Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Puffle Party and Rainbow Puffle Coming Soon!

A little while ago Club Penguin posted a few picture clues of what's coming up on CP in March. Many guesses were saying the Puffle Party is returning this month, and also that there will be a brand new Rainbow Puffle coming soon!
You who guessed that, you're right!

That's not all...  The the team is also working on a new Puffle Hotel that will launch with the Puffle Party! Here's a sketch of that:

More Puffle Party news coming soon! Stay tuned for that!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Anonymous said...

in my opinion i think cp is trying to trick us about the rainbow puffle


Grande pie said...

Hmm. I actually don't like the idea.
I mean, the rainbow puffle has always been a legend, and a legend should stay, like the golden puffle and stuff like that. I would have prefered another colours of puffles, like grey, aqua, maroon or lavender.

Anonymous said...

OMG the rainbow puffle should remain a myth... :'( cries...

Anonymous said...

CP give too many sneak peeks

Anonymous said...

These sneak peaks make the parties almost like who cares... just think what a surprise it would be if we went to the pet shop during the party and there was a rainbow puffle there...

Anonymous said...

CP DOES give to many sneak peeks. I mean, seriously, a RAINBOW puffle? Whatever the personality, that personality should have been for the hot pink puffle everyone thought would come! I mean, in the vids 'How to get a rainbow puffle' people might say 'thumbs up if it's 2013 and you've got one'.

Pipbhav said...

In my opinion , I think that these "Rainbow" puffles look a sort of weird color!The colors should have been perfectly blended or the puffle could have change the rainbow colors every one second like magic!It would have been epic!
say yes if you agree
Waddle On CP

Boo5373 said...

I also think it should stay a legend even though its pretty cool. CP is changing too fast.. Disney in general ruined it.. And how are people getting their rainbow puffles already!? I came on when it started (March 21) and where's MY puffle?

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