Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New 2010 April's Club Penguin Mission Sneak Peek!

No. Sorry. But wouldn't that be nice?!

We have just been sitting here this morning eating our waffles, cereal, muffins and toast wondering when the new Club Penguin Mission will be coming out.

Here is what we know so far:

- In February, Club Penguin said vaguely the new mission is a "couple of months" away.

- Herbert wants to get our puffles!

- Herbert dropped a package of seeds at the end of the last mission!

Some people think that desk in the sneak peek is the same desk in mine. Personally I don't think it is. Look closely at it. It doesn't look exactly like it. What do you think?

Click here to see the first new Mission Sneak Peek.

So let's start another campaign! Let's ask Billybob and Club Penguin for another Mission Sneak Peak!

Dear Billybob and Club Penguin, please give us some more info on the next mission, PLEASE! We love you!

Leave a comment nicely asking Billybob and Club Penguin for more info! Let's try to get 2,000 comments and they might do it!

Remember the language box we asked them to change and they did!?

Click here to look back at that!

Rock out on Franktown Rocks!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


1 – 200 of 247   Newer›   Newest»
Luis2414 said...

Come on club penguin please gives a sneak peek we just would like to figure some things out and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Please Billybob, we REALLY want to see the new mission sneak peaks.
Hows that Mimo? Lol

Chobots agent Shasta6193

Luis2414 said...

If you do we will admire you and will never forget what did for example the chat bar

Luis2414 said...

Come on guys post post post!!!;}

pilpulp.... Please? said...

Hi billybob, as mimo said it would be AWESOME if you guys could get the mission out THIS month!! That was be AWESOME! Thank you!!

Thats Zaid 8 said...

WE Want Missions And I Would Like If Herbart Replaces Gary With A Robot That Would Be SO So Cool

Unknown said...

give us another sneak peak of the new mission! Please!!!!!

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Please?! We really want a new sneak peak! What would Herbert want with the seeds?! I've got nothing! Listen to your fans at CPG and please post another clue!

Shamrock said...

Please club penguin please post another hint we need it!

Anonymous said...

Please club penguin it would be awsome if you could give us another sneak peak!!!

Unknown said...

give it to us cp!


-Kevster24 said...

Clubpenguin rocks! C'mon Please!


snooker red" cheats,hints and codes said...

Come on club penguin please gives a sneak peek wh havent had mission 9 months.

Thank you.

redflameman said...

what he said and also i met candence 3 times in a minute on different servers LOL

vivain said...

Sneak peek please! Thanks for being such a good website for little ones!

Anonymous said...

please give us the new mission billybob!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey club penguin please can we have a new sneak peek at the new mission PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Please Billybob at least just a few sentences. thanks :)

Teal Tear said...

please ill do anything

redbren said...

please billybob give us a sneak peek for the new mission please with cherries on top

blackveilbrides/yellowbell said...

Mimo... Its moofins not muffins lol jk i call it moofins x]

Anywayz yeah ! me and my friend lovee puffles,in school where doing mosaics (tile pictures) and me and my friend are doing puffles >:))

ANYWAY! i rllyy want to do it i think the computer has somthing to do with it if not,its apart of somthing or an item maybe maybe it has somthing to do with g?

Wishin 4 a Mission said...

C'mon Billybob!! give us another sneak peek of the new mission! We've benn waiting for like a bajillion years!

The Club Penguin Emporium said...

Yes Mimo, another sneak peak would be great!


Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! SHOW US A SNEAK PEEK OF THE NEW MISSION!! P.s mimo i think i know what the seeds are for!!maybe herbert capturing puffles by planting O berry bushs!!!!!

Lopakoy said...

Club penguin , can you PLEASE give us a hint? and mimo, you're right. it doesnt look alike. there is no mike and that machine(which klutzy is doing something wit) is not on the mine table. you rock mimo! and cp!


Piper said...

Billybob, Please give us a new sneak peek of mission 11. If you don't, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE YOU'RE A LITTLE RABBIT AND, well you get the picture.
Your friend,

Moomo said...

