Woot! We were right! The missing puffles have something to do with the new Club Penguin game! Underground explorations at the Cave will continue, and a new game will be found. Keep checking back, because the new game will be here this week!
(Thanks, Toysgoneby)
So, it will be cool to have a new Puffle game, don't you think? And SHARKS!?
Very addicting Run Bamster Run! Hamster game!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Oops I mean saweet!
mimo its just a yellow puffle
Cant wait till the new game!
cool mimo
You kno who!
SWEET! Can't wait for the new game, seems like it would be kind of like puffle round up... Cool Mimo!
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
YAY! Mimo gave me credit!
Hey mimo! Just so you know on the club penguin home screen, with rockhoppers ship, yarr will still jump out of the crow's nest evey once in a while. Something tells me that club penguin was just to lazy to change this!
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
So, i'm guessing that the cave game will be in the water. (because of the sharks...) but what if it were megatron land sharks that could transform into a GIANT MIMO! Ahh, we would all run and be afraid, but we would think giant Mimo's are cool. Until he squishes us. :/ Hmmm... Oh yes, and Toysgoneby, you are an AWESOME MODDER!
*Bows Down*
I was right!
that so cool, I can't wait! I think it has something to do with the new mission, since in the last one Herbert's plan involved puffles...
Ethanator said...
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
I just asked that to him like 5 seconds ago! Yup he probably will!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG MOD)
I went to Toys R Us today...They didn't have the orange puffle :'( BUT...(You probably already know this but I have never seen these before!)They did have puffle plush clips! Like that RH clip you got, Mimo, but they are puffles and they are really tiny and plush! Did you already know this, because I didn't!
Btw, nice job Toys!
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
...Maybe! We can foil Herbert and Klutzy's plan to...well, to do whatever they are doing!
Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
mimo if you go to membership it says a mysterious secret room will be available for members
awww man i wish that it was the new mission...
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
Well Anonymous, I think we will see anything from grumpy polar bears to fierce dragons in this game, who knows. On a blog post, Billybob said the new mission would come in a couple months, and if the new game comes this month, I don't think they will come out at the same time.
Waddling on and on,
Christopher said...
Oops I mean saweet!
LOL.... way to correct yourself! =P
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo its just a yellow puffle
Yes, but it will probably lead to something. Usually, when there is one puffle, the is a whole bunch... We will just have to wait and see!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Ethanator said...
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
Knowing how awesome.. Ah Hem, Uber you are, I am sure Mimo will follow you!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
You make good points, and present really cool ideas. Hopefully you are right!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Polkadotblu9 said...
Ethanator said...
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
I just asked that to him like 5 seconds ago! Yup he probably will!
Polkadotblu9 (CPG MOD)
Since you are both great Mods, you are probably right!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
yay! :) im soo exited ive been waiting for a puffle game to come out well i kno theres puffle round up but that games kinda borin.......:) but yay!
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
Hi! That's a really good theory! I hope we see herbert!
Hi mimo! I want to say something. How there was a shark remember the underwater cave is down there so maybe there are sharks in there!
Cant wait!
so cool mimo!
i have the perfact Theory Maybe! the puffles Escaped to the cave and they got stuck in there! and then they fell into the water And There Are Sharks there! and We Have to rescue them Before they turn into Shark Bait! Lol Like My Theory!? ☺ p.s if you want to know how to do that smiley face i did put your keyboard in Number Lock and click Alt 1 ... Bye!
cool! i cant wait to see the new game!
Pandagirl said...
Hi mimo! I want to say something. How there was a shark remember the underwater cave is down there so maybe there are sharks in there!
Cant wait!
sweet prediction! TTYL!!! -sprocket07
purplejoeler said...
mimo if you go to membership it says a mysterious secret room will be available for members
I was thinking about that..... I though it was still there from the underwater room....... Evidently, I was wrong.
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
I doubt it. The mission releases in a few months, the new game pretty soon. Herbert is probably related to the mission and the game. The shark was mentioned in one of Mimo's previous posts. Hope this helps!
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
Hnwjanuary11 said...
I went to Toys R Us today...They didn't have the orange puffle :'( BUT...(You probably already know this but I have never seen these before!)They did have puffle plush clips! Like that RH clip you got, Mimo, but they are puffles and they are really tiny and plush! Did you already know this, because I didn't!
Btw, nice job Toys!
Mimo didn't mention it! Quick, ask him to give you credit!
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
Toysgoneby said...
YAY! Mimo gave me credit!
Nice! Good job!
