member parties? I need to teach my friend:)
Its not something that you can do for real because Mimo just photoshops himself into the pics.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
I think the news paper was very boring:{
Man, I cant wait intill the member party!!!!!!!
swimdude96 said...
aye??? do zee sprecken zee english??
jk!!! i agree it is kiddy
Ich sprechen Deutsch, Ich mag das sprechen! Lol that says 'I speak German, I like to speak that!' I was born in Germany, but now live in the U.S. I think I spelled most of it correctly, but I know my grammar was incorrect.;]
Sophi Jr (CPG)
wow the puzzle is easy. I'm a big fan!
how do u awnser someone that commented
how are you going to sneak in? please tell me!
Anonymous said...
how do u awnser someone that commented
You copy and paste thier comment into the type box then you answer their question make sure to put (CPG MOD) next to your name.
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Sophi Jr said...
swimdude96 said...
aye??? do zee sprecken zee english??
jk!!! i agree it is kiddy
Ich sprechen Deutsch, Ich mag das sprechen! Lol that says 'I speak German, I like to speak that!' I was born in Germany, but now live in the U.S. I think I spelled most of it correctly, but I know my grammar was incorrect.;]
Sophi Jr (CPG)
Wow sophi thats soo cool that you were born in Germany. My great-grandpa or my great-great-grandpa was born in Germany! I hope to meet you on CP some time.
Anonymous said...
how are you going to sneak in? please tell me!
There is no way to sneak in.
Penov (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said:
How do u answer someone that commented?
Well you copy and paste someones question into the the comment bar and then answer the question like im doing to yours. And then at the end put your name and (CPG MOD) and nothing else.
Dj Green Dj (CPG MOD)
I think it will be 3 floors to the building!!!
Hi Mimo!
If you go behind the blue building on the stage and hold up your TOURS HERE sign it looks like theres a sign on the top of the building
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