Ok, so let's have 3 different ways to win the one free Club Penguin membership! Here's how.
1. Make a video about Mimo. It can be a long or short video. It can be anything you want as long as it's about Mimo. It can be a music video, a Club Penguin video, or whatever you want. It must be about Mimo.
2. You have to name the video "Mimo777 Contest Video".
3. You have to upload it to youtube.com.
3. You have to send the link to the video by posting a comment with your CP name.
4. Club Penguin Gang will vote on all the videos and pick the best one.
5. The best video will be put with the winners of the other two contests.
1. Write a poem about Mimo.
2. The poem must rhyme.
3. The poem must be at least 8 lines long.
4. You must email the poem and your CP name to clubpenguingang@yahoo.com.
5. Club Penguin Gang will vote on all the poems and pick the best one.
6. The best poem will be put with the winners of the other two contests.
1. Make a picture about Mimo.
2. The picture must be a jpeg.
3. You must email the picture and your CP name to clubpenguingang@yahoo.com.
4. Club Penguin Gang will vote on all the pictures and pick the best one.
5. The best jpeg picture will be put with the winners of the other two contests.
The winners of the three contests will be put together and ONE WINNER WILL BE DRAWN. We are giving away ONE AND ONLY ONE Club Penguin Membership.
All videos, poems and pictures may be posted on clubpenguingang.com.
The contest starts now! The contest ends May 23. The Winner will be announced May 24.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 363 Newer› Newest»Awesome! Mimo you're the best!
(1st Comment)
I Will I Will Win This
Mimo thx for macking this fair to all us penguiers u r so nice!
My penguin name is Marvin212 i usually go on snowcone if u see me add me OK!! :)
Woah mimo! There all great, but im going to do the poem. I really hope i win!
~Dino Wizard
Hey it's Brad1072
hmm im gona do the peom i love righting poems there so fun cause i cant make a vid and i dont know what picture to make so.. thanks for making it fair mimo your so kind, you ROCK!
From: Sand Flipper
can only do the poem will make a really REALLY good one!
NOOOO NOT AGAIN! oh man mimo i cant use my email cause it has this trouble shot thing going wrong with it again so it wont work! oh no no no no no! =(
well ill try to figure something out! this is sand flipper and i cant wait tell the party! but nooooo.
Hey Mimo and CPG!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Mimo, i just want to say thanks so much and these are awesome ideas for the contest! Thanks to all who helped mimo pick the ideas =) Your the best! Also, thanks mimo for giving us the oppertunity for this, because some people can not afford, or have other reasons why they cant have a membership! Just thanks, and YOUR the best =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
seems fair enough
the player card will be updated at the end of the month
yay my email works now but im gona do picture thing now i dont want to do peom its to hard i do good at first but then i go back and think its stupid and isnt good at all.
sand flipper
Hi it's Koolkrates again!
Mimo this is kind of emberassing but can you please tell me for the picture contest what jpeg means. I am not really sure? Good luck to everyone. Thanks Mimo.
You Rock
Your Friend,
Yo Mimo, my parents won't let me use their email address:o(. Is there any other way to send a poem?
-Awesome Pen7
thanks mimo! im entering!
Ok I hope I win! well Im not a member anyways since april 24 so i am trying to make a really good video
yay! omg (my omg means oh my gosh!)
you're friend goofy73
cool mimo ill try the poem.
Way2cool000 CPG Moderator. :)
Im going to do the Picture One.
By the way you ROCK MIMO Your the best and your nice!
wow i cant do any of those sigh.
you rock mimo, you are soooo nice, thank you so much for your site and all!
Wait, how can people who never even met you mimo, make one about you? Please clarify
im doing the poem
i dont know about you guys but i am doing the poem...you rock mimo!
anonymous said that he/she wanted mimo to add them. however mimo only has 13 buddies right now, he is not going to be able to attend any of your parties you want him to because he is busy with his homework and running the site.
thanks mimo and fellow penguins,
Ill make a poem!
Hey Mimo,
It's Egge50
Im was just wondering if we could enter all three contests to increase our chance to win?
Mimo, okay. Sorry but, you should have done a writing contest as well. Why? Because, I have no clue how to make a movie of Mimo or a picture and my poems are not the best poetry. I MEAN I'M ALREADY STUCK! WHAT RHYMES WITH ORANGE???
i cant wait! i will probably do the poem cuz idk how to do the other things lol! thnx 4 makin the contest fair to all of us!
I'm not doing anything. These are the reasons:
1. I don't know how to make a video
2. I am horrible at poems
3. I don't like to draw
Kathleensccr (CP name)
Mimo I cant make those things... good thing i get game cards monthly! Oh and also i met 2 famous ppl on Cub Penguin! And the ppl were: Icedude1234 and Manu209.They are also my friends on youtube. but on Club Penguin... im not their friends on Club penguin... i think i was on their vids!
~Rasengan 9
and im so for the drawing contest but wats JPEG???
I can make a video but I don't know what video to make!
Hey Bibbety blue!
Kimberrlley1 here =)
Q: What rhymes with ORANGE?!
