Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, March 19, 2010


FIND Cadence and Aunt Arctic with the World famous Mimo Tracker!

Have you found them yet? If not, we can help you!

Tracker now LIVE!

We still get a lot of great response to our Comment Tracker! Know why? Because it works! Here are the...

Helpful Hints:

1. When you see a post with the new Mimo Comment Tracker logo on it, start tracking!

2. BE HONEST! You have all been so honest and helpful. That's why CPG fans are the best! Keep it up!

3. List what server and room he is in.

4. Don't put lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Do not ask ppl to help you find them. Everyone wants to find him. They should post here if they know where he is.

6. Do not post all the servers that do NOT have famous penguins on them.

7. If the Mimo Comment Tracker has helped you, post a comment about it!

8. So, if you see a famous, post a comment here that says what server he or she is on. Let's not post comments here about any other subject! There will be other posts coming for that! Cool?

Let's go find them and post a comment hurry! ;-)

Happy Tracking!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Vyolit said...

Cmon guys! Lets all find a famed penguin this time! I haven't met one yet. :-(
-Vyolit, CP Prodigy

Anonymous said...

I will look!! Let the search begin!

Anonymous said...

Aunt artic winterland backstage!!

coolomancp said...

I FOUND AUNT ARCTIC BACKSTAGE ON BLIZZARD! but sadly i went there and she leaft 2 seconds so i couldent get to her...please i must know where she is! cause like no one gives comments intime on this! COME ON AND GET COMMENTING!

Julien R said...

I can't find her. Im going server to server though.

Unknown said...


Coolrockpop8 said...

Im not too sure but i think

AA is at Yukon stage

C is at Wind Chill Backstage

sprocket07 said...

I've seen every single famous person except g and sensei. why does no one ever call him g anymore? its all gary gary gary! i prefered g more.

sprocket07 said...

but i will look anyway!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i think i saw aunt arctic but she just left on crystal back stge but i dunno where she went...thats confusing.


Unknown said...

I found aunt arctic
shes backstage in crystal (server) omg omg she is here

Anonymous said...

I found aunt arctic in yukon at the stage and I met her and talked

I am really happy to see that now you are starting tracker I thought that would be needed too.
Waddle on your work

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why's she on???

Harry y Ron said...

Good blog!!!!

spike4421(CPG MOD) said...


Anonymous said...

AA on Yukon stage Cadence on Wind Chill Backstage

spike4421(CPG MOD) said...


Anonymous said...

everybody hurry shes at half pipe(server) backstage(place) near the trophy.

Unknown said...

I saw Aunt Artic on Belly Slide today @ 10:30 ish. Backstage. She loves playing mancala!

Jediluke8 said...

Aunt arctic is at avalanche in the backstage right now.

Chingull said...

Aunt A is on Frosty Backstage!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Arctic on half pipe backstage now!

Dylnsprse said...

just caught AA as she was leaving half pipe thanks mimo

243joe said...

Aunt Artic
On Blizzard Backstage! And Cadence On AntArtic Backstage

Anonymous said...

Aunt a is just leaving mittens GO QUICK

Unknown said...

Arctic now on Cold Front Back stage

Duje said...


Anonymous said...

Aunt Arctic is at Snow Covered, backstage.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Arctic... Snow Covered... Backstage...


Jamesscn said...

AA is on yukon backstage, Hurry!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Nachoz Rule said...


Anonymous said...


Nachoz Rule said...

Aunt Arctic on Marshmallow

Anonymous said...


Toysgoneby said...

spike4421(CPG MOD) said...
Please don't put (CPG MOD) when you are not modding! Thanks!

Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)

Peachy said...

Aunt artic


4:25 pm


Anonymous said...

I would love to meet Cadence so if you could please please please, write the server and room she is in that would help me a bbunch! Go Mimmo777!!! :)

Luis2414 said...

Vyolit said...
Cmon guys! Lets all find a famed penguin this time! I haven't met one yet. :-(
-Vyolit, CP Prodigy
Don't worry we will get them!! luis2414

Elizabeth Harbour said...

i just met aunt artic at blurry, white houses, artic, and polar bear, but i cant seem to find candance

stingfelix said...

please i must find a famous penguin soon!!!!!

Anonymous said...

good blog!

Hnwjanuary11 said...

Ugh, sorry I didn't Mod yesterday and all day today! It is just too warm and too nice outside where I live, and homework Lol, but I will catch up a little! Thank gosh I have the tips I need with the newspaper and new catalogs! You are the best Mimo!

