Club Penguin FREE party gifts for today, December 25th! IT'S CHRISTMAS!
Pick up you free non members NEW color! ARTIC WHITE! Whoop!
And if you are a member you can get this Frost Bite Palace!
This is what it looks like. Awesome?
What do you think of these gifts this year!? Did Cp cheap us out again?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
I think this is too much.Here only members have the priority!And there is so much difference between an awesome igloo and a mere colour!Just because we don't pay up to them!!!
I am beginning to HATE Club Penguin
Only Members can WADDLE ON from now!
They're alright but meh. Last year's Christmas party was better.
no way it was so awesome
So they decide to introduce the new color in the Holiday Party. Hahah, I see what they did there. xD I wonder if they're going to put it in the shop so if others miss the color in the holiday party... maybe they'll get it too? :D
Um...... no, since they gave out furniture to non members
I gotta say, they DID sorta cheap us out the JUST an arctic white color. Maybe they could of added a little more to it maybe? Like the arctic white color and a new hat? Members got a cool new house, and CP certainly DID NOT cheap them out! Anyways, overall, they sorta cheaped out the non-members.
Gifts for members were good. They're really gonna have to work harder for non-members though. The only good one for them was the white. The advent calender last year was better.
Last year's Holiday Party was way better than this years..... There were way more gifts to non-members and the postcard with the gift in it was there....
i agree with Pipbhav, CP is cheating me out of my coins when i get enough to become a forstbite this sign always show "Dont have enough coins"
it ANGERS ME because CP STEALS MY COINS!!!!!!!!!!
People, you have to quit complaining! They gave out more free items than ever this year! We have all the light bulbs, the elf outfit, the CFC shirts, and a new COLOR for Pete's sake! (This is very cool, as they've never realeased a new color in this way). Not to mention, Rockhopper is on the island, we got cool new hand items, and there were a few free backgrounds. (Never be disappointed by free backgrounds, they can become rare). This was a pretty good Christmas, I'd say!
Look guys, if you don't like what Club Penguin gives non-members then go get a job to pay for one.
Those of us cousins who want memberships, babysit, mow lawns and things like that for ours.
Get an allowance? Then save it.
Just because last year Club Penguin went overboard with Christmas presents, doesn't mean they will do it every year. They never did it like that before, I doubt they will again 'cause all they get is grief now.
Every year they give what was only for members before to everybody.
Did you like the sleigh?
Used to be members only.
Did you like the bakery?
Used to be members only.
Did you like getting more than one hand item and a background?
Used to be members only.
this holiday party was disgusting why would there be a bakery in the forts and a snowfort in the beach but no snowforts in the snowforts. The decorations were WAY over the top. Old parties were much better, way more fun. The items were bad too.The rooms didn't feel like christmas, it felt more like an Ice party, why cant CP stop updating these rooms for once and see how much better it is.
Wow I also remember the good ol days of Mimo vs Fever. Haha.
i think it was cool getting a rare colour so then you can show it off after the party you will look cool
What?! You can get Arctic White? How did I not know? I'm like so wasted lol
CP cheaped out the nons this year. The only good gift was the white color. CP is just going downhill now...
If non members get good stuff there would be no point getting membershipand cp would go downhill from there
Kattelyn said...
People, you have to quit complaining! They gave out more free items than ever this year! We have all the light bulbs, the elf outfit, the CFC shirts, and a new COLOR for Pete's sake! (This is very cool, as they've never realeased a new color in this way). Not to mention, Rockhopper is on the island, we got cool new hand items, and there were a few free backgrounds. (Never be disappointed by free backgrounds, they can become rare). This was a pretty good Christmas, I'd say!
Well Said, My friend. Well Said.
'You Found A Arctic White'
that does NOT make sense LOL XD
@Jeremy Jung
I agree, but they only gave out a few. They should make a whole catalog of furniture for non-members so that they could actually feel like members for once.
i kinda knew it was arctic white cause in the commercial the ice penguin in the end high-fived a white penguin.
after the party in spring, this will be ultra rare............think about it...
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