Check your inventory! If you helped on the CPIP test servers, you now have a new red Hard Hat or some people call it the Red Miners Helmet. Go check now!

If you don't know what CPIP was click here. Remember CPIP is NOT available any more. If you missed it, you will NOT get a free item.
I just don't look right in that red hat do I? Did you get one too?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Ahhh I was bout to tell you that. Man i particpitaed and I did not get one.
-Lucky Kitten
Lol! You just posted your comment. Anyway, I think that isn't a really good thank-you item! Maybe they could make a T-shirt that says "CPIP" or something like that...idk...What do you think Mimo?
I got one as well...
I was Like Huh!? But It was the CPIP Item! Cool :) It looks awesome
*Iwata (Cp Name)
I got one
To get the red hard hat u have to log on then log off then log on again!!
my penguin dosnt look right in it either youre not alone lol!
That is so cool! People just follow me around!
i got banned but my sister (puppyluv100) got one of those red hats.
I love it! Hooray! I noticed before this was posted ^_^
~Time Doctor
yo mimo I got one to i was wondering wut it came from I was jest going throw me in-vintory and thar it was it is so cool ^_^
p.s this post is from mac lorey
I got a hat and penguins alwase ask where u got it!
*N7man (penguin name)
If you dancewith the AWESOME red hat on, you get a red jackhammer!
That item is fantastic if you dance you drill with a red drill!
Mimo my penguin (benucicas) has got it and his own look
yes did get my and yes you look better with tour guide hat and i think it looks good on me (no ofense)
Yay! I got one too! Penguins waddle after me saying "WHERE'D YOU GET ITTTTTTTT?!!?" :) That's fun--I feel like a Member.
Mimo, you know you look good in anything! =) I know this is early, but will you dress up for Halloween?
yaa i got one 2 i dont see a lot of penguins wearing them tho
Ya I got one and I only went on there like 2 times.
It's so cool I have got it!!!!
I got the item. I logged into Mammoth and all these people started asking "where did you get that?"
Ewww!!! i was excpecting something BETTER!!!
this is ace and mimo777 listen that hat suits you more that that tour guide hat
Um ...... Mimo? no offence .... but are you even a member?
hi i sighed up and never got a hat its not fair :(
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =( the gift is pretty stylish, but im still wicked dissapointed! I thought i t would be so much better then that lol. Do you think so? Who else does?
Thanks so much for the update &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
If you dance with it on and nothing else, you use a jackhammer
Awesome! A red jackhammer!
haha at first i put the hat on and i still had my other clothes on, and i was like "why am i not drilling??? this hat is lame" and then i was like "oh, wait........ hahaha riiiight"
*stupid moment of the day*
to whoever said "I DID NOT HELP OUT CAN YOU GIVE ME ONE" well right now you cant give away or trade your items... maybe cp will find a way to let us do that in the future! man that would be sweet =]
What's that map thing in your inventory?Is it from a mission?
I love it its sooo cool!
People are attacking me asking,"WHERE ARE THE RED HATS??"
I ran away!And they still follwed me! It's crazy Mimo! Boy, that was like being famous! It can get annoying too. But I like the free item! =)
yes i did get! and it dont fits on me neither :/ but it would fit in the newest moderator: Screenhog because one of his fav item is the yellow hardhat so i think he will like the red hardhat ;)
ya u dont look right in that hat (no offense) i got it to and it doesnt look good on me either...
Anonymous said-
Sorry, you can't trade or give items in Club Penguin. However, you can suggest it to Club Penguin in the support section of their site.
Hope this helps!
PS It looks weird on me, too, but I want people to chase me so I will wear it :)
I go one too.
you don't look too bad!
I like the item!
Still, they could do better.
I was hoping to find a T-Shirt with 'I WAS A CPIP TESTER!' written on it!
Hi Lucky Kitten! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
Ahhh I was bout to tell you that. Man i particpitaed and I did not get one.
-Lucky Kitten"
Aww! I'm so sorry! Email CP right away and them know that you didn't receive your helmet! Are you sure you checked your whole inventory? Are you sure your penguin was registed on CPIP?
Put this address in your brower to contact CP:
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
YEAH! I got one! its sooo cool. lol anyways post this ya bigest fan -Ye11
Hey Guys! It's Blackpearl8!
Just a little reminder! There's a new penguin poll in the community section:
How much time do you spend on Club Penguin?
1 minute
1-10 minutes
10-30 minutes
30+ minutes
What's Club Penguin?
