Last Reviewed by You Club Penguin wanted to know, your highlights from September.
They really liked Kooldude233 answer:
My favorite thing in september was Rockhopper returning he is my favorite mascot and im so happy he returned for another week every penguin was soo happy and no one should ever forget that cream soda loving pirate i mean...he DID find the red puffle and what i would like to see in the future is even more happy penguins waddling around and having fun! Waddle On Club Penguin
For the next Reviewed by You, Club Penguin'd like to know... what's your favorite season (winter, spring, summer, or autumn) and why?
They'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, 10,000 coins will be added to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Nursery questions....:\
Autumn & Spring <3
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