Hello Billybob,

Me and my friends are really waiting for a new mission. We all would like one badly. Please give us a sneak peak of the mission you are working on. Also i want the missions to be at least 30 minutes or longer. I want a long mission all the other missions are really short but they are very nice. We Please would like a new mission before May ends. In my other comment i said i would give you 3 months. I put the comment in Feb and so the mission should be ready by the end of May ok? Please Billbob(and the others working on the mission if they are any)we all want a new mission.


Anonymous said...

Dear Billybob we would love it if you gave us more of a sneek peak of the new misson! -Juno1598(CPG mod)

Bandit100 said...

Dear Billybob
Please,please,please give us another sneak peek of the new mission!
~ Bandit100~

koolkat said...

Dear Billybob,Can You please give us more sneak peeks on the new mission?

sslemons! said...

BILLYBOB PLEASE HELP!!! we have been waiting a very very VERY long time for this new mission can we have a little peek ty

Dsc110 said...

Please Mr. Billy Bob sir,

Give us more sneak peaks, your the best billy bob and you rock!!! Thanks so much for making club penguin cool. Keep on making club penguin fun!

Club Penguin User,

Chaos6267 said...

yeah billybob. please? ok guys, i have said it once and i'll say it again. all those complicated and well thought out mission theories out there? well chances are that they are wrong. every time we have a clue u come up with these complex theories which are really cool but then it turns out to be something simple.

UKs 18 said...

Please Billybob! Pretty pretty please. Could you get the mission out this month? PLEASE PLEASE
P.S. Club Penguin Rox

coolomancp said...

Dear Billybob and Club Penguin, please give us some more info on the next mission, PLEASE!

Sonicbloo4 said...

Even better they could put in the new mission a lot earlyer!


slippeestars said...

ya get 2000 coments that would rock

slippeestars said...

go cp go cp

slippeestars said...

plz give us a nother mission sneek peek we just sit here to fiddle with our spy fones

Bobhead202 said...


David Louch said...

billybob, plz give us another sneak peak!

p.s: mimo i will tell people on my blog to go here and sign up! :)

Phillie26 said...

Please give us another sneak peek Billybob!
Phillie26 lol

kristel234 said...

Don't people plant seeds in SPRING?

Unknown said...

Hi Billybob, please give us a sneak peek of the mission! Club Penguin is doing AMAZING!


Nugget 356 said...

please billybob i am your best friend :) lol p.s PLESE

Jewel said...

Mission please!

GalaxyShyft said...

PLEASE! can you give us some awesome new sneak peeks because we are your biggest fans and i'm guessing mimo will be grateful if you get it this month...Please, Billybob? :]


mqpb1 said...

please billybob! please give us some more info about the new mission! we love you! and cp! thanks!

Mookie said...

Please Billybob? We are all waiting for a mission sneak peak. We wanna know if the seeds were important. Will he think the orange puffle is gold now? Will he brainwash fluffy fish to take him to Zippo the penguin? Please Billybob! It would make you even more of a hero to us!

Anonymous said...

Dear Billybob and Club Penguin, please give us some more info on the next mission, PLEASE! We love you!

Hnwjanuary11 said...

kristel234 said...
Don't people plant seeds in SPRING?
Good point! I think you're on to something! Please, CP Team?! Give us another hint!

Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)

Smiley34710(saying please) said...

Cmon CP please can we have the new mission sneak peek pronto? Please? Please? Please? Double please? Triple please?


Maryam said...

Dear Billybob and everyone else

WE really want more info or sneak peeks about the new mission.

Please PLease Please!!

Anonymous said...

please i am so bored without the missions

Eragon.Saphira said...

Please show us another sneak peak Billybob.
We really want to know more about this awesome new mission. :-)

Coly98 said...

Hey Billybob, herd your a fan of the site! So, since there was no Saint Patrick's day party, everyone was sad... Cheer them up with a mission coming out sooner than what you guys said. I know your trying to make Clubpenguin Bug-free, but it seems pretty good right now, so put it aside and work on the mission.

Omar07 said...

-48th comment on the petition!


cplvr! said...

Please billybob Please show us another new mission sneek peak!

123yodasmith said...