A: Nothing actually rhymes with orange, but be creative and make something up, like Glorange( as in glowing-) =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotor)"
Mimo I hope you like my poem song.
Hey Mimo,
Egge50 here again
How many videos,poems,pictures can we make?
Hi Mimo
Egge50 here (uhh again)
Does the poem have to rhyme? Because poems dont have to be abaout rhymes.
This is unfair
u have to use talent for all of these this gives some people an advantage and the others a weakness
I hate poetry,ive never made a video,and i don't even know where to find a picture maker online.and i bet there are more people who feel like their chance to win has been shot in the heart
Anonymous, door hinge rhymes with orange, well, kinda
A:I'm not sure,but I think it's something like this.You draw a picture on Bitmip Image,right?You can upload on anything to the internet,but the file must be saved with JPEG.I'm not sure at all,so could you guys help him if you are positively sure?Thanks.
BTW,I think I'm doing the poem one.Hey Mimo,are you allowed to win memberships for your little sister if you already have one?Cuz it would be great to win for my little sister?
Aqua131131(cpg moderator)
Hey it's Brad1072!
I'm so happy!
I entered the contest and already send a picture for the contest!
I hope I win!
please post this!
Thanks alot!
What does the picture supposed to be about? Anything as long as it's about Mimo? I'm doing the picture.
I have an idea how you will pick hte best! First, you pick the 3 best people in each category (picture, video, and poem). Then, you announce them, then you will pick 1 best person from each category. Then you will announce the people you chose then you choose the best out of all the three people!
Anyway, how does the winner get to know what the membership code is?
hey mimo i'm working on mine right now!
you're friend goofy73
A JPEG is a file type. So when you save your picture, you press "Save As" then where it says "Save as Type" choose JPG or JPEG.
@bibbety blue
If your stuck with a rhyme, you could change the whole line and replace it with another line.
Thanks Mimo for making an art section. 8) I'll try to make something exciting for you and enter it. xD
Good luck in advance to all of the contestants. :)
Awesome dude! That's sick. I'm making a video! Thanks
Can you enter all three contests?
mimo can we be a contestant for more than one of the contests???
hey mimo! sounds great!!! um i have a new cheat for u! k so the lighthouse has new music! check it out! it is more hip! lol
dabearsr1 20 (cp name)
Hey I am lucas!
Kimberrlley1 here, with an answer for ya =)
You said how can you make a video if we've never met you, or dont know anything about you!?
Hi! Heres some help! Check out "Who is mimo" 1, 2, and 3 to learn about mimo, and then remember to be creative =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotor)"
Hey Mimo,
I already have a membership, but I want to make a poem. Can I still enter but not be eligible to win?
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Many penguins are asking if they can enter more than 1 contest?
Im sure you can =) Im sure mimo would have no problem with it, and also im sure he'd love to see what you all can do! What do you say mimo?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo so much!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotor)"
can i do 2 of the 3
~testglitch (usually on ice age)
Kimberrlley1 here =)
Quite a few penguins dont know what JPEG means, so i have a definition for you =)
JPEG means: The standard steps for the compression of digital images. In other words, it also meams: A lossy compression tequnique for color pictures. JPEG helps pictures to be 5% larget then their starting size, but allows them to show less detail in them.(it is like the little pixel-squaresyou see when you blow an image up)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo! Hope this helps you!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotor)"
Hey Cytgirl!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said u were already a member, but u wanted to enter the contest, and not be eligible to win?
Sounds good =) I would tell mimo that you are already a member, or make sure to tell him you are not eligible to win when you send him ur poem =) Good luck &+ thnks!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo a bunch~
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotor)"
Hey Everyone!
I just wanted to say good luck to everyone who enters! I'm sure you will all do great. I am not entering because I am already a member, and want to give the oppurtunity to somebody that really needs it.:-) Good luck and have fun!
Hey i already made a video and im already a member.If i win can i give it to my best friend that cant afford it
kimberrlley1 how old are you? you seem real smart.
Hi amanmiley here
pinklinda123 said:
Can we enter all three
Amanmiley says:
Of course you can!Then you will get a better chance of winning probaly
thanks for giving us a chance to be a member of club penguin. nice work.
i hope i could see you in the party soon. pls give the next clues at once.
Hey Bibbety Blue,
You Asked What Rhymes With Orange, And The Anwser is DOOR HINGE!
am i a genious or WHAT? lol
Thank you for all the options in entering the contest! :D
sorry for posting im just cheaking if you got my vieo an if i win i can give my membership my friend
Can we enter all 3?
I hope I can but I can't do the picture thing and the Video thing I can only do the poem thing
hi *ahem ahem* *ahem ahem ahem AHEM!* sorry bout that lol
ok (thinks of mountain dew)
oh uh sorry haha
uh is it hot in here or what? woo!
