Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stormtroopers at Work: Phone Support!

Here we go again! Caption this!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Jackson said...

Trooper 1: Are you calling the pizza?

Trooper 2: Yes, it's free since they had a 10 light year delay.

Anonymous said...

Stormtrooper 1: Dude, you listening to music?
Stormtrooper 2: nope, i'm testing sounds for the club penguin star wars party!
Stormtrooper 1: (o)_(o) awkward...

KIRBY DANCE! (>0-0)> <(0-0)> <(0-0<)

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