I've been digging into this story and I finally found some answers. There are not bots or Ninjas on Club Penguin! Some of you have seen a few penguins at the top of the Night Club. Club Penguin told Mimo and Club Penguin Gang that only a few penguins can climb walls. BUT THIS IS A BUG! Club Penguin asked us NOT TO TRY to climb the walls because it messes up some of the games. So they have promised to fix this bug soon.
So what about those penguins with "bot" in their name? Just a few penguins trying to get attention that's all.

Now I am sure Club Penguin uses bots once in a while for certain testing and stuff. I think they use a bot for Rockhopper sometimes but not all the time. But those penguins you have been seeing ARE NOT BOTS.
Club Penguin told us there are NOT NINJAS on Club Penguin right now. Ok? They said they might make ninjas someday but not now. They would announce them in the newspaper and stuff if they ever do again.
So, don't believe everything you hear out there. Thanks for all the tips and help.
We have been looking at your contest pix all day! We are trying to figure out a way to post ALL the pix for you to see. The videos are all great too. We will keep looking at them. We will let you know soon.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

I didn't think they were real because they are cheat programs to climb on walls! Thanks for the update mimo, and nice picture!!
Agent Lc
omg i was just after going on and it changed!LOL!
That makes sense.:)
So do clubpenguin mail you then? Thats so cool! Keep on updating! You rock.. this is the best cheat site vere!
Agent Lc
i hope u liked my video mimo
its not THAT good though
i made in one whole day
my parents got mad!:P
but i Finally sent it off at..
i JUST made the deadline!:D
im just babbling now
i gotta stop
l8r mimo!
I look on CPG like very 20 minutes!
Agent Lc
P.S MIMo and the gang, I hope you like my videos, if you want me to make another I will be glad too. Like I said enjoy watching!
Nice Pic
wow thanks for the tip!I used to waste waste my time finding bots so thanks for the huge tip!well bye
Cool! I guess we shouldn't climb on walls. I didn't know that! Thanks Mimo!
It Was Kinda Weird Seeing Penguins, In Places Others Couldn't Get To.
hey mimo thanks for telling me this so i don't try it. Hey did u know that even though the mountain is called ski hill now, it'll still say "loading mountain" when its loading? lol its kinda funny! keep rocking mimo! :^)
Cool! : D
y do they hav to fix the bug its cool its the best thing that happened on cp to me every1 was all crazy and excited it was like a rally for the prez or something
i cant wait!
hey ummm on server frozen i go on right there are like ninjas cuz lots of penguins line up they say bot a bot b ect and the go in a straight line the always follow eachother and all that so i dont get it
Anyymous the cp team has to fix bugs so crazy thingds likewalking on walls doesnt happen anymore! Hope i helped!
anonymous said...
y do they hav to fix the bug its cool its the best thing that happened on cp to me every1 was all crazy and excited it was like a rally for the prez or something
if they dont fix the bugs on club penguin then that can lead to more and more bugs. then all of club penguin would be totally messed up and might have to shut down for a while. you dont need bug in club penguin to have fun. play games, decorate you igloo, and hang out with friends! thats what its for!
thanks for the tip mimo
Mimo Read This
Can't wait till the winners! And when will you post the winners? PLease answer!
Orange Land
hey i luv swans here.
Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...
So do clubpenguin mail you then? Thats so cool! Keep on updating! You rock.. this is the best cheat site vere!
Agent Lc
dear agent lc,
cp must of email him cause how wud he have found out.
sincerly ur friend,i luv swans(cpg mod)
orange land siad:
Mimo Read This
Can't wait till the winners! And when will you post the winners? PLease answer!
Orange Land
heyy orange !!i think he will post the winners on not sure but he said he will so yeah he will post on monday
hope it helped
ruth neo cpg mod
hey i luv swans here.
Anonymous said...
hey mimo thanks for telling me this so i don't try it. Hey did u know that even though the mountain is called ski hill now, it'll still say "loading mountain" when its loading? lol its kinda funny! keep rocking mimo! :^)
dear anonymous,
that is preetty funny good glitch u sure have an eye for things
sincerly,i luv swans (cpg mod)
hey i luv swans here.
Anonymous said...
y do they hav to fix the bug its cool its the best thing that happened on cp to me every1 was all crazy and excited it was like a rally for the prez or something
___________________________________dear anonymous,
they have to fix it because its messing up the games
sincerly i luv swans(cpg mod)
hey i luv swans here.
Orange Land said...
Mimo Read This
Can't wait till the winners! And when will you post the winners? PLease answer!