Please give us a clue to what the new mission is?

Jenna8899 said...

Please BillyBob, we REALLY want to see another sneak peak! Please! We are begging you!

Toysgoneby said...

Please Billybob! We want our new mission! How can agents keep the island safe? They need training, and the missions help the agents keep the island safe, and get rid of the bad old Herbert! Please Billybob! We looooooooove CP!


Anonymous said...

Dear Billybob,
I hope you get us the new mission soon. I cant bear not having a mission undone. Get it soon.( very soon!!!)

n54ncool said...

We Love the Club Penguin team and everyone in it!

Anonymous said...

Please billybob get us that new mission soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Please billybob get us that new mission soon!!!

Lilac5674 said...

Billybob, it's been forever since there has been a new mission! And the last one had a real cliffhanger! Please give us another sneak peak!

Unknown said...

Dear Billybob and Cp,
Please give us more info about the new mission.

We love U!!!!

Yaniv L. said...

Hello Billybob and clubpenguin team! we so want another sneak pack to the next mission so please give us 1

Anonymous said...

billybob give us mission news plz!


Anonymous said...

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease, Billybob? :|

windows888 said...

Dear billybob,
Billybob is a weird name you should change it to something more official J.K. No really, We need more mission hints... REALLY!

Magno20 said...

i help u out mimo as u are the best should i just comment or email.

TechHunter16 said...

new sneak peek! new sneak peek! please? with a cherry on top?

Pipplepapple said...

POR FAVOR!! or please!! we really very badly want a mission!! a sneak peak would be nice as well!! =(

hazy543210 said...

hi billybob and mimo that sounds awesome i cant wait!!!!!

Bd20 said...

Please Billybob!!

We really really want to see the new mission sneak peak!

Hey everyone it's my bday in 3 days, I will be on sherbet for a party on tuesday. I'm Blackdalek20 if you want to come for the party.
I will be adding buddies!Please try and make it, it's gonna be huge

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Billybob,
We would really want a sneak peek of the new mission because apparently you keep on delaying our mission!!! and we are very eager to know whats the mission is about and you should make it come out as soon as possible because we cant wait any longer.

A person ;)

sadeca7 said...

please show us a sneak peak

carky said...

pls billybob give us more info of the new mission pls!

Anonymous said...

CLUB PENGUIN should make a police station lol. but the secret agent area is EverReady like a police
station lol


Max Harbauk said...

Come on, Club Penguin! If it's not too much to ask, please change the HQ mission updates sign? Thanks a lot. You guys rock!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the computer IS a sneek peek, and the place were you dig for coins is were the plants are

Anonymous said...

Dear Billybob, can you please give us another sneak peek to Mission 11? It would really be nice of you to do that.

Cries! said...


E said...

Please Billybob let us see another sneak peek at the new mission! We would really love it! PLEASE!


Me! said...

Please Billybob let us see another sneak peek at the new mission! We would really love it! PLEASE!


E said...

Please Billybob let us see another sneak peek at the new mission! We would really love it! PLEASE!


Anonymous said...

I only have a few words and that is... A new mission please billybob

Goldenlatios said...


HEY HEY MIMO!! The desk is probably the same one but herbert put a microphone there to broadcast his evil plot to all of CP!!! Klutzy is looking through a microscope too so I think it is...

meepu32 said...

i want to see the sneak peek

Anonymous said...

Hey billybob! Please give us a mission sneak peak!

Onaj14 said...

Lane Merrifeild please give us and mimo777 more information on the new mission we would really like it please blillybob.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE give us the new mission CP!

Unknown said...

Please give us a sneekpeek Billybob.


Laurel A. said...

Please please please please please!!!! Billy Bob we want a sneak peek! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!

Swimkid10 said...

Please, Give us a hint please!


Bakuben826 said...


Santa1456 said...

Please Billybob and Please Club Penguin, Can we PLEASE have more info on the new mission?
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D

iva said...

Billybob and Club Penguin, Can you please give us a sneak at the new mission or something about it? We have been waiting and everybody thinks we deserve it. Please?Thank you.

Sweetflame12 said...

Please Billybob,

New mission sneak peaks! We love you!

