Here are the hidden items cheats in the new Club Penguin Snow and Sports Catalog.

Here's how to find the first hidden item.
Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Ski Village."
Step 3. Go into the Winter Sports Shop.
Step 4. Now click on the catalog in the lower right.
Step 5. Click to the 5th page.
Step 6. Click on the left pom pon.
Now you can buy the Orange Football Helmet.

Here's the Silver Surfboard!

Here's how to find the new hidden Silver Surfboard.
Step 7. Click to the 6th page.
Step 6. First click on the penguin's surfboard.
Step 7. Next click on the sea shell.
Step 8. Finally, click on the star.
Now you can buy the Silver Surfboard!
Hmm. I guess that's cool. But it's not new.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Thanks Mimo You rock!!
~553Girl (CPG Mod Hopeful)
haha wow your really fast. i thought that stuff wasnt supposed to be out for like two more hours!
Cool I Like The New Pin. It Is Cool. I Also Liek The New Items In The Sports Catalog And I Have The Ship Igloo Now. YAY!!! Do You Like The New Stuff, Mimo777?
oh so cool YOU ROCK!!
Sweet! :)
they usually have a bit more cheats....
smoooooooooooooth mimo. nice one
Same old same old.
these days it seems club penguin doesnt put that many hidden items in catalogs anymore... is is that just me?
Shnopie,Actually if you log off a 12:01 p.m and log back on the new features will be there!Hope I helped!
MiMiflip, totally agree with you Mimo Rocks!!
hey i luv swans here,
kacheek951 said...
(do you like the new stuff mimo777?)
honestly i dont kno if mimo likes the new stuff but i have a feeling he does but since hes not a member it probaly drives him crazy having to post this stuff and not be able to buy hope i helped
sincerly,i luv swans(cpg mod)
I like the sports catalodge shame there isn't loads in it:)
Agent Lc
kacheek951 said...
(do you like the new stuff mimo777?)
Dear kacheek951, I luv swans alrady answerd and she is correct. i bet he does like the new stuff!!
hope this helped,
Princenavy(cpg moderator)
hey i luv swans here.
Shnophie (cpg moderator) said...
these days it seems club penguin doesnt put that many hidden items in catalogs anymore... is is that just me?
dear Shnophie (cpg moderator),
dont worry it isnt just you i feel the same way i like it when there is more secret items.
sincerly,i luv swans(cpg mod)
Agent Lc I agree with you its a shame they didnt put more in it!
By the items there it looks like THE CLUBPENGUIN OLIMPICS!!!
hey guys, make sure to put "cpg moderator" after your name ONLY if you are actually moderating =]
~just a friendly reminder from your crazed and peeved-at-her-jet-lag floob (its 4:00 am and im wiiide awake!)
it dosent show the ssurfboard the silver 1
hey teddy, to get the silver surfboard, go to the page with all the surfboards on it, then click on the surfboard that the penguin is holding (it'll turn into the pink flowered one), then click on the seastar and the shell thats on the ground next to the penguin. theres the silver surfboard! =D
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