Here is a video that was sent in to win the one year free Club Penguin membership. This video has been cracking us up. Everytime we watch it we laugh and laugh! Take a look.
This video has NOT won. We just think it's funny. Take a look at some of the others to get some ideas.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Mimo Free Club Penguin Membership Contest Funny Entry!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, free membership
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i dont get the video
LOL FunnAy the scream at the end scared me ^_^ Mines is almost done!!!
THat was pretty funny! Plz post this!
thats halarious!! too bad the cameras kinda fuzzy.
Funny, Funny, Funny. I going to enter.
Can I be first comment, Please
cool mimo i am putting on a picture i drew of you it looks so just like you! keep up the good work mimo!
sand flipper
its blurry though i cant see what he is typing
sand flipper
That was soooooooooooooooooo hilariously funny
HA! That was so funny! Ive never noticed that before. HAHAHA!
Haha! Isn't it suppose to be about Mimo?
Hey MiMo777!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Thanks for posting this, otherwise i never would have found it, since theres so many entries! Its histericle, and as of now, i vote that as the video winner =) Everyone elses is great to, but this one gets my props for being funny. haha!
Thanks mimo!
Hey Mimo! Violet5599 here!
No offense but that wasn't funny. It was weird though! But I don't blame it. Almost everyone have a hard time trying to make me laugh. But I am gonna have fun writing the poem. Well See Ya!
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I cant wait to see what your album sounds like! Techno is so cool! =)
Thanks mimo a bunchhhh!
ha ha that is so funny. im not gonna make one cause im already a member, but it looks so much fun! Yah I agree. It shouldnt win, but its really funny. ha ha lol
lol that was so funny i could not stop laughing.
a mimo how old are u
oh yeah, that video is very very FUNNNY LOL!
Way2cool000 CPG Moderator
it was okay i didnt get the point...
Anonymous said...
a mimo how old are u
***********************************Mimo is 12 years old he posted stuff about cpg and him. just click who is mimo1, who is mimo2, or who is mimo3 - Daisydarr (CPG mod)
I rofled up! That made me remember when i was 7 good times good times...
`Karma (real name)
How is that funny?
I found it kinda...uninteresting.
Way2cool000 said:
I would get a camcorder like that person did and just record it. There is another way, and honestly, I have no idea how to record other than by camcorder.
Anonymous said:
Mimo how old are u
I think Mimo had said in the past that he was 12, right, Mimo?
Hope this helps everyone!
-Checkeroo2 (CPG Moderator)
thanx for answering my question Checkeroo2.
~Way2cool000~ wont show up!
oh well im gonna go on the other comp then
The kid is getting obsessed about that membership LOL!
Hi mimo777,
i didn't see the video, it appears blurred. but i think it was funny :).
I hope i could join the contest by my poem,. hope to see you soon,
I dont get a bit of it. hows it funny?
It doesn't work anymore.I didn't get 2 see it.:(
Aqua131131(cpg moderator)
p.s.Remember how u guys kept talking about birthday party and how old u guys r,well I'm 12.Shhhhh!Don't blab.Just kidding!lol
lol! That's cute, it reminds me of myself when I was younger...making a fool of offense to whoever made it though, it was still really funny compared to others. Oh and MImo, if u even have one, that person should win the singing contest lol!
~Moogasa :D
how come it says dat its not availible?
mimo!! I found the new pin! it is in the coffee shop on the light and you mouse over it and it fall! woot!
i dont really undestand what going on like the video is fuzzy and i have no idea what she is saying
also mimo the play is back and it is the same as it was before. boring
that video was so funny i almost peed my pants. thanks mimo for all the cheats and this funny video. bye!
lol that was... cool =]
btw, mimo is 12 right now. im 14... gosh i feel so OLD! =[ is anyone else 14 also? haha
haha! the camera keeps going everywhere!
you're friend goofy73
'm sorry but I don't get it. Not really clear
If thats funny....What kind of comedy do you watch?
he sounds silly
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) WEll someasked how old mimo was?