(laughs nervously) uh (sweats like crazy) (finally faints) *plop!*
ur goofy friend pellowpuff :D
have you seen the squid in aqua grabber?
hey Cytgirl825, of course you can enter! you can tell mimo that you just wanna send him something, but not to enter in the contest =]
also, orange is one of those words that dont rhyme with anything. neither does purple, actually... but be creative! maybe you can put the word orange in a different spot on that line so you dont have to rhyme anything with it. or just find something kinda similiar...
and heres a tip for those entering the poem contest (yes it has to rhyme, thats what mimo said)
if you're stuck on a word and cant find a rhyme, go to
and enter the word and it'll give you lots of words that rhyme!
have fun guys!
thanks so much mimo for making different categories =]
also, someone said they cant find any drawing programs online. if you use windows, then go to the start menu, then to programs, then accessories, then click paint or MS paint (same thing). this is a great paint program!
have fun!
wow! thanks mimo for making it fair for all penguins. It mite be kinda hard but thats ok. I still love it. i hope i win this one.
(P.S. i wonder how it is being a member).
hi everone its sand flipper and one comment said that i have no talent in any of these well just try your best and mimo is trying to make it as fair as possible also you can just screen capture any image you would like! ill tell you how read!
SCREEN CAPTURE: when you are at where you want to screen capture anything just hit Print scrn its at the top right hand corner by f12 then go to word or paint and hit Ctrl+V and your picture will pop up! then you can do what you want to it, i drew my penguin cause im really good at drawing. good luck everyone!
Thanks Kimberrlley1! a while ago you showed us how to screen capture! i had no clue how to.
oh and thanks Mimo777 we all appreciate you greatly for all the hard work you do around here thank you very much! sand flipper
cool i hope i win
Mimo! Thanks! You are one of the coolest penguins ever! I have a question. Ok, so there will be THREE winners? because one for video, one for poem and one for picture??? i don't get it...please clear it out for me....
anyways...chuckleloo here again! umm...guys! here is my answer to some of you asking what is a JPEG. It is an image format. Like, if you save, you could save it as bmp or ico or png. but mimo wants you to make it a JPEG format. ok? at least that will help!
JOIN THE SAND FLIPPER MARCH! the sand flipper march is when we all get to gether at a certaint place and then you follow me and we march all around clubpenguin telling everybody about clubpenguingang or mimo or anything you want! join the sand flipper march! when starts and when ends: meet at the dock everyday it goes on! until a certaint time meet at the dock at 5:30 and we wait tell 6:00 for everyone to come and get ready cause it starts at six. it only goes on for ten minutes. after that we go to my igloo and celebrate! it will be a blast! ill comment again to say when it ends.
hey mimo!
this is awsome! Im going for the poem.
I was just wondering:
can you enter more than one contest?
sweet! I love this! WOW
ok i submit my poem!hope mimo like it
Can we put more videos, poems, or pictures because I want to put more poems to get more chances. Can we put more? Just to tell you.
Momo could you please post a picture of your player card and you on club penguin and can i enter more than once?????
Rats 1996 (cp name i dont know how i came up with it)
PS can i make a collage
Cool! Oh and by the way.... Will you pretty pretty pleasae with a cherry on top do another clue REALLY soon!
Mimo777 You rock... and so does your website!
Nice one Mimo! Its heeps cool! I'm not really good at making video's but I love making pictures. The poem will have to be pretty good though to win. Just one question. Am I able to do 2 things such as the picture and the poem??? If so can I make more than just 1 picture or poem???
Please answer because if I can i'm probely going to make alot of pictures! If I can to more than 1 thing post it on the site so everone knows.
CP Name: Bozobam
hey Mimo!
i just made a poem and i hope i win
ur the best mimo!
Mimo thanx so much. I usually go on Canada Caribou if you see me can u add me? My penguin name is Winx8572.
hey mimo can i only do the poem thingy? becoz i dont know how to upload but if you tell me i will upload it
hey mimo
ur so nice
wat colour are u normally?
excellent idea mimo!!
i think i'll do the poem, coz i dunno how to make a video and insert a picture.
i hope i win!if i don't, then i hope someone else who made a good one wins!!
Hermy47(penguin name)
mimo, can we send u the stuff using our own personal email?
Im so doing the picture contest!
I got an idea already!
ehh Mimo. I need a picture of you
Can i have a pic of your penguin ?
Its part of my image
Hey Guys!
MishMash215 here!
Good Luck to everyone for the contest!
Just know that everyone has an equal chance at winning, even if drawing or computer using isnt your skill, I'm sure evereyone will be able to put something together that will blow us away!
Mimo must have such a hard job!
Im gobnna enter right away!
Good Luck to everyone!!
Hey Guys!
MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
Hey it's Brad1072
Hey Brad!
Great Question and i got a direct definition for you ok?
JPEG: JPEG/JFIF is the format most used for storing and transmitting photographs on the World Wide Web. For this application, JPEG/JFIF is far superior to GIF, which uses a palette with a maximum limit of 256 distinct colors (most color photographs contain many thousands or even millions of distinct colors). JPEG/JFIF is also preferred to PNG, which produces much larger image files for this type of image due to its lossless compression.
I hope thats ok...in simpler words, its not that comlicated, its just a file name for a grafic image.
I hope I helped!