Yes! I got one!
people follow me cuz i have a red hard hat they ask me were did u get that, lol
Hey Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
Lol! You just posted your comment. Anyway, I think that isn't a really good thank-you item! Maybe they could make a T-shirt that says "CPIP" or something like that...idk...What do you think Mimo?"
Hey! That's a GREAT idea! I emailed CP about it! You should too! EVERYBODY should! The more emails they get the better chance we have of getting it!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Eoibio! I'm Blackpearl8!
"eoibio said...
my penguin dosnt look right in it either youre not alone lol!"
Lol, neither does mine!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
hey everyone! i got one too! well i had a question. does anyone know how u can get that pizza box in ur box of things?
i got one :p
oh wow they should make it better it looks wierd at least its something!
Check the lighthouse there is new music.
From, Leclercian
I love the hat!!!
Man! I wished I enter cpip with my main penguin! I didn't because it said your penguin will expired on April!
There are SOOOOOO Many penguins that keep getting mad at me because I can't explain to them what CPIP is because of CP's chat filters. But I LOVE the new red hat's! And yes, you do look good in it! :)
loli am used 2 u with the tour guide hat and no i didnt get the hard hat:(
No, you don't look right in that hat.
I got one but i wish ppl who didn't get one will stop asking me where i got one from it really anyoying!
no, mimo is not a member... he says that its just as fun to play as a nonmember. right on, mimo!!
even if you signed up for the cpip, you gotta play to get hat...
the pizza box is from one of the missions, i think the "secret of the fur" one =]
Hey Mimo!
In my personal opinion you look perfectly fine in a red hat! You should make it a part of your look! What about the background you promissed us though?
-Rainey Rain
yes! i got one too Mimo!!
cool i got one
i got it!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
This is so cool right?
I love the new hats and everyone I meet asks me where I get them!
But still, I dont think red is your colour Mimo...;)
Just Kidding!
I love my new hat...but I'm still wearing my yellow party hat...!
Thanks Mimo & Everyone Else!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
Hey Anonymous!
No sorry, but nobody can give you a hat!
It's not because we are mean, its because at the moment, Club Penguin have no intention on of letting a trading feature out!
But you never know, maybe someday they will!
But untill then....I guess you will just have to make-do with a wizard hat!
Thanks Anonymous & I hope I helped!
Thanks Mimo, Anonymous (again!) && Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
I GOT THE HATmimo777.from byg123.
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hey Kimberrlley!
You told us that you were kinda dissapointed with the new hat... :(
Well I suppose I kinda am too, but I love the way that you can drill with it, and the way EVERYONE follows you saying
Hahaha! Its so fun!
But I agree, It is slightly stylish, but I prefer my party hat better! ;)
Oh and by the way Kim, Im not seeing you much on CP these days!
Whats going on? If its because you think you r too old to be playing Club Penguin...well thats just CrAzY! :D
Thanks Mimo, Kim & Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
i didnt know how to get it until i came to your website i asked several people about it but they said its just a ordinary hat but i remembered i help with cpip(awesome)so now in clubpenguin im walking proudly with my reward present im so sorry for those who didnt get it because i understand cause i didnt get one on my other account -rainbow150 luv ya mimo!
hey i want to know your e-mail address i used to have u on my list mimo
(add me at
your friend jason988(penguin name but got band now) yodacamper
(cry) i hope you didn't forgot me
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Xforlove21x said...
hey everyone! i got one too! well i had a question. does anyone know how u can get that pizza box in ur box of things?
Hey Xforlove21X!
Thats so great that you got the hat!
Its awesome, right?!
Now to your question:
The pizza box was from the secret agent mission: The Secret of The Missing Fur!
You have to help the penguin in the pizza parlour, to deliver the pizza to the scared penguin at the Ski Lodge! At the end, you will recieve a never-ending pizza box!
Cool, huh?
If you want a full training guide, look around through Mimo's tabs for Mission Cheats!
Good Luck, Agent! :D
Thanks Mimo, XForLove21X & Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Lucky Kitten told us that she did not get one, even tho she participated!
That is so unfair Kitten! Im sure that they will give you one......eventually!
Try logging in, then logging off, then logging back in again!
Good lukc!
Cpip was so worth it! :D
i got one
it not bad its not the best but hey its a free item and mimo u need more coins :p
yo mimo777 r u a member and can you do me a big favor can you give me your pass at my blog you can post it under anonymous and then i will get rid of the coment then you can change your pass bye
hey mimo!
sparkle55 here =)
i think the red hat is good but maybe it could be better... maybe it could of had you flying nutty all around cp and maybe it could do ANYTHING!
bye bye bye bye mimo
p.s i got 1 too
I figured out a new cheat! I can make my clothes fall off! See me at it on...
