Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Newest Club Penguin News!

The voting for the Penguin Play Awards will be ending on the 28th and the winning play will begin at the Stage on March 30th!

Then, on April 1st, there will be the April Fools Party!

I can't wait for this awesome, wacky, weird, bizarre, ridiculous, & silly party!

And, lastly, the Underground Caves are here to stay! Woot!

Wow, lots-o-fun! What are you looking forward to the most?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

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ptk89763dfg said...


Lopakoy said...

I cant wait for the wackeee april party!

Showbizpizza said...

Woot woot! Hey, that penguin looks like Rookie...

Anonymous said...

Underground here to stay for forever?

ever ever ever? cool

redflameman said...

Has anyone noticed they skipped the st patricks day party?

Scamper52596 said...

Awesome! I can't wait for the party! I wonder what wackyness Club Penguin will throw at us this year.

Vyolit said...

im basically wanting everything to happen rite now!

-Vyolit, CP prodigy

Anonymous said...

i cant wait for the club penguin's most wfcf (w=wackiest f=funniest c=coolest f=faboulous)party i think it will rok just like mimo and me.

Alex (Polkadotblu9) said...

I love April Fools! Its my fav holiday, its so wacky and phunnie.

Anonymous said...

They should make penguins upside down!!!!

Anonymous said...

Showbizpizza said...
Woot woot! Hey, that penguin looks like Rookie...

Hmm yeah it does! Maybe a new wackeeee mission coming out in april! lol


Doodlebug277 said...

Awesome, cant wait for april fools!!


Doodlebug277 said...

redflameman said...
Has anyone noticed they skipped the st patricks day party?

Yeah im really angry about that :'( can't belive they forgot!!

Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

soccerbro22 said...

April Fools is an awesome holiday! I can't wait for the partyy!


KT said...

redflameman said...
Has anyone noticed they skipped the st patricks day party?
Yep, we all noticed (right?! LOL) . I think we are all wondering why. Hmm, it has to be for some reason....

~Bumper98(CPG MOD)

Uber said...

Anonamous said...

They should make penguins upside down!!!!

It is an upside down penguin party, i know famous penguins.
(ohyah 101)wannabe mod, clubpenguingang and mimo fan for years, CP member

Anonymous said...

Bumper98 said...

redflameman said...
Has anyone noticed they skipped the st patricks day party?
Yep, we all noticed (right?! LOL) . I think we are all wondering why. Hmm, it has to be for some reason....

~Bumper98(CPG MOD)
It's because Club Penguin had too much stuff to do this year. I mean, they HAVE created a new game and three new rooms, which have exceedingly high graphics. I'm a bit disappointed that they've skipped it, but hopefully next year there will be a party!

Just about 350 days to go... (Oh come on, it's not THAT long!)

Smart Sir

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Showbizpizza said...
Woot woot! Hey, that penguin looks like Rookie...

Hmm yeah it does! Maybe a new wackeeee mission coming out in april! lol

Yeah, it IS him, maybe that explains why his speech in the Penguin Times was a little funny...

I'm currently thinking whether I should persuade the director to sack him after what he did in the last mission...

Smart Sir (CPG Mod) Sorry that I didn't put CPG Mod next to my name on my last comment. Please forgive me!

ColorYourWorld97 said...

Mimo! Remember a long long LONG time ago in the HQ they had an empty monitor and clubpenguin said there was going to be a new room? Thats it! The Underground! That is what clubpenguin has probably been planning! And I cant wait for the april fools party! Loved it last year cant wait for this year! Wonder whats new!!! :)


Anonymous said...

cool my birthday is March, 31! i must be lucky

vanshrox said...

hey mimo i thik that penguin look like rookie and according to me the best play is ruby and the ruby
and i cant wait for the cp's most coolest party it will rock !!!!;)

YellowCrown said...

Did anyone notice? No St. Patrick's Day this year ... and easter is only a week away, and the Club Penguin Times didn't mention the Easter Egg Hunt? Does that mean the Easter Egg Hunt won't be held this year?!

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