Cuteeeangel (CPG MOD) said...

Luis2414 said...
If you do we will admire you and will never forget what did for example the chat bar

it wasn't the chat bar. It was the language bar.

Cuteeeangel said...

Dear Billybob,
Please give us more info on the new Club Penguin mission.The others have been really fun, and we can't wait!So again, Please, please,please,please give us some information for the new mission. I can't wait! :)
-Cuteeeangel(Penguin Name)

5smartboy said...

Please, pretty please with cherries on top! Billybob, please tell us more about the secret mission! We are so anxious and curious! So please, tell us!


Mccam (CPG MOD) said...

Billybob we need a mission with Candance,aunt artic,or penguin band!!!

Csquadqb17 CLICK ME! said...

PWEASE give us another mission sneak peek billybob!

Anonymous said...

It has been for ever since the last mission!

Birdygurl said...

Please, guys, give us some more info about the upcoming mission! We are all dying to hear about it! It looks exciting


P.S. Mimo I'm going to get a Tootsville account before April 30th so that I can have free membership and I'm excited! My mom made me make a choice between Tootsville and Webosaurs several months ago (and I'm really happy I chose Webosaurs) and I chose Webosaurs, and now she says I can make a Toot because of the free membership thingy. She's kind of in a bad mood today... But i'm excited anyway!

"Rockerboy334" said...

Give us a sneak peek!! Give us a sneek peeeeek!!


Anonymous said...

Please give us another sneek peek

Anonymous said...

please gve us sneakpeek we realy wanna sneapeek they r kool

Jediluke8 said...

Please,please give us another mission sneak peak billybob and clubpenguin! We love you!

Peter said...


Anonymous said...


Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...

Club Penguin Support and Billybob, PLEASE SHOW US ANOTHER MISSION SNEAK PEEK! We have been waiting forever and would really appreciate it!!!
Polkadotblu9 (PS I am helping with this campaign but will not mod anymore!)

Anonymous said...

We Want to See More!

Unknown said...

Come on Billybob I love club penguin come on come on come on.

Rico Rodriguez said...


sprocket07 said...

you know i bet we could cause we did it before, and we'll do it again! and especially since billybob already knows you IN PERSON! So heres my... plea to club penguin asking for a new mission:

(ahem) Dear Club Penguin Team,
We would love it if you could please give more hints to when the new mission is coming out as we are very sad and waiting very very patiently, well I am. Ok that was a lie and I really want the new mission to come out! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL US THE DATE WHEN THE MISSION IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry if a hurt your ears). -Sprocket07

Jake Nussbaum said...


Penyobenny(CPG MOD IT) said...

Dear ClubPenguin and billybob,
Plz give us at least a date for the new mission! Plz!

P.S. 'IT' in my name means 'In Training'! thx mimo777

misstiss66/Misstiss66 said...

Dear Billybob and Club Penguin,
Could you please release a sneak peek of the next mission? I appreciate all you do.

Anonymous said...

Dear Billybob,
After finishing Mission 10 I was a little sad we didn't catch Herbert (All because of rookie). So I was really eager for mission 11 to come out see would could go on another adventure and hopefully catch Herbert the polar bear. However this new mission came out in JANUARY 2009 and waiting for it has been really hard. After you guys announced the mission I became real excited that after all my waiting the new mission would finally be out. However time has past and I am getting a little bit impatient. So to calm my impatientcy (is that a word?) I ask you with all my heart and soul to please at least give us a sneak peak about this mission.

Anonymous said...

please billybob tell us about the new mission!

Anonymous said...

billybob u rock!
please give a little sneak peek
keep waddleing on my freind!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
CLUB PENGUIN should make a police station lol. but the secret agent area is EverReady like a police
station lol


woops i meant everybody!! not everready lol i need to fix my spelling mistakes!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
CLUB PENGUIN should make a police station lol. but the secret agent area is EverReady like a police
station lol


woops i meant alldready!! not everready lol i need to fix my spelling mistakes!

Sissyc97 said...

Please Please Please give us a sneak peak!! Thank you so much! We love you!


CandyRox said...