Redzos said...

theoj777 said

I FOUND AUNT ARCTIC BACKSTAGE ON BLIZZARD! but sadly i went there and she leaft 2 seconds so i couldent get to her...please i must know where she is! cause like no one gives comments intime on this! COME ON AND GET COMMENTING!

Anonymous said...

Aunt arctic backstage on glacier

Anonymous said...

help me find Aunt Arctic she is the only one i need to find to have all the famous penguins backrounds


Unknown said...

Half Pipe Backsatge

Wilbur5700 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ugh, sorry I didn't Mod yesterday and all day today! It is just too warm and too nice outside where I live, and homework Lol, but I will catch up a little! Thank gosh I have the tips I need with the newspaper and new catalogs! You are the best Mimo!

Jediluke8 said...

LOL i met Aunt Arctic 12 times today! All at different times! 3 between the same 15 minutes one time. Shes everybody but i just can't find Cadence!

Anonymous said...

aunt artic on snowfall(:

ReaghReagh said...

Just saw Aunt Artic:
Server: Ice Cold
Room: Stage
Time: 8:47 p.m.
--ReaghReagh :D

Anonymous said...

i cant find anybody

Anonymous said...

Dj C is backstage on wind chill!

Anonymous said...

it is so easy to find AA but so hard to find cadence

rocker 1834 said...

I just found Aunt Arctic on Outback, she said that Cadence wasn't going to be meeting people until next week, it's only her atm, and she also said that she wasn't sure about Penguin Band but she said they were next.

Anonymous said...

ppl keep saying AA is easy to find but its really hard for me

Wilbur5700 said...

Anonymous said...
ppl keep saying AA is easy to find but its really hard for me

lceMudkip said...

Stingfelix said
please i must find a famous penguin soon!!!!!
Don't worry,they aren't hard to find.
I find aunt arctic TWICE in only one hour!
She could be at Sleet or Yukon/Yeti


5smartboy said...

I just met up with aunt arctic today, I just need to meet the penguin band, candence, and gary now :)

Anonymous said...

can someone plz tell me where cadence is

Anonymous said...

Here we come searching!

Aunt Arctic said...

Server: Ice Cold
Room: Stage
Time: 8:47 p.m.

I Will Go To The Stage Everyday At This Time!

-Aunt Arctic

Unknown said...

i just met aunt arctic twice in less than a half hour omg this is so amazing!!

MasterM said...

Anonymous said...
help me find Aunt Arctic she is the only one i need to find to have all the famous penguins backrounds

Really? Even Gary and Sensei???
If so, You must have COOLlection!
get huh? lol I know

- Olivia48yes

Anonymous said...

help me find Aunt Arctic she is the only one i need to find to have all the famous penguins backrounds

its ok im having trouble finding her to but ppl just keep saying things that dont relate to where she is.


Anonymous said...

she just left below zero so cross that off ur list of servers to check for a while!


Anonymous said...

server great white AA hurry

Anonymous said...

earlier, i met aunt arctic in the server arctic, and she was in the plaza. she walked in the stage, and then backstage. im pretty sure she left, but if the server is her name then i guess shell be on that serve quite a lot.

Cheiky said...

spike4421(CPG MOD) said...

Please don't put CPG Mod if your not answering a question.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

are aunt artic and candice only backstage because im a non member

vansh said...

hey mimo its orking i founded aunt arctin yeah woo hoo!!

Anonymous said...

AA is in Gary
Gary Is in AA
Cadance is in Sensei
Sensei is in cadance

HarryFree2 said...

Party to tip over iceberg
Time(real life)4:00 PM
Date 20th March 2010
famouus poeple are coming

shwingles said...

low...have anyone seen aunt artic

Nachoz Rule said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rhys Grabany said...

I have never but i have the BG with PS11

Anonymous said...

aa yukon now
c windchill

Anonymous said...

