Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2013!

The 2013 Club Penguin Puffle Party is here!

First, take a look at the party items for sale!

Check out the NEW Puffle Hotel! 

To get started click the check paper at the bottom of your screen!

Click "Go there" and exercise your puffle!

Once you do that, collect your prizes!

Hop on into the elevator to check out the roof!

Here is what the roof looks like:

Now if you head on over to Ski Lodge/Play Zone you can check out that awesomeness!

If you go upstairs, you are asked to choose a puffle:

I'll choose to be Patty:

If you wave, you will take a nap:

If you dance, you will play with your puffles favorite toy:

When ever you are ready to be a penguin again, all you have to do is click your player card and Trasform back into your penguin":

There is even a Box Portal at the Beach so it will be easier to get the the Box Dimension and watch those Orange Puffles eat cookies! Yum!

Saweet! Pretty awesome party, huh? Let me know what your favorite part is!


Anonymous said...

I wish we could complete all the tasks right now instead of having to wait 18 hours. I want to get a rainbow puffle as soon as possible! I like the Puffle Hotel though.

Grande pie said...

I still think a rainbow puffle was a very, very bad idea. It makes the rest of the puffles look plain and boring. It should have just remained a myth.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is how there's not even ONE non-member item this year! Yaaaay!...-_-

Anonymous said...

Nice, non-members are getting a bag of Puffle-O's. I don't even have anything that will go with that! Non-members need more matching items, or colors at the least.

Pip said...

Oh,so anonymous,you are VERY happy because there are no non-members items this year??The reality:I am really very sad!!!
I will gradually start to hate the Puffle Party :\

Pipbhav said...

I STILL don't like the rainbow puffle's colour at all. As I say ,it does not blend in properly and I noticed one new thing. There are THREE green shades whereas in a rainbow there's only one shade of green.Anyways,I won't get it,so no probs!

Anonymous said...

MIMO! if u roll over ur brown puffle, it changes rainbow for split sec!

Anonymous said...

the partys got the same idea transform and wait 18hours for a prize that's not worth the wait so why why don't they make something fun and different but there is one thing PUFFLES ARE TAKIN OVER THE POOKIES LAIR (petshop)

Anonymous said...

lol, Pip, sarcasm. Ever heard of it?

Anonymous said...

That Anonymous Said...
Really, now all the other puffles look really plain and boring, and only the rainbow puffle stands out... I agree with you Grande pie...

Anonymous said...

Hi I look cool

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