Pretty! Pretty please!!!!
We love you Billybob and the rest of CP!

Cheiky said...

pilpulp.... Please? said...

Hi billybob, as mimo said it would be AWESOME if you guys could get the mission out THIS month!! That was be AWESOME! Thank you!!
Well, it's already well into March, so April really isn't that far away. Still, I want the new mission too!
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

please billy bob Please!!!!!!!!! i Beg of you!!!!

Unknown said...

Please Billybob show us the new mission sneak peek


Anonymous said...

Hey Billybob! Pleeeeaaasseeeee give us a sneak peek! I just want to know what's coming up! Thanks, and you rock!

Anonymous said...

Hey biilybob I LOVE club penguin and I've been DYING to try the new mission! I've been waiting so long but its not coming out anytime soon, so please give us at least a small sneak peek!? Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please Billybob, and Rsnail, please show us another mission sneak peak. We don't ask for much (okay yes we do, but please!)
Thanks! Club Penguin you rock!

- Topper Twist

Anonymous said...

Dear clubpenguin please give us more info please!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear clubpenguin please give us more info please!!!!

Hoppermh said...

What about the trees missing in the box demention? Does that have something to do with the mission?

Rachel said...

Another sneak peak...please!
-CC-328 out!

non-mimo fan. said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mojorojo said...

Please cp!

We have patiently waited for over a year for a mision!

tommo555 said...

please billybob give us more info!

Kirby 59122 said...

Please give us another Mission Sneak peak,Billybob!=D

Anonymous said...

Please Billybob, let us have more mission sneak peeks

Natasha108 said...

maybe herbert's hacking into the PSA!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

does somebody here knows billybob's email?

Anonymous said...

Billybob, please can you post an new mission sneak peak, please

Pottingmgix said...

Please? You guys rock! ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠

Yameimob said...

Please Billybob let us see the mission sneak peak

Anonymous said...

Please, we want missions!
Please, very happy if you did!

Doodlebug277 said...

Pleeeeeeeeeeese tell us Billybob!!


Doodlebug277 said...

Post people post!!! we need more sneak peeks!!


Anonymous said...

give us another sneak peak of the new mission! Please!!!!!

Zacfan15399 said...

Hi Billybob,can you please give us another sneak peak at the new mission? Please?!Listen to your best fans on CPG and post another sneak peak.Oh and it would be cool to have it out in april.
Waddle on Billybob (if you do read it)and
Waddle on Mimo and CPG gang!

Anonymous said...

Please give us a new mission!All the agents are counting on you! please?!

Anonymous said...

Hey Billybob,can you please,please,please give us a new mission?We want it out before the end of april or may we don't want to wait until the summer.That is all i ask for oh and as Coly98 said:
I know your trying to make Clubpenguin Bug-free, but it seems pretty good right now, so put it aside and work on the mission.
I agree with him.PLEASE!btw club penguin seems all right with the bug-free thing.


Anonymous said...

Please Billybob, we REALLY want to see the new mission sneak peaks.

Anonymous said...

Dear Billybob and Club Penguin, please give us some more info on the next mission, PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

please Billybob we really really want to see anothere sneaka peeka i have been witing for over more then three months

DeetsAudio said...

Mimo,remember the vote for a jackhammer that make trees? And they said it might come out around july? The packet of seeds might be for that!!! The new mission is around JULY!!!!!

Carli05 said...

Billybob and The rest of the Club penguin team.Please leave us some more info of the next mission.

Anonymous said...

plz billybob!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please Billybob we are getting bored waiting please!! :)

meringue99 said...

Please Billybob! We've been waiting since what seems like FOREVER!!! Please OH Please!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE Billybob, please give us more info, we'd like to know more about Herbert's plans. It won't be considered spoiler since you won't tell us everything anyway. Please Club Penguin. Please, please, please. We know your real busy, but if you give us another sneak peek, that would be great. Thanks. Waddle on.

Anonymous said...

pretty please with sugar on top can we have a sneaky peaky? billy bobby?

-chilzo z17e

jes00 said...

Please please please Billybob I'm dying to get another sneak peak of the next mission.