Thanks MImo, Brad & Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
uhm mimo i need ur help i dnt
know wat one 2 du bt im thinking the poem
bt tha problum iz that
i dnt have a email address nd ma
parents du bt i dnt knw hw 2 use iht
wat do i du
Talemo (penguin name)
Hey Guys!
MishMash215 here!
This is just a quick reminder about my upcoming birthday party on Club Penguin! Everyone can come!
Anyway here are the details:
Server: Big Foot
Room: Dojo
Time: 7:00am (CPTZ)
Date: 10th of May!
I hope everyone can come because I can't wait to see everyone on CPG!
If those times aret convenient I'm sorry, but I think I think that is the time that most of u go on...
If its not tell me and I can change it!
Plz Plz Plz Plz POst this Mimo, very IMPORTANT!!!
Thanks Mimo & Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (Upcoming Birthday Boy)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
cutiepie1023 said...
I'm not doing anything. These are the reasons:
1. I don't know how to make a video
2. I am horrible at poems
3. I don't like to draw
Kathleensccr (CP name)
Hey CutiePie or Kathleen!
Dont give up hope!
Just keep at it and maybe you will be able to come up with a great idea that will get you a FREE membership!
if you want to make a movie maybe look up on google weather there are any sites that you could use!
Good Luck!
Thanks Mimo, Kathleen/Cutiepie & Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
i made a poem 4 it and my e-mail thingy aint working wat shall i do now
Didn't a penguin get banned for giving away free membership?
Hey Guys!
This si MishMash215!
I just sent in a poem!
Good Luck to all!
Anyway, time for work!
I am Lucas said...
Wait, how can people who never even met you mimo, make one about you? Please clarify
Hey I Am Lucas!
Hehehe! Great Question and because mImo is abit busy right now, I will answer it!
The Picture/Video/Poem isnt about the actual person Mimo, it is about his penguin and about his site!
So for example, you might do it about how much you love his site or why you love his site.
Good Luck and I hope I helped!
Thanks Mimo, I Am Lucas & Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
Because lots of people are asking weather they can do multiple entries, I thought I could answer it all together:
Heaps of People said...
Am I aloud to do mroe than one entry?
Hey Everyone who asked!
Great question and its a great idea too!
Im pretty sure that you can do more than one entry, because it gives you more than one chance!
If Im wrong Im sorry, but Mimo will tell you ok?
Thanks Guys!
Thanks MImo, Heaps of People and Everyone Else!
Hey Guys!
MishMash215 here!
Well this is a comment with 2 parts, I just wanted everyone to know that my sister unfortuneatly has Tendonitis (which means she can't control her hand.) so she will have to rest in hospital for a week so everyone please keep her in your thoughts! But dont worry she will recover!
Also, I noticed that the majority of you are using your name as "Anonymous" and if you dont know how to post your real name Im here to tell you how!
Below the text box you will see these things:
-Open ID
Now select Name/URL and type in the name you want to go by, dont worry, you dont have to enter a URL!
After a while you may want to create a Blogger account so just select that and follow the steps!
I hope I helped!
Thanks MImo & Everyone Else!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
Bibbety Blue said...
Mimo, okay. Sorry but, you should have done a writing contest as well. Why? Because, I have no clue how to make a movie of Mimo or a picture and my poems are not the best poetry. I MEAN I'M ALREADY STUCK! WHAT RHYMES WITH ORANGE???
Hey Bibbety Blue!
Dont worry, when I wrote my poem I totally freacked out when I saw that nothing rhymed with gang that related to Mimo!
Anyways, Just keep cool and work real hard!
Maybe you could use the word Amber instead oF orange!
Anyway great Idea on the writing contest its just that some poeple cant write the best as they are still young so Mimo chose slightly easier things!
Keep at it and I'm sure that you can do it!
Thanks Mimo, Bibbety Blue & Everyone Else!
P.S Sorry guys, I gotta go now!
Mimo, I am doing a poem about you!
You know why?Because u r the best!
hey Mimo :)
Thats a great idea for a contest
Im not going to spoil it but
Im making a video!
I have a pretty good plan!
~Mirror Girl
bye bye!
bon voyage!
Ni Hao!
And...Goodeth Byeth?
hey mimo my pics always save as bmp. how the heck do i make it jpeg?
ur not gonna reply r u? cause i dont wanna get ur reply in junk
So, Mimo DOES have an e-mail! COOL!
you could make a picture at rate my penguin.
- Socrboy16
Brad1072 said:
"Hey it's Brad1072 MIMO WHAT IS A JPEG?
Thanks Brad1072"
Well, a JPEG is a type of way to save your picture, when you save/upload/scan in an image you want to save it as a JPEG so you can upload it to Mimo's site.
Yours truly,
Bobpickle1(CPG MOD)
what if dont got a e-mail, and a u-tube account??
mimo! the Migrator is out in the water. Just check the beacon and look in the telecospe. It is just a little cheat.
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
I justr watched a couple of the new Mimo videos on youtube and they really good!
I hope everyones is like that!
I think I might also create a video...Hmm...
Thanks Mimo & Everyone Else!
Cool! I can either make a video or write a poem........ I'm really good at poems and making videos.. can we do all 3 or 2?
can we enter all of them??
