In the latest post at blog.clubpenguin.com Billybob has sort of given away what the new way of decorating our penguins will be. As you read it, you'll brush right by the answer if your not looking straight at it. Yes, I'm guessing it will be HAIR!
Rumors floating around suggest rainbow colored hair as well as a salon in the Plaza. Who knows!
We'll find out in two days. We'll have it for you right here.
Thanks Lols885, for the help on this one.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
that'll be so kool! rock on ClubPenguinGang!
I reckon there will be like afros and
pony tails and stuff like that or beards and maybe even armpit hair!!!
From Doobie Pengu.
Hey mimo.Can i be a cheat agent.I have too many,I will tell you all.Please.I am your friend joanna7777.You can chek out my site too.
And mimo in the boxes its hair.If you look you will see why.
cool but not great i mean not to offend but hair seems kinda pointless
if you know what i mean.
rock on mimo777 keep up the good work!!! ;-)
You haven't really ever been wrong before! You people rock! Hopefuly there is stuff for none members too.
~~<3 Ollieoscar
Thats awesome thanks mimo
it wont look like that
i think that hair is a false pic i can make that in 10 min but it would be kool and a salon oh yea i will sure love that i just hape that theyl give us non-members some hair too =)
Oh boy hair!!!What i've been waiting for.Thanks Mimo777
wasssup mimo? nice hair doo! i cant wait til they come out with the mystery fashon! i think your right! im gonna get a mohawk! lol
Shon :D
i agree its going to be hair. billybob said it ,combing, crimp.
its so easy to see its hair.
i think that there will be lots of different hair styles like ponytails, beards, and maybe even mohawks!;)
Cha! That'll be kickin' sweet!!
i think the hair will be cool
i hope we hair mimo ur the best
where do u get these rumours? please answer
The newspaper also say "HEADS up!"
i cant wait because i actualy gave the idea to them i think. -dinnerrolls-
Uh hi since you know what will be next is there items for non-mebers
P.S Plz reply
Oh i know ya know that empty tv sceern in the agent place ;)
that will be the hair salon and you go there to buy hair! or make some up i hope its for non mebers too :(
Or eye colours that be pretty
im gonna wake up early pack my lunch at night take no shower just so i can see the new hair !!!!!!!
Cool!! I really hope its members only or anything... because I'm not exactly a member but I want hair xP Lol!
my name is spikewings on ratemypengin.com i want to be on the list
Oh! HEAD up! Cool! Nice one.
I get rumors from all over. ;-)
I don't anything else right now.
I got another snowball glitch it only works today because the boxes are only closed today and not tomorow i dwant you to miss out so here it is:First throw a snowball at the boxes they should apper nowhere now!Try it i dwant you to miss out
yay!i cant wait !!!
Well, I kinda came in late for this one. Sorry guys. Hey, mimo if you have an online instant messenger, I could get the guy to talk to you!!! Wow! great ideas this man has!
This is gonna be awesome!! I think that ur guess is right. Can't wait!!
Im so excited you are the best Mimo777!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think the hair will really look like that?
I wonder if you'll have to pay for it
I wonder if you'll have to be a member to do it or pay for the hair cut.
Thanks ClubpenguinGang your the best
man its cool how you dont have a wordpress or anything, you just have a regular site. thats awesome. could you comment on my site? i want to know how much you had to pay for this, or if you had to pay at all.
they also said they were "combing" through!!!
Hey mimo777, the decorrating thing is ONLY FOR MEMBERS! i the futur it is going to be for everyone. so there is no way to know how what it is becuase you are not a member.
I would say yes, decorating is only for members and it will probably stay for memebers.
its not fair. its making clubpenguin look like a money-making scheme. I'm not a member but i wish i was. I HATE IT WHEN VIRTUAL PET SITES LOOK LIKE PURE MONEY MAKING SCHEMES!!!!! :(
an angry Giggle888
PS: yeah, it would be funny if there would be hair that you buy, wear, and cut/blowdry/color/crimp/style at the salon. then you grow it out and start all over again.
omg, mimo777 i saw you at Big Foot in the Gift Shop at 7:25 (PST)!!!!!
i hope its not hair
i love (head) hair
i really hope they let us non- members hav at least one style of hair ecause every member gets cool stuff and we dont!
Again, an angry giggle888
ICEMBERGIA is 9000 times better. he is banned for 1 day (because of a dirty hacker) but tomorow 3:00 alberta time he willl be in his igloo accepting people to be his freind. its an everymonth event. And if nesecary come there in style.
yay look at the hair!! HAIR PARADE!
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