Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Penguin Games Free Items Cheat and Other Coolness!

Wow! The new Penguin Games are here! Pretty cool. The face paint is back! Here is how to find the red and blue face paint

Step 1. Go to the The Town.
Step 2. Go into the Coffee Shop.
Step 3. Click on the red face paint over at the left.

For the blue Face Paint do this.

Step 4. Go to the Plaza.
Step 4. Go to the Pizza Parlor.
Step 6. Click on the Blue face paint on the stage.

Now go try the running games! make sure you make all the lights go off as you run by them or you won't get credit!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


Outtacntrll said...

wow. awesome!

Anonymous said...

There's a swimming one also.
Chaos link(CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

This rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! They brought back the Face Paint! Thanks for the cheat! I can't believe I have face paint now!! IM SO HAPPY!

john said...

The marathon doesnt work. :(

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Woot! They brought the face paint back Mimo! And there is an events checklist! Awesome! You can get prizes!


Anonymous said...

How do we get our medal?

Anonymous said...

awesome thx

Anonymous said...

hey penguins its skylion (the girl)

hes right make sure you hit ALL the light (i missed one before and i kept trying to get another one and i kept saying its broke) lol

so yea just wanteded to say that

skylion(cpg mod)

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

Okay, Thanks mimo

Agent Lc

No. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanx Mimo this is awesome! Hurray CP!!

xXx JaDe xXx said...

cool, ur really fast mimo!! also u have to finish the 3 races to claim the prize!!

No. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i cant do the marathon
the second light wont go off
i keep doing it over and over again and it wont work
plz help!

Anonymous said...

i was confused at first but i got it! you rock mimo! this is so fun cause it can tell your running by! i liked the swimming

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

yes is so cool!

Anonymous said...

the lights dont go off anyway!:(

Anonymous said...

well im not a mod but 553girl after you complete the three games the thing will pop up and click the " claim prize" butten, ok? if you need more info just ask


Anonymous said...

i'm having trouble with the first light in the town, it won't light up and all the other ones behind are lit up and i don't know what's going on?????????

No. said...

Lion Tamer 1 said...

The marathon doesnt work. :(
Hey Lion Tamer 1,
The Marathon works. But if you miss one light then it won't count, so it won't work. So make sure to hit all the lights!

-Sparkforever(CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Awesome ive got the medal
Sorry im late NZ time
mimo theres something wrong the comment list on your cheat says 0


Anonymous said...

Lion tamer said the marathon dosent work

the marathon does work u need all the lights to go off before u can get it checked off

lucylu CPG mod

is this how u become a MOD

Anonymous said...

Dear 553girl.
Your Q. was...
How do we get our medal?

A. Well you get the medal once you hace completed all the events. To find out what events there are just click on the medal in the corner of the screen.
Hope that helped :)
Rabbs2 (cpg mod)

Greengrocer2 said...

Thanks Mimo!

- Greengrocer2

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

I spent the past 35 minutes doing it, The lights wouldn't turn on lol

Agent Lc

Janthran said...

dude, you need ALL the lights...and all the games.

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

anonymous says:
i'm having trouble with the first light in the town, it won't light up and all the other ones behind are lit up and i don't know what's going on?????????


Have you missed one out? Gone to fast or maybe stepped out of the track try not to do those thngs. It messes the lights up. I had truble with it to

Agent Lc

Anonymous said...

Mimo, the lights for the marathon were not working :( How can I finish it?

Anonymous said...

guys if yu cant finish the marathon that means you missed some i just figured that out

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, i got the medal and then i logged off but i still had the medal
then i tried the marathon again and the lights wont light up!

Unknown said...

THE PARTY ROCKS!!! i like the music in the ski lodge

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet i got the gold medal already.

Hkpvxprs(CPGs biggest fan)

Anonymous said...

Please answer,

temporarlyinsane said...

And CPG sorry for commenting so much but my party will be at mammoth at 11 A.M. (P.S.T.) at the dock and than at 11 A.M. (P.S.T.) at flippers in the dock ;)

Anonymous said...

