Over the next few weeks, Club Penguin will be posting a Star Wars Takeover photo, then WE get to write the caption for it!
Here's an example to get you started..."When you can't find the Droids you're looking for... Draw them!"
Now... What would your caption be for this pic!?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

"We have found the droids we need...in a drawing..." -Charm37318
The Death Star, and two ships, could be seen through the telescope, binoculars, and on the Hill.-Charm37318
I just saw a penguin wearing a StormTropper Pilot costume...How did he get that???
It looks like there is a moon or some kind of a planet in the sky over Club Penguin. What could this mean? :o
Mimo777! You can see planets in the sky on the Ski Hill! This is for the Star Wars party. Please give me credit.
-Autumn Rain
My caption would be "Mug Shots"
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