Kingfisher81 said...

Plz give us another sneak peek Billybob. We would all appreaciate it. CP is da best eva!
P.S Thanx Hnwjanuary11, Toysgoneby and Fluffygood for being my friends on CP!

Kenny said...

we should just wait and see what its about like all the other missions and your not the one trying ot make this mission on every server 7 days a week so plz pe patient :P

Rondny 101 (CPG Mod) said...

Hi again clubpenguin!
If it's not to much to ask for but....
All of us here would like to have atleast ONE more sneak peek at the new mission. All we pretty much need is only one of why herbert wanted the seeds.
Your bud,
Rondny 101

db said...

Billybob!please give us another sneak peak for the new club penguin misson!

Anonymous said...

Please billybob! I love cp and i have 32 figures, 2 puffles, four penguin plushes and nine puffles! i really want another mission!!! i do them all as soon as they come out!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we really really want to see another sneak peak Club Penguin! we've waited so long for this mission to come out!!

Anonymous said...

That would be awesome Billybob! Plz i can not wait!
Also I saw the video of you giving better a tour your hangout plz is awesome that is like the ultimate HANGOUT!!!

Anonymous said...

i getting desperate

LisRox1127 said...

Dear Billybob and the crew,
As you might notice, we all at CP Gang want you to put up a few more sneak peeks for Mission 11: "Herbert's Revenge." Well, I'm not begging but we just want to see a little bit more of what it's about.
P.S. You might know me as Clownybrowny on Club Penguin.

smiley34710 (Still sayin' please) said...

Oh cmon PLEASE Billybob? Give us a sneak peek please. Please. Double please. Triple please. Quadruple please.How are we gonna stop Herbert and Klutzy if we don't have one? The population of puffles could be in serious trouble! Wait, cut that- the who ISLAND could be in trouble. So please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. We need to have a sneak peek!


CLUEE123 said...


Anonymous said...

BillyBob we love your last missions and we want more about this one PLEASE tell us!

For Ever Sweet said...

Please please give us a sneak peak cp!!

waddle on

For Ever Sweet

Archie12 said...

Come on Billybob pretty please with sugar on top can you give us another sneak peak we have been waiting for like 10000000000000000 years now we really need one! :(

dxboy said...

Yup. That's the mine desk.

Anonymous said...

Please Club penguin give us another sneak peak of the new mission!

Icemammel said...

Please Billybob, its been almost a year since a new missions been out on Club Penguin.
We dont't want our exitment bottled in.
Missions are the Best part of Club Penguin

iamapplepie said...

i got an idea maybe hes gana make those seeds grow mad tall so they turn the whole cp into a forest or maybe he just wants to hold seeds lol

elvenmagic said...

Come on penguin mods, please do it sooner or give another sneek peek.

Anonymous said...

Umm... Mimo I think the missions they were talking about are in the new DS game.


The Club Penguin Emporium said...

This is a great idea Mimo. I hope it works

-Uncle Peter
The Club Penguin Emporium Member

9 icey 1 said...

please! i would really like some info on the new mission 10! it would be great!
~9 icey 1

jewels said...

Please Billybob I, We have finished the other missions!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Club Penguin and Billybob! We would all really appritiate it if you give us alittle sneak peak on the new mission that is coming out soon! We have all waited patiantly and we would really like to know a few details! So far we really have thanked you for your work and we cant wait for more of it! Thankyou CP! -swettie422

Xie Cool said...

Billybob we really really really really want the new mission sneak peaks so badly its my biggest wish plzzzzzzzzzzzz

-Xie Cool

Anonymous said...

i have been counting down the days for a brand new mission. i was even marking the family calendar.
we here at cpg are ready to take down herbert

Cody Solar said...

Please Billybob, I'm dieing for another peak! PLEASE? Do it for us and Mimo.

Anonymous said...

please clubpenguin can you give us a hint we need it now i seriously can use it for help in the next mission so please let us use it if you do we will always cherish you forever and never for get it please do it bilybob please!!! if you do i will :D for you

Anonymous said...

hey give it to us billybob]
lilly1745 cpgmod

Anonymous said...


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