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
coooooooooooool i cant wait to try it! saweet
Everyone go on the last mission and play it and on the end herbert says what do penguins like best - PUFFLES!These puny penguins like puffles and G says we have got a new mystery on our hands......The new missoin will continue from that one which is obviously going to be - ABOUT PUFFLES! Taa Daa Im a Genius Woo Hoo Lol. XXshuveeXX1
the sharks are coming from the lake thing (members only room)
slippeestars here it sounds to me somthing like hidro hopper puffle round up and aqua grabber combindlus slidoos idea
Anonymous said...
mimo its just a yellow puffle
Uhh ya it is, but those rocks will be cleared, and the caves will be back!! The new game will be inside the caves!! The puffle is there to tell us it will have to do something with puffles.
Awesome! I can't wait for the new game.
~Lopakoy~Waddlin' off to a world of waddlin'
Pandagirl said...
Hi mimo! I want to say something. How there was a shark remember the underwater cave is down there so maybe there are sharks in there!
Cant wait!
-------------~~ ~ ~~---------------
Yup there might be. Lets hope the sharks don't get Yarr(if he is in there!) I can't wait too!
~Lopakoy~Waddlin' off to a world of waddlin'
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
All good ideas.....We wil just have to wait and see!Luis2414(CPG MOD)
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
You are a mod please set an example and please be paitient.You know its not easy for mimo.Luis2414(CPG MOD)
Lolz, hopefully this game will be super easy and earn me lots o' coins! ;)
Waddling with the weird,
--Miss Brook22
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
Ugh. Please tell me that the new mission will come out really really soon! (It's getting super boring just doing the same missions over and over again.) :(
Waddling with the weird,
--Miss Brook22 (CPG Mod)
I went to Toys R Us today...They didn't have the orange puffle :'( BUT...(You probably already know this but I have never seen these before!)They did have puffle plush clips! Like that RH clip you got, Mimo, but they are puffles and they are really tiny and plush! Did you already know this, because I didn't!
Btw, nice job Toys!
Yeah, I am looking around for the Bunny Plush Toy, and it seems like the whole world except for me has it, I see pictures and sales everywhere on the internet! Toys R Us doesn't always have the best selection of CP Toys (tell me if I'm wrong) but I think that you pretty much hit the jackpot on this one! :)
Waddling with the weird,
--Miss Brook22 (CPG Mod)
Mimo,do you remember the drill we voted that can make trees? when will it happen? this month? next month?
Pandagirl said...
Hi mimo! I want to say something. How there was a shark remember the underwater cave is down there so maybe there are sharks in there!
Cant wait!
Maybe! I don't know, But I think its a good idea!
Waddling on and on,
Sweet Game! Hope its for everyone ;)
=> Safa153 <=
Anonymous said...
mimo its just a yellow puffle
ALL the puffles on the island are LOST! Check out Stage and Night Club! Yellow and green puffle are not there! And plus, Yarr is lost, too...
And if you saw Rockhopper this time, he finds his red puffle when he goes to Mine...
Hope I helped ;)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD) <=
Ethanator said...
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
If you put all the banners on your website, Mimo follows you! Be sure, he'll follow you on Twitter very soon ;)
Keep Commenting!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Toysgoneby said...
YAY! Mimo gave me credit!
Awesome! Congrats, Toysgoneby! ;)
Keep Commenting!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Sonic Stud said...
Hey mimo! Just so you know on the club penguin home screen, with rockhoppers ship, yarr will still jump out of the crow's nest evey once in a while. Something tells me that club penguin was just to lazy to change this!
Yep, I noticed that, too! They should change it anytime ;)
Thanks for the tip xD
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
I hope new mission comes out really soon... There's nothing on notice board at the PSA Head Quarters... Hmm.
Let's wait and see! ;)
Keep commenting!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
I think just in a week ;)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
purplejoeler said...
mimo if you go to membership it says a mysterious secret room will be available for members
Wow! I noticed that too! Thanks for the tip! I think Mimo should post about it ;)
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
New Game will ROCK! =D New Game at the Mine! Awesome =D
And Congrats again, Toysgoneby! Totally a great moderator ;)
Keep commenting and modding!
=> Safa153 <=
kl hmmmmmm i bet the cave place will be a new room thats why one screen is blank in the secret agent room!
i bet u yarr and the night club puffle are in the mine hole and that means rockhopper stays longer sweeeeeeeet!!!
Cool! i can't wait!
I have a purple puffle plush :) not on a clip though
So cool!!I'm gonna get a membership card for my birthday if i get enough money:)i hope the new game IS in the Cave
☺cool thx for the tip
CCM223 :)
Do yiou really think there are going to be sharks I am scared of them.Any way it's great we will have two games in the mine.I can't seem to get my mind off it it is so cool I think yarr and the other missing pufles are in the cave.Are you sure it comes out this week?
Waddle on forever CP.
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
Mabye, that would be awesome!