Iam doing the poem
I just found a cheat in the F.I.S.H. instructional book. When you click on the top of the antenna a secret message comes up that says "the red light spells "You are cool" in morse.
My cp name is Ajs7303
thats all great mimo but if we win how do u give it to us?
go mimo!!! can we submit a video and a poem or something?
Mimo thanks for giving us this chance to get a CP membership! You so awesome! I just have one question-- Can penguins enter all three catagories? Or only one?
Great !!!!!
wait mimo, URGENT QUESTION.....can we enter all three?
ps: a JPG is an image file
Hey smartie87 you asked...
thats all great mimo but if we win how do u give it to us?
When you enter your Submission you give your e-mail adress and if you win Mimo will e-mail you the mebeship code. hope this helped,
Good Luck Everyone!
~Mega Dude1(CPG Moderator)
Hey Everyone Mega Dude1 here,
I Just Wanted to Wish Everyone Entering Good Luck!
and if you are having trouble dont give up! And Thank You Mimo For Giving Out A Free Membership!
1-1-1-1-1 whole year O.O I must win
P.S. MY video will have 2 parts =D
i am banned in you tube lol
hey mimo, u know sometimes u see the penguin name penguin and then a bunch of random numbers, well they stopped that so u wont see it again
i need i am a nonmember now and i could help u. Good luck with the member thing
P.S. i go on the servers snow cone and iceland
Cool but i can't be bothered though.
mimo can you make the cpg moderator like kimberrly1 and jescciamary on your Gang!
Hi, Kimberrlley1! I was wondering if you wanted to get together on CP? My CP name is Whitelilly13 and I usually get on Fjord. Get on at 3:15 and meet me at the forest. Ok? Thanks Kimberrlley1. Hope to see you there. And please post mimo
Oh! I'm sorry Kimberrlley1! I will do it in CP time, which is 1:15. Is that ok with you? Great!
Whitelilly13 (CPG moderator)
Hey Kimberrlley1 I'm Naruto6168 can you meet me wednsday May, 7th on the server Walrus at my igloo. Please come it is for the contest I'm drawing ppl in the clubpenguin gang and I don't know what you look like.Plz come!
Hey@! I'm so exited!! :D
My Penguin name is Charmerry and I will be drawing... I hope you like anime...
OH MISHMASH I KNOW WHAT SORTA RYMES WITH ORANGE! PORAGE! From you know goldielocks and the 3 bears and no Im not a CPG Moderator im just trying to help...
Hey Whitelilly & all who want to meet me!
Kimberrlley1 here!~ =) I am SO sorry for missing out on meeting everyone~ Its just that i get SO confused because like 50 penguins ask me to meet them all at once, and i cant keep track! How would it sound if i had a HUGE party for everyone that wanted to meet up with me?! How does that sound everyone? Please respond =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
BTW can i win this for my sister Stacie? She is my lil sis and really wants it but she broke her arm so can I do it for her?
~ Charmerry
Hey Anonymous~
Kimberrlley1 hee to answer your question!
Q: How does mimo give us the membership?
A: Well, when you are ready to submit your work(video, poem, art), you give mimo your email address =) Then he will give you the membership code! Awesome huh?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here =) URGENT QUESTION and other penguins asked: Can we enter more than one contest(or all 3?!)
I believe you can =) If your better at one thing(lets say drawing), but you really want to try to make a video, then go for it =) Good luck, and im sure everyone will do awesome!
Thanks &+ thnaks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey mutanapple!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if you dont have an email or youtube account?
You can always make a youtube account for free =) Its quick and easy too!
Good luck &+ thanks &+ thnaks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
can any of us enter multi category where we do a poem and a picture and a Movie?
Oh i found more words for Mish Mash215 well I found more words for you if you cant find something that ryhmes with Orange I hope your still doing your poem...Orange,nourish
Orange, damage
Orange, Flawless
Orange, knowledge
Orange, bandagede
grorange — a blend of green and orange
borange — Not so good
porange — a blend of pink and orange
orange - lozenge, boring, forage, porridge, door-hinge, score bench... I found them on Yahoo answers
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said your birthday was coming up, and youre having a b-day party on CP on May 10th!
Omj! So cool, and ill definately be there! My real life birthday os May 11th! Can we celebrate togehter?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo~
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
p.s: whats your real birthday?(just month and day)
Hiya Mimo! Just wanted to say that the playercards have been updated but I see no difference to 'em. Do you know whats differnt or is it the same but better graphics?! Huh, I'm stumped... Anywayz, you rock Mimo! Your site rocks too!
P.S. Pie taste good(Lolz)
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberlley1 here! This is VERY important, bc i dont want you to get in trouble!
You gave a direct definition for JPEG~
The only bad thing about this is that there was a Copyright on this website, which means it is plagerizing. Be sure to always out " " at the beginning and end of the definition, so people know you didnt steal it! Great definition though Mishmash!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Maety!
Kimberrlley1 here~
Q: You asked if you could have a pic of mimos penguin?
