Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Club Penguin Soccer Pitch Now Open to Non Members!

Sweet! The Soccer Pitch is now open to Non Members! YESS! I am so happy! the Penguin Games are now over. But I'm glad they let us cool non members have some sweet soccer action!

They also put the Soccer Pitch on the Map! But it's only here for awhile. But maybe they will kep it forever! Do you like the Soccer Pitch better than the Ice Rink?

Anyone know why they call it a "pitch?" Is that what they call it over in England? Here we call it a soccer field.

Thanks for the hint everyone!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


Anonymous said...

Great now 5 can see it for the first time! You rock Mimo777!!!

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

Cool now members and non-members are equal again! lol


Josh said...

Finaly The Soccer Pitch Is Open For Non Members !!!

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

I'm really really REALLY sorry I'm not around that much anymore. But ill be hanging out more now!

P.S. I'm going on vacation tomorow! but I'll still be able to post comments! ;)

Ye11 lol lol

Josh said...

Finaly The Soccer Pitch Is Open For Non Members !!!

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE CLUB PENGUIN DS GAME! I heard you can unlock secret outfits for your penguin online by unlocking codes on the DS Version! lol lol

ya biggest fan


Ericka said...

Floob,can we meet sometime on cp?

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

Does anyone know why we say "lol" a lot? I don't but why.... lol lol

ya biggest (and chatterboxiest whatever that is) fan


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it was so awesome!
when i went there i thought hold on am i a member?!
but then i checked the map and so the soccer pitch!
but it would have been cool if i was!
thanks for the update Mimo
- craz4candy2

Anonymous said...

uhhhh idk good question.Sorry mimo



Katy said...

is that a party clue?

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...

I'm making up new words! wanna hear one....? I knew it! OK so heres one...

Word: Volmp
Meaning: When you aggressively crumble a piece of paper.
Sample Sentence: I'm so mad I could Volmp!

OK so thats one *lolz*

ya biggest (and funniest) fan

Ye11 ;)

Anonymous said...

I guese... Its OKAY but I did like the Ice Rink but I do like change so mabye it will grow on me.


doggyfat said...

woo yay i got my own thing thing like this sorry i forgot what its called yay

I want to meet you mimo

Anonymous said...

Idk what a soccer itch is since you wrote it on your site :p

doggyfat said...

hey mimo i go on the server marshmellow can we meet now plz i want to meet you i hope you want to meet me
and this is my real name is clubpenguin


Anonymous said...

Hey purlpe moon!

It's Pearlwhite27!

You asked:
Q: is that a party clue?

A: Nope! If Mimo was having a party he would have told us about it and then said there were clues coming. But keep your eyes peeled for a party! Hope this helps! =)

Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

They should leave it as a soccer pitch because hockey is sooooo boring!!
-Soccergal 43

Anonymous said...

I think the soccor pitch is ok. It doesn't really go with Club Penguin because cp is on an ICE BERG made out of ICE so a soccor pitch with grass isn't really icy.
Where the hockey rink is made out of ice and that goes better with cp. Really think about it. Is there really any grass on an ice berg or a piece of ice?!?!?

write a comment saying how u feel. Do you like it or not?

~*~*~ 674sparkly ~*~*~

Anonymous said...

The soccer feild is cool but I wish we could have both because sometimes im in the mood for soocer and other times im in the mood for Ice hockey.
I hope they keep it, and make a new Ice rink!
-Yours Snowcone342

Anonymous said...

Soccer pitch is the same as a socccer field
-According to my mom this is

Bola Solebo said...

they took the decorcations down there dow and i luv soccer

Anonymous said...

Maybe CP will open a new Ice Rink and stay with the soccer field. What do everyone thinks?

Anonymous said...

I hope it stays.

Anonymous said...

Hi its 674sparkly again.

I still dont think think the soccor pitch goes, but maybe they can have both. A soccor pitch and a hockey rink. Like they had at the party, but u can get to both places from the map.

~*~*~ 674sparkly ~*~*~

Greengrocer2 said...

purlpe moon said...
is that a party clue?

Hey there.
Umm i don't really think it's a party clue there isn't really anything in this post that would give us a clue to one of his parties...

- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)

Anny Ning said...

haha no this isnt a clue =]

a soccer pitch is the field that people play soccer in. get it?

gracie, of course! we should totally meet up. i'll probably be on around 9:45 pm server fjord today, maybe i'll be checkin out the soccer pitch =] come join me?

Anny Ning said...

erm mimo its called a pitch cuz it's fenced in and slightly lower than the ground, so the soccer ball wont fly up and hit a poor spectator ^_^

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo yey its open!!!!=)
Now me and my friends can play soccer!!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks, i like i football place

Anonymous said...

well in new zealand its a mix. some days its a rugby field and a soccer pitch,ands vice versa.
Mimo Rocks.
ferrari 206

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.Will It Be Open All Clubpenguin?

I Wonder.:)

Becuase Even Though The Party Is Over, Its Still That? Thanks Mimo.

Anonymous said...