Orange Land
dear orange land,
mimo is gonna post the winners super anxcious also
sincerly,i luv swans(cpg mod)
hey i luv swans here.
soccer8kid said...
hey ummm on server frozen i go on right there are like ninjas cuz lots of penguins line up they say bot a bot b ect and the go in a straight line the always follow eachother and all that so i dont get it
dear soccer8kid,
i saw that too its super wierd those are the so called bots
sincerly,i luv swans(cpg mod)
Cool picture Mimo.=)
ppl use a new cheat program that makes copy bots of ur peng.sum ppl call them coby bots.
i just saw one today climb on the night club ppl kept saying he just wanted attention so the boohooed him but then he got off hes kinda cool
thx mimio! and also u should check out the main page on CP. its all messed up and zoomed in. idk y
RE:soccer kid
ther is a cheat program that lets u make copies of ur peng.they do exactly wat u do. sum ppl call them
botty guards - get it!?
ya anyway hope this awnserd any questions
waaaaaaaaaa i tryed 2 climb up night club before but it dont work cooley010203 cpg mod
To show the contest pics make a photobucket and make a slide show! Hoped that helped!
and i thought the ninjas were secret moteraters!!(or agents)!
A person asked:"Can't wait till the winners! And when will you post the winners? PLease answer! "
Mimo said about sunday or monday, But he might let us help him choose which one.
Hope this helps!
Chaos link(CPG mod)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...
So do clubpenguin mail you then? Thats so cool! Keep on updating! You rock.. this is the best cheat site vere!
Agent Lc
Hey Agent LC!
Well, Club Penguin can e-mail you, but when you send them fan-mail with questions, or tips or simply raves about CP, they usually e-mail you back saying thank you or giving you some answers!
If you wanna e-mail CP, check out the "Help" section of the home page and you should see a fan-mail e-mail there!
Nice Contest Video btw!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
ok good! that makes sense! well i didnt think that they can actually climb on walls and stuff! i thought it was some stupid gitch thing. o well anyways bye!
Hey Guys!
This is MIshMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo thanks for telling me this so i don't try it. Hey did u know that even though the mountain is called ski hill now, it'll still say "loading mountain" when its loading? lol its kinda funny! keep rocking mimo! :^)
Hey Anonymous!
Well because Club Penguin just finished a massive amount of updates, I think they just forgot about that small difference! :)
The Ski Hill used to be called "Top of Mountain" so I guess its sort of between Hill and Top of Mountain!
But with other rooms, like the Pizza Parlour, sometimes it says:
Loading pizza_parlour_thing!
I swear it had that before!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
thanks alot mimo! u ruined all the fun!
today i saw a person on the TVs in the HQ. it was weird and guess how many ppl were on the night club!GUESS! there was 18!
HI MIMO!!!!! UMMMMMM I know that there probably not ninjas but i want to know how penguins got black masks. Are they hackers cuz i wanted to know if i should report them.
- hetina
thanks for the pointers! i didn't think that the nijas were real. it was easy. did you see the showdows thiugh? i think that that is just details of penguins doing fun stuff. thanks! -Liznewyork
Hello Everyone!
Can I do it?
Can I make it?
What am I talking about?
I'm going to try to become a CPG Moderator! I've always wondered if I could become a CPG Mod. I also thought it would be very cool. And so many people have had so many questions so I would like to answer. So I am atleast going to try out.
Thanks for the chance,
Millywily (Beginner CPG Mod.)
hey anonymous im skylion(the girl)
the reason they fix bugs is beacuse if there is jus ine buf than it can make more and more bugs! dont rely on bugs to have fun!
hope this helped
skylion(Cpg mod)
Hello Everyone,
Soccerkid and alot of penguins said that the reason that people could get on the nightclub, is that because there is a new program to let you copy your penguin, I dug a bit deeper into the situation and all of you who said that that was true were partly right, some how you download it to your Club Penguin Official Website ONLY on YOUR computer! Strange, huh?
Thanks for thinking up the main situation to all you brilliant penguin players out there.
Millywily (Beginner CPG Mod.)
;D ~ :)
hey its skylion(the girl)
okk here is a glitch that is kinds funny with my computer minimize your inteernet while on cp than make it smaller with the arrow it make your peng and screen REALLY SMALL if you make it tiny enough lol
try it!
skylion(cpg mod)
hey orangeland im skylion(the girl)
mimo will post the winners SOON he is just having trouble picking a winner
hope this helped
skylion(cpg mod)
I can't wait! Can everyone else?
I want to know who are the winners! So many of you have surely made some great artwork and videos! Who ever the CPG's pick, it would not have been an easy choice, trust me! Think of how many thousands of people have entered.
Millywily (Beginner CPG Mod.)
;D ~ :)
Millywily (Beginner CPG Mod.) said...