A: Actually, on the homepages, the penguin that is orange, with the glasses and the tourguide hat, and the parrot( and freidnship bracelt), THATS MIMO =)! Cool huh?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!'
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked what color mimo was normally?
Mimo is actually ORANGE all the time =) So cool huh?!
Thanks &+ thnaks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Bibbety blue!
Kimberrlley1 here, with a really cool tip for your poem! You asaid you couldnt find anything that rhymes with ORANGE?!
What you can do is something like this:
That is very cool
He also likes
To hang out at the penguin pool =)
Like it?! Because now you dont need to use a word that ryhmes with orange
The poem sequence is:
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Sand flipper!
Kimberrlley1 here =)
Is it 5:30 CP time or what kind of time if its not CP time? Ill be there tonight though! =)
Thanks &+ thnaks mimo
Hey Chuckloo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if hes giving away a membership, one for every contest?
Nope! Just ONE AND ONLY membership =) He will narrow it down to the 3 that go to the finals, and then they all compete in 1 last contest! Cool huh?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how old i am, and said im really smart?
Im actually only a teen lol. Thanks for telling me im smart =) I do get good grades!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Mimo! It's me violet5599!
Thanks Mimo! You are the best! I might win this. Maybe.... I love writing poems I love it! I'm just doing it for fun! Well since I love writing poems so much it might be more than 8 lines long. :) BYE! oh and thanks for letting other penguins have a chance to do this cuz some of them cannot make a video! Including me.
i've only been going on this website for 4 months so i dont know how to post a VIDEO cpg moderators please help me
Yo Anonymous! :P
"Anonymous said...
Hey it's Brad1072
Great Question! A jpeg is a type of file type! On most photo programs, when you click 'Save' right underneath where it asks you what you want to name it should ask you what file type you want or how you want it to open. Put jpeg in there.
What program are you using? I have a few on my comp. If I have it, I can't give you a step-by-step. :)
*Blackpearl -CPG Mod-
I wanted to congratulate Me Fride, Bezz, and Mega Krk for meeting Rockhopper! Congratulations, guys! Good Job! *thumbs up* Flaunt that backround! ;)
Congratulations to EVERYONE who got to meet him this time. (or in the past) Rockhopper's gone for now. He'll be back in June! ;)
hey mimo? i missed the first clue, but i know the second clue, so could you either tell me that clue a gain, or tell me what page it is on? since my computer is so slow, i really don't want to go through every page
Hi Anonymous! :)
"Anonymous said...
NOOOO NOT AGAIN! oh man mimo i cant use my email cause it has this trouble shot thing going wrong with it again so it wont work! oh no no no no no! =(
well ill try to figure something out! this is sand flipper and i cant wait tell the party! but nooooo."
You mean trouble shoot? What happens when you try and log in to you're email? Maybe I can help you. Usually trouble shooting it will help?
You can create a new free email account on www.gmail.com ; www.yahoo.com ; www.hotmail.com ; www.aim.com
Good Luck! I hope you get everything straightened out!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hello Koolkrates!
"koolkrates said...
Hi it's Koolkrates again!
Mimo this is kind of emberassing but can you please tell me for the picture contest what jpeg means. I am not really sure? Good luck to everyone. Thanks Mimo.
You Rock
Your Friend,
Don't be embarressed! It's ok, I had to teach myself all this stuff! :) A jpeg is type of picture/file type. On you photo program, when you click save right underneath where it asks you what you want to name it should have something that asks you what file type you want or how you want it to open. Select jpeg.
If have a few different photo programs, so if you let me know which one you have (and I have it on my comp) I can give you a step-by-step. I know it can be really intimidating and confusing! Let me help you!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
[I'm so excited! I love techy stuff and I know how to edit pictures a little bit. But this summer I'm going to photography camp! I have a passion for photography! (I bought myself a digital camera!) But I really want to learn how to edit pictures really well, and make animations and stuff!]
Mimo is a new music at the lighthouse!!
please give me credit!
Hi Awesome Pen7! =)
"Anonymous said...
Yo Mimo, my parents won't let me use their email address:o(. Is there any other way to send a poem?
-Awesome Pen7"
Lol! You can create a free email account at any of these websites:
- www.yahoo.com
- www.gmail.com
- www.hotmail.com
- www.aim.com (if you have aol instant messenger, or if you want to download it-for free)
- www.i-love-dogs.com (you have to go to 'Free Dog Stuff' on the left hand pannel)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
that sounds great mimo thnx :)
Hi Sand Flipper! I'm glad that you're email works now! ;) Good Luck with your poem!
Hey Mimo!
I'm gonna make a JPEG picture but I have a question:
What does the picture have to be about?
- Jonathan Rox
Hello Egge50!
"Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo
Egge50 here (uhh again)
Does the poem have to rhyme? Because poems dont have to be abaout rhymes."
True, poems don't to rhyme. (Some fo the best poems don't rhyme!) But you're poem for Mimo's contest MUST rhyme. Good Luck with your poem!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hi Anonymous!
"Anonymous said...
