Club Penguin wants to say "Happy Holidays" to everyone. But from the CP gang MARRY CHRISTMAS everyone! I hope you all are enjoying the party! I know I am! Cp also wants to let us know that the Cp Team is taking a break from the blog due to Christmas. They will be back at it Wednesday, Dec. 26!
Cool? Is everyone ok with that? Cool! I hope you all enjoy your Christmas break to hang out and be marry!
What is the BEST part of this years Christmas Party? What's the worst?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Hey Mimo, you might wanna check out the telescope. I see something in the distance!
I'm going to start playing CP again :) Hopefully it's changed from last time I played.
polo is wearing artic white
The best bit is the cookies and donating,the worst is how they didn't do the gift postcard (not that I know of) and they didn't decorate all the places.
I think this event is the best in CP history because of all the non-member items.
There definitely has been an increase of laziness by the CP Staff, especially from the great decrease in gifts from last year. And the daily gifts this year aren't even that creative and they're mostly hand items.
The BEST part about the Christmas party is well, everything! In my opinion, there no worst part to the Christmas party! Thanks so much for everything CP!
The only thing that I hate is that they don't decorate all of the rooms. Why couldn't they decorate the Underground, the Book Room and the Dojo?
hey guys if you got to the dojo and look at the volcano its got orange smoke coming out of it!
mimo who do you get the artic white color you need to tell us!!!
To the person who said this is event is the best in CP history because of all the non-member items, I wouldn't agree with you. Last year's Christmas Party had waaaaaay more non-member items. :)
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