Hello Everyone!
Can I do it?
Can I make it?
What am I talking about?
I'm going to try to become a CPG
Moderator! I've always wondered if I could become a CPG Mod. I also thought it would be very cool. And so many people have had so many questions so I would like to answer. So I am atleast going to try out.
Thanks for the chance,
Millywily (Beginner CPG Mod.)
dear milywilly
i think u will make a great mod ur my #1 fan i think u will do a great job
sincerly,i luv swans(cpg mod)
now there is postcard name glitch yesterday i opened my mail and there was no name my friend said same thing happened to her
SassyMacky (luv ya Mimo)
P.s. ya dont need to post on coments
I figured the 'bots' was a fluke. One time there was 'Item Bot' at the dock and people were swarming and screaming out names of items they wanted. I was like... O.o
Thanks for clearing this up for everyone Mimo!
Dear mimo and other c.p.g.monditers
some peolpe say there are ninjas because of this go to ski lodge look at the portrait above the fire place theres a penguins shadow ?????!!! and go inside the light house look behind the net penguins shadow??!! but i say clubpenguin is haunted!!!
from;shadow0super :]
I dont think you should report the penguins with the black masks,because they probably got ther masks from one of the plays!Hope I helped!
I luv swans,Yuor a great mod!Yuor fellow mod and friend gracie leann:)
tomichial,the numbers in tthe headquarter screens,arent the actual number in the room,because one day i checked! Hope i helped!
AH HA!!thats why the games on my computer stop working
lol anyways i also wanted to jion cpg :)
hey guys! im back to answer some more qs
now cp has to fix those bugs because, cool as they are, its not how you're supposed to play on cp. it can ruin the fun, and will escalate into bigger problems. plus, if cp ignored ALL of the glitches, then playing on club penguin would be a HUGE mess!!
lol agent lc, i dont think cp emailed mimo to tell him... lots of penguins have been sending emails to cp and each and every time, cp emails back saying there are NO ninjas on cp.
orange land, i think mimo will be posting the wieners very soon! the contest has ended, and i bet there are a LOT of awesome entries out there! good luck everyone!!
and millywilly, being a mod is super easy and really fun. have faith in yourself, you can do it!
I'm here to answer Orange Land's question!
Orange Land said:
Mimo Read This
Can't wait till the winners! And when will you post the winners? PLease answer!
Orange Land
Hi Orange Land!
Mimo said that he would post the winners soon, preferably sunday or monday.
Hope this helps!
anonymous said:
thanks alot mimo! u ruined all the fun!
Dear anonymous,
Many ppl asked Mimo about bots and ninjas. So, Mimo, being the helpful person he is, emailed CP on their behalf. So Mimo is just telling those ppl that asked him about the bots and ninjas what CP told him, not trying to ruin the fun for you.
Another thing, I'm not trying to offend you, but i sorta disagree with you. Although trying out cheats can be LOADS of fun, can't deny it, they sometimes cause loads of problems on CP. So if everyone cheats, CP would go haywire and would have to close down! That would be terrible!
Your friend,
Mimo once i saw a black penguin standing on the top of the night club. Heaps of penguins were yelling "How did u get up there". It was weird the penguin standing on the night club wasn't moving or saying anything.
Dear Anonymous,
Your Q.was...
y do they hav to fix the bug its cool its the best thing that happened on cp to me every1 was all crazy and excited it was like a rally for the prez or something
A. Club Penguin has to fix the bugs so that the game will work properly. If they don't fix them then the game will be all weird.
Hope that helped :D
Rabbs2 (cpg mod)
Heeeerrrrrreeesss Uphill Boy!
Get it, get it!
Anonymous said...
Thanks alot mimo! you ruined all the fun!
Mimo isn't to blame! He didn't do it! He's just telling you not to! He would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER TRY to ruin the fun! Club Penguin Team is the one trying to make people stop! But that doesn't mean you can have a go at them! I mean, come on! It's Mimo!
Uphill Boy (CPG moderator)
Hi Mimo! Cool spray you've got! Hehe, bug spray to stamp out the bugs......... you should let CP have some to stamp out the bugs on the site. Maybe I could use some to wipe out the bugs on my computer!
woah ALL the images? COOL my picture will be on a website. And so will all the other people's.
actually mimo they re hackerz they ban me forever so I told clubpenguin and they unban me
wat about the copy bots? they r weird. i said copy bots stink and they said i stink! it was funny! lol
ha ha, i have or had a friend who's name was botninja XD
Orange Land said...
Mimo Read This
Can't wait till the winners! And when will you post the winners? PLease answer!
Orange Land
Hey Orange!
