Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog Vote & Businesmoose News!

For the first part of the news, our good friend Businesmoose will be moving on from Club Penguin to better things. He'll be around helping the team until the first week of April. Moose Monday is still happening so you'll have a lot of chances to say goodbye.

Businesmoose says:
Since I started in 2007, my favorite part about working at CP has always been the community. I've always been blown away by your imagination and ability to make the best out of any situation. Remember that YOU are the reason why Club Penguin is so special!
Now for better news! Polo and Moose need our help with something. There are a few blogger/moderators eager to take Moose's place. So they want us to help them choose!

Here are the nominees:

  • Tour Guide 
  • Ninja 
  • Smulley 
  • Robo Bird

Whoever we choose, Moose wants us to give them a WONDERFUL Cp welcome!

I think Robo Bird look pretty awesome! Who are you voting for!?

Moose, we have all enjoyed having you here. I wish the best of luck to wherever you may go. Thanks and goodbye. :)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Anonymous said...

Joining Mech Mice?! XD

Anonymous said...

rsnail, screenhog, business moose?

Anonymous said...

Ninja, Ninja!

Anonymous said...

I <3 businesmoose. Robo bird should be the new one though. But forever and always moose...

Anonymous said...

The only ones I really know are Tour Guide and Ninja. But I think Tour Guide!

Anonymous said...

im picking ninja dude and robo birdo lol ik i kinda made their names cooler!

AnonYmous1 said...

Mimo I think you should be one. :P

Vieirinha3 said...

I have found a new stamp cheat!It is the "Walk Your Puffle To Their Party Room".I dressed up for the puffle party and I went with my puffle for a walk on CP and when I went to the beach I got this stamp!Try it!

Anonymous said...

ninja since hes like the oldest

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