Yeah pitch is wat they call it in England cause I live there

Anonymous said...

cool im a member any way but still in england we call it a football pitch not soccer field

Anonymous said...

Mimo I'm English in England a Soccer field is called a football pitch. And just to say, harly anyone is posh in England. I don't know how they get those posh jokes from.

Anonymous said...

soccer field.

in england we call it a football pitch.

Anonymous said...

Yeh we call it a pitch in england but we call it football not soccer.

Anonymous said...

no in england we call it a football field or a football pitch

Anonymous said...

Hiya mimo. Here in England a soccer pitch is called a Football stadium!

P.S Can I work on this site in any way. Or can I beta test your secret club penguin site!

-Sky High Z

Anonymous said...

yh i live in England most people call it the pitch.


Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

Yeah, its called pitch in england. Thanks for update.

Agent Lc

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

avatar14 says:
I hope it stays.


Me too, but its only going to stay for a long time.

Agent Lc

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

unclepanza says:
Maybe CP will open a new Ice Rink and stay with the soccer field. What do everyone thinks?


I do, but it will be only opening for a long time.

Agent Lc

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

Hurray Mimo! I am a non-member too now! Non-members rule. I am soo glad you can get in there.

Agent Lc

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Mimo in england it's called football and it's called a pitch!

Anonymous said...

mimo777 is that coool or wat cooley010203

Technokid97 said...

I am english


(If you did'nt know, we also call it a football stadium)

Anonymous said...

thats cool now we can finally see it

ps over in great britan and ireland we call it a football pitch

Anonymous said...

im from england

Anonymous said...

The socer pitch is way better than the rink. The rink is so boring now.

Anonymous said...

yes here in england, we call it a football pitch

Rachel said...

no i live in england and we call it a football pitch

Anonymous said...

Here in the U.K. we call it a football pitch. Soccer is football, and American football is Rugby here. ;D

Love__Musicx(Luckyluckble) said...


Ericka said...

Floob,sorry I could not go yesterday to meet you:( I had to go to bed for school the next day for orentation.Maybe we could meet at an earlier time today?Like 6?

Anonymous said...

i live in UK and here they call it "pitch".they also call soccer "football".why can't they settle for 1 name?

Unknown said...

I think the soccer field gave it away that mimo is a member

Anonymous said...

over here in uk we call it a football field

Anonymous said...

It's called a football pitch in england.

Anonymous said...

lol! yeah mimo we call it a soccer pitch here in Ireland 2! :-D

Anonymous said...

Mimo, it's probably called a pitch because they are based in Canada. That's probably what they call it in Canada. And yes, they call it a pitch in England..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, in England we call it a 'pitch', but we say 'football pitch'

Anonymous said...

i dnt no and im from england

Anonymous said...

soccer pitch means to join in on the action. in england soccer is called football

Anonymous said...

In England, we call a "Soccer Field" a Football Pitch.

also, a question, why in america, do you have American Football, and you use your hands?!?!? to be honest, american football is more like rugby. it should be american rugby.

Anonymous said...

in england we call soccer, football!!!!
we call it a football stadium

Anonymous said...

In england they call them football pitches.
Its good for non members now.

Anonymous said...

I think Soccer is better! They should keep it (or maybe both)! however, for me its running kind of glitchy.

Anonymous said...

YEAH! I LOVE the Soccer Pitch more than the Ice Rink!!

Anonymous said...

i like the soccer pitch btr thaan the ice rink

Unknown said...

The soccer pitch is waay better than the hocker feild cause in the hockey felied to look offical u need a hockey stick but in soccer u only need ur two old fashioned good old flippers!

Anonymous said...


Kayleigh said...

im in ireland and they call it a pitch over here too ^_^

Anonymous said...

In Great Britain we call it a football pitch (soccer is what we call football)


Unknown said...

I was the one that e-mail cp with the soccer field idea!

Anonymous said...

Ugh- Now I have to SHARE the ball with even more penguins...LOL! I hope they Keep the sooccer field is so awesome!! too bad I'm a non member again, My membership exspired so I banned myself! =[

Anonymous said...

im a member
meet me on at bigfoot
500 cp time
in the dojo
my name is webkinslova
plz come

Glynnannsbff said...

someone asked
is that a party clue?
no it is not a party clue just a post cuz mimo usually gives a heads up 4 a party.
someone else asked
is it open to all of club penguin?
yes yes it is!lol
Thx 4 da questions
~Glynnannsbff(maybe future cpg mod)~

Anonymous said...

i like em both

Anonymous said...

dear joshua mimo is not a member he somtimes copys his penguin on to things n plus now the soccer pitch r field r stadium is open to non members

Anonymous said...

i am from australia and we call it soccer and fottball is the one with the hands

Anonymous said...

I actually like the Ice Rink better. The soccer pitch looks nicer, but it seems to have some glitches, plus the ball doesn't have a rolling animation. :/ Maybe I'm just picky.
It was nice to see it though. I like how big the nets are.

Anonymous said...

Sure! i love the soccer pitch!! its way better that the ice rink!! theres more ppl so you can hang out with rather than the old ice rink!!

pinjypop from CP!