1.Canada Snowfall-Server
2.Sunday, June 8th-Day
3.3:00 Club Penguin Time Zone-Time
See you there! I will also tell you how to do it there! But I will go on another account to tell you! So don't go away!
I got one. I liked the test server cause there were hardly any people there and it was really cool!!
you dont look so bad in that hat.... you know you really actually look konda cool in it! but i would stick with the tour guid hat!
I like the shirt idea. We should contact the makers or something and request some shirts.
if you dance with it on you get a RED jackhammer! it's sooo cool!
I helped but I didn't get 1 :(
nasserrulez, first of all mimo isnt a member... and second of all, of course he wont give out his password!! in fact, NO ONE should EVER give out their password! and most especially not mimo!
jason988, the cpg's email is
Hey i like the hard hats but i agree with the person who said we should get the tee shirt.
I got one two, Mimo! I don't really like it that much. I wish it was a beta tester hat.
Jewel45615(CPG Moderator)(Cp name)
i got one its so cool
i got one thare should be anthor item.
I did participate in cpip! it was really fun looking for glitches and on one day, a green puffle!
that is awsome i got mine and it rocks!
when u mentioned free backround, wat did u mean?
mimo if you put on just the hat and dance you start riding a RED jackhammer instead of the usual orange jackhammer
-pacopeng(cp name)
i got one
i got banned from cpip and i stil got one
i waz just messing around in my igloo and i said a bad word oops!
i got one! one of my really cool friends asked where did u get the hat, i just said it was from the beta testing. My friend really wanted one but was very annoyed and irritated since my friend couldn't be able to get one. Also if u just wear the red hat and dance instead of a yellow drill thing u get a red one!
From Peny 1010
P.S please post!
Hey Mimo I've gotten the item!
It's great!I can make a red drill too.What do you think?
i think they should a red beta hat
yep, i got it! At first i couldnt see it but when i heard you got it, i double checked.
Oh, and im going popular with this item!
the cpip dosn't work with me it tell's ((server test is now over thanks for all your help squashing bugs)) and i tryed to do the same thing on my other computer it dont work ether!!
one more thing how do i change my id in the cpip how that could be i didnot tell any thing bad when i was a puffle I take shower in the dance club??
y u dont giv everyone a shirt ??????tat thing jz same like the yellow hard lame
Hey Mimo!
Quick question for ya... If you give out free memberships, how come you aren't a paying member. I guess this is kinda random but, do you play any instruments like guitar, drums, etc. Just wanted to know.
i got participated but didnt get the red hard can????not fair
Theres a problem with, because wheneever I type it in to go there it just brings me back to
I went digging through my inventory till I found it, it's quite cool, when you dance you dig with a red miner
I did the CPIP(club penguin improvement project) but I did not get it. Is it a glitch? I'm not sure...
mimo if you wear it only by itself and you start dancing your penguin will start digging with a red digger nice cheat what do you think pls give me credit for apl17
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
nasserrulez said...
yo mimo777 r u a member and can you do me a big favor can you give me your pass at my blog you can post it under anonymous and then i will get rid of the coment then you can change your pass bye
Hey Nasserrulez!
Mimo would NEVER give his password away, not even to you!
Because if Mimo gave you his pass, then you could change it, and never give it back, which means that you could forever walk around as Mimo777!
Pretty cool, but totally unfair!
So I guess you will just have to get popular your own way! :D
Oh and MImo777 is not a member...yet...
Thanks Mimo, Nasser & Everyone Else
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
mimo you are a great guy!!!
if anything new appears in cp just tell us. bye bye! thanks
no it doesn't suit u, but u looks cool anyway.
i got one, and i think its pretty kewl.
club penguin should've made something a little more interesting though.
I got one thx mimo
mimo thanx for hat
ye i got the item and no i dont relly think it looks too good on u
my name haluk8
if you press the dance button the driller is red
I got one and i didnt know what if was their for thanks for telong us=)
i found thing out , in coffee shop if you click on the menus board it changes
i got one also it is just the yellow one but it change to red one hehehhe
I got one too!
everyone is coming around to me and asking where I got it, its awesome!!
mimo i was on club penguin yesterday wearing my hat cos i found it before you posted and penguins kept asking me some didnt know what cpip was so i was getting frustrated. one penguin said they would ban me for life if i didnt tell them. i wont give any names but this penguin was so rude!! let this be a warning to all penguins who helped cpip.
i was wiondering what that was.
yeah i got .it doesent look to good on me tho...oh well i could still use it sometimes.