I guess we have to wait and see :)
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
Mimo usually tweets or makes a post when mod changes are coming. I would guess that they are coming soon :)
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo its just a yellow puffle
It looks like theres just a yellow puffle, but chances are that there are more puffles back there. Mabye even Yarr ;)
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
Lolz, hopefully this game will be super easy and earn me lots o' coins! ;)
Waddling with the weird,
--Miss Brook22
Lol mabye it will be. It looks like it's gonna be awesome!
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
Do yiou really think there are going to be sharks I am scared of them.Any way it's great we will have two games in the mine.I can't seem to get my mind off it it is so cool I think yarr and the other missing pufles are in the cave.Are you sure it comes out this week?
Waddle on forever CP.
It looks like there will sharks in the game. The puffles are most likely hidden in the cave. CP said the cave would reopen in around a month, so hopefully this week :)
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
Pandagirl said...
Hi mimo! I want to say something. How there was a shark remember the underwater cave is down there so maybe there are sharks in there!
Cant wait!
It looks like there will be sharks in the new game since the picture for the new game has a shark on it.
-turtle140(CPG MOD)
I think you have to get puffles and save them from sharks that chase you
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
Luis2414 said: You are a mod please set an example and please be paitient.You know its not easy for mimo.Luis2414(CPG MOD)
Yo dude take a chill pill the guy only put on a few question marks! anyways its up to Mimo to control his website! p.s sharks will jump out from the hidden lake then attack puffles which are stranded in the cave!!! DUM DUM DUUUUUUUM! :)
I cant wait till the new game you can tell there is going to be something rescued becuase in the new catolog there is the rescue squad outfit
Hnwjanuary11 said...
I went to Toys R Us today...They didn't have the orange puffle :'( BUT...(You probably already know this but I have never seen these before!)They did have puffle plush clips! Like that RH clip you got, Mimo, but they are puffles and they are really tiny and plush! Did you already know this, because I didn't!
Btw, nice job Toys!
Cool! Did you get one? I would have! Thanks for the congrats!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
GalaxyShyft said...
So, i'm guessing that the cave game will be in the water. (because of the sharks...) but what if it were megatron land sharks that could transform into a GIANT MIMO! Ahh, we would all run and be afraid, but we would think giant Mimo's are cool. Until he squishes us. :/ Hmmm... Oh yes, and Toysgoneby, you are an AWESOME MODDER!
*Bows Down*
Thank Ypu! Thank You! You are all to nice! I would like to thank the academy, my pet Juanita, and Mimo! LOL! Thanks for all of that!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
HI Mimo777 Oops For Caps you Are The Best Bloger Of ClubPenguin Cheats You Are So Cool meet me on CP love jake
Sonic Stud said...
Hey mimo! Just so you know on the club penguin home screen, with rockhoppers ship, yarr will still jump out of the crow's nest evey once in a while. Something tells me that club penguin was just to lazy to change this!
Wow... that is some lazy work.. Good Observation!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Pandagirl said...
Hi mimo! I want to say something. How there was a shark remember the underwater cave is down there so maybe there are sharks in there!
Cant wait!
Maybe! Doesn't it make you wonder why that Diver's Suit item was so cheap? Will we have to wear it in the game?
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Cheiky said...
Hnwjanuary11 said...
I went to Toys R Us today...They didn't have the orange puffle :'( BUT...(You probably already know this but I have never seen these before!)They did have puffle plush clips! Like that RH clip you got, Mimo, but they are puffles and they are really tiny and plush! Did you already know this, because I didn't!
Btw, nice job Toys!
Mimo didn't mention it! Quick, ask him to give you credit!
Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
Quick! Ship it to Mimo! LOL. Mimo mentioned the Rockhopper clip, but not any puffle clip! Good Job Hnw!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
missionFREAK said...
Mimo,do you remember the drill we voted that can make trees? when will it happen? this month? next month
It will appear in April.... Most likely for Earth Day.... Can't Wait!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Luis2414 said...
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
You are a mod please set an example and please be paitient.You know its not easy for mimo.Luis2414(CPG MOD)
With all due respect, there was nothing wrong with that comment. She simply asked when mod changes were going to happen. I really do not see how that did not "set an example." I don't really mean to be like Scrooge, but that comment sorta bothered me.... That is my 2 cents.
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
I? Hope? So? I? Want? Them? Too? Mod? Changes? Please? Its? Been? Over? A? Month? Mimo? Help? Me? 3.14? What? No? Sense? I? Am? Making? E=MC2? Ahhh?
Bobhead202? (CPG? mod?)
Toysgoneby said...
missionFREAK said...
Mimo,do you remember the drill we voted that can make trees? when will it happen? this month? next month
I remember that! It will come in April. Trees! Trees! Get 'em while they're... umm... treeish?
Hope this helps!
Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
I really hope I'm a Mimo Mod when Mimo does the update! If not, I might dye! I will go over to my friend's house and tye-dye my shirt!
Yay yay yay!!=D cant wait,
-Monica CPG mod
Bobhead202 said...