Anonymous said...

yes mimo it is called a pitch in the uk and i think they should keep it

Anonymous said...

it is called a football pitch over here in england!

Anonymous said...

We call it a pitch in england

Benpengy & Katieburns said...

Hey mimo, Benpengy here!

I Live in england and we call it a football pitch

Anonymous said...

yeah people in england call a soccer fields football pitches.
(like myself)

Anonymous said...

mimo in england we call it football pitch or a football field

Anonymous said...

its a pitch in ireland

Anonymous said...

hey mimo. you know who you can be invisble at the iceburg if you turn blue and your invisible. well if you turn light green and go to some certain parts at soccer pitch you can be green!!

~darts noah

Anonymous said...

Because its a pitch of grass in the middle of a snow land :D

Anonymous said...

im happy they let it open to nonmembers, but are you SERIOUS?????? i LOVE the ice rink WAY more than the pitch. i like them both tho.

just sayin my opinion,

Penghoop said...

yo mimo i think the reason its called a pitch in BRITAIN not england is coz it was first played on the type of mud pitch the one that burns easily and you can use to preserve mummies in lol.
thanks for the hint mimo


tutso said...

soccer in england is football and football is rugby. i have been there twice:)

tutso said...

but i live on the coast. so its 8 to 9 hour flight:( and i get airsick:(

Greengrocer2 said...

webkinslova Penguin name said...
im a member
meet me on at bigfoot
500 cp time
in the dojo
my name is webkinslova
plz come

Sorry, Mimo can't meet you because he is too busy. What you can do though, is look out for one of his parties or you can try and enter competitions where you can meet Mimo for the prize!

- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

u live in england?!!?!?!:0

Anonymous said...

Soccer is the best!

Anonymous said...

in england they do call it pitch

Anonymous said...

I want the ice rink:( I miss it:( But its nice that its open for non members=]

Anonymous said...

yeah ur rite! over here in England we call it a pitch rather than a field.


Anonymous said...

I like them both but i like the ic rink better. My penguin likes to slide <3 =]

Anonymous said...

we call it a pitch here in england

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

ye of course it will be better

Anonymous said...

yup its called pitch here in europe

Anonymous said...

Yup, over here in England they call it a football pitch, not American Football but English football, which is way better!

Anonymous said...

Is Mimo a non member i dont know can someone tell me

Anonymous said...

im gald cause 2 days ago my memberhip expierd cuse of my mom. thanks alott mom!grrr...plz post

Anonymous said...

down it BRITIAN we call it football pitch cause we don call it soccer

not just elgland call it that but notheran irland WALES (we rock in wales) and scottland and of course elgland

wen ur next party mimo (just askin)

Anonymous said...

mimo i think its called a pitch to see if people like it and if lotza people go there every day then they will probably bring back the ice rink and keep that where the hockey was during the penguin games. so pitch probably means that they are pitching the idea.
please give me credit!
- sandspirit97

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo im from England but Im not English

They call it Football pitch in here!

Sometimes field


Anonymous said...

hey 764 sparkly!

sandspirit97 here!

heres a coment: well cp isnt an iceburg
its ground with ice on top of it.
and i think the soccer pitch is ok,its nice to see some grass on cp

Greengrocer2 said...

Anonymous said...
Is Mimo a non member i dont know can someone tell me

Hey there,
Yes, that's right. Mimo is a non member. He doesn't want a membership because he thinks that Club Penguin is just as fun without having a membership.

- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)

Greengrocer2 said...

Anonymous said...
u live in england?!!?!?!:0

Hello there,
Mimo doesn't live in England, he lives in America. You probably got confused, Mimo was only trying to find out if they call it a football pitch in England. He didn't say that he lives in England.

- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

meow he its the random english guy here im here to tell you that in england we call it a football pitch

Anonymous said...

its called a football pitch in endland !! (i take it ur not english ) lol

Anonymous said...

u r partly right by saying that we cal it a "soccer pitch" in england. actually, the american name "soccer" is actually football in england or europe.

Anonymous said...

i liked the ice rink bettter i hope they bring it back soon the soccer pich was a bad idea

Anonymous said...

Yeah it is called a soccer pitch in england/ireland/scotland/wales.
cool! are you from America?

pancack2onpancack10 said...

we english call soocer felids football pitches

Anonymous said...

Why do they have special partys for members we should be equal, but i'm happy it was open to nonmembers

(From as you all know Tyminty A.K.A minty

Planejerle18 said...

Ye11 (a penguin just a penguin) said...
Does anyone know why we say "lol" a lot? I don't but why.... lol lol

ya biggest (and chatterboxiest whatever that is) fan

Lol means laugh out loud
Planejerle18 (CPG Mod In Training)

Anonymous said...

on the sports catalog, go to the page with the guy kicking the ball, click on the ball and you will be able to purchase the GREEN JERSEY for 600 C

MOD Titanius

starfy12345 said...

When was there an ice rink!?!? Thr is jst a scr ptch

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