Ugh, sorry I didn't Mod yesterday and all day today! It is just too warm and too nice outside where I live, and homework Lol, but I will catch up a little! Thank gosh I have the tips I need with the newspaper and new catalogs! You are the best Mimo!
____________________----_-__------- ecxat oppsite 2 feet of snow in colorado ps yukon has one bar but when u go on it it says sorry this server is full?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ugh, sorry I didn't Mod yesterday and all day today! It is just too warm and too nice outside where I live, and homework Lol, but I will catch up a little! Thank gosh I have the tips I need with the newspaper and new catalogs! You are the best Mimo!
I am really lacking on modding, so I need to do it way more. It has been really nice here too but it snowed 1 foot yesterday! =(

Anonymous said...

she isint there I checked can anyone tell me where AA is I WANT TO MEEET HER SOOO BAD AND COULD SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A HINT TO FIND HER

*munch* said...

I haven't found anybody till now!:(
Wish I find somebody this time!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone find them?????(On March 20?)

Anonymous said...

Aunt Artic at YETI Atthe backstage!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if you look in the backstage there is the member only room in the secret cave
- babygirl261

bryan said...

Go on clubpenguin at 2:00 at ice breaker in the penguin play awards thanks it's name is cocaman

Michael Barz said...

aunt on beanie backstage

MysteryMod said...

Let's go back:
Cave Haikus!
Now: 82 comments...


DJ Cadence is on... said...

Wind Chill - Backstage

Julien R said...

I tried to get to beanie but i lost connection and when I tried again it was full.

MysteryMod said...

Toys! Bobhead! Hwn! Saavy! Vyolit! Polkadotblu! Come join me! If you are reading this Mimo, DO THE UPDATE!!!

Bobhead202 said...

Hnwjanuary11 said...
Ugh, sorry I didn't Mod yesterday and all day today! It is just too warm and too nice outside where I live, and homework Lol, but I will catch up a little! Thank gosh I have the tips I need with the newspaper and new catalogs! You are the best Mimo!

Ugh, Mimo won't listen to me. So I give up. So now I will mod again. It is also warm and nice where I live!
(Georgia) So here it goes again!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
That just doesn't feel right to put.

Bobhead202 said...

Anonymous said...
she isint there I checked can anyone tell me where AA is I WANT TO MEEET HER SOOO BAD AND COULD SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A HINT TO FIND HER

Ow! My ears! Please don't do that! Everyone wants to meet them, so just keep checking Mimo!

Hope this helps!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Unknown said...

Aunt arctic is at the caribou backstage and she ask me many question

Bobhead202 said...

Anonymous said...

Please don't type in all caps.

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Bobhead202 said...

Anonymous said...
if you look in the backstage there is the member only room in the secret cave
- babygirl261

Where? What do you mean?

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Bobhead202 said...

Anonymous said...
I found aunt arctic in yukon at the stage and I met her and talked

I am really happy to see that now you are starting tracker I thought that would be needed too.
Waddle on your work

Yes, the Comment Tracker is great!

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Bobhead202 said...

Anonymous said...
Ugh, sorry I didn't Mod yesterday and all day today! It is just too warm and too nice outside where I live, and homework Lol, but I will catch up a little! Thank gosh I have the tips I need with the newspaper and new catalogs! You are the best Mimo!
____________________----_-__------- ecxat oppsite 2 feet of snow in colorado ps yukon has one bar but when u go on it it says sorry this server is full?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

Whoa, two feet?! Wow. And that has exactly happened to me! With, like, five servers! The most I have ever gotten in Georgia is seven inches.

Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

Unknown said...

Aunt arctic is at the stage in carbou

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

aunt artic on grizzly NOW!!!

yumwater said...

I've seen every single famous person except g and sensei. why does no one ever call him g anymore? its all gary gary gary! i prefered g more


I prefer G too. Its short for Gary i'm sure you know that. And good for you for finding Aunt Arctic and Cadence and Rockhopper. Maybe you will find G and sensei soon!

Anonymous said...

AA is there now!

Anonymous said...

Mimo, There is a NEW post catalog out know! It as a card for the penguin play award and the new game! Please give credit! -Nev2

Micki1 said...

she's at the stage on Alpine!

Anonymous said...

She wasn't there actualy!

9 icey 1 said...

Micki1 said...
she's at the stage on Alpine!
she is not there anymore i checked and i am there now and its not crowded at all soooo... keep searching!
~9 icey 1 (cpg mod)

9 icey 1 said...

I have met every fqamous penguin.
rockhopper, gary, penguin band, aunt arctic, sensei, and all th others! XD

Anonymous said...

candace tundra backstage

kkkk1112 said...

sprocket07 said...
I've seen every single famous person except g and sensei. why does no one ever call him g anymore? its all gary gary gary! i prefered g more.