I really hope I'm a Mimo Mod when Mimo does the update! If not, I might dye! I will go over to my friend's house and tye-dye my shirt!
Yeah, I hope you do well. Good luck, and keep up the good Modding! (When is the next update anyways? It should be soon!)
Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Ethanator said...
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
Polkadotblue9 said...
I just asked that to him like 5 seconds ago! Yup he probably will!
Really thats awusome!!=)
-Monica CPG mod
Bobhead202 said...
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
I? Hope? So? I? Want? Them? Too? Mod? Changes? Please? Its? Been? Over? A? Month? Mimo? Help? Me? 3.14? What? No? Sense? I? Am? Making? E=MC2? Ahhh?
Bobhead202? (CPG? mod?)
L? O? L? U? Crack? Me? Up? Sometimes? I? Like? Cookies? With? Icing? Someone? Get? Me? A? Mental? Pill?
Waddling? On? And? On? Hnwjanuary11? (CPG Mod?)
Anonymous said...
HI Mimo777 Oops For Caps you Are The Best Bloger Of ClubPenguin Cheats You Are So Cool meet me on CP love jake
Mimo rox my sox! Unfortunately Mimo can only meet you if you are a Mimo Mod or higher. Sorry!
Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Appleywazza said...
Hnwjanuary11 said...
Mimo? Are? Mod? Changes? Coming? Soon? Maybe? No? Yes? Why? Do? I? Keep? Asking? Questions? Help? Me? Please?
Luis2414 said: You are a mod please set an example and please be paitient.You know its not easy for mimo.Luis2414(CPG MOD)
Yo dude take a chill pill the guy only put on a few question marks! anyways its up to Mimo to control his website! p.s sharks will jump out from the hidden lake then attack puffles which are stranded in the cave!!! DUM DUM DUUUUUUUM! :)
Ugh, I! Am! A! Girl! :S But thanks for sticking up for me.
Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Safa153 said...
New Game will ROCK! =D New Game at the Mine! Awesome =D
And Congrats again, Toysgoneby! Totally a great moderator ;)
Keep commenting and modding!
=> Safa153 <=
Yeah! Toys is the best Modder besides you Safa! Remember when I was the first to be a Super Mod right away? I bet that's gonna happen to Toys soon!
Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
aw cheer said ... Cant wait till the new game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~slippeestars here me to i cant wait ,the game will probly be like puffle round up hidro hopper and aqua grabber and kinda like slidoos diving piceture game
christopher said... Oops i mean saweet! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~slippeestars here you said it the game will be saweet!and the new room!
anonymous said... its just a yellow puffle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~slippeestars here yes it is but if you just started cp or missed this but there is a room they shut down for safty and puffles cant wait and there will be a puffle game there hope i helped
wilbur5700 said... cool mimo you kno who! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~slippeestars here yes very awsome coolnes i am unpationt so cant wait so im glad cp puts it on thursdays like at one o clock so cant wait!
toysgoneby said... yay!mimo gave me credit! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~slippeestars here cool and yay for me your staying!
bobhead202 said... i was right! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cool it is fun to be right like if you perdicted something and your rite its cool i get exited when that happens!
slippeestars here i need it i cant wait it is probly most like hirdro hopper mabey just thinking?
Toysgoneby said...
GalaxyShyft said...
So, i'm guessing that the cave game will be in the water. (because of the sharks...) but what if it were megatron land sharks that could transform into a GIANT MIMO! Ahh, we would all run and be afraid, but we would think giant Mimo's are cool. Until he squishes us. :/ Hmmm... Oh yes, and Toysgoneby, you are an AWESOME MODDER!
*Bows Down*
Thank Ypu! Thank You! You are all to nice! I would like to thank the academy, my pet Juanita, and Mimo! LOL! Thanks for all of that!
Keep on Waddling!
-Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
Gasp! You forgot me! Just kidding, Toys. Great job, you should be a Mimo Mod! :O
Waddling on and on! Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)
Ok, some people are telling me to tell you about this: Yesterday at Toys R Us (Does Toysgoneby work there? ;]) there were some puffle clips! If you like find a pic of them, make a post! (I don't think you have posted about this but I had a feeling that you have...?)
Ethanator said...
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
You might want to tell him that on twitter. That's how he is following me now =D.
Ethanator said...
Hey mimo can you follow me please? I put both your banners on my site. I am also an Uber mimo mod ;)
polka said the same thing on twitter! also, heh heh, can YOU follow me on twitter too?
Push Zone(CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
Hm mm. In this game, will we see Herbert? Or maybe a shark or something else. Maybe, when it's released, the new mission will come out!
Push Zone(CPG mod)
mimo did u no dat the green puffle in the dance club if gone 2 from flabco
i think the new game wiil be called penguins to the rescue
Mimo is the charter on ur new banner u in cartoon form
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