Mimo is a 12 year old boy. Floob said he was 14, and asked if anyone else was 14?
I am! Im 14, but turning 15 on Sunday! =) Yay!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey David!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you almost peed your pants when you say this video~
Me too! It was histericle, and i really give this person major props for the hilariousness! =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Sand!
Kimberrlley1 hee =) You said you drew mimo =)
Awesome! I hope i get to see it!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Way2cool000!
Kimberrlley1 here=) Remember to only put (CPG Modereator) after answering a questiion ;-)
Also, you asked how to make a video?!
First, buy a video camera, if you dont already ahve one(digital prefered ;-)). Then record a video and save it to your camera! You can buy a cord that hooks up to your computer, so you can upload the video =) Make a youtube account(iots free), and upload the video! Be sure to have your name on the video, and it should be called Clubpenguingang contest =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
Haha! Isn't it suppose to be about Mimo?
Yep, if you are making a video, it should be about Mimo or have something to do with him. But that video was kinda about Mimo. Toward the beginning he was saying how much he likes Mimo and Club Penguin Gang. :-) I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
That was hilarious!
that was not funny at all it was weird and disturbing by the way mimo theirs a simple way to track down rockhopper but i cant tell you because the link is hard to find
I bet you wont post this so thats also why i dont tell you.
Mimo i dont know how to do this. i dont have a camcorder to make this. i need help
i cant enter but i really need that membership because i dont have friends on club penguin. i dont even know how to write a poem
- Fudgie 429
mimo i no u said this one did not win. i dont mean to be mean but if u are considering this one to win think again it has nothing to do with u mimo777 or club penguin you can only see the plaza in the back round a little the video is funny because the kid is singing and spinning his camera he did not follow your rules
Mimo, did you do that video?
kimberrlly1 i have a question i meet you at mimos buddy list party the morning one and i sent u a buddy request and u were my buddy sience then but i went on today and ur not on my buddy list anymore did u delete me? i used to love to go and see ur igloo it was always so cool now i cant cause u deleted me i guess u dont like me anymore :(
from ur old friend lilguy jr2
its blurry
weird but cool got me scared at one part
ummmm. i guess. :/
Other than using a camcorder (which maked your video fuzzy) You can download a program like hypercam or frontcam that records the screen.
Hey Empleongirl,
Here was your question:
Mimo, did you do that video?
Nope, Mimo didn't make it, somebody else did. They entered the membership contest and posted the video on Youtube for the contest. Mimo and the gang thought it was really funny, so they decided to show us. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Lilguy jr!
Kimberrlley1 here =)! You asked me if i deleted you, because I was not on your buddy list anymore?
Of course not! =) I never delete ANOYONE i meet because you all are awesome, and my friends! I dont know why i wouldnt show up...i think your still on my buddylist. I wonder what happened? Would you like to meet up with me again, and see what is wrong? You're still an awesome friend, and I would neevr delete you, im not that kind of person =)
Thanks Lilguy jr &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Empleongirl!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if mimo did that video?
No Mimo didnt make it, but it WAS sent in by an awesome person that made a video for the free membership! Funny and Cool, isnt it?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo sooo much!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey all!
Kimberrley1 jhere =) I just wanted to say that ALL of the videos so far that i have seen are UNBELIEVABLE! Thanks so much for participating. nad keep un the aweomse work CPG'ers! =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
i didnt reely get it...
I DO NOT GET THE VIDEO it is silly and what is the scream about at the end also that person needs to get a better camera or hyperwebcam its brilliant.oh one more question what is thee penguin called and what were they saying?
i dont get the video and how is the video funny i just cant understand how it is funny
i have a question mimo.
if i were to enter in the contest for the drawing one would i have to do it on the computer like on paint or?????
Snowball 05
mimamo!! lol!
what the heck was that?!!? it was like scary.
It isn't funny at all
hmmmmm i though it wasnt that great.....
it shouldnt win it has nothing to do with mimo. he doesnt even say it right. he says minimo
Mimo... I found a awesome place in the stage, Can i send it to you?