March 19, 2010 8:19 AM
wow, i have seen no famous penguin except sensei, and g. i saw g but never met him because he was moving way way way to fast for my computer.

kkkk1112 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

I saw Aunt Artic on Mittens at the stage but she left :(

Anonymous said...

Is Candence always backstage? If she is I can't meet her :(

Taiga H said...

I think that Club Penguin is starting to limit non-member privileges. I wish that they would loosen for a while...

Anonymous said...

Aunt Arctic is at the stage in server Snow Cone
I have not seen her but the stage is full and there is a crowd of penguins trying to get in there.

Tuelip66 said...

Hey! keep up the good work guys!
i thought i say candace at ice pond in the town she might have left so hurry!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Arctic

Anonymous said...

AA stage in blizzard!

DC1034 said...

AA in blizzard!

Anonymous said...

aunt artic tabogogin back stage

Anonymous said...

I only found Sensei. I can't find any other famous penguin! :(

Anonymous said...

Wanna meet Candence and Aunt Arctic NOW!

Anonymous said...


Arb111 said...


Unknown said...

woohoo let's find famous penguinS!

Coly98 said...

aunt artic is at halfpipe backstage!!!! wow no one special ever goes on halfpipe!!!!! GO GO GO AUNT ARTIC BACKSTAGE AT HALFPIPE

Madi said...

I am not sure who it is!


Anonymous said...

Coly98 said...
aunt artic is at halfpipe backstage!!!! wow no one special ever goes on halfpipe!!!!! GO GO GO AUNT ARTIC BACKSTAGE AT HALFPIPE


ughhhhhhhh all of them are backstage for members only!!!!

leilani said...

I saw aunt artic on tuxedo backstage on 21st

Anonymous said...

AA Mammoth! Hurry!

Blueberryana said...

nobody is ever on sparkle yayayayayaya

Anonymous said...

where aare they?

Blueberryana said...

Im sorry i wrote sparkle i meant tuxedo i thougt i had clicked sparkle sorry she just left tho :(

Anonymous said...

i found aa. thank u mimo

Anonymous said...

AA Frosty! Backsatge!

E said...


Anonymous said...

Any help out there I need Candace please help

Anonymous said...

i found aa but nobody ever posts about cadence.
tHAnks for helping me find aa.

Anonymous said...

bobhead202 i mean that if you look backstage you see the aqurium right? well that is in the secret cave for members.

Anonymous said...

i went backstage on sled and did not see her

I want aunt arctic! said...

comon ppl! where are they?

Pancake 101 said...

thanks to mimo777 i have found everyone except for sense and gary........

Anonymous said...

ive seen aunt artic 5 times today and cadence whats up with that!! lol

Mz.Confuzed! said...

Who in the world is cadence?

Anonymous said...

Anyone find DJ Cadence I really wanna find her

Tipski said...

Unbelievable! Was sitting in the Theatre asking if anyone had seen Aunt Arctic and she turned up!
Blizzrd Theatre.

Anonymous said...

aunt artic is on snow flake at back stage go go go go

Anonymous said...

cadence is at brumby go now but i went out and now i cant get back in

Caster75 said...

Thanks you, Mimo Tracker! I found Aunt Arctic yesterday. Now it's story time. Ok, so I was trying to get into the hot air ballon at the festival of flight. The place was packed. Then this girl said "Gary's on Slushy!" So I log off and go on slushy. There he is, and only like 3 penguins were sworming around him. Since no one believed that girl, no one went there. So any question anyone asked, he answered. Because he actually had the time!

Anonymous said...

why r they alwayz at backstage
im mean itz unfair for d non members
haz anyone seen dem not a backstage

kkkk1112 said...

Caster75 said...
Thanks you, Mimo Tracker! I found Aunt Arctic yesterday. Now it's story time. Ok, so I was trying to get into the hot air ballon at the festival of flight. The place was packed. Then this girl said "Gary's on Slushy!" So I log off and go on slushy. There he is, and only like 3 penguins were sworming around him. Since no one believed that girl, no one went there. So any question anyone asked, he answered. Because he actually had the time!
wow that is quite a story. when i met sensei, a couple of people were there, not over flooded. when i met sensei, he told us stories, and ninja tips. then he said every ninja must have a hiding place, so when he said vanish, they vanished. i his behind a screen, and when he came to check, i asked him if this was a good hiding space. i only had 10 min with him cause that is how long my dad let me on the good computer. i now go spreading the word sensei has taught me.