Soccer ty said...
i cant do the marathon
the second light wont go off
i keep doing it over and over again and it wont work
plz help!

PS this is for everyone)

Make sure you've gotten them all! I missed one and had to start all over!!

Big Goonie (CPG Mod)

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

anonymous says:
Please answer,

You have to help people who have questions leave your name too(penguin name)

Agent Lc

Anonymous said...

hey penguins its skylion(the girl)

for all the penguins who keep sayin gthe lights arent working

1. make sure you go in the right place
2.make sure you hit ALL the lights

hope this helped

skyylion(cpg mod)

Greengrocer2 said...

Anonymous said...
Please answer,

It's pretty simple actually. What you do is look for questions that people have asked and then answer them. That's all there is to it but make sure you sign your name like this:

- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, in the stage when you click on the sign that says team red and go blue. A yellow puffle with red or blue face paint on its face. I just didn't think you knew.


Anonymous said...

it wont workk.. :( im gonna try it tomarow.


Anonymous said...

thanks mimo! i finally have my gold medal!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
How are you? Thanks for all your hints you know i got the face paints and happy i even got a medal by the penguins games By your advice. thank you so much i will never forget your help mimo thanks

coolgirl said...

Hey Mimo,
How's it goin well i suppose it is fine.I am very thankfull to you i got a medal for winning in all 3 penguin games i too found the face paints you told me . it was a bit tought in the swimming games but even though i won thank you very much mimo and your friends

yube5 said...

if you wear your face paint of any color and wave you will be holding a sign saying either GO BLUE or GO RED

P.S. do i get credit?

yube5 said...

if the lights do not turn on than do this:
1. log off
2. log back on
3. start over again

hope this helps

Anonymous said...

basta hugs said,
hey mimo i got the medel and i logged of and i still had the medel then i tride the marethon another time but the lights wont light up!
i know wat the problem is. i tride it to and it did the same gessing clubpenguin is thinking you want another medel so they stopped you for doing it cause ya know that is kinda wrong. hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

If u press wave,u can hold up a sign.Like u yur wearing the blue,u hold the sign that says,"GO BLUE"
and for red,"GO RED"

Anonymous said...

mimo what team do you like BLUE! or red...plz be blue!lol

Anny Ning said...

back to answer more questions =]

to get the medal you must complete all of the races

If a light doesn’t go off, try restarting cp and then start the race again. It worked for me!

To be a mod, all you gotta do is answer peoples questions! Its that simple! Theres no signing up or asking mimo. Just do it. =]

Mimo is rooting for the blue team! Woohoo! Of course, the red team rocks too =]

Anonymous said...

Just stop at every light and they will light up.

I got an extra cheat for the face paint. If you only wear the face paint and have nothing else on. Then you wave, you will hold up a sign saying with 'Go Red' or 'Go Blue' depending on which paint you are wearing.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder why they don't give out the big finger gloves and clown wigs o_O

Greengrocer2 said...

Binnow said...
Gee, I wonder why they don't give out the big finger gloves and clown wigs o_O

Hmmm, maybe because it's a sports themed party. Maybe they might give them out at a clown themed Club Penguin party!

- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
Please Answer,
Hi there!
Have no fear, your friend Bunnybubu is here!
Nah, just kidding, I'm not some super penguin. Just feel like havin some fun!
Anyway, back to ur question. All u need to do is to scroll thru comments looking for questions. Answer them by commenting, but remember to put your penguin name as well as (cpg mod)
Hope this helps!
Bunnybubu (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

lol cool cheat, I tried the marathon its hard to make sure all the lights r on but thx for advice!

Anonymous said...

CAnt get the lights 2 work on 1st race HELP ME!!

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous
your question was
Please answer,

well to be a cpg moderator you have to look through the comments for questions and answer them and sign your penguins name (CPG Moderator)
hope this halps!!!
waddles681 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Did You Know If You Have Only Only The Red or Blue Face Paint You Can Hold The Table With Go Red Or Go Blue Say On The Table So Just Have The Color Of Your Choise And Wave

Anonymous said...

I have the face paint!!!! anyway this is lame

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