The hard hat just doesn't seem to be "me". Mimo, I actually think the hard hat doesn't look THAT bad on you. THIS IS A REMINDER TO ALL PENGUINS.
Who: Bibbety Blue
What: Birthday party
When: June 3rd 3:00 CPTZ
Where: The dock
Why: For the fun of celebrating my bday!
I hope you can all come and, Mimo, if you do come I would be SO happy!
extremely cool
if you dance it will give you a RED JACK HAMMER !LOL!
woo hoo! i got one it's awsome! wonder if it will be a free item for others that didn't get one...
~Rasengan 9
i g with theshirt idea but what about some shoes and trousers=)
I GOT ONE! I thought it would be something else though, Like a shirt.
i know what it do go on to actions then go on to dance then it will drill
i got one to it cool
Some of you signed up but you didn't get the item. I think it is because you didn't log in to the test servers and test them.
Darn i want to be part of that but i t is to late anyway.... Hopefully you guys do that again.
try to jackhammer! you have a red jackhammer!
I wish it was still here, darn. Hopefully it happens again
I kept hearing rumors that the free item was to be a ninja. It is not. :( I wish it was! But this item is pretty cool.
Chuckle344: Its really cool i got one and evry1s like where did you got that? Luv it! Mimo you have not got many free items i say, no offence
aw men, people started following me when i have this red hard hat.
this is so cool!!!![i got one to] pepole keep folowing me asking me 'where did you get that?' i kind of feel like rockhopper asking me to be my buddy and stuff.
Tight I got one to
Ice packers
yo weiners! yoyoyo!
Well i dod get one!
And you don't look right in the helmet! LOL!
hey mimo, whats that treasure map u got next 2 yr spy phone?
I think its a cool free item. You can drill with it, and its the RAREST ITEM ON CLUB PENGUIN!
i dont get y they didnt give the people who tested like a colorful beta hat and aniversary parties. huh!?!?!?!?!?
Hey it's me Brad1072!
I got one!
I look good in red!
Thanks,Please post this
OK mimo i know this has nothen to do with it but plz read this comment! OK well i was reading a book where you typ it in, and i saw that there is a coin hidden in pages of the book! i got a bonus coin and i got 220 coins! just thought you would like to know :-)
I got that too! I just wonder why they dont tell the other penguins about it so they don't get confused?
~Moogasa :D
p.s. maybe you should make a post about all this puffle, and rare flower stuff. It is starting to get a little mysterious.
Okay. This doesn't have to do with the CPIP Hat, but it's a glitch that Disney didn't fix. Okay,this only has three steps. First, go to a corner of any room in Club Penguin. Second, open the news paper and press enter. Last, talk and say whatever you want. (That doesn't get you band)
And one more. This has quiet a few. Talking with the news paper. First, go to the corner of any room. Go to send Aunt Artic a Joke, and where you can type, keep pressing D. You can stop once you see yourself dancing. I think other penguins can't see it though.
Hey Anonymous!
"Anonymous said...
Ewww!!! i was excpecting something BETTER!!!"
LOL, me too! I guess we should just be gratefull that we got something, right?
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hi Pixel Polo! I'm Blackpearl8
"pixel polo said...
this is ace and mimo777 listen that hat suits you more that that tour guide hat"
Really? You like the red hat better? I think the tour guide looks better on Mimo, and it kinda symbolizes how Mimo shows us around CP and helps us with cheats and stuff. He's like a mass tourguide! lol
*Blckpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Joe Joe! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Joe Joe said...
Um ...... Mimo? no offence .... but are you even a member?"
Nope, Mimo's not a member. He believes that penguins can have just as much fun as a nonmember. But other penguins are still yearning for a membership so he gives away memerships!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Ya'll! I'm getting really burnt out with answering questions, so that's why I haven't been on as much.
Also, we have all our finals next week and a reading project that was assigned yesterday, and due next thurs. So I'm cramming my head for the finals and on the verge of going I N S A N E!!!!
Please bare with me! lol
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
hey mimo, whats that treasure map u got next 2 yr spy phone?
The treasure map was from when they first built the Cove. It flew around the island and you had to catch it in order to find your way to the Cove. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
how do i help out with that?
I got the rare hat!
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how you help out with this?
Unfortunately, the CPIP test is over! It evnded a ehile ago, but their just giving out the free gifts now =) Keep checking CPG for updates on oppertunities to get free items, and other events.
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)" =)
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked what the map was next to his spy phone?
