Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Pizza Parlor and Clothes Shop Coming Soon!

There are lots of cool stuff going on in Club Penguin over the next couple months. And I’m really excited about the new room updates they are going to launch in the next few days. And also some new music!
Check the room sneak peeks!
Pizza Parlor:

And they aren't calling it the Gift Shop anymore, it is now the Clothing Shop!

The "old Club Penguin" is officially gone...
What do you think of the new rooms!?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Anonymous said...

Hate it

Redzos said...

well the old Club Penguin isn't gone until they change Hydro Hopper and the player card.

Anonymous said...


Get rid of the stinking helmet on top of the piano in the pizza shop then it's okay and the piano has darker wood.
second call it the Gift shop then it's okay only then shall I approve the changes plus bring back the old registration book on top of the counter(pizza shop)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it makes me sad BUT im was making new players think...WOW this place is badly drawn and needs updating...i would know cause my cousins said that when they first joined :P so well done CP!

Drosofilosof said...

Don't like it that much D:
I dunno, everything seems too modernised now. D:

Anonymous said...

hate it. this disgusts me actually...

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed. Very, very disappointed. :(

Turk Ois said...

I like the clothes shop, it's very girl-friendly.
The pizza parlor is ok, but I do NOT like the music. I hope it doesn't stay.
The Nightclub is the same as last music jam, it's ok too.

I don't like the sneak peaks of the outsides though, it looks like they got rid of too much snow.

We are penguins, penguins LIKE snow.

Anonymous said...

this must be why billybob resigned

Kattelyn said...

Too bad. :( There's nothing left to cling to. We might as well throw in the towel and walk away before we get hurt anymore.

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