I don't know about you, but I am so ready to see what awesome changes the EPF is going to go through! It's going to be great! The Club Penguin team has been working on some really cool stuff like.... A NEW SPY PHONE!
We are going to be getting a new spy phone update! How awesome is this!? What awesome features do you want to see on the new spy phone!? I don't know about you, but Angry Birds would be great! :P
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Thats so cool! I cant wait!
I would LOVE there to be games on the new Spy Phone! I mean, like, YEAH ANGRY BIRDS WOULD BE AWESOME!
XD Angry birds.
cool i guess going on youtube or play a virtual world game cp made up called club puffle i guess because i didnt get to go to the puffle party last and year before. I didnt even get to be a puffle! i missed the adventure party w RH! ugh.. im so sad!
Would be cool if we could TXT our buddy's!!
Apps you can buy with coins!
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