Its actually for when the Cove first opened! Its like a piece of history =) It actually flew around the island, leading to the cove =)
Thanks so mcuh & good luck! Thanks mimo too!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Blackpearl!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you have finals next week and your so stressed aha!
I know exactly how you feel! I had finals May 20th! Im out now but im really happy haha! I love summer <3
Thanks os mcuh &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Joe Joe!
Kimberrlley1 here! You affence, but are you even a member mimo?
Mimo actually isnt! He finds CP fun without paying the price, but he still loves to play games and make friends! Way to go mimo =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo@
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Pixel polo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said that hat suits mimo better then the tour guide hat!
Really? I believe the tour guide hat looks os much better =) It kind of tells us that he like to help us out on clubpenguin! Cool huh?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo so much!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said EWWWW! I was expecting somethig better!
Same here haha =) I thought it would be the best item ever, so im actually emailing CP right now telling them how we all feel about the Free item =) Sound cool guys? You can email to help me out too!
THanks &+ thanks mim oso mcuh!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey bibbety bob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) ill try my best to be at your party!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey nazzerrulez!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked mimo if he could give you his password by blog?
Mimo can never do that! People could hack his account, and its not right to even give his password to you =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey luckykitten!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said i participated and did not get one!
That stinks! I feel so bad, im sorry! Email CP right awya telling them you didnt get one! Everyone makes misakes, right? Even clubpenguin!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said I didnt get one! Can yu give me one?!
Sorry. As of NOw you cant trade anything, YET! There might be a trading dock when they finsih the CPIP project! I cant wiat!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo too!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey mihsmash!
Kimberrlley1 here! Im sorry sorry im not going on your server. All of my friens are like always on different servers and its hard to visit them all when everyones scattered around =) Im probably on, but not on in your server!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Blackpearl!
Kimberrlly1 here =) I emailed CP about the shirt!
Hey Eboboi! It doesnt look right on me either, Lmao!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Just a reminder that theres a new poll on the CP homepage! Check it out =)
It asks how much time you spend on CP?
Thanks ^+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
lol you actually have to LOG ON to get the hat =]
mrbowgangle, you were right about the hidden coin... in fact, theres a hidden coin on ALL of the pages and you get TONS of coins at the end =] try to find em all!
no mimos not a member (he said its just as fun to be a nonmember), but he's giving away a membership out of the goodness of his heart! go mimo!
the map was given out a while ago when the cove was first discovered, and the pizza box can be obtained after finishing the mission "the secret of the fur" =]
ok the second person kinda has the right idea i;d rather have a T-shirt that says CPIP on it but i like the hat!
Put it on and then dance and then you drill in the ground...
i got 1 two
what i didn't get one!
i got one to
i got one
i helped but i didnt get 1!
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
No, Mimo dodn't change his outfit. He just put on the hat for a minute to show us what it looked like. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey! Here's a tip! When you were the red hard-hat and dance you pull out a red jackhammer! Fenney.
lol mimo wouldnt change his outfit, but he put it on temporarily to show us what it'd look like =] frankly, i dont think those hats look good on anyone... =S
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said: YOU CHANGED YOUR OUTIFT?
Haha, no mimo didnt =) He likes his tour guide hat much better! =) He doesnt thnik the red hat looks right on his lol!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo too!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
will CPIP ever be avaliabe again?
"will CPIP ever be avaliabe again?" well i realy dont know the answer to that question, but if cp ever wants to make new servers then you can bet that they'll let us test them out =] you can always to go cp's blog to look for more info, and cpip's blog as well =]
you can also email cp
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here! Anonymous asked if CPIP will ever be available again?
Maybe! =) If they decide to update CP again in a few years or so, it definartely will be probably, and they might even give another free item! Sounds cool huh?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
i thought we were going to get a beta tester hat or a ninja suit or something. But this gift is still cool!
I found that if you press "-" or "+" the screen goes pixely
-Blacky90008 cp name
Hey Blacky!
Kimberrlley1! You said if you press the + key the sceen goes all pixely!
I knowwwww lol! Its crazy! like i was on CP and must have pressed if and the sceen went SO weridd haha!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
thx mimo you rock
thats so cool
a glitch
put clothes on your penguin
go to player card
change clothes
click on someone elses playercard
click on you
your clothes wont change
to fix
go to your player card
change clothes
i know a cool cheat
wear your red mining hat then take it off with your player card still open it will show the drill drilling by itself and the hat floating
its a cool hat but you dont look good in that hat... i dont look good in it too!lol! i got 1
OHHHH thats wat it was! i thought it was a glitch!!
Hello, you have made an impressive site here keep up the good work and remember keep dancing
Waddle On
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