This is unfair
u have to use talent for all of these this gives some people an advantage and the others a weakness
I hate poetry,ive never made a video,and i don't even know where to find a picture maker online.and i bet there are more people who feel like their chance to win has been shot in the heart"
Aww! I'm sorry that you're upset! You always draw a picture and then scan it onto you're computer or take a picture of it!
Some free photo makers:
- Paint (comes on most Microsoft computers. Mac probally has their own version)
- Gimp (www.gimp.org)
I downloaded Jasc Animation Shop 3 somewhere but I can't remember where.....
Good Luck with your picture!
*Blackpearl -CPG Mod-
Hey Blackpearl!
Kimberrlley1 here= ) You said you have a passion for photography!
Sounds awesome! I love photography, and im really good at it! I also love surfing with some sorta crazy passion ;-)!
Im sure your awesome at photography =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
oh mimo please help me! well you cant do anything but tomarrow at school for P.E we are doing a fitness test and what we have to do is run a mile and when i run one fourth of a mile i get exausted and besides i have trouble breathing! im so so worried for tomarrow im so scared too i wont be able to make it i mean i ran a mile lots of times before but its exausting!
your pal, sand flipper
Aqua131131, I'm sure you can win it for your sister! Just make sure to let Mimo know what her Penguin name is!
*Blackpearl -CPG Mod-
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here =) One last awesome job to al who met Rockhopper! He will be back in June! Did you know that!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
I WOULD OF ENTERTED BUT IM A MEMBER, 1 YEAR i got it recently. I was so excited i aready started working on the movie. But i got my membership aready
Hey Hubcub!
"hubcub said...
hey mimo can i only do the poem thingy? becoz i dont know how to upload but if you tell me i will upload it"
Yeah, of course! You only have to enter one! He's just giving you choices of different contests to enter.
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Nauruto!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked me if i wold meet up with you on CP so you could draw me for the contest?
Absolutely! I'd love to help ya out! I already wrote it down and everything =) What time is good for you, because you didnt tell me a time? But ill definatrlyu be there tomorrow =)! And please show up lol, sometimes i go and the persons not there =p. One more thing, be sure you igloo's on the map=) I could come tonight if you want me too! Do you?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Whilelilly =)
Kimberrlley1 here =) Sorry, i wasnt home at 1:15 CP time! Can you meet me as soon as you see me on Server Bigfoot at the Dock?
Please come! Ill be waiting =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Sand flipper
What server is the march in?
Hi Chuckleloo!
"Chuckleloo said...
Mimo! Thanks! You are one of the coolest penguins ever! I have a question. Ok, so there will be THREE winners? because one for video, one for poem and one for picture??? i don't get it...please clear it out for me...."
Great Question! Accually, there will only ONE winner. Each of the winners from each cat. will be put in a hat and then one will be randomly chosen. :)
Good Luck!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
hope u like my picture!:D
Hi Stephanie!
"Stephanie said...
Cool! Oh and by the way.... Will you pretty pretty pleasae with a cherry on top do another clue REALLY soon!
Mimo777 You rock... and so does your website!
Of course, Mimo will give us another clue! (or else we wouldn't know when to go to his party, lol!) He should be posting it within the next couple of days! :)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hi Winx8572!
"Anonymous said...
Mimo thanx so much. I usually go on Canada Caribou if you see me can u add me? My penguin name is Winx8572."
Unfortunatly, Mimo is not adding anyone to his buddy list currently. Keep you eyes peeled for a scheduled oppurtunity to be on Mimo's buddy list! :)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hello Anonymous!
"Anonymous said...
hey mimo
ur so nice
wat colour are u normally?"
Yup! We love Mimo! He's an awesome penguin, isn't he?
Mimo is always orange! (Except for that one time that CP turned him navy blue! :P)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hi Anonymous!
"Anonymous said...
mimo, can we send u the stuff using our own personal email?"
Yup! That's what you're supposed to do! Get on you're email and email your entry to Mimo!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hi Maety21!
"Maety21 said...
ehh Mimo. I need a picture of you
Can i have a pic of your penguin ?
Its part of my image"
See the banner on the front of CPG? And do you see that orange penguin with the tour guide hat? Well that's Mimo! Since Mimo has disabled his right click, you'll to take a screenshot:
Press that 'Prt Scrn' right next to F12 and Scroll Lock. (On laptops it's on the bottom, somewhere)
Now open up Paint or you're other photo program. Now right click and press 'Paste'.
Now crop your photo so only Mimo shows! :)
You can also scan CPG's archives to find more pictures of Mimo! Good Luck!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
We r learning poetry in class and today,we learned about limerick.I could do that,but problem is it's only 5 lines.:(
HEY EVERYONE! did you here about the sand flipper march!? well anyway i forgot to mention the server kimberrlley pointed that out thanks kimberrlley1! oh and i thought about that im gona make it fjord so ill tell you the topics again about it oh and im sorry i forgot the server....
be there at 5:30 and it starts at 6:00 or you can be there any time before six it doesnt matter but dont be LATE! when we march you can also join in you dont have to be on time but if you come late you wont get the whole ten minutes. ends at 6:10 only lasts ten minutes so dont worry!
meet at the dock and follow me and we shall march around clubpenguin and spread the good word of clubpenguingang and anything you would like to say about! then we can go to my house and celebrate and just have a blast! that would be cool if you could come to one of them mimo but you probaly are busy =( . Sand Flipper
oh and thanks Kimberrlley1 a ton without you i would of never noticed that! =D
i hope you love mine mimo
My party time has been changed ok?