Hey Snowball 05,
Here was your question:
if i were to enter in the contest for the drawing one would i have to do it on the computer like on paint or?????
You can do it any way you like! You could do it on the computer, or you could draw it then scan the picture into your computer. Whatever way you like best. I'm sure you will do great! Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
i did not understand one little bit of that it was all blurry my opinion i totally THINK THAT VIDEO SHOULD NOT WIN
Hey there!Pearlwhite27 at your service!
Q:Snowball 05 asked if we have to draw the picture for the contest with our computer?
A: It will be more readable if you do it on your computer. Or you could draw it on regular paper and scan it. Either way is sure to be great!
Thanks everyone + Mimo
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
The best one is the one where it has part 1 that one is the best
it was soooooo xtremely silly,,, i didnt get it! (nd by the way who ever filmed that ....well u need more practice)
Hey Snowball!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how you do the drawing?
Great question! You can do the drawing on paint..comoputer...or just draw on paper, take a picute of it, and email it to mimo =)
Good luck and im sure itll be awesome!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Well i dont get it,And this is my first comment!!!
Happy Birthday, Kimberrlley!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Kimberrlley!
Happy Birthday to Youuuu!
...and many more!
Have a great day!
Hello Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
how come it says dat its not availible?"
Click on it, it should take you to yotube. It should play there. :)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Guys! Just wanted to remind you not to be so open about your personal information, such as your age! There are so many creeps out there, don't risk it.
Hey Fudgie 429! I'm Blackpearl8!
"anonymous said...
Mimo i dont know how to do this. i dont have a camcorder to make this. i need help
i cant enter but i really need that membership because i dont have friends on club penguin. i dont even know how to write a poem
- Fudgie 429"
That's alright if you don't have a camcroder! You really don't need one! You can download hypercam2 for free and video tape yourself on clubpenguin. You can use that video and edit it in Windows Movie Makers! How cool, right?
You can always make a picture of Mimo on Microsoft Paint. Or you can draw a picture and scan it or take a picture of it!
Good Luck! I hope you figure something out! :)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hi Empleongirl! I'm Blackpearl8!
"empleongirl said...
Mimo, did you do that video?"
No, Mimo didn't make this video. This is one of the videos that was entered for the contest. :) Mimo just thought it was funny and decided to post it on his site!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Kimberrlley!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great one. :-)
watch daisydarr's mimo video its awesome
hey thre kimberrly! well thats awesome, so there is someone my age! oh yeah btw im a girl =]
icy-88? if you see a cool room or trick, then share it with us! feel free to comment mimo =]
no, mimo didnt make that video, someone else did.
you can do WHATEVER you want for the picture! if you like using the computer, then go for it! if you're an aspiring sketcher, then draw your heart out. the sky's the limit here, people!
see ya guys later!
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Im 15 years old too. Im a girl by the way too =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Hey there Blakcpearl+ Jess+ everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Thanks for the HAPPY BIRTHDAY's guys! I really appreciate it! I had an AWESOME birthday! Whoo hoo
Thanks &+ thajnks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
haahaa,,, wierdly funny... well mimo777 rocks he is the best and i hope to win the membership by my poem or picture.. well thats it... mimo777rocks,,, -Quintinstine
That was a scary video I don't even get the point
That guy is disturbing! Funny video!!!! HE started to sing "Working at the Car Wash" with the music, sung a painful song about Mimo, and said "Mimo" wrong! He kept saying Minimo! Then he was like, "Minimo, I know you're going to love this" then all he does is make his penguin look one way then the other rapidly! I mean, ANYONE can do that!!!!!!!!!!!! But it was a extremely funny!!!!!!
Sorry mimo but it wasnt that funny...but if you think thats funny..ill scream and yell in the video i send you..
its all blurry i cant see.........
1.cover your mouth with your hand
2.make a wish into it
3.close your hand (make it into a fist)
4.hold your hand (the fist) to your heart for five seconds
5.send to 3 more videos
6.tommorow will be the best day of your life
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