Dylnsprse said...

Great now I am only missing cadence and the penguin band.

Anonymous said...

has any one seen aunt artic at 12 15. also Ive meet Gary and Cadence
while I was not a member!

Wrestlin'fanDDT said...

I've been noticing that ever year there were so mnay parties! ok?
now... I was on April Fools party and there were no Famous people online?!Lol same for water party 'n' Christmas party! Why?!
If u have trouble findin' for that question go 'n' ask billybob ok? thnx!

Vasetown1 said...

pancake 101 said...
thanks to mimo777 i have found everyone except for sense and gary........

Well done! I only need to meet Gary and the Penguin Band, but that's kinda annoying since they hardly EVER come to Club Penguin :(

Vasetown CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

I think some one is in Wind Chill. Loads of people are saying it

Anonymous said...

Please keep posting! no one has posted in awhile. thx :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cadence on alpine

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

has anyone seen candce?

Anonymous said...

Gary is at Blizzard! Ski Lodge!

Anonymous said...

Crystal, backstage...Aunt Arctic

Anonymous said...

Aunt Artic on Wool Socks in the Pizza Parlor. Posted at 1:32 P.M Pacific time! Hurry

Anonymous said...

didn't find any famosu ppl

Anonymous said...

sprocket07 said...
I've seen every single famous person except g and sensei. why does no one ever call him g anymore? its all gary gary gary! i prefered g more.

March 19, 2010 8:19 AM

I agree with you Sprocket.
G sounds very cool, and mysterious, like a secret Agent. And Gary sounds nerdy and lame.

Anonymous said...

plz ppl. if u guys already met them dont stay in the room because others havent. i no its fun to listne to her but everyone want to meet her

sprocket07 said...

CADENCE ALPINE STAGE!!! its packed though

Dougweed said...

AA on Rainbow Backstage!

Anonymous said...

AA on Ascent

kristel234 said...

aunt artic is on big snow now!

RockingINohio said...

AA is backstage on alpine sever. Go GO GO

Vasetown1 said...

Aunt Arctic on Cruch!

Mr meepers said...

AA Is on Altitude no chat server

Anonymous said...

Someone say something about where they are...

Chillyguy100 said...

anybody on yet...
I really want to find CC and AA.

Yellow 1003 said...

dont know

purplejoeler said...

(sry that my comment below is going against wat i have to say but its important)

ok so mimo i hope you read this but i think that people should post only on were the penguin is for a few reason's
1.some people dont even say any thing about were the penguin is but say,i cant find them.
2.I mean seriously people come here to see if anyone spotted them, but really mostly wat i see is things that say i need help finding them,OR i cant find them
3.some people say like oh i found them so and so and then talk more like its so long that by the time people see it there usually gone.

and mimo i really appreciate your hard work for the comment tracker and its fine if you scimmed threw it, i mean it must be hard having to check it like evry minuet or two it must take alot of time off your life and again srry its so long

Anonymous said...

sumone plz help me....i have found none.....:(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

need some more help guys!

Anonymous said...

yes were is candece??

Unknown said...

Wow Mimo! This is so cool! My name is on your website! I won the contest thing LOL! I love all your helpful tips and I have used them for two years! Any way please dont stop posting any time soon!

Anonymous said...

GO GO GO PENGUIN FINDING FORCE, finds the penguins that are famous!

Anonymous said...

somone tell me were candace is at

Anonymous said...

sry that my comment below is going against wat i have to say but its important)

ok so mimo i hope you read this but i think that people should post only on were the penguin is for a few reason's
1.some people dont even say any thing about were the penguin is but say,i cant find them.
2.I mean seriously people come here to see if anyone spotted them, but really mostly wat i see is things that say i need help finding them,OR i cant find them
3.some people say like oh i found them so and so and then talk more like its so long that by the time people see it there usually gone.

and mimo i really appreciate your hard work for the comment tracker and its fine if you scimmed threw it, i mean it must be hard having to check it like evry minuet or two it must take alot of time off your life and again srry its so long


I totally agree w/ you! I mean c'mon ppl!!! You're constantly saying "I need help!" Well duh! Of course you need help that is what Mimo posted this tracker for. And don't ask us if we know where so-and-so is, cuz if we see them, we come here and post. It's not like we're gonna wait until you ppl ask us where they are to post!

zZranddomZz said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Come on ppl we need to find them!!

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