It should be today, but it might be delayed until tomorrow. I think mimo is going to have a vote.
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...
So do clubpenguin mail you then? Thats so cool! Keep on updating! You rock.. this is the best cheat site vere!
Agent Lc
Yo Agent!
Yeah i guess cp emails him, otherwise i dont think mimo woulod get so much details.
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
but if there are rele no bots, then how do u explain the cubes and the futiles? they do everything at the exact same time and they do EVERYTHING at the exact same time. i got a pic of the futiles and blowsight got a pic of the cubes. those are rele bots. i swear! even if they used IM they wouldn't be able to do everything at the exact same time.
mimo when i saw a bot he told us to google club penguin hq.weird.anyway thanks mimo
I hope I win the contest!
gracie leann
thank you so much u are a great friend to maybe we can meet on cp and become real buddys on cp on fjord at 1:00 cptz today hope to see u there if u cant maake it its ok
sincerly,i luv swans
mimo couple days ago me and some other penguins where at the dojo and there was a penguin on the roof, he said he was a ninja, thats why he was on the wall. we said that ninjas weren't real then he disappeared! but now i have the answer thanks mims. (thats a good nickname) sry so long
mimo guess what guess what?!?! i saw a penguin named man and one named penguin and one named women!!
millywilly says:
I can't wait! Can everyone else?
I want to know who are the winners! So many of you have surely made some great artwork and videos! Who ever the CPG's pick, it would not have been an easy choice, trust me! Think of how many thousands of people have entered.
I can't wait either, its going to be great. I think Mimo and the gang are going to have fun choosing! I don't think I will make it, but there always is next time and I like making them! I really want to see CPG though! If I do win. I can't wait!
Agent Lc :)- a fan of Mimo and his gang:)
Actually people climbling on the nightclub, is not a bug.
Its a hack using cp trainer [i think they use cp trainer]
Hacks cant be fixed or blocked that well.
But they will make ninjas one day.
hey gracie leann, actually i have to disagree with you... there are cp trainers that allow you to be ninjas. its considered cheating and it violates cp's terms of use. there havent been any plays with ninja masks =]
but if you just see like a black penguin with maybe a black hat and sweater, then its totally ok. but if they have the mask and belt, gray feet and beak, etc... that person is cheating.
wow! Some good CPG mods coming along. Good luck on choosing winners mimo ;)
Agent Lc- always here to help!
mimo i emailed cp and the dude said there are probably on the island
tomichael says:
wat about the copy bots? they r weird. i said copy bots stink and they said i stink! it was funny! lol
I found that out too! They copy you, I kept on saying Mim o, rocks and they actually said it! :)
Agent Lc
I think people mainly hack and cheat so they can keep the freedom alive. Beta penguins are real.
Bots might not be. But i just think they shouldn't fix every glitch since no website should be completley unflawed. If there isn't any flaws and it just runs fast and perfectly, its not as fun or real. And if they keep taking away glitches and adding tons of new updates, penguins will get sick of it and leave, then there wouldn't be any website to enjoy anymore with less people and glitches. Glitches are just reality, and some should stay.
Yes! There have been alot of bugs around. The PSA has been going crazy! They went even crazier when they saw the first one. Well anyway, Nice Picture! I love it! I wish i could draw like that. I want to be a drawer when i grow up. See ya soon!
Thx mimo i knew they were not ninjas or bots they used Trainer before it closed down u Rock!
Tahnks for the tip floob!
i luv swans,were actually buddies already on there:)Sorry I couldent make it,I was enrolling in my new school:( Maybe we can meet another time! Yuor a great friend!
yeah guys, those copy bots are just normal people who just copy n paste what other people say. they just want attention.
Wat are bots?
perteco, these "bots" dont really exist. they were supposedly cp issued robots that walked around club penguin that were computer generated and controlled, that would repeat everything that anyone said. turns out theyre not real bots =]
Thanx mimo for checking it out!! I was the one who put the comment in a couple of days ago about it. I was so confused but that helped me alot! THANX MIMO!!!
I already saw three! They were kinda amazing I'd love to try to do it but, It's gonna mess a game! Is it fixed? I saw three this August 24! Am I pointless Mimo?
hey minmo
are there such thing as SUPER AGENT NINJA IN CLUB PENGUIN.
Wow! Good Job For who ever when I hope you like it! Mimo777, I have met you on clubpenguin at a party. But I want to join your site. Can I? I will not be able to meet you in real life because I have strict parents about who I meet even though I am 12.
i know that ninjas are real now but long time ago they were not ninjas but hackers the bots are ppl but type good and fast and capitilze
hey Mimo , now you can make bots with cheating programs. all i have is a team of test penguins!
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