The new details are:
Server: Big Foot
Room: Dojo
Time: 6:00am (CPTZ)
Date: 10th of May!
I hope everyone can come because I can't wait to see everyone on CPG!
btw the only difference is the time!
Mimo, if you dont mind i will post the party times alot coz i want heaps of people to come!
MishMash215 (CPG moderator and upcoming birthday boy!)
P.S Mimo, you could even post this on CPG for me...if you want...
ok everyone ill make it clear this time
Time: 6:00 cp time
Ends: 6:10 cp time
Meet: Dock
Server: Fjord
after the march we go to my house and party! also you can come sometime before 6:00 and get ready! i leave no one out your all invited! i hope to see you there.
now listen sometimes if you dont see me like ten minutes before five dont worry i will show up even i might be one two minutes late but done worry ill be there soon! ill comment again when the sand flipper marches will be done. and i only do them sometimes a year so i will do it again this year! =D. sand flipper
Just a reminder!
If you want to meet Kim or any of the mods, post the server, date, room, and time. (in cp time, or state which time zone) or else we won't know when or where!
Hi Charmerry!
"Anonymous said...
BTW can i win this for my sister Stacie? She is my lil sis and really wants it but she broke her arm so can I do it for her?
~ Charmerry"
Yes, you can win this for your sister. But make sure to let Mimo know what her penguin name is, or else it won't get sent to her account!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
thank you blackpearl8 but i think im going to do the picture i might do a poem to! from sand flipper.
hey maybe we could meet i want to get you on my friends list maybe you could come to one of my sand flipper marches, also i wont add everyone at teh sand flipper march sorry about that i wish i could! i dont like to to full buddy lists.
Hey Mistynight!
"Anonymous said...
Hiya Mimo! Just wanted to say that the playercards have been updated but I see no difference to 'em. Do you know whats differnt or is it the same but better graphics?! Huh, I'm stumped... Anywayz, you rock Mimo! Your site rocks too!
P.S. Pie taste good(Lolz)
Our playercards have not been updated yet! They are going to oraganize our inventory better. It should be released sometime this month! ;) I'm sure Mimo will let us know when it happens!
Really? I've never really been a big pie fan....
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Sandflipper, when does your march start, and what server?
Hi Anonymous!
"Anonymous said...
i've only been going on this website for 4 months so i dont know how to post a VIDEO cpg moderators please help me"
Great Question! First, I'd like to say Welcome to Club Penguin Gang! After you make your video, go to www.youtube.com. Log in, or create an account. Then press 'Upload'. If you need more detailed instructions, let me know!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey guys =) Please go, ill be there so whoever wants to meet me can! Remember, here is the info one more time!
Room: Dock!
Time: 6:oo CP time
Time ends: 6:1o CP time!
Server: Fjord!
Go guys itll be fun to see everyone!
I will be adding some penguins, but i dont have room for all!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo! This will be fun! =) Go go go!
Hey Jonathonrox,
Here was your question:
I'm gonna make a JPEG picture but I have a question:
What does the picture have to be about?
The picture can be anything that has to do with Mimo. Be creative, and i'm sure you will do a great job! Good luck with the contest and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
hello everyone its me sand flipper is there anyway how i can download a free video software if so tell me if there is any freevideo software thing cause i would like that
im gona draw a picture of mimo! thast what ill do! yay i thought of something cause im an artist
from sand flipper
Mishmash,that's even earlier than it was.I'm going 2 be sleeping 4 sure,lol.Well,I hope u guys have fun.
Hey Kimberrlley!
Happy early Birthday! How old are you turning? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I was just wondering.
(Most Recently Asked Question)
To Anyone who wants to know what rhymes with orange
Q:What rhymes with orange?
A:Nothing rhymes with ornage,but maybe you could use the word again.That would work,or instead,try something else that orange doesn't go in the end,but you still have it in the line.I hope this helps.;)
To Anyone who wants to know what JPEG is
Q:What's JPEG?
A:It's a file in a progam,bitmip image.Usually,you have to save it in that file in order to put pictures in the internet.When the "save as" window pops up,under title,they have a list of files to save it as.Pick "JPEG"and it'll be saved on that file.Hope this helps.
To Anyone who wants to know how to send if u have no email or you tube account?
Q:What if you don't have an email or you tube account?
A:If you don't have a You Tube account,you can try something else for the contest,like drawing a picture of Mimo,or writing a poem about him.If you have no email,you can make one.But if your parents won't give you an email,try to ask for one,like I had been doing forever until I finally got one.:)Anyways,if it still doesn't work,ask your parents if you can borrow their email to send something.If none of the above works,I'm sorry to say I don't have any more suggestions,but I'm sure you can think of one.;)
Hope that answers everyone's question.;)
Aqua131131(cpg moderator)
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